I have a requirement to println(something) but doesn't println anything and no new line printed, how can I do that in Scala?
What should 'something' above in println be so that it satisfies my requirement?
scala> Console.setOut(new java.io.PrintStream(new java.io.OutputStream() { def write(b: Int) {} }))
scala> println("test")
I'm just relating Florian Hars reply from the google scala-user mailing list, which seems to better frame the point.
Let me restate your problem: you have an assignment where you need to ignore comments while parsing some code source file.
Actually you have a main definition to test the assignment which prints out the result of parsing the source file, and you want the println statement to ignore the parsed comments, so the teacher's condition will be met.
If this is the case, then the "correct" solution would not be to find a way to prevent println to print, but to modify the parser/lexer to avoid producing a parsed token when it encounters a comment.
The other way would just be a "trick" to get the assignment right by exploiting a particular "code configuration"...
println(...) will always print a newline, no matter what argument you pass it. There is no way to prevent it from printing a newline.
Well... there's ofcourse the following trick, but it's not very practical.
class Magic {
override def toString = throw new RuntimeException
// Will not print a newline, but will throw an exception
println(new Magic)
// So you'll need to catch it
try {
println(new Magic)
} catch {
case e: RuntimeException => // Ignore the exception
// Hey, we're here and no newline was printed!
if you're still running the scala interpreter, you can exit it by entering the :quit command. Put this into a file named hello.scala:
println("Hello, world, from a script!")
then run:
scala hello.scala
And you should get yet another greeting:
Hello, world, from a script!
Is there a way I could replace the myOptionGet function by an build-in Scala function,
but without making the code more verbose...? :) and with keeping the function chaining with pipe.
Replacing by Option.get doesn't work as I found out.
package playground
import scala.util.chaining.scalaUtilChainingOps
object TEST123 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
def myOptionGet[T](x: Option[T]): T = x.get
Some("abc") pipe
myOptionGet pipe
// prints: abc
Yes, the code can be made less verbose by using a lambda:
Some("abc") pipe
((o: Option[String]) => o.get) pipe
or even shorter with a placeholder:
Some("abc") pipe
(_.get) pipe
However, as #cchantep pointed out in a comment, you should never use .get because it's unsafe. You should either keep the Option type to denote that the value might not exist (this is the safe variant of Java's null pointer technique), or alternatively, if you have a sensible default value, use myOption.getOrElse("N/A").
I'm overriding a method in spray-json in order to catch an exception it throws. In one particular case I want to add special handling, but otherwise I want to rethrow the original exception.
But the exception isn't rethrowing.
object MyObject extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
override def fromField[T](value: JsValue, fieldName: String)(implicit reader: JsonReader[T]) = {
try {
super.fromField(value, fieldName)(reader)
} catch {
case e: DeserializationException =>
if (reader.isInstanceOf[SafeListFormat[_]]) EmptyList.asInstanceOf[T]
else deserializationError("Object is missing required member '" + fieldName + "'", e)
The deserializationError in spray-json: https://github.com/spray/spray-json/blob/master/src/main/scala/spray/json/package.scala
The method I'm overriding is fromField in here: https://github.com/spray/spray-json/blob/master/src/main/scala/spray/json/ProductFormats.scala
In debug mode I can see the original exception being caught, and my else case "rethrowing" the error, and even the deserializationError method being called in spray-json's library. But even through the DeserializationException is a RuntimeException the overridden method doesn't terminate.
I had wondered if there was something about deferred execution of the deserializationError method. But I even tried changing my exception handler from calling deserializationError to a simple throw e and that didnt work either.
What's going on here?
PS. I dont think this is specific to spray-json really, but is probably something interesting I dont know about scala. But I kept the example as a real world as possible just in case it is something particular to the way my overridden method is called by the spray-json library code.
EDIT: Raised same question with spray-user forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/spray-user/YXtY6VyIVGk
It seem ok to me to be honest. So here go a few random observations (too long to put as comments):
Call super.fromField[T], right now you are not passing the T param. When things are weird, try to make everything explicit.
You can try functional error handling:
Try(super.fromField(value, fieldName)(reader)).recover {
case e: DeserializationException if (reader.isInstanceOf[SafeListFormat[_]]) => EmptyList.asInstanceOf[T]
case t: Exception => throw t
Note how I made the if part of the pattern match, doing that might help you insulate the problem.
I find it weird that your method does not terminate. You should probably try reducing the example to something very simple and start adding complexity little by little and see where it breaks.
Best of luck!
I have the following piece of code that I am trying to enhance:
I am using the java.nio.file package to represent a directory or a file as a Path.
So here goes:
import java.nio.file.{Paths,DirectoryStream,Files,
val path: Path = Paths.get(directoryPath)
var directoryStream: Option[DirectoryStream[Path]] = None
// so far so good
try {
directoryStream = Some(Files.newDirectoryStream(pathO))
// this is where i get into trouble
def getMeDirStream: DirectoryStream[Path] =
if (!directoryStream.isEmpty && directoryStream.isDefined)
// invoke the iterator() method of dstream here
The above piece of code will not compile because I do not know what to return in the else, and right now, for the life of me, I can only come up with None, which the compiler simply does not like and I would like to learn what should be its replacement.
I want this example to be a learning lesson of Option and Some for me.
Okay, this is where I choke. I would like to check if the directoryStream is not empty and is defined, and then if this is the case, I would like to invoke getMeDirStream.get to invoke the iterator() method on it.
The API for Option tells me that invoking the get() method could result in a java.util.NoSuchElementException if the option is empty.
If the directoryStream is empty I want to return something and not None, because IntelliJ is telling me that "Expression of type None.type doesn't conform to expected type DirectoryStream[Path]".
Now, I am being all naive about this.
I would like to know the following:
What should I return in the else other than None?
Should I wrap the getMeDirStream.get in a try-catch with a java.util.NoSuchElementException, even though I am checking if the directoryStream is empty or not.?
What is the purpose of a try-catch in the getMeDirStream.get, if there is indeed such a need?
How can I clean up the above piece of code to incorporate correct checks for being isDefined and for catching appropriate exceptions?
Once I know what to return in the else (and after putting in the appropriate try-catch block if necessary), I would like to invoke the iterator() method on getMeDirStream to do some downstream operations.
Some and None are subtypes of Option, but to be more correct, they are actually two different cases of Option or data constructors. In other words, even though Scala allows you to directly invoke a Some or a None you should still regard their type to be Option. The more important thing to take from this is that you should never under any circumstance invoke Option#get as it is unsafe.
The intention of Option is to indicate the possibility that a value does not exist. If you care about the errors, then you should probably look at using Either instead (or Scalaz's Either called \/).
You can keep the computation within the Option context and then only extract the value later, or provide a default.
def fromTryCatch[A](a: => A): Either[Throwable, A] = try { Right(a) } catch { case e: Throwable => Left(e) }
val getMeDirStream: Option[java.util.Iterator[Path]] =
for {
path <- fromTryCatch(Paths.get(directoryPath)).toOption
directoryStream <- fromTryCatch(Files.newDirectoryStream(pathO)).toOption
} yield directoryStream.iterator()
Later, or right after, you can get the iterator, or provide a default value:
val iterator = getMeDirStream.getOrElse(java.util.Collections.emptyIterator[Path])
Your specific questions are difficult to address because it's unclear exactly what you're trying to achieve. In particular, when you ask what the purpose of the try block is... Well, you wrote it, so only you can answer that.
In general, you never call get on an Option. You either use pattern matching:
option match {
case Some(value) => /* ... */
case None => /* ... */
or you use methods like map, flatMap, and foreach (or the equivalent comprehension syntax that gpampara's code uses).
My revision of gpampara's answer:
import scala.collection.convert.wrapAll._
import scala.util.Try
import java.nio.file.{Paths, Files, Path}
val getMeDirStream: Option[Iterator[Path]] =
for {
path <- Try(Paths.get("")).toOption
directoryStream <- Try(Files.newDirectoryStream(path)).toOption
} yield directoryStream.iterator
Using Try(...).toOption instead of Either
Using implicits in scala.collection.convert to return the result as a Scala Iterator.
Try is similar to Option. Instead of Some and None, it has Success and Failure subtypes, and the failure case includes a Throwable, whereas None is just a singleton with no additional information.
In the following Parser:
object Foo extends JavaTokenParsers {
def word(x: String) = s"\\b$x\\b".r
lazy val expr = aSentence | something
lazy val aSentence = noun ~ verb ~ obj
lazy val noun = word("noun")
lazy val verb = word("verb") | err("not a verb!")
lazy val obj = word("object")
lazy val something = word("FOO")
It will parse noun verb object.
scala> Foo.parseAll(Foo.expr, "noun verb object")
res1: Foo.ParseResult[java.io.Serializable] = [1.17] parsed: ((noun~verb)~object)
But, when entering a valid noun, but an invalid verb, why won't the err("not a verb!") return an Error with that particular error message?
scala> Foo.parseAll(Foo.expr, "noun vedsfasdf")
res2: Foo.ParseResult[java.io.Serializable] =
[1.6] failure: string matching regex `\bverb\b' expected but `v' found
noun vedsfasdf
credit: Thanks to Travis Brown for explaining the need for the word function here.
This question seems similar, but I'm not sure how to handle err with the ~ function.
Here's another question you might ask: why isn't it complaining that it expected the word "FOO" but got "noun"? After all, if it fails to parse aSentence, it's then going to try something.
The culprit should be obvious when you think about it: what in that source code is taking two Failure results and choosing one? | (aka append).
This method on Parser will feed the input to both parsers, and then call append on ParseResult. That method is abstract at that level, and defined on Success, Failure and Error in different ways.
On both Success and Error, it always take this (that is, the parser on the left). On Failure, though, it does something else:
case class Failure(override val msg: String, override val next: Input) extends NoSuccess(msg, next) {
/** The toString method of a Failure yields an error message. */
override def toString = "["+next.pos+"] failure: "+msg+"\n\n"+next.pos.longString
def append[U >: Nothing](a: => ParseResult[U]): ParseResult[U] = { val alt = a; alt match {
case Success(_, _) => alt
case ns: NoSuccess => if (alt.next.pos < next.pos) this else alt
Or, in other words, if both sides have failed, then it will take the side that read the most of the input (which is why it won't complain about a missing FOO), but if both have read the same amount, it will give precedence to the second failure.
I do wonder if it shouldn't check whether the right side is an Error, and, if so, return that. After all, if the left side is an Error, it always return that. This look suspicious to me, but maybe it's supposed to be that way. But I digress.
Back to the problem, it would seem that it should have gone with err, as they both consumed the same amount of input, right? Well... Here's the thing: regex parsers skip whiteSpace first, but that's for regex literals and literal strings. It does not apply over all other methods, including err.
That means that err's input is at the whitespace, while the word's input is at the word, and, therefore, further on the input. Try this:
lazy val verb = word("verb") | " *".r ~ err("not a verb!")
Arguably, err ought to be overridden by RegexParsers to do the right thing (tm). Since Scala Parser Combinators is now a separate project, I suggest you open an issue and follow it up with a Pull Request implementing the change. It will have the impact of changing error messages for some parser (well, that's the whole purpose of changing it :).
I've read about and experimented with the Scala 2.9 try...catch feature, and it has me thinking about possibilities. What would I actually use it for other than saving a couple of lines of code?
Scala 2.9 Final Release Notes
The use case is to be able to have generic error handling throughout your application. Let's say you want to handle all FileNotFoundExceptions in your application by sending an e-mail to an administrator. Previously, you'd have to do it like this:
// Globally
val fileNotFound: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = {
case e: FileNotFoundException =>
// Create report and send the e-mail
// On each try-catch-block
try {
// Open file
catch {
case fnf: FileNotFoundException => fileNotFound(fnf)
Now you just do:
try {
// Open file
} catch fileNotFound
This also has the nice advantage that you can link several such exception handlers using the orElse method on partial functions:
val fileErrors = fileNotFound orElse endOfFile orElse invalidFormat
And then just use that everywhere where you need file exception handling. Such an error handler can be dynamically combined based on the configuration file for the application, for example. This is much less cumbersome than pattern matching everywhere and calling the correct handler.
One useful thing which could be pimped on top of partial functions is the andAlso operator, which acts as a sequencing operator on two partial functions. This would be useful when you want to do some error handling specific to a particular try-catch block after having done the generic error handling.
implicit def pf2ops(pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit]) = new {
def andAlso(localpf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit]) = new PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] {
def apply(t: Throwable) = {
if (pf.isDefinedAt(t)) pf(t)
def isDefinedAt(t: Throwable) = pf.isDefinedAt(t) || localpf.isDefinedAt(t)
And then you can do this:
scala> try {
| throw new java.io.FileNotFoundException
| } catch fnf andAlso {
| case e: Exception => println("I don't know, but something is specific to this particular block.")
| }
I don't know, but something is specific to this particular block.
I guess you could play further with the exact semantics and the meaning (and the name) of andAlso.
Good answer by axel22, but I think the real reason for its introduction is something else. The try/catch/finally handling introduced a special case. You used a partial function literal, but you could not actually replace that with a partial function. Now, catch just receive a partial function, and one more special case in the language is gone.