Untoggle all figure toolbar buttons - matlab

I want to add a new toggle button to the figure toolbar. When it is clicked, I want to "untoggle" any other buttons that were toggled. E.g, if the "rotation" or "zoom" toggle buttons were pressed, I want to untoggle them and their effect.
Simply getting all their handles does not work, as this does not deactivate their effect.

You should first find all of the children of toolbar. You can do it by the following command (Assuming that currentToggleButton is a handle to current toggle button):
get( get(currentToggleButton,'Parent'),'Children');
Then do the following:
Of course, you need to return the state of your current button to on.
By the way, if you are using GUIDE, you can add zoom,rotate and pan as pre-defined tools. In that case, Matlab will handle the toggling automatically.
In order to turn off the effect of zooming/pan/rotation, you can do:
or you can use another syntax version (as #Eitan also mentions)
zoom off
pan off
rotate3d off


XCode 10 adding action to button

I'm trying to make a Cocoa app with buttons that run simple command line scripts.
I can't seem to figure out how to add the action to my button.
I've read some docs that suggest holding down option and dragging the button into controller code but I think they are out of date. Can someone suggest how to get there from this screenshot?
You need to first select your button, then hold the control ⌃ button on your keyboard and then drag that across to your view controller. That will then give you the option of what to name your method etc.
Actually I had the same problem and the root cause was just the drag method. From the descriptions I had assumed that I need to press CTL and then drag while having the left mouse button pressed. This did not work at all (in my environment). Then I noticed that "it works" with the right mouse button. But the result was not correct. (E.g. I could not get "Action"). Finally I found: I have to use the right mouse button only for dragging without holding CTL. Then I got the correct result.

NSButton in Swift, handle click and release events

i'm trying to manage different state of a simple push button on an OS X application : When the user click on it, and when the user release the click.
Currently i set my button type by NSMomentaryLightButton
NSMomentaryLightButton When the button is clicked (on state), it
appears illuminated. If the button has borders, it may also appear
recessed. When the button is released, it returns to its normal (off)
This type of button is best for simply triggering actions because it
doesn’t show its state; it always displays its normal image or title.
This option is called Momentary Light in Interface Builder’s Button
I thought it was the good way, but when i print my button status, it's like a toggle button than the push button that i set. As you can see on exemple gif
To sum up, How can i have a real push button behaviour ? Call function when the user click on it, and when the user release the click.
You don't want to use buttons for piano keys. First, they are non-rectangular, and they don't act as buttons do: neither single-action push-button, nor toggle switches. You are interacting in a custom way, with a custom view, meaning the NSButton control hierarchy isn't called for. Instead you're subclassing NSView and capturing low-level mouse events as detailed here:
You found this yourself as you detailed in your own comments, but I wanted to make sure you had a higher level point of view. It's even possible, and probably best, to consolidate all of the piano keys into a single view, and let the keys themselves be rendered using NSBezierPath and perform mouse hit detection using containsPoint:
This is a lot more work but the only way to make a truly professional looking piano simulation. Then you can render the keys with whatever outline, fill, and labeling you need without the limitations of built-in button shapes and layout. You could even have the bottom edges of the keys slightly rounded, for example, or apply a shiny texture.

How to change a unity UI Button's state in code?

I'm now using unity 4.6,the new UI system , since i won't use mouse to control my game,could anyone tell me how can i change a button's state in script ?
I would recommend you to start by trying to make your system work with keyboard, using the UI navigation system.
You could manually set a button to selected state by using EventSystem.Current.SetCurrentlySelectedGameobject(yourGameObject);
If this button has an onLeft/OnRight etc. value setted, you will be able to interact with it with input Horizontal vertical axis, and to press it with a "Submit" value in input manager.
Once you're happy with it, you should try to catch your kinnect gestures and use them to send correct events I guess.

MATLAB GUIDE pushbutton effect when pushed and title size

I have created a GUIDE script with 5 push buttons. Each button creates a different graph for given data. I would like every time I push one of the buttons (let's call it Button1), the button to look like it is pushed or maybe change color or title (I would prefer it to look pushed). When a different button(let's call it Button2) is pushed I want Button2 to look pushed and Button1 to look like it was initially.
Also when I plot figures and I use a title on top of the figure, GUIDE cuts the top part of the title. Is there any way to have the title on the inside of the figure or maybe closer to the top axis so that all of it is visible?
(HARD) In the ButtonDownFcn callback for each button, put code that sets the BackgroundColor property. (You can see all of the available properties for any control by choosing View/PropertyInspector in the main menu for GUIDE.) Since you only have 5 buttons, the easiest way to get what you want is to just copy and paste code between them, with appropriate changes.
Pseudocode for Button 1:
etc for rest of buttons
(EASY) Use a group of radio buttons instead. They do what you want, automatically.
To reposition the title, you just change the Position property of the title's text box.

how to do tooltip on button in iphone?

I am having download icon on my page i want that when the user takes his finger over the button a tooltip should show as showing download in text.
is there any option in iphone to show a tooltip???
Dan is absolutely right on how to do it but I'd answer you should rethink your design to not need the tooltip at all.
There's a reason that there isn't one by default - what if the user presses down on the button to see what it does, reads the tooltip and realises that's not what they want. They then have to be very careful not to let go while still over the button or it will press and do the wrong thing. (And most users don't know that they can press down over a button, move their finger off it and release it to cancel the press.)
You should rethink your design to make it obvious what the buttons do without the user having to interact with them first.
However, if you definitely still want a tooltip, Dan's method is fine.
Nothing built-in, no. If you think about it, generally a tooltip appears when you mouse over the target item. There's no "mousing over" with a touch interface.
You can definitely roll your own, though. Start by placing a view containing your tooltip contents exactly where you want it with an alpha of 0%. Make a custom button with no content that outlines your download icon, and hook its "touch down inside" action to a method that animates the tooltip view to an alpha of 100%. Hook your button's "touch up inside" , "touch down outside" and "touch up outside" actions (and maybe some others--you might want to experiment with that) to a method that animates the tooltip view back to an alpha of 0%.
There isn't native support for this in iOS. But you can create your own.
I ended up creating my custom tooltip/popover class.
Can be initalised with any content view and dynamically adjusts it's frame.
Hope it helps.