Clicking Apps takes me to my Facebook page - facebook

I want to create an App for a Facebook page I'm developing but when I click on the link at the top called 'Apps' it just redirects me to the Facebook page. I have tried using different browsers and it does the same.
What is happening and how can it be resolved?
Can I use another Facebook account ie my own one to create the App and then add it to someone elses or does it have to be the owner of the Facebook page?

Can I use another Facebook account ie my own one to create the App and then add it to someone elses or does it have to be the owner of the Facebook page?
You have to use your personal account. Only user accounts can be developers – not pages.
(And you have to verify your account with Facebook – either via text message to mobile, or credit card.)


One Facebook Account for App and Page, How?

Today I need to create a new facebook app, since I need the app_id for the social plugins.
I created a facebook "page" account for my product's website before, but I found that I can't create a new app by using the "page" account:
Create Facebook App:
I have to login with normal user account in order to create a new app, so I am very confused now... Should I re-create a new user account and then create a facebook app? But what to do with my existing "page" account then?
I just want to bind everything together, hopefully one facebook account to bind the "app" and the "page".
By the way, do users know who (account) created that App?
You cannot create a Facebook application as a Facebook page. You cannot access any other application as a Facebook page. If you try to open an application when you're acting as a FB page, you'll be ask to switch back to your regular account.
A page identity is not an account. You cannot even login to FB as a page, you must login with your user account and then switch to page mode. It's only an identity you can use to comment or post. They only introduced recently the messaging system for pages and it's still very buggy.
You don't need a new account. You can use the same account you used to create the FB page to create the FB app. Everything will be bound to your normal user account.
Since you add a question to your post: you can create the application and use your user account as owner. Or you can create the app using a company name, so your user account will not be listed in the application.

How does a Website with Facebook login work practically?

If I create an app for my wesite under the tab 'website with Facebook login' - how does this work for users accessing my site?
Do users HAVE to sign in with Facebook to view my site?
Or would they only be prompted to sign in if they were not signed in and they clicked my Like or Send buttons (the only button's we'll have)?
If a user doesn't click the like or send - will they be affected?
As much details about the user experience as possible wouldbe great. Cheers all!
Facebook login is usually just a wrapper on top of your website that allows you to get Facebook user details if they use Facebook. You will still need a system to track who is actually logged in to your site and they will still have to click the "Login with Facebook" button.
On the other hand, the Like and Share buttons are independent as they simply send your website data to Facebook and Facebook does not send anything back to you.
You do not need Facebook login functionality to put Like or Share features on your page.

Facebook page app

I`m an admin on a facebook fan page. The problem is that when I try to create an app for facebook fan page, facebook redirects me to my profile, and thus I will be creating an app for myself and not the facebook fan page.
Is there a way to do this?
I need to do this so I would get app ID and app Secret for facebook fan page.
Kalvin Klien, please don't fall over getting out of bed, but you will need to use a user profile to create apps, not a page profile. It is documented here:
Create new app from Business account
Create a Facebook APP goes in circles back my page
Can company page accounts create apps?
If you want facebook to tell you, please
1) Log into your facebook account
2) Switch to using your facebook page (aka business page)
3) Go to:
4) Read error message that says:
To access this page, you'll need to switch from using Facebook as your
page to using Facebook as yourself.

How to make Facebook app page invisible so it doesn't reveal identify of our users to their friends?

My site has Facebook Connect to help users with registration and to do this we had to create a Facebook app. And on my Facebook app page, I noticed that it shows list of user's friends who also connected to our site using Facebook Connect. How can I take this down so that we don't reveal the identity of our users who connect to the website with Facebook Connect? In fact, I would like to make the Facebook app page invisible altogether since we don't need it. Is this possible?

Automatic login to Website when User login to Facebook based on cookie

I'm using the Facebook Graph Toolkit and developing ASP.NET website.
I want to create and design a website that has registration that will use a Facebook account as an alternative to my website login/registration.
I am thinking of just storing the Facebook User ID who has approved the use of the FB app in order to identify the user for next time when he/she logs in to my website using his Facebook account.
Scenario here is:
Any browser, user already logged in to his Facebook account (say browser Tab no.1).
Same browser, Tab no.2, user visits my website (he has already registered to my website using his Facebook account, as I store his Facebook ID).
Upon his visit to my website home page, the top corner will display his account name (this indicates that he has logged in to my website even though he has only logged in to Facebook, but never visited my website and clicked on the Login button).
So my question is, how to achieve the scenario of step no.3?
It's quite easy but you need to do some research first. Research will better help you to understand each and every point.
Go to the Facebook Developers API Reference and do some reading.