I'm trying to familiarize myself with unit testing. I've written a small application that parses data from the Internet and stores it into a db. For this I'm using Entity Framework.
Since many of the methods are void methods such as
public void UpdateSiteValue(Site site, ObjectContext context)
This method could be used for updating some value in the db. So I'm basically wondering how to approach this from a unit testing perspective. Maybe I could mock the object context?
Would appreciate any input.
It depends on what you're testing for.
Since you're returning void, you can't test the return of the function - so are you wanting to test that your method will actually make the changes in the database? If so, then mocking your context isn't the best solution, because you aren't testing the actual code. Ladislav Mrnka made a great post about that. Could you wrap your test in a transaction scope and then do a rollback afterwards? The Id's would get incremented, but at least you'd be testing everything.
Alternatively, if you're wanting to test that your method is doing everything right - up until you get to the database layer there's a few ways to go about that. Something that is suggested alot is to use the repository pattern, so that you don't have a dependancy on EF in your test. Truewill made a good post about this also. He also links to an MSDN article about this, using an in memory ObjectContext that you may find relevant.
Here is some more general reading about unit vs function vs integration testing that can help.
We have an app which is developed in wpf + DevExpress using MVVM pattern. We need to implement Specflow with MStest on viewmodel level.
Have anyone tried this? Any pointers? Is codedUI any good at viewmodel level?
I had two thoughts when I read that question.
First - think if you really need to automate everything through the UI. With an architecture like MVVM you have a great opportunity to hit the application beneath the UI and still get a lot out your test automation. For example write your step definitions against the ViewModels.
Testing against the UI easily run the risk of creating brittle tests. The UI is the part of most application that changes very frequently. Tests hitting the UI need to cope with this somehow (more on this later).
Secondly, for the things that you need to automate against the UI, consider using White which is a nice object oriented abstraction above the UI Automation Library. I've used it extensively and like it.
With any automation be sure to create an abstraction over the actual automation, with the driver pattern for example. A simple way to do this is to create a screen/page object that have properties and methods to interact with the screen/page in question. Your step definitions then uses these wrapper objects.
Keep your step definitions thin and your wrapper objects fat. A bit like a controller in the MVC-pattern. More on this here
I hope this was helpful
Well I haven't tried it but I can't see anything wrong with it. By using specflow you create methods to do one thing say "The user presses the about button" and your code would be something like this
[Given(#"The user presses the about button")]
public void TheUserPressesTheAboutButton()
You may have to fiddle around to create all the methods but it's not a big deal. There's a simple guide here. Something that could be a glitch is the naming and identification of the controls so that CUIT builder would be able to find them.
Yes. It works pretty good. The biggest challenge is really defining your sentence structure and Given/When/Then statements so they are consistent and re-usable. Otherwise you end up with Tags and 5-10 givens for a single method. Not really maintainable.
We used Specflow for unit testing MVVM as well as other business components. The Given statements would basically setup the mock data, then execute the test:
Given I have created a database context
And it contains the following Books
|ISBN | Author | Title |
I also used specflow for Functional Testing (end to end) for automated testing via TFS. A database and server are deployed (with real or test data), then the functional test suite is executed against that server/database (creating data, modifying data, etc).
I am playing around with Entity Framework to see how it can be used in a new project I am working on. I put my edmx file in a class library so the Entities (and database access) can be used in multiple places. Currently I have a web project and a console project both referencing the class library.
One of my Entities has a Partial class defined with a static method. The purpose of the method is to accept some parameters and create one or more instances of the specific class. My first version of the method created an ObjectContext instance, created the Entity class (or classes), and returned the Entities to the calling method. The calling method then updated some properties and tried to save the Entities using a new ObjectContext instance. Obviously this did not work because the Entities were bound (correct term ??) to the Context created within the static method.
After some research, I modified the static method to also accept an ObjectContext reference to ensure that all the Entities where created and then later on manipulated and saved using the same Context. This works fine but the design just feels wrong.
Assuming that my one static method may grow into many more, or that my app (especially the web app) would probably benefit from additional layers (DAL or even a Service Layer), does it make sense for all these classes to require an ObjectContext parameter?
I have read on many postings that creating an ObjectContext via a Singleton pattern is a bad idea because "many clients would use the same object". My problem with that is I do not see how that is possible. In a local console app there is only a single user running the app. In a web app there would only be a single user on each request. Where is the user sharing problem? Not a single article/posting mentioned it...but where they referring to a Singleton pattern storing the object instance in the Application context?
I have also seen postings focused on web usage and storing the object instance in the users Session object via the HttpContext object. This makes sense but does not seem to address non-web usage.
I think that whatever solution is appropriate (static methodm, Factory object, etc.) would most likely be implemented in my class library so obviously it needs to support both web and non-web solutions. Maybe check for HttpContext to determine what environment it is running in.
I was hoping http://www.west-wind.com/weblog/posts/2008/Feb/05/Linq-to-SQL-DataContext-Lifetime-Management would be informative but I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the post and the example code seems like overkill for instantiating and sharing a simple object. (Although I am sure I am just not getting it...)
Any thoughts are appreciated.
The issue is not that “many clients would use the same object.” The issue is that the ObjectContext is intended to be a single unit of work. If you use it for many different units of work, you will find that there are a number of problems.
Memory usage will grow and grow.
Your application will become slower as object fixup has to do increasing amounts of work.
Multithreading won't work
The solution is to use the ObjectContext in the manner it is intended, namely, as a single unit of work.
I have started working on a new project and am switching from LinqToSQL to EF 4.1 as my ORM.
I already have a database set up to work with and so am going with the database first approach. By default the EF generates a context which extends ObjectContext. I wanted to know if a good approach would be to replace it with DbContext.
Most of the available examples deal with only Code First and DbContextbut DBContext can be used with Database First too. Are there any advantages I get by using the DBContext? From what I have read the DBContext is a simplified version of the ObjectContext and makes it easier to work with. Are there any other advantages or disadvantages?
You will not replace anything manually. You will need DbContext T4 Generator available at VS Gallery. Don't touch your autogenerated files - your changes will be lost every time you modify EDMX file.
I answered similar question last year. Now my answer is mostly - for new users DbContext API is probably better. DbContext API is simplified - both in terms of usage and features but you can still get ObjectContext from DbContext and use features available only in ObjectContext API. On the other hand DbContext API has some additional performance impact and additional layer of bugs. In simple project you will probably not find any disadvantage in DbContext API - you will not see performance impact, you will not use corner features available only in ObjectContext and you will not be affected by occasional bugs.
A lot of information and blog posts was collected since DbContext API was released so you don't have to be afraid that you will not find description of the API. Also ADO.NET team now uses DbContext API as their flag ship.
I'm not a big fan of DbContext API but my opinion is not related to its functionality but to its existence - there is no need to have two APIs and split development capacity of ADO.NET team to maintain and fix two APIs doing the same. It only means that there is less capacity for implementation of really new features.
I'm using it now with Oracle on an add on to an existing application. The simplification that Ladislav refers to works well for me on this project as I am short on time and resources. I have not found any gotchas as long as you stick to simple CRUD operations and less than ~150 tables.
You can still use metadata annotations to provide basic validation and localization and there is enough documentation out there but you won't find much on official Microsoft sites.
Is it possible in Entity Framework CTP5 to construct retrieved persisted entities via an IOC container?
I'm using Ninject and it's tied in fine with MVC, but I need to inject some services into my domain objects when they are constructed for some business rules.
I'd rather do this using constructor injection than method or property injections.
I'm not sure what, exactly, you're trying to accomplish here, but EF has almost no extensbility points. The best you can do is hook into the ObjectMaterialized event fired by ObjectContext. In CTP5, you need to cast your DbContext like so in the constructor for your DbContext:
((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ObjectMaterialized +=
And then implement your function ObjectContext_OnObjectMaterialized(object sender, ObjectMaterializedEventArgs e). You will be able to access your object, which unfortunately has already been materialized. Depending on your needs, you might be able to hack in some interesting behavior here.
BTW, this sentence makes no sense to me:
I need to inject some repositories into my domain objects when they are constructed for some business rules.
Doesn't this go against Persistence Ignorant Domain Objects?
I tend to do the inverse of what you are trying to do. I make my domain objects as ignorant as possible (they are essentially property bags). When you need to perform some sort of action, like send an email, then I would use a service for that and have the method take in the domain object it needs to perform the action on. In this case, you would simply need to inject services into various parts of your application (which is much simpler to accomplish with Ninject).
I think EF code first CTP 5 can be of some help. It honours IValidatableObject interface, which takes ValidationContext object as an argument. The ValidationContext is a ServiceLocator so you should be able to get the instance of the IoC container using the validationContext object. (This is just my initial thought, I haven't tried anything though). Sorry, if my English is not very understandable.
Sorry, just after I posted this comment I realized that the question is quite different than what I understood. So, I did try few things myself, and after some hit and trial and much more googling I was able to get somewhere. I was planning to post the answer here, but then thought against it, since the answer would be very long. So, I did post this blog instead.
May be this might help some googlers searching for the same. Hope I got the question right this time.
I am trying to develop a Spring Roo/GWT app with the newest integration of GWT in Roo.
Getting the scaffolding to work is very straightforward, but I don't really understand how the RPC works there.
Can someone of you provide a simple example how to do a simple service to connect client/server within Spring Roo and GWT.
Would be very helpful for a start, as I couldn't find any resource on that.
thx & regards,
Not sure if you are up on google wave at all, but that does seem to be one place to keep apace of the current effort. Specifically this wave is available to the public:
RequestFactory Wave
It covers the details (well emerging details) about the RequestFactory API.
The basic idea is that your domain model objects are needed on the server side and the client side. Using hibernate can cause issues with the class files and people have wound up having two sets of model objects, and using custom GWT-RPC to make server requests and marshall/un-marshall between the client- and server-side model objects. Not an ideal solution. Even if you can use the same model objects, the overhead of the RPC is a drag.
Enter RequestFactory and we see that google engineers are probably getting paid what they are worth. Take a look at the sample code generated from the .roo - specifically ApplicationRequestFactory.java.
package com.springsource.extrack.gwt.request;
import com.google.gwt.requestfactory.shared.RequestFactory;
public interface ApplicationRequestFactory extends RequestFactory {
ReportRequest reportRequest();
ExpenseRequest expenseRequest();
EmployeeRequest employeeRequest();
This is an interface that provides request methods for each of the domain objects. There is no implementation of this class defined in the project. It is instantiated in the EntryPoint with a call to GWT.create(...):
final ApplicationRequestFactory requestFactory =
Within the com.springsource.extrack.gwt.request package you will see an ApplicationEntityTypesProcessor.java which is cleverly using generics to package the references to the domain classes for use later in the presentation. The rest of that package though are events and handlers for each model object.
Specifically there are four auto-generated classes for each object:
EmployeeRecord.java - This is a DTO for the domain object.
EmployeeRecordChanged.java - This is a RecordChanged event to provide a hook method onEmployeeChanged.
EmployeeChangedHandler.java - This is an interface that will be implemented when specific behaviour for the onEmployeeChanged is needed.
EmployeeRequest.java - This is an interface used by the ApplicationRequestFactory to package up the various access methods for a given object.
Keep in mind there is a lot of code generated behind the scenes to support all this. And from M1 to M2 a lot has been cleaned out of what is visible in a GWT project. I'd expect there to be more changes, but not as drastic as M1 to M2 was.
So finally these events can be used as in the UI package to tie together the domain and the UI. ReportListActivity.java:
public void start(Display display) {
this.registration = eventBus.addHandler(ReportRecordChanged.TYPE, new ReportChangedHandler() {
public void onReportChanged(ReportRecordChanged event) {
update(event.getWriteOperation(), event.getRecord());
Again I refer you to the wave for more info. Plus the expenses.roo demonstrates how to use Places and has a rather slick Activity framework as well. Happy GWTing.
The functionality you are referring to is currently under heavy development (or so the guys at Google want us to believe ;)) so the API and internal workings are not final and will most likely still change before the final release of GWT 2.1 (this was stated a few times during the GWT sessions during Google IO 2010). However, you can browse the Bikeshed sample in the trunk to see a working (hopefully ;)) example. There's also the 2.1 branch that appears to contain the up-to-date (?) sample (and the cookbook that was promised on Google IO).
Personally, I'd wait with switching your code to the new RPC model till the guys working on GWT say it's safe to do so ;) (but it's definitely a good idea to get accustomed with the general idea now - it's not like they will change everything :D).