DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-911, SQLSTATE=40001, SQLERRMC=68 - db2

I am getting this error when I ran:
alter table tablename add column columnname varchar(1) default 'N';
How to solve it?

The alter statement wants to get an X lock on this row in SYSIBM.SYSTABLES. There is an open transaction that has this row/index value in an incompatible lock state. This lock that caused the timeout could even be from an open cursor that reads this row with an RS or RR isolation level.
Terminate any other SQL currently trying to query SYSTABLES and any utilities that may be trying to update SYSTABLES like reorg and runstats then try the alter again.

See DB2 Info center (I picked the one for DB2 10, most likely this error code is the same in other versions, but doublecheck!).
Seems there is a transaction open on your table, that prevents your alter command from execution.

after you have Altered a table you need to Reorg: reade up on it here:

Run the runstats script, which is a DB2 script, at regular intervals and set the script to gather RUNSTATS WITH DISTRIBUTION AND DETAILED INDEXES ALL.
In addition to running the runstats scripts regularly, you can perform the following tasks to avoid the problem:
Use REOPT ONCE or REOPT ALWAYS with the command-line interface (CLI ) packages to change the query optimization behavior.
In the DB2 database, change the table to make it volatile. Volatile tables indicate to the DB2 optimizer that the table cardinality can change significantly at run time (from empty to large and vice versa). Therefore, DB2 uses an index to access a table rather than a table scan.


truncate table. Error Msg = sqlcode -668 sqlerrmc=7

I am trying to run this DB2 query on DBEAVER:
TRUNCATE table departments immediate
but I got this error:
(it is happening just when I run it on DBEVAER (external channel) on local it's run well.
help someone?
The sqlcode -668 with sqlerrmc=7 (this 7 is the "reason code") means:
SQL0668N Operation not allowed for reason code "" on
and the reason code 7 means:
The table is in the reorg pending state. This can occur after an
ALTER TABLE statement containing a REORG-recommended operation.
If your userid has the correct permissions, then try:
reorg table db2inst1.departments
if you have command-line access to Db2, or from jdbc application like DBeaver call admin_cmd ('reorg table db2inst1.departments').
But the reorg will fail if your account lacks permissions, or if the syntax is not allowed on your Db2-server version, and in that case you must ask a DBA to do the work for you, or a become user db2inst1 and run the reorg.
When the reorg completes without errors, retry the truncate table.

DB2 iseries materialized view refresh

I have created the following materialized query table:
When I execute a REFRESH TABLE SCHEMA.TABLE it get locked for others users to read from it.
Reading this doc from IBM https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEPGG_9.7.0/com.ibm.db2.luw.sql.ref.doc/doc/r0000977.html
I tried to execute this statement:
But I get the following error: SQL State: 42601 Unexpected keyword ALLOW
What I'm missing on statement? Is there other way to allow read access to materialized query table while it is beign updated?
MQTs on Db2 for IBM i lag behind the functionality available in Db2 for LUW.
I've never bother with them, instead an encoded vector index (EVI) with computed columns meets every need I've every considered. (Note that Db2 LUW doesn't have EVIs)
Per Mao's comment, you might try deleting an recreating the MQT with the following:
with NC;
But I think a refresh would still require exclusive access to the MQT.
The only options I can think of for "refreshing" an MQT while it is being used
programmatically , using either triggers on the base tables or perhaps a process that uses SQL to update a few rows at a time.
removing the DISABLE QUERY OPTIMIZATION and not accessing the MQT directly. Instead depend on the optimizer to access it when appropriate. Now you can create a version of it every few hours and the Db should start using the newer version for new queries. Once the older one is no longer being used, you delete it (or REFRESH it)

REORG command in db2

So I have been altering a table in QMF. After 3 alters I believe the table has gone into a pending reorg state so that I cannot alter it additionally. Am I correct in this assumption? If so what implications does this have and to get around it can I simply reorganize the table and continue altering it? If so, what does the syntax look like for reorganizing a table? I tried
and receive the error:
an unexpected token "PIDJBIP" was found following "REORG TABLE".
Expected tokens may include: "JOIN". SQL state = 42601.
I haven't gotten much help out of the IBM pages regarding this subject.
REORG is not an SQL statement, so it cannot be issued using a SQL interface (such as QMF). You will need to run it using the DB2 Command Line Processor.
Alternatively, you might use the administrative stored procedure, which you could call via QMF:
call sysproc.admin_cmd('reorg table PIDJBIP.TABLE_NAME_T')

db2 reorganize a table

When I alter a table in db2, I have to reorganize it
so I execute the next query:
Call Sysproc.admin_cmd ('reorg Table myTable');
I m searching an appropriate solution to reorganize a table when it s altered, or reorganize all the schema after making various modifications
You can determine when tables will require a REORG by looking at SYSIBMADM.ADMINTABINFO:
select tabschema, tabname
from sysibmadm.admintabinfo
where reorg_pending = 'Y'
You may also want to look at the NUM_REORG_REC_ALTERS column as this may show you additional tables that don't require reorganization due to various ALTER TABLE statements.
The reorg operation is similar to a defrag in hard disk. It frees empty spaces in pages, and eventually it could reorganize data according to an index. Depending on the features, it creates the compression dictionary and compress data.
As you can see, reorg operation is an administrative task, and it is not necessary each time data is modified. A database could run without reorg.
It order to ease this, DB2 included autonomic features like automatic backup, however this doesn't answer you own question. This will only trigger reorg on tables that need that.
To reorg a table explicitly you need to execute the command reorg http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v10r1/topic/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.cmd.doc/doc/r0001966.html
or via the admin_cmd http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v10r1/topic/com.ibm.db2.luw.sql.rtn.doc/doc/r0023582.html
in db2 config we have:
Automatic reorganization (AUTO_REORG) = OFF
we can set auto_reorg to on

wrapping postgresql commands in a transaction: truncate vs delete or upsert/merge

I am using the following commands below in postgresql 9.1.3 to move data from a temp staging table to a table being used in a webapp (geoserver) all in the same db. Then dropping the temp table.
TRUNCATE table_foo;
INSERT INTO table_foo
SELECT * FROM table_temp;
DROP TABLE table_temp;
I want to wrap this in a transaction to allow for concurrency. The data-set is small less than 2000 rows and truncating is faster than delete.
What is the best way to run these commands in a transaction?
Is creating a function advisable or writing a UPSERT/MERGE etc in a CTE?
Would it be better to DELETE all rows then bulk INSERT from temp table instead of TRUNCATE?
In postgres which would allow for a roll back TRUNCATE or DELETE?
The temp table is delivered daily via an ETL scripted in arcpy how could I automate the truncate/delete/bulk insert parts within postgres?
I am open to using PL/pgsql, PL/python (or the recommended py for postgres)
Currently I am manually executing the sql commands after the temp staging table is imported into my DB.
Both, truncate and delete can be rolled back (which is clearly documented in the manual).
truncate - due to its nature - has some oddities regarding the visibility.
See the manual for details: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-truncate.html (the warning at the bottom)
If your application can live with the fact that table_foo is "empty" during that process, truncate is probably better (again see the big red box in the manual for an explanation). If you don't want the application to notice, you need to use delete
To run these statements in a transaction simply put them into one:
begin transaction;
delete from table_foo;
insert into ....
drop table_temp;
Whether you do that in a function or not is up to you.
truncate/insert will be faster (than delete/insert) as that minimizes the amount of WAL generated.