#Category in AutoBean - gwt

Am totally lost trying to understand the #Category annotation of AutoBean. Can somebody please tell me how exactly it can be used?
I went through the example in wiki as well. My doubt is like this.
Say I am having a proxy interface in the client side which extends entity proxy, and I want to insert a non setter/getter method in that interface, how can I do that?
#ProxyFor( value = CacheStrategy.class )
public interface CacheStrategyProxy extends EntityProxy
// setters and getters
CacheStrategyProxy fetchObject(int id);
interface MyFactory extends AutoBeanFactory {
AutoBean<CacheStrategyProxy> fetchObject();
class CacheStrategyProxyCategory {
public static CacheStrategyProxy fetchObject (AutoBean<CacheStrategyProxy> instance, int id) {
// return data
Am writing all this in my CacheStrategyProxy file. But I still get the error "Only setters and getters allowed". Pardon me if I have done something silly here. I am totally new to this world.

#Category cannot be used with Request Factory (at least not currently).
Request Factory makes use of AutoBeans (and your proxies will be AutoBean instances) but the AutoBeanFactory (factories actually) is/are internal to the RequestFactory, and you cannot tweak them.


Autofac intentional circular dependency

With Autofac, what is the proper way to register types or declare dependencies for this type of circular graph?
public interface IComponent
void DoSomething();
public class AComponent: IComponent
public class BComponent: IComponent
public class CompositeComponent: IComponent
public CompositeComponent(IEnumerable<IComponent> components)
this.components = components;
public void DoSomething()
foreach(var component in components)
The end goal would be that CompositeComponent be the default registration of IComponent and simply pass down calls to all other implementations.
I am gathering that the intent of the question is that you have some implementations of IComponent and you have some sort of CompositeComponent that also implements IComponent. CompositeComponent needs all of the registered IComponent instances except itself otherwise it creates a circular dependency.
This whole thing overlaps pretty heavily with one of our FAQs: "How do I pick a service implementation by context?"
You have some options. In order of my personal recommendation:
Option 1: Redesign the Interfaces
There are actually two concepts going on here - the notion of an individual handler and the notion of a thing that aggregates a set of individual handlers.
Using less generic terms, you might have an IMessageHandler interface and then something that passes a message through the set of all IMessageHandler implementations, but that thing that aggregates the handlers and deals with errors and ensuring the message is handled only by the right handler and all that... that isn't, itself, also a message handler. It's a message processor. So you'd actually have two different interfaces, even if the methods on the interface look the same - IMessageHandler and IMessageProcessor.
Back in your generic component terms, that'd mean you have IComponent like you do now, but you'd also add an IComponentManager interface. CompositeComponent would change to implement that.
public interface IComponentManager
void DoSomething();
public class ComponentManager : IComponentManager
public ComponentManager(IEnumerable<IComponent> components)
this.components = components;
public void DoSomething()
foreach(var component in components)
Option 2: Use Keyed Services
If you won't (or can't) redesign, you can "flag" which registrations should contribute to the composite by using service keys. When you register the composite, don't use a key... but do specify that the parameter you want for the constructor should resolve from the keyed contributors.
new ResolvedParameter(
(pi, ctx) => pi.Name == "components",
(pi, ctx) => ctx.ResolveKeyed<IEnumerable<IComponent>>("contributor")));
When you resolve IComponent without providing a key, you'll get the CompositeComponent since it's the only one that was registered that way.
Option 3: Use Lambdas
If you know up front the set of components that should go into the composite, you could just build that up in a lambda and not over-DI the whole thing.
builder.Register(ctx =>
var components = new IComponent[]
new AComponent(),
new BComponent()
return new CompositeComponent(components);
It's more manual, but it's also very clear. You could resolve individual constructor parameters for AComponent and BComponent using the ctx lambda parameter if needed.

How can I achieve this in Windsor Castle? (Migrating from StructureMap)

I need to modify an existing web app to use Castle.Windsor as IOC container. It was originally developed with StructureMap.
I am stuck with the following problem.
Lets say I have registered a couple of interfaces and their corresponding implementations:
IFoo -> Foo
IBar -> Bar
Calling container.Resolve<IFoo>() or container.Resolve<IBar>() works just fine. This means that the services are registered correctly.
I have a Web Api class with dependencies on other services, such as IFoo
public class BadRequestErrorHandler : HttpErrorHandler
// services
public BadRequestErrorHandler(IFoo foo) {...} // has dependency on IFoo
In StructureMap I can call:
var test = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<BadRequestErrorHandler>();
this will resolve the IFoo dependency.
Now this does not work with windsor.
How can this be achieved with windsor?
* EDIT *
I was just able to make it work by explicitely registering the BadRequestErrorHandler.
I am just hoping there is a better way to achieve this, that does not involve registering classes that have dependencies. I have a bunch of them...
* EDIT 2 **
To ease the pain, I added a special method to deal with these concrete types.
public T GetInstanceWithAutoRegister<T>()
if (container.Kernel.GetHandler(typeof(T)) == null)
return container.Resolve<T>();
public object GetInstanceWithAutoRegister(Type pluginType)
if (container.Kernel.GetHandler(pluginType) == null)
return container.Resolve(pluginType);
not ideal, but at least better than having to explicetly register each type. Hope someone has a better solution
You can achieve what you want by registering an ILazyComponentLoader which is a hook that gets called by Windsor as a "last resort" when a component cannot be resolved.
In your case, the implementation would probably look somewhat like this:
public class JustLetWindsorResolveAllConcreteTypes : ILazyComponentLoader
public IRegistration Load(string key, Type service)
return Component.For(service);
-and then it should be registered as such:
You can read more about it in the docs.

How to make JPA EntityListeners validate the existence of an interface

I am working in J2EE 5 using JPA, I have a working solution but I'm looking to clean up the structure.
I am using EntityListeners on some of the JPA objects I am persisting, the listeners are fairly generic but depend on the beans implementing an interface, this works great if you remember to add the interface.
I have not been able to determine a way to tie the EntityListener and the Interface together so that I would get an exception that lead in the right direction, or even better a compile time error.
public class Note implements CreatorInterface{
private String message;....
private String creator;
public interface CreatorInterface{
public void setCreator(String creator);
public class CreateByListener {
public void dataPersist(CreatorInterface data){
SUser user = LoginModule.getUser();
This functions exactly the way I want it to, except when a new class is created and it uses the CreateByListener but does not implement the CreatorInterface.
When this happens a class cast exception is thrown somewhere deep from within the JPA engine and only if I happen to remember this symptom can I figure out what went wrong.
I have not been able to figure a way to require the interface or test for the presence of the interface before the listener would be fired.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
public void dataPersist(Object data){
if (!(data instanceof CreatorInterface)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class "
+ data.getClass()
+ " should implement CreatorInterface");
CreatorInterface creatorInterface = (CreatorInterface) data;
SUser user = LoginModule.getUser();
This does basically the same thing as what you're doing, but at least you'll have a more readable error message indicating what's wrong, instead of the ClassCastException.

How to access the method which is defined by the super interface in JSF?

I've tried to learn the JSF 2.0 by implementing the managed bean via the NetBeans 7. By overview it contains the property as a data object which implements the interface as the following: -
public interface MyInterface1 {
void setName(String name);
String getName();
public interface MyInterface2 extends MyInterface1 {
void setPhone(String phone);
String getPhone();
public class MyInfo implements MyInterface2 {
//...Getter, Setter
public class MyManagedBean {
private MyInfo myInfo = new MyInfo();
//..Getter, Setter
When I enter the EL at the JSF/XHTML as
the methods which are defined at the Super Interface, the MyInterface1 is not displayed.
I'm not sure if it is a tool limitation or I may do something wrong or not.
Could you please help to advise further? Thank you very much for your help in advance. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Charlee Ch.
This is definitely a limitation of the Netbeans editor. I've constantly struggled with similar issues in NB 6.9, code completion would sometimes not work at all, sometimes missing out interfaces/methods, etc. But hey, you can go ahead and type in the method name yourself - it should work.

Custom Logic and Proxy Classes in ADO.NET Data Services

I've just read "Injecting Custom Logic in ADO.NET Data Services" and my next question is, How do you get your [WebGet] method to show up in the client-side proxy classes? Sure, I can call this directly (RESTfully) with, say, WebClient but I thought the strong typing features in ADO.NET Data Services would "hide" this from me auto-magically.
So here we have:
public class MyService : DataService<MyDataSource>
// This method is called only once to initialize service-wide policies.
public static void InitializeService(IDataServiceConfiguration config)
config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("Customers", EntitySetRights.AllRead);
config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("CustomersInCity", ServiceOperationRights.All);
public IQueryable<MyDataSource.Customers> CustomersInCity(string city)
return from c in this.CurrentDataSource.Customers
where c.City == city
select c;
How can I get CustomersInCity() to show up in my client-side class defintions?
When you see your Odata in browser, you will see link ...
e.g. http://localhost:1234/odataService.svc
just write your method name after the link
for your method it will be something like this...