HTTP header field for URI deprecation/expiration - rest

I'm building a REST service where I want to implement a way to deprecate certain URIs when they shouldn't be supported anymore for one reason or another. As functions are deprecated, they will be replaced by new ones that work in similar (but not identical) ways. This means that at some point, I will have to start responding with 410 Gone.
The idea is that all client software should be updated, and after say six months all users should have had the chance to upgrade. At this time, the deprecated URIs will start to inform the client that it's out of date, so that the client can display a message to the user. This time is not known in advance, though, and can't explicitly be written in the documentation.
The problem I want to solve is:
Is there an HTTP header field I should use to indicate that a certain URI will cease to work at a certain time and, if so, which?
This can't be the first time someone wants to solve this problem. Is there an unofficial header field already in use, or should I design my own? Note that I don't want to add this information to the content itself, as that would mean that every resource was changed and needs to be refreshed by the client, which is of course not what happened.

Strictly speaking, no. The resources should be driving your applications state, so if there is a change, the uri linking would provide the nessessary changes to your application.
For a HTTP header, you are free to add custom headers. Normally starting with X- but its important to know changes to uri's is only interesting to developers not users.


Modelling a endpoint for a REST API that need save data for every request

A few time ago I participate from a interview where had a question about REST modelling, and how the best way to implement it. The question was:
You have an REST API where you expose a method to consult the distance between two point, although you must save each request to this method to expose the request history.
And I was questioned about which HTTP method should be used on this case, for me the logic answer in that moment was the GET method (to execute the both actions). After this the interviewer asked me why, because since we are also storing the request, this endpoint is not idempotent anymore, after that I wasn't able to reply it. Since this stills on my mind, so I decided to verify here and see others opinions about which method should be used for this case (or how many, GET and POST for example).
You have an REST API where you expose a method to consult the distance between two point, although you must save each request to this method to expose the request history.
How would you do this on the web? You'd probably have a web page with a form, and that form would have input controls to collect the start and end point. When you submit the form, the browser would use the data in the controls, as well as the form metadata and standard HTML processing rules to create a request that would be sent to the server.
Technically, you could use POST as the method of the form. It's completely legal to do that. BUT, as the semantics of the request are "effectively read only", a better choice would be to use GET.
More precisely, this would mean having a family of similar resources, the representation of which includes information about the two points described in the query string.
That family of similar resources would probably be implemented on your origin server as a single operation/route, with a parser extracting the two points from the query string and passing them along to the function as arguments.
the interviewer asked me why, because since we are also storing the request, this endpoint is not idempotent anymore
This is probably the wrong objection - the semantics of GET requests are safe (effectively read only). So the interview might argue that saving the request history is not read only. However, this objection is invalid, because the semantic constraints apply to the request message, not the implementation.
For instance, you may have noticed that HTTP servers commonly add an entry to their access log for each request. Clearly that's not "read only" - but it is merely an implementation detail; the client's request did not say "and also log this".
GET is still fine here, even though the server is writing things down.
One possible objection would be that, if we use GET, then sometimes a cache will return an previous response rather than passing the request all the way through to the origin server to get logged. Which is GREAT - caches are a big part of the reason that the web can be web scale.
But if you don't want caching, the correct way to handle that is to add metadata to the response to inhibit caching, not to change the HTTP method.
Another possibility, which is more consistent with the interviewer's "idempotent" remark, is that they wanted this "request history" to be a resource that the client could edit, and that looking up distances would be a side effect of that editing process.
For instance, we might have some sort of an "itinerary" resource with one or more legs provided by the client. Each time the client modifies the itinerary (for example, by adding another leg), the distance lookup method is called automatically.
In this kind of a problem, where the client is (logically) editing a resource, the requests are no longer "effectively read only". So GET is off the table as an option, and we have to look into the other possibilities.
The TL;DR version is that POST would always be acceptable (and this is how we would do it on the web), but you might prefer an API style where the client edits the representation of the resource locally, in which case you would let the client choose between PUT and PATCH.

Using GET verb to update in rest api?

I know the use of http verbs is based on standard specification. But my question if I use "GET" for update operations and write a code logic to update, does it create issues in any scenario? Apart from the standard, what else could be the reason to use these verbs for a specific purpose only?
my question if I use "GET" for update operations and write a code logic to update, does it create issues in any scenario?
A simple example - suppose the network between the client and the server is unreliable; specifically, for a time, HTTP responses are being lost. A general purpose component (like a web proxy) might time out, and then, noticing that the method token of the request is GET, resend the request a second/third/fourth time, with your server performing its update on every GET request.
Let us further assume that these multiple update operations lead to an undesirable outcome; where do we properly affix blame?
Second example: you send someone a copy of the link to the update operation, so that they can send you a request at the appropriate time. But suppose you send that link to them in an email, and the email client recognizes the uri and (as a performance optimization) pre-fetches the link, triggering your update operation too early. Where do we properly affix the blame?
HTTP does not attempt to require the results of a GET to be safe. What it does is require that the semantics of the operation be safe, and therefore it is a fault of the implementation, not the interface or the user of that interface, if anything happens as a result that causes loss of property -- Fielding, 2002
In these, and other examples, blame is correctly affixed to your server, because GET has a standardized meaning which include the constraint that the semantics of the request are safe.
That's not to say that you can't have side effects when handling a GET request; "hit counters" are almost as old as the web itself. You have a lot of freedom in your implementation; so long as you respect the uniform interface, there won't be too much trouble.
Experience report: one of our internal tools uses GET requests to trigger scheduling; in our carefully controlled context (which is not web scale), we get away with it, and have for a very long time.
To borrow your language, there are certainly scenarios that would give us problems; but given our controls we manage to avoid them.
I wouldn't like our chances, though, if requests started coming in from outside of our carefully controlled context.
I think it's a decent question. You're asking a hypothetical: is there any value to doing the right other than that's we agree to use GET for fetching? e.g.: is there value beyond the fact that it's 'semantically nice'. A similar question in HTML might be: "Is it ok to use a <div> with an onclick instead of a <button>? (the answer is no).
There certainly is. Clients, servers and intermediates all change their behavior depending on what method is used. Even if your server can process GET for updates, and you build a client that uses this, your browser might still get confused.
If you are interested in this subject, don't ask on a forum; read the spec. The HTTP specification tells you what clients, servers and proxies should do when they encounter certain methods, statuses and headers.
Start at RFC7231

Restful business logic on property update

I'm building a REST API and I'm trying to keep it as RESTful as possible, but some things are still not quite clear for me. I saw a lot of topic about similar question but all too centered about the "simple" problem of updating data, my issue is more about the business logic around that.
My main issue is with business logic triggered by partial update of a model. I see a lot of different opinion online about PATCH methods, creating new sub-ressources or adding action, but it often seems counter productive with the REST approach of keeping URI simple and structured.
I have some record that need to be proceeded ( refused, validated, partially validated ..etc ), each change trigger additional actions.
If it's refused, an email with the reason should be sent
if it's partially validated, the link to fulfill the missing data is sent
if it's validated some other ressources must be created.
There is a few other change that can be made to the status but this is enough for the example.
What would be a RESTful way to do that ?
My first idea would be to create actions :
POST /record/:id/refuse
POST /record/:id/validate ..etc
It seems RESTful to me but too complicated, and moreover, this approach means having multiple route performing essentially the same thing : Update one field in the record object
I also see the possibility of a PATCH method like :
PATCH /record/:id in which I check if the field to update is status, and the new value to know which action to perform.
But I feel it can start to be too complex when I will have the need to perform similar action for other property of the record.
My last option, and I think maybe the best but I'm not sure if it's RESTful, would be to use a sub-ressource status and to use PUT to update it :
PUT /record/:id/status, with a switch on the new value.
No matter what the previous value was, switching to accepted will always trigger the creation, switching to refused will always trigger the email ...etc
Are those way of achieving that RESTful and which one make more sense ? Is there other alternative I didn't think about ?
What would be a RESTful way to do that ?
In HTTP, your "uniform interface" is that of a document store. Your Rest API is a facade, that takes messages with remote authoring semantics (PUT/POST/PATCH), and your implementation produces useful work as a side effect of its handling of those messages.
See Jim Webber 2011.
I have some record that need to be proceeded ( refused, validated, partially validated ..etc ), each change trigger additional actions.
So think about how we might do this on the web. We GET some resource, and what is returned is an html representation of the information of the record and a bunch of forms that describe actions we can do. So there's a refused form, and a validated form, and so on. The user chooses the correct form to use in the browser, fills in any supplementary information, and submits the form. The browser, using the HTML form processing rules, converts the form information into an HTTP request.
For unsafe operations, the form is configured to use POST, and the browsers therefore know that the form data should be part of the message-body of the request.
The target-uri of the request is just whatever was used as the form action -- which is to say, the representation of the form includes in it the information that describes where the form should be submitted.
As far as the browser and the user are concerned, the target-uri can be anything. So you could have separate resources to handle validate messages and refused messages and so on.
Caching is an important idea, both in REST and in HTTP; HTTP has specific rules baked into it for cache invalidation. Therefore, it is often the case that you will want to use a target-uri that identifies the document you want the client to reload if the command is successful.
So it might go something like this: we GET /record/123, and that gives us a bunch of information, and also some forms describing how we can change the record. So fill one out, submit it successfully, and now we expect the forms to be gone - or a new set of forms to be available. Therefore, it's the record document itself that we would expect to be reloading, and the target-uri of the forms should be /record/123.
(So the API implementation would be responsible for looking at the HTTP request, and figuring out the meaning of the message. They might all go to a single /record/:id POST handler, and that code looks through the message-body to figure out which internal function should do the work).
PUT/PATCH are the same sort of idea, except that instead of submitting forms, we send edited representations of the resource itself. We GET /record/123, change the status (for example, to Rejected), and then send a copy of our new representation of the record to the server for processing. It would therefore be the responsibility of the server to examine the differences between its representation of the resource and the new provided copy, and calculate from them any necessary side effects.
My last option, and I think maybe the best but I'm not sure if it's RESTful, would be to use a sub-resource status and to use PUT to update it
It's fine -- think of any web page you have ever seen where the source has a link to an image, or a link to java script. The result is two resources instead of one, with separate cache entries for each -- which is great, when you want fine grained control over the caching of the resources.
But there's a trade - you also need to fetch more resources. (Server-push mitigates some of this problem).
Making things easier on the server may make things harder on the client - you're really trying to find the design with the best balance.

Are single use download links in accordance with HTTP spec?

In the context of a restful web service, is it acceptable to have side effects for GET methods?
Single use download links for example
GET /downloads/664d92b3-b373-4dac-a4fb-7a41d015109a
will return 200 and "the thing" and 404 on next request.
HTTP spec says GET methods should be safe and according to
Request methods are considered "safe" if their defined semantics are
essentially read-only; i.e., the client does not request, and does
not expect, any state change on the origin server as a result of
applying a safe method to a target resource.
This definition of safe methods does not prevent an implementation
from including behavior that is potentially harmful, that is not
entirely read-only, or that causes side effects while invoking a safe
method. What is important, however, is that the client did not
request that additional behavior and cannot be held accountable for
Several clarifying examples are provided which make me think safe methods are not allowed to purposefully remove the resource.
For example, most servers append request information to access
log files at the completion of every response, regardless of the
method, and that is considered safe even though the log storage might
become full and crash the server.
Likewise, a safe request initiated
by selecting an advertisement on the Web will often have the side
effect of charging an advertising account.
For example, it is
common for Web-based content editing software to use actions within
query parameters, such as "page?do=delete". If the purpose of such a
resource is to perform an unsafe action, then the resource owner MUST
disable or disallow that action when it is accessed using a safe
request method.
Single use links are obviously a reality. I just wonder whether they're abusing the spec or I just don't get it.
Having an opinion is fine but having worked on these specs and understanding their subtleties would be most convincing.
What you're suggesting is acceptable in some situations, and not necessarily an abuse of the spec.
Firstly, 2616 says regarding safe methods that they:
SHOULD NOT have the significance of taking an action other than
And the phrase "SHOULD NOT" is defined as follows (emphasis added):
This phrase, or the phrase "NOT RECOMMENDED" mean that there may
exist valid reasons in particular circumstances when the particular
behavior is acceptable or even useful, but the full implications
should be understood and the case carefully weighed before
implementing any behavior described with this label.
The new version you linked to (which I think supercedes 2616) doesn't use the term "SHOULD NOT" - but they haven't replaced it with "MUST NOT" either. They also acknowledge that side effects are not ruled out as long as the client is not held responsible. So I think the idea of safe methods is the same.
So since the spec acknowledges that there are situations where it's ok, how do we know if yours is such a situation - and more importantly, how do we stay generally within the "spirit" of the spec i.e. make sure we're not abusing it?
I'd refer to this quote from 7231:
The purpose of distinguishing between safe and unsafe methods is to
allow automated retrieval processes (spiders) and cache performance
optimization (pre-fetching) to work without fear of causing harm.
If your app is a private intranet app and you're not concerned with the issues mentioned here, your approach is ok. Put another way: taking into consideration all the possible ways that a GET could happen, are you ok with this side effect?
Working outside RESTful guidelines is not always bad. It's just important to make sure you understand the effect it has.
With all that said, if you are looking for a way to implement reliable, consistent one-time delivery of a resource over HTTP, it's well worth reading Bill de hÓra's HTTPLR spec ( This approach relies on the client acknowledging receipt of the message. You might be able to use something like to allow this user agents that are unaware of the one-use policy (spiders etc.) to GET the resource without causing side effects, but still allow participating clients to cause the resource to become unavailable after one GET.
A transactional approach like this has the added benefit of allowing the client to re-try the download as often as they need to. This is important because otherwise the server cannot know whether the client successfully received the message or not.
If you really need to enforce the once-only policy from the server side for any possible user agent, then your original approach might be best, but bear in mind it's really an "at most once" policy.
Sometimes breaking the spec is the only way, an example is web-page visit-counters that use a hidden image. Is requested with GET but updates a counter.
However some things can go wrong. Applications that follow the spec are allowed to presume that making a GET request won't have any side effects. So is perfectly valid for example for some kind of antivirus-enabled email server to follow the links found in an email to make sure all is safe. If you send this "download-once" link in an email the recipient could never see it. For same reason also a yes-no answer with two different links in an email is hard to deploy. But also in a web page: I recall Google browsing the links of a unique-by-user page known to google only because there was an analytics script inside and because the page contained these infamous links with side effects google was actually changing the answers of people that visited it...
Fake hits are not really a problem in the case of the hidden image counter , they are in any case not considered very reliable, but in the case of the "download-once" link could be problematic.

Connectedness & HATEOAS

It is said that in a well defined RESTful system, the clients only need to know the root URI or few well known URIs and the client shall discover all other links through these initial URIs. I do understand the benefits (decoupled clients) from this approach but the downside for me is that the client needs to discover the links each time it tries access something i.e given the following hierarchy of resources:
If we follow the "Client only need to know the root URI" approach, then a client shall only be aware of the root URI i.e. /collection1 above and the rest of URIs should be discovered by the clients through hypermedia links. I find this cumbersome because each time a client needs to do a GET, say on sub1sub1sub1sub1, should the client first do a GET on /collection1 and the follow link defined in the returned representation and then do several more GETs on sub resources to reach the desired resource? or is my understanding about connectedness completely wrong?
Best regards,
You will run into this mismatch when you try and build a REST api that does not match the flow of the user agent that is consuming the API.
Consider when you run a client application, the user is always presented with some initial screen. If you match the content and options on this screen with the root representation then the available links and desired transitions will match nicely. As the user selects options on the screen, you can transition to other representations and the client UI should be updated to reflect the new representation.
If you try and model your REST API as some kind of linked data repository and your client UI as an independent set of transitions then you will find HATEOAS quite painful.
Yes, it's right that the client application should traverse the links, but once it's discovered a resource, there's nothing wrong with keeping a reference to that resource and using it for a longer time than one request. If your client has the possibility of remembering things permanently, it can do so.
consider how a web browser keeps its bookmarks. You probably have maybe ten or a hundred bookmarks in the browser, and you probably found some of these deep in a hierarchy of pages, but the browser dutifully remembers them without requiring remembering the path it took to find them.
A more rich client application could remember the URI of sub1sub1sub1sub1 and reuse it if it still works. It's likely that it still represents the same thing (it ought to). If it no longer exists or fails for any other client reason (4xx) you could retrace your steps to see if you can find a suitable replacement.
And of course what Darrel Miller said :-)
I don't think that that's the strict requirement. From how I understand it, it is legal for a client to access resources directly and start from there. The important thing is that you do not do this for state transitions, i.e. do not automatically proceed with /foo2 after operating on /foo1 and so forth. Retrieving /products/1234 initially to edit it seems perfectly fine. The server could always return, say, a redirect to /shop/products/1234 to remain backwards compatible (which is desirable for search engines, bookmarks and external links as well).