I created a XFBML form with validations. There are couple of fields which are optional for end user. But as soon as the validations are enabled the form expect all the fields to be filled. So, how to skip required validation for optional fields.
The code currently looks like:
<fb:registration redirect-uri="http://www.sakshum.org/FbBloodDonorRegister" fields='[{"name":"name"},{"name":"first_name"},{"name":"last_name"}, {"name":"gender"}, {"name":"birthday"},{"name":"email"}, {"name":"cellPhone", "description":"Cell Number", "type":"text"}, {"name":"homePhone", "description":"Home Number", "type":"text"}, {"name":"officePhone", "description":"Office Number", "type":"text"}, {"name":"primaryAddress", "description":"Primary Address", "type":"text"}, {"name":"area", "description":"Locality/Village/Area", "type":"text"},{"name":"location"}]' onvalidate="validated" width="530">
function validated(form) {
errors = {};
if(form.cellPhone.trim().length != 10){
errors.cellPhone = "Cell number is required and should be 10 of digits";
if(form.homePhone.trim().length > 0){
if(form.homePhone.trim().length != 10)
errors.homePhone = "Home number should be 10 of digits";
if(form.officePhone.trim().length > 0){
if(form.officePhone.trim().length != 10)
errors.officePhone = "Office number should be 10 of digits";
if(form.homePhone.trim().length > 0 || form.officePhone.trim().length > 0){
if(form.homePhone.trim() == form.officePhone.trim() || form.homePhone.trim() == form.cellPhone.trim() || form.officePhone.trim() == form.cellPhone.trim()){
errors.homePhone = "Cell number, office number and home number cannot be same";
errors.officePhone = "Cell number, office number and home number cannot be same";
return errors;
Looks like a known bug to facebook https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/139030226234017?browse=search_50551341bcf073b68986277
How to add custom validator for form.item in ANTD.
I have a form item with image upload.
But because it's not textfield it doesn't work as should have.
Is there are any ways to add custom validator and condition true/false to form item ?
required: true,
message: 'upload Photo',
<ImgCrop rotate>
You can use beforeUpload prop of Upload component as custom validator. Suppose, if you want to restrict files less than 200 mb. try the below.
beforeUpload={(file) => {
if (file.type.includes("video")) {
const isLt2M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 200;
if (!isLt2M) {
defaultMessage: "Video must smaller than 200MB!",
return false;
return true;
return true;
I am working on i18n for angular and I would like to provide a translation for form errors. But I do not know how to do that. I followed the guide from angular website. And I tried to use the select method but it is not working.
Initially, before trying to translate, I had the following code in my component.ts:
onValueChanged(data?: any) {
if (!this.userForm) { return; }
const form = this.userForm;
for (const field in this.formErrors) {
// clear previous error message (if any)
this.formErrors[field] = '';
const control = form.get(field);
if (control && control.dirty && !control.valid) {
const messages = this.validationMessages[field];
for (const key in control.errors) {
this.formErrors[field] += messages[key] + ' ';
formErrors = {
'firstname': ''
validationMessages = {
'firstname': {
'required': 'Firstname is required.',
'pattern': 'Only alphabetics caracters are allowed.'
And the following code in my component.html:
<div *ngIf="formErrors.firstname" class="form-control-feedback alert">
{{ formErrors.firstname }}
It worked perfectly because there was no translation. Then, I made the following updates:
In the component.ts:
validationMessages = {
'firstname': {
'required': 'required',
'pattern': 'pattern'
In the component.html:
<div *ngIf="formErrors.firstname" class="form-control-feedback alert">
<ng-container i18n="##userModalFirstnameError">
{formErrors.firstname, select, required {required} pattern {pattern}}
In the messages.fr.xlf file, I have this:
<trans-unit id="userModalFirstnameError" datatype="html">
<source>{VAR_SELECT, select, required {required} pattern {pattern} }</source>
{VAR_SELECT, select, required {Nom utilisateur obligatoire} pattern {pattern}}
Unfortunately, this solution does not work.
I finally found where the issue comes from. Actually, there were 2 mistakes.
The first one is related to the 'VAR_SELECT' in the .xlf file. It has been generated by Angular with the build command => "ng-xi18n --i18nFormat=xlf". This 'VAR_SELECT' works well if a "direct" variable is used (for example if I put "{toto, select, required {required} pattern {pattern}}" and toto was equal to "required"). But it seems that it does not work if a variable from table is used (which is my case with the variable "formErrors.firstname"). So I replaced 'VAR_SELECT' in the .xlf file by the name of my variable 'formErrors.firstname'.
The second one is in the "onValueChanged" function:
for (const key in control.errors) {
this.formErrors[field] += messages[key] + ' ';
Because of the space character at the end, the variable did not match one of the values defined (for example, it was 'required ' where I was expected 'required'. Note the additional space at the end of the 1st value)
Using Ionic2 and Angular2, I want to show an alert box, inside which a text along with checkbox - to ask for user if he/she agree to the statement.
//Prompt an alert, to ask user to verify there email address.
let alert = Alert.create({
subTitle: 'Email not verified!',
message: 'Please check your email for verification link.',
inputs: [
name: 'getLink',
label: 'Get verification link again ?',
type: "checkbox",
value: "true",
checked: false
buttons: [
text: 'Ok',
handler: data => {
if(data.length > 0) {
//console.log('Get me link');
//we are calling this method to sent a link to user over mail - to verify their email address.
return true;
} else {
//console.log('Link not required!');
return true;
I'm implementing a search form that displays suggestions as you start typing but can't get it to work..the problem is that when you start typing it doesn't shows any suggestion. Can you help me to get the code right? Many thanks!
This is the code:
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.2/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<div><input id="autocomplete" type="text"></div>
source: [
{ id : "Google", value : "Google"},
{ id : "Yahoo", value : "Yahoo"},
minLength: 1,
open: function(event, ui) {
var data = $(this).data("autocomplete");
for(var i=0; i<=data.options.source.length-1;i++)
var s = data.options.source[i];
$("li.ui-menu-item a:contains(" + s.value + ")").attr("href", "/" + s.id);
$("input#autocomplete").bind("autocompleteselect", function(event, ui) {
//alert(ui.item.id + ' - ' + ui.item.value);
//document.location.href = ui.item.id + '/' + ui.item.value;
} );
Here Is the code:
<div id="search">
<input list="results" id="project" onkeydown="if (event.keyCode == 13) { checkInput(this.value); return false; }" />
The avaible results...
<datalist id="results">
Finally the javascript
function checkInput(searchQuery)
window.location = "Home.html";
else if(searchQuery == "Contact")
window.location = "Contact.html";
else if(searchQuery == "Sitemap")
window.location = "Sitemap.html";
window.location = "noresult.html";
So that way when ever someone goes to search they have a limited amount of options in the pre-populated list and which ever one they select leads them to your target page! I can't take all the credit, but I hope that helps!
I am working on an PhoneGap application in which I am saving user's name , number and Email , after that I am displaying that data to another page in list - view. That has been done very successfully. But now when I want to store Image of user in my local Storage, I am getting the path of image instead of Image.
I am saving my data in this way :
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript" charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript">
var userName, userNumber, userEmail, userImage ;
function showAndClearField(frm)
userName = frm.name.value;
userNumber = frm.number.value;
userEmail = frm.email.value;
if (frm.name.value == "" )
alert("Please enter your name!")
else if(frm.number.value == "")
alert("Please enter your number!")
else if(frm.email.value == "")
alert("Please enter your Email !")
alert("Name : " + userName + '\n' + " Number: " + userNumber + '\n' + " Email: " + userEmail )
frm.name.value = ""
frm.number.value = ""
frm.email.value = ""
var db = window.openDatabase("TestingDemo", "1.0", "PhoneGapTesting Demo", 200000);
db.transaction(populateDB, errorCB, successCB);
function populateDB(tx)
tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO DEMO (id, data, userName, userNumber, userEmail, userImage) VALUES (1, "Third row", "'+ userName +'" , "'+ userNumber +'" , "'+ userEmail +'", "'+ userImage +'")');
While displaying data I am using following code :
var nameOfUser , numberOfUser , emailOfUser, imageOfUser;
for (var i=0; i<len; i++)
nameOfUser = results.rows.item(i).userName;
numberOfUser = results.rows.item(i).userNumber;
emailOfUser = results.rows.item(i).userEmail;
imageOfUser = results.rows.item(i).userImage;
numArr.push({ name : nameOfUser , number : numberOfUser , email : emailOfUser, image : imageOfUser });
function createCheckboxes(){
$("#content").append('<fieldset id="cbFieldSet" data-role="controlgroup" style = "padding : 20px" >');
var length = numArr.length;
for(var i=0;i<length;i++)
$("#cbFieldSet").append('<input type="checkbox" name= "cb-'+i+'" id="cb-' + i +'" number = "'+numArr[i].name+'"/> <label for= "cb-'+i+'">' + "Name : " + numArr[i].name + ' <br>' + "Email : " + numArr[i].email +' <br>' + " Number " + numArr[i].number +' <br>' + numArr[i].image + ' <br><br> </label>' );
alert("List Created !");
alert("Out of For loop !");
alert("Content Created !");
function showSelectedNames(){
var count = $("#cbFieldSet input:checked").length;
var str = '';
str += ' '+$("#cbFieldSet input:checked")[i].value;
alert("You selected----"+str);
How the view I am getting is :
i do not know about this particular program,
but i do know that you are passing the image location as an argument, (text).
the other arguments are also text, and you have no done anything differently with the image argument to have the UI display an image. maybe you are missing image tags, or an "getImage(location)" type function.
<img src="PATH" />
you need to put PATH as image location and this is what will display it.