Bulk rename functions in IDA Pro - ida

I have a list of tenthousands of {Address} - {Function Name} pairs I dumped with a tool I wrote.
Now I want to rename all functions so for example sub_123456 becomes "FooBar", because the list says so.
Any way to do that?

In such cases i would load the list in Vim, change the list to have two columns, the first the addresses, the second the desired names. Like this:
123456 FooBar
124584 BarFoo
Then do :%s/^\(\w\+\)\s\+\(\w\+\)/MakeName(0x\1, "\2");, ending up with a list like this:
MakeName(0x123456, "FooBar");
MakeName(0x124584, "BarFoo");
Then copy the entire Vim buffer to the clipboard with 1G and "*yG.
Then in IDA type Shift-F2 to open the manual script editor, and paste using Cmd-V or Ctrl-V.


Select nonadjacent lines containing a common phrase in vscode

I have an HTML file that has around 700 of my bookmarks. Each line has link and a tag like the following:
<li>Strunk, William, Jr. 1918. The Elements of Style</li>
The file has multiple lines with the same tags. I want to group the lines with the same tag next to each other. I was trying to do it in vscode. I can select multiple occurrences of the same phrase with Ctrl+Shift+L, but I could not select the lines. Is there a way for doing this?
After your comment below that clarified what you are trying to do I think you will find this easier than your solution.
Select the text to check.
Ctrl-Shift-L selects all occurrences. The command is Select All Occurrences of Find Match - if that is bound to something else on your OS, use that.
Ctrl-L will select the entire line. (Changed from Ctrl-i in Feb. 2019.) That is using the command Expand Line Selection - again find that command in your Keyboard Shortcuts and use the same command.
Cut and paste them where you want.
There is also an extension vscode-dup-checker that will find and delete duplicate lines. I don't know if you actually want to delete the duplicates though.
I added a gif to show it in action - it only uses steps 1-4 above:
Ok, I found one method that works. I don't know if it the best though.
After Ctrl+Shift+L, you have cursors on all the lines with that phrase. Then pressing Home will take you to the beginning of all of them and Shift+End then will select all those lines on which you have the cursor. Then cut the text and paste it wherever you wish. Came out to be pretty useful for me while I was editing a html file with 700 links.

In VSCode, how do I multi-cursor the ending of all symbols?

I'd like to add a suffix to all occurrences of a variable in a file (eg. pluralizing a variable number --> numbers).
VSCode offers a multiselect option thru the default "cmd+d", or editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch. However, after I do this over all occurrences of number, the entire variable is selected. I really just need the cursor to be at the very end, so I can add an s. I would like not have to retype numbers.
How can I achieve this?
As an alternative, I use a regex:
And I replace it with the same content $1 (since I capture the variable name in a group with ()) followed by 's': $1s
I would just copy the variable first. So:
Double-click your variable and Ctrl-C
Ctrl-F2 selects all occurences
Ctrl-V and add your 's'
The regex method is better if you have a few variables to change, but not if you have only one or two to change. Really simple to create a macro if you would be doing this a lot - you could get it down to a single keychord.
[This unfortunately selects occurrences of var1 and someOtherVar1 (the Var1 part) - so if this is a problem better to use a regex as it is easier to exclude instances of the var1 term appearing within another word, like someVar1 that you do not intend to change.]

How can I remove duplicate lines in Visual Studio Code?

Say you have the following text:
I want to remove all "abc" lines and just keep one. I don't mind sorting. The result should be like this:
If the order of lines is not important
Sort lines alphabetically, if they aren't already, and perform these steps:
(based on this related question: How do I find and remove duplicate lines from a file using Regular Expressions?)
Toggle "Replace mode"
Toggle "Use Regular Expression" (the icon with the .* symbol)
In the search field, type ^(.*)(\n\1)+$
In the "replace with" field, type $1
Click ("Replace All").
If the order of lines is important so you can't sort
In this case, either resort to a solution outside VS Code (see here), or - if your document is not very large and you don't mind spamming the Replace All button - follow the previous steps, but in steps 4 and 5, enter these:
(based on Remove specific duplicate lines without sorting)
Caution: Blocks for files with too many lines (1000+); may cause VS Code to crash; may introduce blank lines in some cases.
search: ((^[^\S$]*?(?=\S)(?:.*)+$)[\S\s]*?)^\2$(?:\n)?
replace with: $1
and then click the "Replace All" button as many times as there are duplicate occurrences.
You'll know it's enough when the line count stops decreasing when you click the button. Navigate to the last line of the document to keep an eye on that.
Coming in vscode v1.62 is a command to eliminate duplicate lines from a selection:
Delete Duplicate Lines in the Command Palette
editor.action.removeDuplicateLines as a command in a keybinding
(there is no default keybinding for this command)
Here is a very interesting extension: Transformer
Unique Lines As New Document
Unique Lines
Align CSV
Align To Cursor
Compact CSV
Copy To New Document
Count Duplicate Lines As New Document
Encode / Decode
Filter Lines As New Document
Filter Lines
Join Lines
JSON String As Text
Lines As JSON String Array
Normalize Diacritical Marks
Randomize Lines
Randomize Selections
Reverse Lines
Reverse Selections
Rotate Backward Selections
Rotate Forward Selections
Select Highlights
Select Lines
Selection As JSON String
Sort Lines By Length
Sort Lines
Sort Selections
Split Lines After
Split Lines Before
Split Lines
Trim Lines
Trim Selections
Unique Lines
Removes duplicate lines from the document Operates on selection or
current block if no selection
Unique Lines As New Document
Unique lines are opened in a new document Operates on selection or
current block if no selection
I haven't played with it much besides the "Unique Lines" command but it seems quite nicely done (including attempting a macro recorder!).
To add to #Marc.2377 's reply.
If the order is important and you don't care that you just keep the last of the duplicate lines, simply search for the following regexp if you want to only remove duplicte non-empty lines
If you also want to remove duplicate empty lines, use * instead of +
and replace with nothing.
This will take a line and try to find ahead some more (maybe 0) lines followed by the exact same line taken. It will remove the taken line.
This is just a one-shot regex. No need to spam the replace button.
This now also takes the comment of #awk into account, in where the last line has to have a linefeed in order to be identified as a duplicate. This is no longer the case now by excluding the \n from the line to search and adding a $ to the line found.
I just had the same issue and found the Visual Studio Code package "Sort lines". See the Visual Studio Code market place for details (e.g. Sort lines).
This package has the option "Sorting lines (unique)", which did it for me. Take care of any white spaces at the beginning/end of lines. They influence whether lines are considered unique or not.
Install the DupChecker extension, hit F1, and type "Check Duplicates".
It will check for duplicates and ask if you want to remove them.
Try find and replace with a regular expression.
It is possible to introduce some variance in the first group.
If you don't mind some Vim in your VS Code. You can install Vim emulation plugin.
Then you can use vim commands
:sort u
It will sort lines and it will remove duplicates
Sublime Text 3
It has blisteringly fast native permutation functions.
Edit > Permute Lines > Unique or ⇧⌘U, and
Edit > Permute Selections > Unique
Visual Studio Code is my daily driver. But, I keep Sublime Text on standby for these situations.
Not actually in Visual Studio Code, but if it works, it works.
Open a new Excel spreadsheet
Paste the data into a column
Go to the Data tab
Select the column of data (if you haven't already)
Click Remove Duplicates (somewhat in the middle of the bar)
Click OK to remove duplicates.
It is not the best answer, as you specified Visual Studio Code, but as I said: If it works, it works :)

Command to "format" txt Files

I have several TXT files like the example bellow in a certain solder:
5600001254545 - Bar code
12 - Quantity
5600000785487 - Bar code
250 - Quantity
I need to writte a code to place the line of the quantity in front of the code bar, separated by; in all the files without opening them one by one or doing it on Excel.
Can you please help me?
Try to do it with a text editor supporting regular expressions (Maybe Editplus, Textpad++, ...).
Open your text files with such editor and replace "Bar code\n" by "Bar code;". This way you will have just one line with both the barcode and the quantity data.

How do I create a text file so when it is opened in Excel, rows are grouped together?

I'm collecting some data via a Perl script. The data needs to be reviewed and processed by others using Excel. Currently, I'm writing the data out as a tab-delimited text file, and Excel can open this just fine.
There's a hierarchy to the data, however, and it would be easier for the reviewers to see a tree rather than a flat list. That is, rather than presenting the data in columns,
foo foo1
foo foo2
foo foo3
bar bar1
bar bar2
present it as a click-to-expand tree:
Excel's group function (found in 2007 under "Data > Outline > Group") is a good match for this presentation, being a bit simpler to operate than pivot tables.
What is the easiest way for us to go from this flat list of columns to this grouped list? Ideally, I could write out the data in a text form that Excel would apply the grouping automatically when it was imported. Alternatively, if there were a small number of steps the reviewer could apply after importing the data, like applying a macro or a template, that would be OK too.
Since you are already using perl, I suggest that you create the excel file directly in perl using the excellent CPAN module Spreadsheet::WriteExcel which has support for Excel outlines.
Works something like this:
$worksheet->write('A2', 'foo');
$worksheet->write('B3', 'foo1');
$worksheet->write('B4', 'foo2');
$worksheet->write('B5', 'foo3');
$worksheet->set_row(2, undef, undef, 0, 1, 1);
$worksheet->set_row(3, undef, undef, 0, 2);
$worksheet->set_row(4, undef, undef, 0, 2);
$worksheet->set_row(5, undef, undef, 0, 2);
Select all the rows, including the column headers, in the list you want to filter.
Click the top left cell of the range, and then drag to the bottom right cell.
On the Data menu, point to Filter, and then click Advanced Filter.
In the Advanced Filter dialog box, click Filter the list, in place.
Select the Unique records only check box, and then click OK.
The filtered list is displayed and the duplicate rows are hidden.
On the Edit menu, click Office Clipboard.
The Clipboard task pane is displayed.
Make sure the filtered list is still selected, and then click Copy Copy button.
The filtered list is highlighted with bounding outlines and the selection appears as an item at the top of the Clipboard.
On the Data menu, point to Filter, and then click Show All.
The original list is re-displayed.
Press the DELETE key.
The original list is deleted.
In the Clipboard, click on the filtered list item.
The filtered list appears in the same location as the original list.
Recent versions of Excel (2003 is what we use here) can use an XML format, xlsx. An xlsx file is a zip of an XML file. If you want to make a file that will open in Excel with the settings you want, try this: first create a template file with the grouping you want. Save it as xlsx. Unzip the file using your standard zip software. Take a look at what's inside. I haven't worked with grouping specifically, but all the commands in your spreadsheet will be there in xml form, you'll need to figure out where the grouping is set. Then it's a matter of making the appropriate changes to the xml and re-zipping. A bit of effort, but you can use this method to programmatically create files that are pre-grouped. There may be Perl libraries specifically geared towards this, I don't know.
A CSV file is also very easy to generate. OpenOffice lets you choose how to parse things, but excel excepts comma-delimited columns (without any kind of quote) and CRLF delimited rows.