iOS 6 - Deal with black stripes on top and bottom - iphone

I use phonegap 2.0 to develop mobile applications. Now, iOS 6 poped out, but there is no new Ghonegap release yet. I wonder how to deal with the (default) black stripes on top and bottom because my app is designed for ios 5 family which has a smaller display.

As Erez Rabih points:
All apps that do not include the Default-568h#2x.png file are displayed in a letter box. Include the Default-568h#2x.png will make your app fill the screen on 4" retina devices.
The web browser view of the PhoneGap should fill the screen.

Well surely they will remain as black stripes until you get a chance to distribute an iOS6-friendly version of your app once a new Phonegap release comes out?


3.5" ios app screens get messed up on 4" screen

My first app got accepted and uploaded onto the app store today :)
I download it onto my 4s (iphone with a 3.5 inch screen size) it is PERFECT!!
But when i download the app onto my iphone 5 (iphone with 4 inch screen size) the pictures are all out of place and moved around on the screen (as if the images are being stretched. How can i fix this? I dont have time right now to redo all of the art work. I just want the black bars to be on the top and bottom. How can i achieve this? Thanks a bunch guys!
Remove the Retina (4-inch) launch image from the project navigator (although it would be better to provide an 4-inch version of your app :p ).

Black lines on iPhone5 with old apps

I got an old app, wich is compatible with 3.5 inch displays, like on iPhone4S and older.
This is app's screen:
When i tried run this app on iPhone5 simulator it looks really bad!
Apple promis that all old apps will appear with black lines on top and bottom! How should i do it? I don't want to refactor all my code from xib files.
Did you add launch images (like Default-568h#2x.png) for your app? This will signal iOS to stretch the app to the full display. Apps without will be displayed with black borders at the top and bottom.
Also see this question + answer on how to fix this:
Undo auto resizing for iPhone 5 screen after adding Default-568h#2x.png

Can I change the colour of the iPhone 5 letterbox (the black bars at the top and bottom

I have an app that I can't update for the new size of the iPhone 5- basically it's built around the asset sizes I have, and there's no way to get updated assets. The app still works fine, but it has a solid white background, and the letterbox (the black bars at the top and bottom) is black, which is really ugly.
Is there any way to set the color of the letterbox to white?
Well, you could just have google searched it. "You cant!". But there is a workaround. All you have to do is just add a "Default-568h#2x.png" file. You app will fill the display. All you have to do now is just add a white graphic on top and bottom if the device is iPhone5.
No, there is no way to do that :) But, you could resubmit your app without using updated assets and support iPhone 5 screen. To achieve that, 1) you have to add iPhone 5 launch screen. 2) make your view and subviews resizable so that they appear on their places (No need to create separate nibs) 3) test with iPhone 5 (iPhone 5 simulator), and you are good to go ;) Good Luck!

How to make an iPhone app and exclude iPhone 5?

I'm looking at the iPhone 5 specs, and see that the screen resolution is 640x1132 or so, which would break some of my manual+storyboard interface layouts. I'm wandering how to make an app so it would either show on iPhone 5 in 640x960 screen (with black bars), or exclude my app from sale to iPhone 5 at all, as I do not want to worry about the interface breaking. Is this possible for existing apps?
Thank you for your input!
Unless you include a Default-568h#2x.png image in your application, it will not run at full iPhone 5 resolution.
In the Apple keynote on the 12th Sept 2012, they said all current applications in the app store would run on the iPhone 5 with without a problem using the black letterbox at the top and bottom.
The way to remove the letterbox is by providing a Default-568h#2x.png image, like duskwuff mentioned. If its not there, the device will run the application will run at 640x960.

How are the older apps going to be displayed on iPhone 5?

The new screen on the iPhone 5 has got a different ratio, 16:9 (1136:640). How are the older apps going to be displayed?
They will be same size they are now fit in the center of the screen.
EDIT As of 2013-05-01 Apple requires all apps to support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5. All apps must include a launch image of the appropriate size. Here is the iOS Human Interface Guidelines
There will be a little unused space on both sides.
They will be displayed in a letterbox.