Fitting the iPhone 5 simulator on my screen? - iphone

Apple seems only to have included a retina version of the iPhone 5 (4-inch) simulator. This is great, but way too big to fit on my screen. Almost 35% is cut off, and I have a 23-inch monitor.
Are there any workarounds/hacks to make it fully display on my screen? Is it likely that Apple might include a non-retina (just normal sized) iPhone 5 simulator?
They have it for the iPhone 4, so not sure why they wouldn't include the same thing for iPhone 5..

If you look in Scale in the Window menu, you can make the simulator window 50% or 75% size.

Just hit command-1, 2 or 3 to scale.


Why does iPhone app resize for iPad but not iPhone 5

Why do original iPhone applications (normal screen size like iPhone 4/4s) in Xcode resize perfectly for iPad automatically and not for the slightly larger iPhone 5 screen size?
To fit a iPhone 4 view into the iPad each point is scaled equally into two directions. The aspect ratio of a iPhone4-point doesn't change on the iPad screen.
To fit a iPhone 4 view onto the iPhone 5 screen, each point has to be scaled in vertical direction only. This will distort each point and the view, similar to the distortions you get when you watch a movie in the wrong aspect ratio. A circle on the iPhone 4 screen won't be a circle on the iPhone 5. So you can't physically resize the pixels like it's done on the iPad.
In iOS-Development Autoresizing Masks come to the rescue. But there is no way to figure out if your app looks good if the auto resizing scales the view to iPhone 5 size. You have to test each app on a iPhone 5 sized screen. Apple didn't want to do this, so they put an opt-in in place, which you actively had to enable. They choose to use the iPhone5 launch image for that.
If your app looks good when it's vertically scaled simply provide the appropriate launch image.
If you used best practices to develop your iPhone 4 app that's basically all that is needed.
iPhone 5 support needs to be explicitly added by supplying a "Default-568h" start image.

if I changed app graphics for iphone 5 , is it going to work for iphone 4, 3GS properly

if I changed app graphics for iphone 5 , is it going to work for iphone 4, 3GS properly or the users have to resize the app like when you download iphone app in iPad ?
If you mean you are using both normal sized images and 2x images for retina display, you won't have a problem on older devices.
They'll just pickup the regular sized images while the ones with retina display will load the #2x ones.
What you do have to take into account is that if you don't include regular sized images (if you only use #2x images), older devices won't load them.
#2X will still work. However I did download xcode 4.5 with iOS 6 Gold Master seeds and played with it last night. The splash screen will include the new slightly higher resolution image 11??x640 as well as the 960x640 and 480x360.
For fullscreen images, you will have to supply at least two versions, better three.
One being 640 × 1136, one being 640 x 960 and one being 320 x 480.
For the 3.5" retina version, you may use the automatic selection (aka #2x). For the former 4" retina version it appears as if you will have to include your own code to select the right one.

How to turn on iPhone Retina in iOS Simulator?

I built and ran an iOS 4.3 app in Simulator. It initially brings up an iPhone 4 shell. Although all real iPhone 4s have retina display, this simulated iPhone 4 only has a resolution of 320x480.
I look in Hardware > Device. There's a checkmark next to the normal iPhone. So I'm using an iPhone 4 case but displaying normal iPhone resolution? I'm already confused!
✔ iPhone
iPhone (Retina)
I then switch over to iPhone (Retina). Strangely, it opens iPad with the same 320x480 resolution. Both the shell and the resolution are wrong here!
How am I supposed to turn Retina on and off and show it in the right shell?
iPhone (Retina) is the correct device to be choosing, but I'm not sure why Apple decided to use the iPad shell for that one. To enter 640x960 mode, go to Window > Scale and set it to 100%.
The iOS Simulator does indeed scale. I have no real reason to present on why it would choose the iPad shell, but the purpose of the scaling is to make sure it fits on your screen and stays (relatively) close to handset sizes. Be sure to check Window -> Scale and set it to whatever you find appropriate.

Running app built in iOS4 on iOS 3.0, why is everything huge?

My background and my icons are all huge, like it's zoomed in 2x. Any ideas why?
Check the images in the app- there should be two sets of images, with one set being at double resolution and suffixed with "#2x". If there's just one set and they seem large, odds are the developer never intended the app to be run on a device that's not running iOS4 (which seems odd, but there it is).
That's because the apps in iOS 4 are targeted for iPhone/iPod 4 which have a resolution of 960 x 640, whereas iOS 3 has a resolution of 480 x 320. Do read about Retina Display of iOS for further details.

Default picture for iPhone 4

How shall I manage to make a default image for my iphone application that is large enough for the Retina screen? The screenshots I take with the Organizer in XCode is 320px x 480px, however how can I manage to get a screenshot twice as large? It is just a picture of the UINavigationBar, empty area in the middle and a UITabBar at the bottom with all content removed.
Thanks in advance.
To take a simulator screenshot, use Ctrl+Apple+C. Then paste the image into Preview (menu/File/New from clipboard) and save. That will give you just the screen, sans the iPhoney window border. If you want one with the border, use Grabber.
For a Retina emulator, set the simulator to iPhone 4 mode. Menu/Hardware/Device/iPhone (Retina). Just tried - it works.
The easiest way is to run the app on a retina device and press both buttons at the same time to take a screenshot.
However, if you don't have access to a retina device, there is a great FREE program here: that can take screenshots directly from the simulator. For Retina images make sure your simulator is set to iPhone 4 and that your screen resolution is set high enough to display it in Retina.
I appreciate the help, however I do not have a Mac/PC that has the resolution that I need to display the iPhone 4 simulator properly(high resolution, apparently). If you have, the answers given is perfect, however my solution was to download this:
and then resize components to 640px x 960px (minus the statusbar).