Matlab: find mode in range - matlab

I have a matrix like:
10 31 32 22
32 35 52 77
68 42 84 32
I need a function like mode but with range, for example mymode(A,10) that return 30, find most frequent number in range 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, .... and return most number in range.

You can use histc to bin your data into the ranges of your desire and then find the bin with the most members using max on the output of histc
ranges = 0:10:50; % your desired ranges
[n, bins] = histc(A(:), ranges); % bin the data
[v,i] = max(n); % find the bin with most occurrences
[ranges(i) ranges(i+1)] % edges of the most frequent bin
For your specific example this returns
ans =
30 40
which matches with your required output, as the most values in A lay between 30 and 40.

[M,F] = mode( A((A>=2) & (A<=5)) ) %//only interested in range 2 to 5
...where M will give you the mode and F will give you frequency of occurence

> A = [10 31 32 22; 32 35 52 77; 68 42 84 32]
A =
10 31 32 22
32 35 52 77
68 42 84 32
> min = 10
min = 10
> max = 40
max = 40
> mode(A(A >= min & A <= max))
ans = 32

I guess by the number of different answers that we may be missing your goal. Here is my interpretation.
If you want to have many ranges and you want to output most frequent number for every range, create a cell containing all desired ranges (they could overlap) and use cellfun to run mode() for every range. You can also create a cell with desired ranges using arrayfun in a similar manner:
A = [10 31 32 22; 32 35 52 77; 68 42 84 32];
% create ranges
range_step = 10;
range=arrayfun(#(r)([r r+range_step]), range_start, 'UniformOutput', false)
% analyze ranges
o = cellfun(#(r)(mode(A(A>=r(1) & A<=r(2)))), range, 'UniformOutput', false)
o =
[10] [10] [22] [32] [42]


Checking if value exists in a matrix and getting its columns

I have a 500x500 matrix with values ranging from 1-100.
I need to look at 5 rows at a time and see if those 5 rows contain values that are greater than 75. I then need to get the index of the first column where the value is greater than 75 and the index of the last column where the value is greater than 75.
So far, I have the following:
i = 1;
while i < size(data,1)
if (i + 5) <= size(data,1)
if any(envNoClutterscansV(i:i + 5, 1:500) > 75)
% do something
i = i + 5;
The idea here is that I am looking at 5 rows at a time. For every 5 rows, I'm looking through all the columns to see if there are values that meet my criteria. So far, this doesn't find any values, even though I'm sure that my dataset contains the values. Additionally, I am not sure what to do from here.
I think the trouble might be that the result of any in the above code is a vector of 500 true and false values. You should sum them if you e=want to respond every time there are larger than 75 values:
if sum(any(envNoClutterscansV(i:i + 5, 1:500) > 75))
If you want to speed it up, you can avoid the loop and vectorize it, for example like this:
data = [
11 76 25 44 55 75;
11 75 95 44 85 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
11 90 25 44 55 88;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
91 0 25 44 55 80;
% Geting the number of rows
% Retting a logical matrix with all the cells that are above the treshold
% Getting a logical index to all the rows that contain values above
% treshold
% In nexy line of code "reshape" rearange the data to put in columns the
% values associated to each goup of 5 rows
% So colum 1 have group one corresponding to data columns 1,2,3,4,5
% colum 2 have group two corresponding to data columns 6,7,8,9,10
% and so on
% Now we can get all the row groups that have velues above threshold
% Now e put each row of on a cell array to be able to operate row-wise
cellRows = num2cell(cellsOverTreshold, 2);
% We now get the first and last column over the threshold for each row
firstColumOfRow = cellfun(#(x)find(x,1,'first'), cellRows,'UniformOutput',false);
lastColumOfRow = cellfun(#(x)find(x,1,'last'), cellRows,'UniformOutput',false);
% We replace the empty cells with NaNs so we can convert them to vectors
% without losing the indexing
% We rearrange the data as above and get the minimum of the first columns
% of each group, that is the first colum of the group above the threshold
% With the maximum of the last colums we get the last column of each group
% We finaly keep only the data of the groups with at that have at least one
% element above the threshold
In this way the variable "matchingRowGroups" have the indexes of each group of 5 rows that matchs. The variable "firstColInGroup" have the first column matching for each group and "lastColInGroup" the last one.
In addition to my previous answer, here is another option of vectorization, avoiding to transform data into cell arrays and avoiding using cellfun too, therefore, it is probably faster. Here it is:
data = [
11 76 25 44 55 75;
11 75 95 44 85 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
11 90 25 44 55 88;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
91 0 25 44 55 80;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 0 25 84 55 0;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
% Geting the number of rows
[nRows, nCols]=size(data);
% Retting a logical matrix with all the cells that are above the treshold
% Getting a logical index to all the rows that contain values above
% treshold
% In nexy line of code "reshape" rearange the data to put in columns the
% values associated to each goup of 5 rows
% So colum 1 have group one corresponding to data columns 1,2,3,4,5
% colum 2 have group two corresponding to data columns 6,7,8,9,10
% and so on
% Now we can get all the row groups that have velues above threshold
%We find the rows and columns of all the first and last columns of each row
% that have values above threshold
[firstRow, firstCol]=find(cumsum(cumsum(cellsOverTreshold,2),2)==1);
[lastRow, lastCol]=find(cumsum(cumsum(cellsOverTreshold,2,'reverse'),2,'reverse')==1);
% Sort this data in vectors with one value per row, leaving NANs for rows
% with no element above threshold
% We rearrange the data as above and get the minimum of the first columns
% of each group, that is the first colum of the group above the threshold
% With the maximum of the last colums we get the last column of each group
% We finaly keep only the data of the groups with at that have at least one
% element above the threshold
This code looks 5 rows a time. Use find to locate the values > 75 and ind2sub to convert the indices returned by find to rows (ignored) and columns cols.
data = [
11 76 25 44 55 78;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
11 0 25 44 55 88;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
for row = 1:5:size(data, 1)
fprintf('Row %d - %d\n', row, row+4);
indices = find(data(row:row+4,:) > 75);
if ~isempty(indices)
[~, cols] = ind2sub([5 size(data, 2)], indices);
col_min = min(cols);
col_max = max(cols);
fprintf('Column: %d and %d\n', col_min, col_max);
After thinking a bit more, here you have yet another simpler, faster and more compact solution. See my first solution for more datils on the naming of variables, but they are quite self explanatory
data = [
11 76 25 44 55 75;
11 75 95 44 85 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
11 90 25 44 55 88;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
91 0 25 44 55 80;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 75 25 44 55 75;
11 0 25 84 55 0;
11 0 25 44 55 0;
% Geting the number of rows and columns
[nRows, nCols]=size(data);
%We create arrays with rows and column numbers of each element
% Set NaN the column numbers that do not match the treshold
% Get the group number of each element
%The matching groups are those that have at least one non-NaN element
matchingRowGroups = accumarray(groupNum(:),colNum(:),[],#(x)any(~isnan(x)))
%We get the minimum of the column numbers matching thershold on each group
firstColumOfGroup = accumarray(groupNum(:),colNum(:),[],#nanmin)
%We get the maximum of the column numbers matching thershold on each group
lastColumOfGroup = accumarray(groupNum(:),colNum(:),[],#nanmax)
The only difference with the previous solutions is that matchingRowGroups is a logical index, and firstColumOfGroup and lastColumOfGroup have one entry per group, instead of entries only for groups with elements above the threshold. Groups with no entry above threshold have NaN values

Extract matrix elements using a vector of column indices per row

I have an MxN matrix and I want a column vector v, using the vector s that tells me for each row in the matrix what column I will take.
Here's an example:
Matrix =
[ 4 13 93 20 42;
31 18 94 64 02;
7 44 24 91 15;
11 20 43 38 31;
21 42 72 60 99;
13 81 31 87 50;
32 22 83 24 04]
s = [4 4 5 4 4 4 3].'
And the desired output is:
v = [20 64 15 38 60 87 83].'
I thought using the expression
would've work but it doesn't. Is there a solution without using for loops to access the rows separately?
It's not pretty, and there might be better solutions, but you can use the function sub2ind like this:
You can also do it with linear indexing, here is an example:
M=M'; s=s';

Most repeated values

I know how to check an 8-neighbourhood in matlab (i.e; nlfilter). But, I want to assign the value which is more repeated to the center value. So, say for instance that I have the following values in the 8-neighbourhood:
2-values = 56
3-values = 64
1-value = 70
1-value = 87
1-value = 65
In this case we would assign 64 to the center pixel.
How can we do that?
I think you want either the mode or the histc function.
M=mode(X) for vector X computes M as the sample mode, or most
occurring value in X.
Example with your data:
x = [56 56 64 64 64 70 87 65];
ans =
But this will only get you the most frequently occurring value.
If you want the count of each unique item in the array, you could do,
unqx = unique(x);
unqx =
56 64 65 70 87
valueCount = histc(x, unqx)
ans =
2 3 1 1 1
You could then sort this and take the first N values
valueCount = sort(valueCount, 'descend');
% Use unqx(valueCount(1:N))

How do I select n elements of a sequence in windows of m ? (matlab)

Quick MATLAB question.
What would be the best/most efficient way to select a certain number of elements, 'n' in windows of 'm'. In other words, I want to select the first 50 elements of a sequence, then elements 10-60, then elements 20-70 ect.
Right now, my sequence is in vector format(but this can easily be changed).
The sequences that I am dealing with are too long to be stored in my RAM. I need to be able to create the windows, and then call upon the window that I want to analyze/preform another command on.
Do you have enough RAM to store a 50-by-nWindow array in memory? In that case, you can generate your windows in one go, and then apply your processing on each column
%# idxMatrix has 1:50 in first col, 11:60 in second col etc
idxMatrix = bsxfun(#plus,(1:50)',0:10:length(yourVector)-50); %'#
%# reshapedData is a 50-by-numberOfWindows array
reshapedData = yourVector(idxMatrix);
%# now you can do processing on each column, e.g.
maximumOfEachWindow = max(reshapedData,[],1);
To complement Kerrek's answer: if you want to do it in a loop, you can use something like
n = 50
m = 10;
for i=1:m:length(v)
w = v(i:i+n);
% Do something with w
There's a slight issue with the description of your problem. You say that you want "to select the first 50 elements of a sequence, then elements 10-60..."; however, this would translate to selecting elements:
That first sequence should be 0-10 to fit the pattern which of course in MATLAB would not make sense since arrays use one-indexing. To address this, the algorithm below uses a variable called startIndex to indicate which element to start the sequence sampling from.
You could accomplish this in a vectorized way by constructing an index array. Create a vector consisting of the starting indices of each sequence. For reuse sake, I put the length of the sequence, the step size between sequence starts, and the start of the last sequence as variables. In the example you describe, the length of the sequence should be 50, the step size should be 10 and the start of the last sequence depends on the size of the input data and your needs.
>> startIndex = 10;
>> sequenceSize = 5;
>> finalSequenceStart = 20;
Create some sample data:
>> sampleData = randi(100, 1, 28)
sampleData =
Columns 1 through 18
8 53 10 82 82 73 15 66 52 98 65 81 46 44 83 9 14 18
Columns 19 through 28
40 84 81 7 40 53 42 66 63 30
Create a vector of the start indices of the sequences:
>> sequenceStart = startIndex:sequenceSize:finalSequenceStart
sequenceStart =
10 15 20
Create an array of indices to index into the data array:
>> index = cumsum(ones(sequenceSize, length(sequenceStart)))
index =
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
>> index = index + repmat(sequenceStart, sequenceSize, 1) - 1
index =
10 15 20
11 16 21
12 17 22
13 18 23
14 19 24
Finally, use this index array to reference the data array:
>> sampleData(index)
ans =
98 83 84
65 9 81
81 14 7
46 18 40
44 40 53
Use (start : step : end) indexing: v(1:1:50), v(10:1:60), etc. If the step is 1, you can omit it: v(1:50).
Consider the following vectorized code:
x = 1:100; %# an example sequence of numbers
nwind = 50; %# window size
noverlap = 40; %# number of overlapping elements
nx = length(x); %# length of sequence
ncol = fix((nx-noverlap)/(nwind-noverlap)); %# number of sliding windows
colindex = 1 + (0:(ncol-1))*(nwind-noverlap); %# starting index of each
%# indices to put sequence into columns with the proper offset
idx = bsxfun(#plus, (1:nwind)', colindex)-1; %'
%# apply the indices on the sequence
slidingWindows = x(idx)
The result (truncated for brevity):
slidingWindows =
1 11 21 31 41 51
2 12 22 32 42 52
3 13 23 33 43 53
48 58 68 78 88 98
49 59 69 79 89 99
50 60 70 80 90 100
In fact, the code was adapted from the now deprecated SPECGRAM function from the Signal Processing Toolbox (just do edit specgram.m to see the code).
I omitted parts that zero-pad the sequence in case the sliding windows do not evenly divide the entire sequence (for example x=1:105), but you can easily add them again if you need that functionality...

MATLAB: create new matrix from existing matrix according to specifications

Assume we have the following data:
H_T = [36 66 21 65 52 67 73; 31 23 19 33 36 39 42]
P = [40 38 39 40 35 32 37]
Using MATLAB 7.0, I want to create three new matrices that have the following properties:
The matrix H (the first part in matrix H_T) will be divided to 3 intervals:
Matrix 1: the 1st interval contains the H values between 20 to 40
Matrix 2: the 2nd interval contains the H values between 40 to 60
Matrix 3: the 3rd interval contains the H values between 60 to 80
The important thing is that the corresponding T and P will also be included in their new matrices meaning that H will control the new matrices depending on the specifications defined above.
So, the resultant matrices will be:
H_T_1 = [36 21; 31 19]
P_1 = [40 39]
H_T_2 = [52; 36]
P_2 = [35]
H_T_3 = [66 65 67 73; 23 33 39 42]
P_3 = [38 40 32 37]
Actually, this is a simple example and it is easy by looking to create the new matrices depending on the specifications, BUT in my values I have thousands of numbers which makes it very difficult to do that.
Here's a quick solution
[~,bins] = histc(H_T(1,:), [20 40 60 80]);
outHT = cell(3,1);
outP = cell(3,1);
for i=1:3
idx = (bins == i);
outHT{i} = H_T(:,idx);
outP{i} = P(idx);
then you access the matrices as:
>> outHT{3}
ans =
66 65 67 73
23 33 39 42
>> outP{3}
ans =
38 40 32 37