Opening php files in sublime text 2 - mamp

Is there a way to open .php files locally with sublime text 2?
I created three builds for each browser but when used they just get sent to my download folder. I am testing Coda 2 and it works! I have MAMP Pro installed as well; Is that messing with sublime?


VIsual Studio Code Plain Text Files

I have been searching for over 30 minutes but can't find the solution. On my Windows installation of VSCode when I create a new file (default to Plain Text as expected) and I go to save, it defaults to saving with a .txt extension. On my Mac though it defaults to All Files. I have searched through settings and I don't recall changing anything on my Windows machine but I WANT to save new files that are Plain Text with .txt by default on Mac. What am I missing?

Fastest Way To Open HTML File in Browser using VScode - Current Extensions Failing

I want to be able to quickly open my html files from VScode to Chrome.
I have been using the extension Open in Browser, but not it appears to be failing.
I've tried this extension alternative, but it doesn't work on my rig either.
As a workaround I am currently searching for the file in finder and dragging it to chrome.
Any suggestions to streamline this process or alternative extensions to open html files in browser?
Rig Details: 2014 Macbook Air Running Mojave 10.14.1
Works for a bunch of extensions:
Example of config for Windows:
"openInApplication.applications": {
"html": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe",

How to prevent vscode as default program to run html file?

When I double click a html file, it will be automatically opened in vscode. I set Firefox as default program and it works fine, but every time after I reboot, Visual Stadio Code - URL Handler still be the default program to open a html file.
I use linux mint 18.3, it only happens after vscode upgrade to 1.28
Right click on the file in the chosen format and choose Open With... -> Other Application or Open With Other Application.
Don't forget to check the Remember this application for "..." files checkbox to apply your selection for all files of the same format.
As discussed here

Search & switch open files in Visual Studio Code

If I open some files in Visual Studio Code (e.g. code some_path/ some_other_path/ it seems that Find in Files and Go to File doesn't work.
If I search for some text only the file in the currently active tab is included. Only if I select other tabs once those files are then also considered if I repeat the search.
Also other files do not appear in Go to File unless I give those tabs the focus at least once and they populate the list because they are "recently opened".
I am not opening a folder with files in it.
In SublimeText Find in Files can do this. Or I let :vimgrep search all buffers in Vim.
How would I do this with VS Code?
I often search a large code base (organized in multiple repositories and paths) with ack or ripgrep and feed a list of files to the editor. E.g. code $(rg --files-with-matches 'some feature' **/test*.py).
My system:
code --version
> sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.12.4
BuildVersion: 16E195
You mentioned "I am not opening a folder with files in it." I think that you will find these work if opening a folder.

Visual Studio 2012 strange characters at beginning of file

Whenever i copy a file made in VS2012 over to Eclipse, and open the file in Eclipse doc viewer there always seem to be some extra characters at the beginning (pic below). They arent visible in VS2012, or if I open the file in Notepad. What character is that being put there, and how can i get it to stop? Below is a pic of a JS file I made i VS, and how it appears in Eclipse
Thats a UTF8 BOM, Ive heard thgis works well for windows
If you have access to linux you can use awk to remove