Eclipse error:cannot opn .obj file - eclipse

I'm using CDT plugin for eclipse for C/C+ development. But i'm not able to compile code it shows following error LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'C:\Program.obj'
What could be reasons?

One workaround would be to make sure to get your sources and generate your object files in a path with no space (not like "C:\Program Files (x86)\...")
The other workaround would be to check in the settings of the project if you can add double-quotes around any path defined. Check also the content of the .project file itself.


Can't load Maya plugin

I want to add the MoCapX Maya plugin with Maya 2018. I downloaded the plugin (which included icons, plug-ins, and scripts folders). In C:{username}\Documents\maya\2018, I edited the Maya.env file to
which is the file path to the plugin. When I open Maya's Plug-in Manager, the plug-in appears but when I check the loaded checkbox I get.
// Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2018/scripts/others/pluginWin.mel line 290: Unable to dynamically load : D:/Downloads/MoCapX/plug-ins/mocapx_plugin.mll
The specified procedure could not be found.
// Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2018/scripts/others/pluginWin.mel line 290: The specified procedure could not be found.
(mocapx_plugin) //
Any ideas? I also cleared the prefs by renaming the prefs folder to oldPrefs but that didn't help either.
The error looks like the plugin might have a dependency to a script file. This could be an AETemplate file, if the plugin creates dependency nodes for instance.
The variable MAYA_MODULE_PATH is not looking for scripts and plugins but is looking for a module file.
A module file has it's own variables inside to tell maya where to find scripts and plugins.
Check the Maya 2018 help Distributing Multi-File Modules for information about how to create a module file that maya will recognise and allow the plugin to load with its respective scripts and resources.
To confirm that the plugin works in the first place, you could copy the scripts to the scripts folder in Documents/maya/2018/scripts
and the plugin to the plug-ins folder Documents/maya/2018/plug-ins.
If you still get the same error, then it's not a problem with distribution but then there is something broken in the plugin itself.
Most of the time, whenever this error pops up, maya has trouble finding certain .dll files or other important files for the plugin.
Have you tried moving the Plugin to your current versions plugin folder ?
This could eliminate some path problems while loading.
This is what works for me in Win 10/Maya 2018.5:
download the latest version of the plugin (mocapx_2.2.1_Maya2018_win) from:
[Mocapx Plugin download][1]
extract the contents of the folder to:
C:\Program Files\Mocapx (DO NOT create SUBFOLDERS!!)
Go to :
and add this line with Notepad:
MAYA_MODULE_PATH=C:\Program Files\Mocapx
Make sure that shelf_MocapX.mel is located at:
Hope this helps!

Open external files with eclipse ---> Error: "The default workspace is in use or cannot be created"

I need to open certain files (.java, .js, .html ...) with eclipse but when I try to do it I get the following error:
"The default workspace is in use or cannot be created"
How can I solve? Thank you.
Usually you have to import projects to meaningfully use your files.
Otherwise, you just get a, for example, .java or .class file that you cannot do anything.
If you are importing an existing project, check this link:
Another option is, copying and pasting your existing file in the workplace folder that eclipse points to. Then go into eclipse and create a new project with the exact same name. At this point, eclipse should recognize the project and show it in the left project explorer window.
I have my project/s on Eclipse with obviously my workspace/s. If for example I have the ide open because I'm working on a workspace I can not open external files. I would like them instead to open up in my current work area.

Eclipse Folder is transparent/grayed out. What does it mean?

My jni folder in Eclipse looks like this:
It is grayed out and has a diagonal line across it. What does it mean? I can still edit my native C++ code in this folder and see the changes as I test the application.
It means the directory is being filtered from the source locations. It seems you can use this to exclude files that are not source from a source folder, although I've never used it.
I got rid of this irritation in Eclipse Indigo CDT by:
(Project) Properties ->C/C++ General ->Paths and Symbols ->Source Location Tab ->Edit Filter... ->Remove
You probably have something in the folder that is deprecated.

Eclipse console link for files not in source

I'm writing an application in Java that does some processing on arbitrary .java files. I'm using Eclipse, and when there's part of a .java file that it doesn't understand, I print out to the System.err stream:
System.err.format("Unable to resolve name %s (%s:%d)\n",
node.getName(), node.filePath(), node.getStartLine());
So it will print out something like this:
Unable to resolve name Foo (C:\project\src\Project\
And the Eclipse console puts a link on the path and line part of the error. When I try to click on it, it says:
Source not found for C
I assume that's because Eclipse is only looking at source files in the project I'm running, not in the arbitrary .java file I'm processing. Is there any way to make it actually open that file and go to that line?
Unfortunately, the answer is no. Eclipse will only match the files against the resources in the workspace.

ColdFusion Builder throwing an error about my open project

I am trying to open Adobe ColdFusion Builder, and it is throwing the following error:
"open project has encountered a problem"
Problems occurred opening the selected resources.
The project description file (.project) for 'dev - work' is missing.
This file contains important information about the project.
The project will not function properly until this file is restored.
How do I solve this issue?
What about ovbious steps? It looks like you accidentally deleted the Eclipse project configuration file.
Check if ''.project'' file exists in project directory. If it is missing, re-creating the project and copying the source files from the old is the way to fix it.
Also you can try to create project with same name and copy the ''.project'' file to the old one. Bu you'll need to remove this invalid project first (without deleting the source files) and import it later, because Eclipse (FBuilder) wont allow you to have two projects with same name in workspace.
if you are using developing on windows 7 platform, go to you workspace folder(not where you project is located) right click go to restore select an earlier version. it worked for me