Error with Twitter link - facebook

Yesterday I started a new app on Facebook. Today I got the message that when people copy the link to Twitter they get an error. This is what you get:
"error": {
"message": "Unknown path components: /your_namespace:your_action",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 2500
What does this mean? What could be the problem?

Are you actually sending the POST action link to Twitter? Why?
I think you misunderstood how Open Graph works. Basically, you should be the one publishing actions when users take an action using your service. You can use a server-side or a client-side language to POST request (when you click a link, your browser actually makes a GET request, not a POST) to
Note that you need to create an app, use it to authenticate users to get the access token and also set your custom actions / objects. These will need to be approved before you can actually use them.
You should start by taking a look at the sample apps to see how they work:


Facebook Graph API - Fetch public event

I am new to the Facebook GraphAPI, the idea is to use it from Java facebook-sdk.
But at the moment I am just trying to run a simple request to fetch a public event{event_id}?access_token={access_token}
But I am getting this error:
"error": {
"message": "Unsupported get request. Object with ID 'XXXXX' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at",
"type": "GraphMethodException",
"code": 100,
"error_subcode": 33,
"fbtrace_id": "Apc-nisB6j0fD2LB--0gTSa"
I wonder if I need more permissions from organiser of the event, but the event says
"Public · Anyone on or off Facebook"
So why would we need permissions? I just need to fetch some data from the event like name, description and cover url.. I could do it by simple parsing the source code of the page, but API will be much more efficient. Could it be because its just postman or browser?
You don't need Facebook Marketing Partner status to get info about events.
All you need is:
App with "in development" status,
User access token obtained from
Create a GET request, for example**EVENT-ID-HERE**?fields=cover,name,description,start_time,end_time,id,attending_count,created_time,declined_count,interested_count,maybe_count,event_times,place,updated_time,ticket_uri,type,discount_code_enabled,noreply_count&access_token=**ACCESS-TOKEN**
Its worth to note, that
You should be "Interested" or "Going" to an event which data you want to GET info;
Event ID's should be extracted manually.
For the idea I personally do in this way:
Copy paste all event links to google sheet (and pressing interest)
With =SPLIT[cell;"/"] sheet formula I extract event IDs
Then I run script, that gets all the info Event contains.
Sorry for my unprofessional way of explaining things, I am not a Developer and I found this question because I am looking for answer about how to extract event cover photo without a specific App status. :))
I hope that this helps or anyone can explain this better.

An unknown error has occurred with graph Facebook

I have an element on my website which shows facebook posts from a page and the amount of views/likes/comments. This stopped working all of a sudden and I have no idea why.
If I make the request with the graph api tester tool I get:
"error": {
"message": "An unknown error has occurred.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 1,
"fbtrace_id": "CIHVxFhXIv/"
This is the request link I use with file_get_contents:,full_picture,likes,message,picture,story,permalink_url,updated_time,from,insights.metric(post_impressions)&access_token=myaccesstoken
Did something change again with permissions or maybe a field is deprecated?
According to this fb new the Pages API and others have changed, and now you can only access the data if it's a page of your own.
Pages API: Until today, any app could use the Pages API to read posts or comments from any Page. This let developers create tools for Page owners to help them do things like schedule posts and reply to comments or messages. But it also let apps access more data than necessary. We want to make sure Page information is only available to apps providing useful services to our community. So starting today, all future access to the Pages API will need to be approved by Facebook.
Today I've started a project wich, in the begging, I need to recollect data and that's what I've found about it..

Fetching a Facebook page's events?

I am trying to fetch a Facebook page's events. I have before, but it doesnt work any more. I used this scriptto fetch the events.
$string = file_get_contents("$pageids&fields=events.limit($fblimit)&access_token=$token&method=GET");
$pageids was a lot of different facebook ids (id1,id2,id2 ...)
I get this error message:
"error": {
"message": "(#100) Unknown fields: events.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100
Does anyone know what is wrong with my script? Is there a another way to fetch Facebook events?
The actual URL to get a page's events is something like this :
I'm not sure how old the code is that you are fixing, but this is the correct method as stated in the documentation. events is a connection of the page object.
Facebook has had restricted access of Events in API recently.
You have to do app review to have access to Pages API, Events API.
Please check section "Apps that Require App Review, Business Verification, and Supplemental Terms" of this url:

Posting on user's timeline on the behalf of the user

I created and APP on the Facebook.
Now I am trying to post a comment on the user's timeline using the Graph API but I cannot undestand what I need to do.
I already authorized the Application (I authorized this permissions: 'user_status,publish_stream,user_photos,email').
If I look on my profile -> privacy I can see that the APP can:
This app can: Post on your behalf
This app may post on your behalf, including status updates, photos and more.
Last data access:
Basic InformationToday
See details · Learn more
Posts on your behalf:
Who can see posts this app makes for you on your Facebook timeline?
When to notify you?
The app sends you a notification
So this part seems OK.
On my application I do the following to try to post somenthing on my timeline (I need to post it when I am off line).
1) GET :*APP_SECRET*&grant_type=client_credentials
access_token = 422828347771671|UdQELQIf0N7krF4JUo7VwtPLTkk
2) GET:
But reading the documentation ( it seems that this request does not need any kind of access token.
I also tried to add the access token, but the result is still the same.
3) I know my facebookid so I tried to use it directly:
"error": {
"message": "(#200) This API call requires a valid app_id.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 200
So I tried to add client_id=APPID and app_id=APPID, I tried to put one, the other and also both arguments as GET or POST but nothing changed.
I checked the APPId ad it is correct.
Do someone have any idea?
Thank you!
You cant simply generate a user access_token by querying to a URL. What you did gives the App access token and as the error say, you are trying to do something, that needs user access_token.
Refer and implement this :
And use that access_token for the rest of the processes.

Facebook acheivment registeration error

i try to register an achievement for my game app thorough Graph API Explorer using a POST to with access_token =xxxxxx ,achievement = right url and display_order =1 but it throws the following error
"error": {
"message": "(#15) This method must be called with an app access_token.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 15
. i have checked the achievment url and my app access token in the object debugger and it gives right result. But still im getting the above when try to register my achievement. i have checked evrywhere i could to find a solution but didnt get any (although there where similar post which didnt a give solution). Any help will be much much appreciated as it really takes my lot of time figuring out a solution
Are you sure it's the app access token retrieved from the instructions at and not the user's access token?
If you're doing this with the Graph API Explorer instead of in code or manually, you need to replace the access token the Graph API explorer is using with the one you retrieved via those instructions