Doesn't get the output in Java Database Connectivity - eclipse

I'm working on Java Database Connectivity through Eclipse IDE. I built a database through Ubuntu Terminal, and I need to connect and work with it. However, when I just add "mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar" to the project library, I don't get the project output, but the following output is showed, anybody knows what this is and how I can get the output from my project ?
<PropertyCategory name="Connection/Authentication">
<Property name="user" required="No" default="" sortOrder="-2147483647" since="all">
The user to connect as
<Property name="password" required="No" default="" sortOrder="-2147483646" since="all">
The password to use when connecting
<Property name="socketFactory" required="No" default="com.mysql.jdbc.StandardSocketFactory" sortOrder="4" since="3.0.3">
The name of the class that the driver should use for creating socket connections to the server. This class must implement the interface 'com.mysql.jdbc.SocketFactory' and have public no-args constructor.
<Property name="connectTimeout" required="No" default="0" sortOrder="9" since="3.0.1">
Timeout for socket connect (in milliseconds), with 0 being no timeout. Only works on JDK-1.4 or newer. Defaults to '0'.

Run your java file which tries to connect to MySQL through JDBC as a Application.
1)Right Click on java file
2)Go on run as
3) select java application.
It solved the problem for me.

Here is the process for installing the driver. You only need to follow these steps
Make a directory, inside your cs home directory, called jdbc.
Copy the following file, available from the course website, to the directory
you just made: mysql-connector-java-3.0.6-stable-bin.jar.
Open the file .bashrc in your home directory with an editor such as
emacs. (Note that files whose names begin with . are ordinarily hidden
by default, so you may need to “show hidden files” to get to .bashrc.)
Add the following two lines the file .bashrc (anywhere in the file), changing ”username” to your own username:
export CLASSPATH="/home/username/jdbc/$MYSQLDRV:."
Save .bashrc.
Log out and log back in again, or, alternatively, type source .bashrc at a command prompt.
One other thing. You must inform your mySQL-connecting Eclipse projects
that you would like to use this driver. Do so by right-clicking the project in
question, choosing “Build Path — Add External Archives,” then navigating to
the aforementioned driver file. You will need to do this for every such Eclipse


Set service Startup type in WiX installer

I am trying to set a pre-installed service's startup type to Automatic, using WiX. Another task was to start the service on install, which I achieved with:
Name="[Service Name]"
Wait="yes" />
Now I would also like to set the startup type. I have tried the following (see answer):
ServiceName="[Service Name]"
OnReinstall="yes" />
But this didn't change the startup type of the service (tested from Manual startup type). And besides, I want the startup type to be Automatic, not Automatic (Delayed Start).
Please note that I am trying to modify an existing service, so there is no ServiceInstall element.
The two elements (ServiceControl and ServiceConfig) are children within a Component parent element.
Any help is appreciated :)
MSI doesn't support changing the startup type of a service that the package doesn't install. ServiceConfig doesn't let you get around that:
Applies only to installed auto-start services or services installed by this package with SERVICE_AUTO_START in the StartType field of the ServiceInstall table.
Solved by editing the registry via RegistryKey, see example:
<RegistryKey Root="HKLM"
Key="SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\[Service Name]"
<RegistryValue Type="integer" Name="Start" Value="2" />
<RegistryValue Type="integer" Name="DelayedAutostart" Value="0" />
Note service may appear as Automatic (Delayed Start) in Services GUI. However, after restarting, Services GUI displayed the service startup type as Automatic.
Set the "DelayedAutoStart" parameter to "no", rather than "yes".

jBPM 6.5.0.FInal look up email in active directory

My jBPM does not read the userinfo from active directory
I used the jbpm 6.5.0.Final installer, modified the standalone-full.xml to add active directory, setup the,, files to point to active directory
I added the following lines to the standalone-full.xml system properties
<property name="" value="file:../standalone/configuration/"/>
<property name="" value="file:../standalone/configuration/"/>
<property name="org.kie.mail.session" value="java:jboss/mail/Default"/>
<property name="" value="ldap"/>
<property name="" value="ldap"/
I am able to login using the active directory account, then setup a process that sends a notification.
Most of the email is not sent and I get the error message
ERROR [] (pool-24-thread-1) Unable to send email notification due to No EMail address found for testUser
using eclipse, i can see that the registry has user and group information taken UserGroupsAssignmentsOne.mvel and no call is made to LDAPUserInfoImpl.getEmailForEntity()

Can not integrate TeleStax Restcomm in MetaSwitch Clearwater

I really want to study how restcomm works in clearwater as a Telephony Application Server.
I follow the guideline at:
But seemly, the verion of Restcomm in this article is too old (TelScale-Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-7.1.2-GA), and I am using the Restcomm in newer version (Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-
I could not follow the guide in this article because of some difference configuration between two versions.
I set up the clearwater successfully. I could make a SIP call in clearwater.
When I setup the restcomm (version Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-,
I changed the local-address of media-server in file: standalone/deployments/restcomm.war/WEB-INF/conf/restcomm.xml
as follow:
( is my local IP address)
I did not change the references to in restcomm.xml file to point to
because there is no references to
I think that may be the difference between two versions.
I also did not edit the JAVA_OPTS in bin/standalone.conf file because of misunderstanding.
I edit the file mediaserver/deploy/server-beans.xml as follow:
<property name="bindAddress"></property>
<property name="localBindAddress"></property>
<property name="externalAddress"><null/></property>
<property name="localNetwork"></property>
<property name="localSubnet"></property>
After that, I start media-server:
$ cd ${JBOSS_HOME}/mediaserver/bin
$ ./
The media-server start successfully.
Then, I start restcomm jboss:
$ cd ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin
$ sudo ./ -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100 -b
It got errors as the below picture.
enter image description here
But Jboss server still work, when I goto http:/
But I can not access the Restcomm managerment interface.
I also try to modify somes as the article:
-Modify default app: standalone/deployments/restcomm.war/demos/hello-play.xml
-Add configure IMS core through Ellis configure file:
"Restcomm" :
"<InitialFilterCriteria><Priority>1</Priority><TriggerPoint> <ConditionTypeCNF></ConditionTypeCNF><SPT><ConditionNegated>0</ConditionNegated><Group>0</Group><Method>INVITE</Method><Extension></Extension></SPT></TriggerPoint><ApplicationServer><ServerName>sip:</ServerName><DefaultHandling>0</DefaultHandling></ApplicationServer></InitialFilterCriteria>"
-Bind the number to defaul app:
curl -X POST http://ACae6e420f425248d6a26948c17a9e2acf:77f8c12cc7b8f8423e5c38b035249166# -d "PhoneNumber=4321" -d "VoiceUrl="
It got the error:
That are my problems.
Thank you very much for supporting me.
Best Regards,
Indeed those steps are way too old and won't probably work on the new version.
I would recommend starting Restcomm with Docker instead and configure the JVM options and port offset (see in the docker run command
The rest of the description to configure Clearwater should still be valid.

Create Virtual Machine using libvirt error related to AppArmor

I am trying to create a virtual machine using libvirt using the command:
virsh create file
Contents of "file":
<domain type='qemu' id='3'>
<type arch='i686'>hvm</type>
<disk type='file' device='disk'>
<source file='/libtmp/VM-linux.0.2.img'/>
<target dev='hdc'/>
Here is error which occur.
error: Failed to create domain from file
error: internal error cannot load AppArmor profile 'libvirt-9cb01efc-ed3b-ff8e-4de5-7227d311dd15'
I am able to create the vm without loading the image file.
Everytime the profile name keeps on changing. I tried stopping it and creating the vm but I got the same error.
Any pointers will be very helpful.
I had the same problem and the reason was that I had a bad idea to place readonly cdrom image to /etc like this:
<disk type="file" device="cdrom">
<driver name='qemu' type="raw" />
<source file="/etc/libvirt/qemu/cdrom.iso" />
<target dev='hdb' bus='virtio'/>
Moving to /var removed the error message and allowed to start the virtual machine. This line:
<source file="/var/lib/libvirt/images/cdrom.iso" />
This is a bug in libvirt. See
Edit the xml definition of the virtual domain with "virsh edit domainname" command. Replace type='host_device' with type='raw' in the xml definition.
This is a work around but not the correct way. Set AppArmor to complain mode using following command:
sudo aa-complain /usr/sbin/libvirtd

CruiseControl.NET no connection can be made?

I am setting up CruiseControl.NET and I get the following error message on the webdashboard:
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
The Url it is looking for is: tcp://localhost:21234/CruiseManager.rem
However the ccnet website in IIS has its tcp port set to 82.
So I use the following Url to navigate to the webdashboard
I tried changing the Tcp port in IIS to 21234 and I get the following error message on the webdashboard:
Tcp channel protocol violation: expecting preamble.
I have also tried opening the port with the following command:
netsh firewall add portopening TCP 21234 CCNET
When I try and start the CCNET service I get the following message
The CruiseControl.NET Server service started then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do....
Can anyone help me with this problem please?
EDIT - Adding config file
<cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder">
<cb:define PublishDir="C:\Deploy\Portal2.0Build"/>
<project name="Portal2.0">
<intervalTrigger name="continuous" seconds="10"
<sourcecontrol type="svn">
<executable>C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualSVN Server\bin\svn.exe</executable>
/target:build;publish /p:Configuration=Release /p:MSBuildExtensionsPath=C:\Progra~2\MSBuild /p:MSBuildEmitSolution=1 /p:publishdir=C:\Deploy\Portal2.0Build /verbosity:diag
C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\server\ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MSBuild.dll
<labeller type="assemblyVersionLabeller">
<statistics />
<xmllogger />
<replacementValue property="name">
<namedValue name="$CCNetLabel" value="Default" />
<email from="bla" mailhost="bla" port="25" userName="bla"
password="bla" includeDetails="TRUE" useSSL="FALSE">
<user name="User1" group="Portal" address=""/>
<group name="Portal">
The first error message is probably caused by CCNET service not running because of which the web dashboard can't connect to it. It should go away as soon as you fix the ccnet.config so that service starts running.
The second problem ("Ilegal characters in path"; you seem to have already figured out the missing nodes part) is caused by msbuild/executable element. It seems that CC.NET doesn't like whitespace and especially new line characters inside it's value. Replacing:
should fix the problem.
Another hint: when you're having problems with the validity of your ccnet.config file, try using CCValidator.exe (it's in your CruiseControl.NET\server folder). It usually points out the problematic part of the config file quite nicely (although that wasn't the case with "Illegal characters in path" problem - I had to comment out specific parts of the config to find the offending node).
The first message you receive (connection actively refused) makes me think of a firewall which is blocking the port you're using.
The second problem could be anything. It could for instance be an error in your XML configuration (ccnet.config) file. Can you find any pointers in the Windows Eventlog ?
Regarding the 2nd problem: did you try to run the CC.NET server from the command line?
If you've got an error in your XML configuration, this will give you a more meaningful error message.
Which account are you using to run the Windows service?
Have you checked your ccnet's dashboard.config file?
It has the following line in it:
<server name="local" url="tcp://localhost:21234/CruiseManager.rem" ... />
Try changing the port on that to 82 and then restarting the website (you should be just able to add a space to the web.config file and save and IIS will restart the website).
Sounds like you're confusing two different functions:
This is the default remoting port for clients like CCTray. This is not used for the IIS web site (dashboard).
Configuration document is likely missing Xml nodes required for properly populating CruiseControl co nfiguration. Missing Xml node (packageList) for required member (ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.Publishers.Package Publisher.PackageList)
Your example config is missing required packageList node.
A misleading error message. The port really is 21234, not 82. I got the same errors. The fix was to start ccnet.exe from the desktop shortcut to discover that the real problem was illegal code in my ccnet.config file.
After fixing the ccnet.config file, the problem moved on. When attempting to build, the system would not let the subversion client modify the read-only marker files in the checked out repo.
In my case I misprinted project configuration file name in ccnet.config instead of timescheduler.config it were timesheduler. When I fixed file name I was able to run ccnet service.
<cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder">
<cb:include href="definitions.xml" xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder"/>
<cb:include href="projects/timescheduler.config" xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder"/>