IOS GameCenter SandBox mode? - iphone

I plan to update my current game on the app store and integrate GameCenter within. I have completed it and tested it on a device. Now on the device whenever I login, its the sandbox state. Even if I am logged in from GameCenter the still asks me to sign in on the sandbox state. How do I test on the non sandbox version. I a bit confused. Thank You!

You cannot use the non-sandbox version until it is approved and published by Apple.
If it works fine in sandbox mode, then it should work fine when Apple switches it to non-sandbox.

The sandbox is meant for testing your app, so you won't destroy the normal GC servers.
To summarize- your final app will work on the regular GC servers, while the test is on sandbox. Apple rules.


IAP is working with TestFlight build. Is it will work Live app Also?

I Have implemented IAP in my swift project. It is working fine. it will work with live app or not.
Secondly url of Live app and BetaTester url is same or not?
YES. if your testflight app working then your Live App is also worked fine.
in BetaTester App testing is show you Environment Sandbox when you are Purchasing in IAP. when your App is Live then the Environment is autometically changed to live.
Mostly yes. Except that in TestFlight IAPs will work when they are not approved. Where as they will not work in the live app until they are approved. So make sure to submit your IAP for approval before the app goes live.

iPhone sandbox environment asks for credit card

I previously successfully created an app including in-app and was able to test then in sandbox environment before submitting to app store.
Now I am working on update. I am not able to test in-app in sandbox. I have my iphone logged out of app store. When I click on purchase, it takes me to credit card info.
I eliminated the test user and creates a new test user but the same thing is happening.
Please help
I figured the issue. We need to delete the previous installation of app from device before we do this test.

Does the sandbox enviroment still work once the iphone app goes live?

Does the sandbox environment still work once the app goes live ?
I just want to know if i will be able to further test my in-app purchase once the app is approved by apple.
Yes. If you use your developer certificate to sign your app and sign in to iTunes using the account you created in iTunes Connect, the sandbox is still present and usable.

Splash screen & InApp purchases not working on a live app

I have recently published an App to the App store.
When testing the app everything was fine (in-app purchases, splash screens etc.).
Now that the app is live I have two major problems:
The splash screen (Default.png) is not showing. I have retested it on my development build and it
works fine but in the live app it is not working.
The in-app purchases are not working. I have retested it on my development build in sandbox and they
work fine but in the live app they are not working.
I have read that it is possible for in-app purchases not work for up to 36 hours after release but I have never had a problem where the Default.png file did not show.
Does anyone have any experience with this? Is it possible that I am meant to do something specific for the in-app purchases in when the app goes live ?
While verification of transaction receipt check the url that u have used (This may be the case).
For an application which is going live:
For testing purpose:
Also check if the AppID that you have used while submitting the binary is Enabled for IAP.

In app purchase does not work when live

I have an app in the app store that I have added an in app purchase for, I fully tested it in the sandbox environment and all worked fine. I have had the app update and the in app purchase approved by apple and according to iTunes connect all has gone live. The app updates just fine but then in app purchase simply doesn't work!! No products are returned! Anyone else have this problem? Surely if it worked in the sandbox and apple has approved it, there should be no issues!?
It's all working just fine now! I didn't do anything it just seems to have taken about 36 hours for the in app purchase product to propagate through apples servers! :)
We just went live about an hour ago with the EXACT same issue. Everything worked during testing and even when Apple reviewed the application. I even verified they completed test purchases via analytics. But when users in the app store download the update, try to buy the feature it just fails.
My only guess is our store data has propagated to their live servers? The apps are still using the sandbox environment?
Which URL are you using to connect to the Apple servers?
The sandbox url is:
When launching the app or going live the url needs to be changed to the live Apple servers:
This has got nothing to with the receipts or anything. If it was working in the Sandbox mode, it's gonna get automatically fixed in around 24 hours in the live version, don't worry. The exact same thing happened to us and we could do nothing but wait...
Also, make sure the iTunes account on your device is set to your real account. If you are are still logged into a test user from when you were testing your IAP stuff, your purchases won't work.
So incase a where in app purchase in your app not working past 48 hrs, kindly visit to update your tax information. In app purchase won't function until the in app purchase is updated even the app is live too.