Powershell v2.0 Modules: Default Load Path (User / Windows system folder)? - powershell

This is with respect to this question which I had asked earlier - Powershell: Installing Modules on Target System
What is the default module load path ?
Now after so many days, it has started giving this error (from my C# code)
Cannot find path 'C:\Users\angshuman\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\MyPSModules\MyPsModules.‌​psd1' because it does not exist.
All the while it was nicely loading from the SysWow64 folder path
Why it is suddenly searching in user folder rather than Windows folder?
I am executing the same code via C# on a Windows 7 64-bit OS
_ps = PowerShell.Create();
_ps.AddScript("Import-Module MyPSModules -PassThru");
Collection<PSObject> psObjects = _ps.Invoke();

And if you want to have them to have a better readability you can use this:

$env:psmodulePath is the automatic variable which holds the path used to discover modules. If it's not set, PowerShell looks in c:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\modules and MyDocuments\WindowsPowerShell\modules.
So it should by default always be looking in both places.
I haven't done much 32-on-64 coding, but I could see it using SysWow64 (instead of System32) if you were running a 32-bit app on a 64-bit OS.


How do I shim executables with the same names in different directories?

I am creating a Chocolatey package for internal team usage. (In this case, the package is for Microsoft's windows debuggers.)
Windows Debuggers contains two folders, one for 32-bit x86 executables and an x64 folder for 64-bit executables.
The executable names are identical.
After installation it looks like the shim created by Chocolatey is indeed starting one of the adplus instances successfully. But sometimes I need the 32-bit version and sometimes I need the 64-bit version.
So here is the question: When there are two identically named executables in different directories, how do I tell Chocolately to create different shims for the executables in each directory?
The short answer is that you can't have two identically named shims in the Chocolatey shim folder ($env:ChocolateyInstall\bin).
A limitation of Windows for a directory is that each file/folder must be a unique name. This is what you are running into. Shims get dropped into the $env:ChocolateyInstall\bin folder, which puts them on the PATH automatically because $env:ChocolateyInstall\bin is on the PATH (it allows folks to install all kinds of things without overloading the PATH environment variables).
You can create an empty file ending in .ignore (e.g x86\adplus.exe.ignore) file next to the one you don't want to be shimmed. This is documented on the wiki. You can even do it programmatically during install based on something like OS architecture.
It sounds like you have a need for one of them sometimes and the other at other times on the SAME machine. I would suggest .ignore files for both files, and likely using Get-BinRoot to push the files to a tools folder (you get to define where the location of this is). Then you can set the process PATH temporarily for whichever one you need and it doesn't persist to the actual path. You can even set one on the path and then override it when you want the other.
Since the automation scripts are just PowerShell, you have all kinds of options here.

Installing PowerShell module persistently for all users

I'm installing a PowerShell module via Octopus Deploy onto a number of different servers. For testing purposes, I went with the guidance of Microsoft's documentation for installing PowerShell Modules.
This worked fine, but as the documentation stated, my changes would be visible only for the current session. That is, if I were to do the following:
$modulePath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
# More practically, this would be some logic to install only if not present
$modulePath += ";C:\CustomModules"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath", $modulePath, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
When running this installer automatically on tentacle servers, future PowerShell sessions do not appear to see the newly installed modules.
How can I install a PowerShell module in a profile agnostic way so that every PowerShell session started can see it?
PowerShell can only "see" modules installed in one of the directories listed in $env:PSModulePath. Otherwise you'll have to import the module with its full path.
To make a new module visible to all users you basically have two options:
Install the module to the default system-wide module directory (C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules).
Modify the system environment so that PSModulePath variable already contains your custom module directory (e.g. via a group policy preference).
The latter will only become effective for PowerShell sessions started after the modification was made, though.
This profile applies to all users and all shells.
After taking the steps you spelled out in your question (which I think is the general way to go), I found two ways to get the new module source recognized by Powershell:
Restart the machine. (Works every time.)
Reset the PSModulePath in each open session.
$env:PSModulePath=[Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath", "Machine")
I found this was necessary to run in both normal and elevated prompts to get this to work without restarting in each type of prompt. (See also the conversation # Topic: PSModulePath.)

'"php.exe"' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I am trying to create a new zend project using wamp.
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\> cd wamp\www\zendtest*
C:\wamp\www\zendtest>C:\wamp\www\zend\bin\zf.bat create project quickstart*
'"php.exe"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I the environment variable path is
%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN;C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\FUNCTION;C:\Program Files\Zend\MySQL51\bin;C:\wamp\www\zend\bin;
Which is the part I think is wrong.
Replace this line in the zf.bat file
SET PHP_BIN=C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.4\php.exe
I too have come across the same Error when i started Zend. Here are some ways how to troubleshoot this.
Make Sure the PHP Interpreter Path (For Example, C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.8\bin) is set to the Environment Variables Path. Only one PHP Interpreter can be set.
Make Sure your WAMP Folder & the work directory (For Example, www directory) have valid permission set for proper Execution.
Make Sure your Antivirus/Firewall or any other Software is blocking the Access to php.exe. This i said because, in Windows 7 the User Access Control Feature will not allow execution of php.exe from command line.
And i suggest you work with NetBeans 7.2 which has built-in Support for Zend as well as Doctrine ORM. This is much easier. But you will have to execute the above techniques in that too in the Initial State. The Commands can be directly executed from NetBeans Context Menu.
Came across this error on a new installation even if I added the Environement Path to Windows.
If NetBeans is running, you need to start it as these variables are loaded on startup.

Wix trying to install a ps1 script to both the system32 and syswow64 directory

I am trying to use a 32 bit wix installer to install to the powershell directory c:\windows\????\windowspowershell\v1.0
i have hard coded the 32bit directory
and i am trying to read the registry to return the 64 bit location.
all works fine on a 32bit machine, the registry gets read with the correct value and the file is installed to the correct place.
however when running on a 64bit machine (server 2008 R2) the registry picks up the correct 64 bit location but my hard coded 32 bit location is overwritten with the 64 bit registry value.
what is going on?
is there a better way of doing this?
what i have is a single ps1 script that needs to be installed to the powershell directory, if there is a 64 bit and 32 bit directory the same file should be copied to both locations
Windows Installer was designed to be platform specific. X86 packages can only write to X86 locations and X64 packages can only write to X64 locations. There are some hacks that allow you to get around this but they aren't supported. The official Microsoft solution is to create multiple MSI's and use a bootstrapper to chain them together ( ugly ) but you can also use a custom action to copy the file to the secondary location.
Sorry, no good solutions on this one IMO.

MSI File/Registry failures on Windows Server 2008/Windows 7 (x64)

I'm trying to deploy an application on Windows Server 2008 (SP2 x64) and Windows 7 (x64), using VS2005 Installer Project. The MSI version (I think) it the 2.0.
Everything works fine, except that some registry keys and some files are not copied on the install machine. The MSI system doesn't notify about nothing (and I don't know whether MSI logs its operations).
Are there incompatibilities between my MSI installer project and these new OSes? It seems to me that the OS protect itself for being modified in some part.
For example, I'm trying to set the registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\WinLogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList\User
but it is not created. In the same installer there are many other keys, which are created like expected (as they always did before on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003).
To provide another example, I'm trying to install the file
(where %SystemFolder% is typically "C:\Windows\System32"), but the file is not copied at all!!!
What's going on?
I've found the backgroundDefault.jpg file is located in another directory: %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\oobe\info.
But I've not specified nothing about a System (64 bit) folder. How can I copy the file in the right place?
First, regarding logging, you can request MSI to create a log file of its operations like this:
msiexec.exe -i my_msi_file.msi -l*vx logfile.txt
This will create a log file called logfile.txt.
Second, it sounds like you're creating a 32-bit MSI and running it in 64-bit Windows. There is nothing wrong with this, but be aware that Windows is using file system redirection. Windows has a separate SystemFolder and HKLM/SOFTWARE keys to host 32-bit applications. If you look in the Registry at HKLM/SOFTWARE you'll probably see a sub-key called Wow6432Node -- this is where 32-bit apps write their Registry data.