Writing text information to existing CSV file with Matlab - matlab

I am appending an array of numbers to an existing excel file using this:
I need to add a column to the beginning of the new row for a text identifier (employee name), but I can't get Matlab to write the name to a single cell. Does anyone have any ideas how I'd be able to do this?

Your question is not completely clear, for example it is not completely defined how you can add a column to a row.
If the following does not work I would recommend you to provide a small scale example of the data that you have and the things you want to append.
Assuming you just need to get this done and are not looking for a pretty solution you could try to:
First read it into matlab
Then perform the operation that you like
Then write it to a new file
This will allow you to do pretty much anything but whether it is convenient depends on your specific needs.


How to use VTK to efficiently write time-varying field data on a fixed mesh?

I am working on physics simulation research. I have a large fixed grid in one of my projects that does not vary with time. The fields on the grid, on the other hand, vary with time in the simulation. I need to use VTK to record the field data in each step for visualization (Paraview).
The method I am using is to write a separate *.vtu file to disk at each time step. This basically serves the purpose, but actually writes a lot of duplicate data (re-recording the geometry of the mesh at each step), which not only consumes more disk space, but also wastes time on encoding and parsing.
I would like to have a way to write the mesh information only once, and the rest of the time only new field data is written, while being able to guarantee the same visualization. Please let me know if VTK and Paraview provide such an interface and how to implement it.
Using .pvtu and refer to the same .vtu as Piece for each step should do the trick.
See this similar post on the ParaView discourse, and the pvtu doc
This seems to be a side effect of the format, this is not supported by the writer.
The correct solution is to use another file format ...
Let me provide my own research findings for reference.
As Nico said, with the combination of pvtu/vtu files, we could theoretically implement a geometry structure stored in a separate vtu file, referenced by a pvtu file. Setting the NumberOfPieces attribute of the ptvu file to 1 would enable the construction of only one separate vtu file.
However, the VTK library does not expose a dedicated operation interface to control the writing process of vtu files. No matter how it is set, as long as the writer's input contains geometry structures, the writer will write geometry information to disk, and this process cannot be skipped through the exposed interface.
However, it is indeed possible to make multiple pvtu files point to the same vtu file by manually editing the piece node in the ptvu file, and paraview can recognize and visualize such a file group properly.
I did not proceed to try adding arrays to the unstructured grid and using pvtu output.
So, I think the conclusion is.
if you don't want to dive into VTK's library code and XML implementation, then this approach doesn't make sense.
if you are willing to write a series of files, delete most of them from the vtu file, and then point all the pvtu's piece nodes to the only surviving vtu file by editing the pvtu file, you can save a lot of disk space, but will not shorten the write, read, and parse times.
If you implement an XML writer by yourself, you can achieve all the requirements in theory, but it requires a lot of coding work.

Using PowerShell to find discrepencies between two different CSV files?

Good afternoon, Stack Overflow!
To begin, I would like to say that I'm extremely new to the world of scripting but am eager to learn as much as I can. Currently, I am trying to learn how to create a script that would compare two different CSV files for discrepancies and then output to another Excel sheet the discrepancies.
One one sheet, there are a bunch of columns of data for which I only need a couple columns of. For example:
File 1:
Name;Bug;Status;Due Date;Nonsense;Bananas;Issue Key
File 2:
Name;Bug;Status;Cross Reference;Status;Due Date
One thing I would like to point out is that the "Issue Key" column is synonymous with "Cross Reference" in File 2. I know that I could use this to my advantage but can't seem to understand how to start. I'd like to be able to compare the data for 3 to 4 columns between the two files and see any changes/discrepancies.
Is there a reason you want to use PowerShell? So far from what you describe it seems it would make more sense to use a differencing tool. https://winmerge.org/ is one such example and there are lots of others out there. OTOH If this is something you need to do consistently on a large scale it would probably make more sense to do it programmatically.

Working with many inputs (Matlab)

I'm new to Matlab and I need some suggestions on how to deal with having many inputs to a function.
The program reads data from multiple elements and stores them in an array, which I'm doing in a loop. The problem is that if I input the wrong information about one element, I must re-input the data all over again. I believe that there must exist a better way to input these data, like reading it from a external file, for example.
The problem with the external file would be, as far as I know, with the reading of multiple arrays from a single file, hence the need of multiple external files - and I believe also that must exist some better way.
As noted by #beaker, you can use save and load to store the data. You can store multiple variables in a given file without a problem.

Dynamic data range references for charts

I have an OpenOffice Calc spread sheet that I'm using to track some data. I have three charts made from the data. I periodically add more data to the spreadsheet. My current way to propagate this to the chart is to alter the data ranges manually of each chart. I'd like to automate this, or at least not have to redundantly change each chart separately.
My current idea was to do something like $A$1:$A{$F$1} for the ranges where $F$1 holds the current last line. Unfortunately, OpenOffice doesn't recognize this, but I thought there might be a function or work around for it. I haven't been able to find one yet.
So, is there a way to execute my idea, or perhaps a better way to do it?
There is a very similar question to this, but the asker asked for many more features and the answer was to use something other than a spreadsheet. It was never answered whether this specific feature was possible.
First method is to extend the range of the graph way down, with lots of empty space.
Second method is to include only one extra line of data in the graph and when you add data, always insert it above that line.

Zend_Form: Newbie with non-standard form. Should I still use Zend_Form?

!!! UPDATED !!!
We have spreadsheets of complex product data coming in from multiple sources (internal, customers, vendors).
Since the authorship is so diverse, it's impractical to try governing formatting details such as column order and the number of header-rows.
These CSV spreadsheets will be uploaded to our DB via an existing form.
(My first Zend_Form ... I'm almost done with it)
The user needs to see a sample from a given spreadsheet so they can Map the columns and start-row.
To achieve that, I need to generate an html table of that dynamic content, and weave the form elements in and around the table data.
The user would select which values are to be found in each column, and identify the first row of data (after any header rows).
CLICK HERE to see an example.
(NOTE: Most of my work here is under an NDA, so contrived examples is the best we can get :)
In this example, I'd expect the output to be:
_POST('first_row'=>2, 'column0'=>'mi', 'column1'=>'lName', 'column2'=>'fName', 'column3'=>'gender')
With all those scpecifics mapped/defined, the uploaded spreadsheet can then be parsed and accurate data can be added to the product_history database.
Is ZF a good tool for this particular problem, or should I just write something from scratch?
How would you aproach this?
I am finally JUST BARELY starting to get this ZF stuff straight in my head, and this one has got me totally lost :)
Any and All advice appreciated.
~ Mo
I think in your case, using Zend_Form would be helpful for this situation.
The tricky part to it is of course that your forms are going to be largely dynamically generated on-the-fly based on the header and first row content of the CSV file.
Whether you used Zend_Form, or pure PHP, or some other solution, a lot of what you will be doing is the same (analyzing the CSV, providing dynamic inputs based on the CSV, and then error checking the selections). I think using Zend_Form has the advantage of making something like this very cleanly.
Given Zend_Form's nature, e.g. how it validates existing forms based on the elements added to the Zend_Form itself, you need to take a special approach with the form. Basically, after the user uploads the CSV once, you will create a Zend_Form object based on the number of columns, their positions in the CSV, and the name of the column.
Since you don't want to bother the user to upload the CSV multiple times if they make incorrect selections, I would parse the CSV into some sort of structure, maybe a simple object or array, and then build your Zend_Form based on that data. This way, you can save that structure to the session, so you can continue to regenerate the form based on the parsed data without having to read the file each time. This is because the main challenge with Zend_Form and dynamic forms, is that not only does the form need all of the elements and their properties when you want to display the form, but they are also required in order to validate the form and re-display the validated form.
I remember seeing this functionality many years ago in a PHP script, which I found is still available. Perhaps you could look at it for ideas. I won't post the link here since the screenshots and script are mostly adult website related and the site is NSFW for the most part, but it is called TGPX by JMBSoft. The 7th of the 8th screenshot on the main product page shows the import process where it lets the user map fields to data, exactly what you are doing.
Hope my advice is helpful, feel free to comment with any questions.