Combine content of several files in folder - powershell

I have around 30 directories with .log files in them. I want to go into each folder and combine the text of all the files in the sub-directories separately. I do not want to combine the text of all the files in all the sub-directories.
I have a directory called Machines
in Machines\ I have
Within each Machine* folder, I have :
I want to create a script that will do:
First: Go into the directory Machine2 and combine the text of all text files in that directory
Second: Go into the Machine3 directory and combine the text of all text file in that directory.
I can use the below if only had one folder, but I need it to loop through several sub folders so I do not have to enter the sub-directory in the command below.
Get-ChildItem -path "W:\Machines\Machine2" -recurse |?{ ! $_.PSIsContainer } |?{($".log")} | %{ Out-File -filepath c:\machine1.txt -inputobject (get-content $_.fullname) -Append}

I think a recursive solution would work well. Given a directory, grab the content of all *.log files and dump into COMBINED.txt. Then pull the names of all subdirectories, and repeat for each.
function CombineLogs
param([string] $startingDir)
dir $startingDir -Filter *.log | Get-Content | Out-File (Join-Path $startingDir COMBINED.txt)
dir $startingDir |?{ $_.PsIsContainer } |%{ CombineLogs $_.FullName }
CombineLogs 'c:\logs'


Rename bulk files with given name, in directory and subfolders using PowerShell

I’m looking for a solution to rename all files with given name in the directory and subfolders.
There is a directory called c:\blah and in this folder, there is one file called BaR.txt and one folder called foo. In the foo folder, there is another file called bAr.txt.
I want to find all files with name bar.txt and change the name of each file to “neo.txt”. It must also be possible to rename the files to lower case as well e.g. bar.txt.
So far, I’ve tried to do this manually using the Windows Explorer in Windows10 but for some weird reason when I try to rename the bulk files there is extra “(1)” sign added to the end of each file name.
I’ve tried to play with PowerShell and I created a command
$ -replace 'bar.txt','neo.txt'
But it didn’t work for me.
To do this, you need 2 cmdlets: Get-ChildItem and Rename-Item.
This should work:
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Blah' -Filter 'bar.txt' -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName 'neo.txt'
However, if inside the foo folder there are more subfolders, this code will rename all files called bar.txt (case-insensitive) it finds in all of these subfolders.
If you do not want to go any deeper than the first subfolder in C:\Blah (the one called foo), you can use the -Depth parameter on the command like this:
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Blah' -Filter 'bar.txt' -Recurse -Depth 1 | ForEach-Object {
Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName 'neo.txt'

Powershell Recursive Copy Except Files found in Exclusion directory

Hi I have a folder Called "A" and folder "A" has files and sub folders within it. I also have another folder directory called "Exclusion" with some copied files and folders from "A" within it. I'm looking for a Powershell script or Command Line option that will COPY & MOVE all the objects from A that are NOT found in the Exclusion directory to a new folder directory called "Output".
Use Get-ChildItem to get a list of files in your exclusion directory, then take only the names of the files and hold those in an array.
Optionally use New-Item with the -Force parameter to ensure that your output directory exists before sending files there.
Next use Get-ChildItem to iterate through all files in our source (A) directory, use Where-Object and the -notin operator to exclude any files which have the same names as those gathered from your exclusion directory, then use Move-Item to move the files to your destination (Output) directory.
[string[]]$filenamesToExclude = Get-ChildItem -Path 'c:\somewhere\exclusion' -Recurse | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
New-Item -Path 'c:\somewhere\output\' -ItemType 'Directory' -Force | Out-Null #ensure the target directory exists / don't output this command's return value to the pipeline
Get-ChildItem -Path 'c:\somewhere\A' -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Name -notin $filenamesToExclude} | Move-Item -Destination 'c:\somewhere\output\'

Powershell 2.0 - Copy file to other location

How to write powershell script to copy file to other location, including sub folder as well. Example copy fileA from folderA to folderB, in case there are any subfolder within folderB, fileA will copy to that subfolder as well.
Well, you can do it with two commands pretty easily:
# Copy file A to folder B.
Copy-Item -Path $fileA -Destination $folderB
# Get all subdirectories of folder B and copy file A to them.
Get-ChildItem -Path $folderB -Recurse |
? { $_.PSIsContainer } |
% { Copy-Item -Path $fileA -Destination $_.FullName }
It is not immediately obvious to me if it can be done with one command. At least not elegantly.

Move a files that have the same name but different extension. Powershell

I am a junior tech and have been tasked to write a short powershell script. The problem is that I have started to learn the PS 5 hours ago - once my boss told that I'm assigned to this task. I'm a bit worried it won't be completed for tomorrow so hope you guys can help me a bit. The task is:
I need to move the files to different folders depending on certain conditions, let me start from the he folder structure:
c:\LostFiles: This folder includes a long list of .mov, .jpg and .png files
c:\Media: This folder includes many subfolders withe media files and projects.
The job is to move files from c:\LostFiles to appropiate folders in c:\Media folder tree if
The name of the file from c:\LostFiles corresponds to a file name in one of the subfolders of the C:\media We must ignore the extension, for example:
C:\LostFiles has these files which we need to move (if possible) : imageFlower.png,, danceRock.bmp
C:\Media\Flowers\ has already this files: imageFlower.bmp,
imageFlower.png should be moved to this folder (C:\media\Flowers) because there is or there are files with exactly the same base name (extension must be ignored)
Only the files that have corresponding files (the same name) should be moved.
So far I have written this piece of code (I know it is not much but will be updating this code as I am working on it now (2145 GMT time). I know I missing some loops, hey yeah, I am missing a lot!
#This gets all the files from the folder
$orphans = gci -path C:\lostfiles\ -File | Select Basename
#This gets the list of files from all the folders
$Files = gci C:\media\ -Recurse -File | select Fullname
#So we can all the files and we check them 1 by 1
$orphans | ForEach-Object {
#variable that stores the name of the current file
$file = ($_.BaseName)
#path to copy the file, and then search for files with the same name but only take into the accont the base name
$path = $Files | where-object{$_ -eq $file}
#move the current file to the destination
move-item -path $_.fullname -destination $path -whatif
You could build a hashtable from the media files, then iterate through the lost files, looking to see if the lost file's name was in the hash. Something like:
# Create a hashtable with key = file basename and value = containing directory
$mediaFiles = #{}
Get-ChildItem -Recurse .\Media | ?{!$_.PsIsContainer} | Select-Object BaseName, DirectoryName |
ForEach-Object { $mediaFiles[$_.BaseName] = $_.DirectoryName }
# Look through lost files and if the lost file exists in the hash, then move it
Get-ChildItem -Recurse .\LostFiles | ?{!$_.PsIsContainer} |
ForEach-Object { if ($mediaFiles.ContainsKey($_.BaseName)) { Move-Item -whatif $_.FullName $mediaFiles[$_.BaseName] } }

How can Powershell copy an entire folder structure but exclude one folder and its contents

This seems like a simple operation but I can't figure out how to get Powershell to copy an entire folder structure from one location to another but exclude one folder (called 'connections') and its contents.
I've tried combining Copy-Item and Get-ChildItem like so
cpi (gci folder1 -Exclude connections) folder2 -recurse
but it seems the -recurse parameter overwrites the -exclude parameter and the connections folder and its contents are copied. Without -recurse the contents of the folders I do want copied are ignored.
I'm not sure why that isn't working, it seems to behave correctly on my machine.
You could always pipe to Copy-Item:
Get-ChildItem folder1 | where { !(($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) -and ($_.Name -eq "connections")) } | Copy-Item -Destination folder2 -Recurse
The advantage of this is that you can just get PowerShell to print out the output after:
Get-ChildItem folder1 | where { !(($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) -and ($_.Name -eq "connections")) }
That way you can check exactly what is getting copied (i.e. is the "connections" folder missing?)