Read Uncommitted For Ria Service - wcf-ria-services

Is it possible to have a read uncommitted in ria service load operation? Or should I convert my load operation to invoke instead?

If with Read uncommitted you're talking about sql transaction isolation, the answer is yes, no problem, thst's not related to wcf ria services at all. It's something you set in your server data layer.


Does Workflow 4.5 require SQL Server for persisting state?

I'm reading "Pro WF 4.5" published by APress, which seems to say unequivocally that in order to persist state in a long-running workflow after a server crash/shutdown (anything that'd clear memory), a SQL Server back-end is required for persistence.
A lot of the MSDN stuff I see online seems to contradict this. For example, the article linked below.
What is the real scoop, from someone actually using WF? TIA.
There is a built in Instance Store for SQL Server ( but there is nothing stopping you creating your own -
That way you could use any persistence you like.
Implementing your own implementation for durable instance on WF can be done. My experience is that it is difficult to do. I ended up with a provider created by Devart. They created a provider for Oracle databases. You can find more information here

Client application that can access SQL Server via OData or directly via an Entity Framework SQL Connection

My application currently accesses SQL Server the "traditional" way - via EntityConnection on top of SqlClient. I would like to add the option of accessing SQL Server via a new OData service. Any ideas on the best way to do this? Is it possible to reuse the existing model-first EntityObject-derived classes? Thanks!
The best way would be to follow this tutorial to create an OData service:
Update adding more details given the comment:
Although the link should be enough for answering the question, I can also elaborate on the end-to-end scenario a little bit.
Now the premium experience of creating an OData V4 service out of an SQL Server DB is to use the ASP.NET Web API 2.2 for OData V4. With the help of the code-first aspect of entity framework you can create an OData V4 service that supports pagination, queries, and CRUD operations in a very reasonable time (about 10 minutes for every table in your database).
As soon as the service is created, various client libraries that supports consuming V4 services can be at your service. The premium experience on the .NET platform is the OData v4 Client Code Generator.
If your consumer is a non-developer, Power Query can help you import the data from the OData service. Their support for V4 services will come early next year according to this, but Excel and Power Pivot already natively support consuming V1-3 services. For creating a V1-3 service, the tutorial next to the one I gave at first would help.

WCF RIA with SignalR

I am looking for a sample program with WCF RIA with SignalR.
I have a Silverlight 5 application which uses WCF Ria as the backend.
We have a requirement in which when a user saves some changes to a screen, all other users connected to the server should get a notification.
Thanks for your help in advance !
I found this sample for you. some of the statements are outdated because SignalR is constantly changing, but I'm sure this sample can help you.
What you actually need is to create SignalR server side code which can sample the changes which were done via the WCF RIA, so you will need to create some centralized access to data (if you don't already have one), once you got it, you just need to use the Silverlight SignalR client to connect it to the pushing mechanism.

PowerShell CRUD with WCF Data Services (OData)?

I am trying to perform CRUD against WCF Data Services (OData). The Read portion is pretty well documented across the web… it’s the Create, Update and Delete that I am having trouble with.
As for the documentation, have you looked at
It has a description and samples of all the common CRUD operations against an OData services.
You can also write a sample client application using any OData client (for example the .NET one) and use something like fiddler to see what requests are being made against the service, if you need to see the exact payload shape for your particular service.
You can try this REST PowerShell module that Jaykul wrote.

WCF RIA over Net.TCP binding?

I am trying to improve the performance of a Silverlight 4 WCF RIA application. As it's for intranet use only, I figured switching from the default binary HTTP binding to the Net.TCP binding might improve performance a bit.
However, I am having a hard time just getting a simple proof of concept application running. I have:
switched the proof of conecpt app from Cassini to IIS (7)
added the appropriate bindings and enabled protocols on IIS
added a clientaccesspolicy.xml file to my IIS root
Now, when I create a context like so:
var context = new DomainService1(
new Uri(
... I get the following error:
The provided URI scheme 'net.tcp' is invalid; expected 'http'. Parameter name: via
Now I'm stumped. As far as I can tell, the problem is that the client being created by the auto-generated WCF RIA code needs to be told that it's to use a Net.TCP endpoint, but I'm unsure how to do that.
I've found plenty of blog posts explaining how to get WCF services going over Net.TCP, but I haven't found a single one talking about WCF RIA, and I can't find any offical documentation either. All of those explanations involve changes to the web.config file that seem unsuited to a WCF RIA app.
Could some one please either explain to me how to get this configured, or point me at some documentation?
WCF RIA Services depends on HttpContext which is not available with Net.TCP binding.
As for perf issues, could you elaborate a bit further? What is the bottleneck query/operation? What is the size of data (entity size x entity count)? What is the delta between your perf requirements and current perf?
Perhaps there are other ways that don't involve Net.TCP?
(WCF RIA Services Program Manager)