Show only title (with linked) on tumblr index - tumblr

I'm looking for a way to only show posts titles (with link) on my tumblr index, and then show the entire post when you click.
I know about the "cut" function, but i want to simple hide the whole content on the index page only.

Simply use {block:IndexPage} to show the post titles and {block:PermalinkPage} to show all of the content.
Unfortunately, only three Tumblr post types support titles: Text, Chat and Link.


How can I change the title text of my website on a GitHub Pages website?

I have a GitHub Pages website and I don't know how to change the title text. Not the title text shown on the website, the little text next to the favicon on a webpage. I have attached a screenshot for you guys to view.
I have tried using the title thing in HTML but it ends up getting thrown at the main-content thing when I inspect element it and it gets ignored and uses its own custom title that I can't change.
This is the title that I am talking about
I don't want this title
This is the title I want
And this is what the title actually becomes, the wrong title.
Any way to do this?
I think you're looking for <title> text here </title>

How to get Facebook.ui Feed 'dialog'/'popup' to display Large preview

I've been working on facebook social sharing, and I have gotten it to work via 'dialog' & 'popup' modals.
My feed is Shared on Facebook feed with the newer Large display rectangle.
I've set up all the proper parameters such as:
my page renders meta-tags with og:image, og:image_secure_ssl, og:image:height, og:image:width, with their respective content="image/height/width"
I've used the facebook:debugger to freshly re-scrape/cache the url.
Using FB.ui(options...), there is no parameter for height/width to be sent to facebook. My images meet the correct sizes of 1200x800+, as well as their aspect ratio of 1.9:1
What I want to achieve in my preview-modal is this:
Go to this website, and click on the round black facebook share icon:
The much larger preview
My current preview-modal display currently is more like:
Go to this website, and click on the facebook share blue button:
The small square preview
I really like the bigger share modal preview, because it looks better imo.
Do you guys have any advice as to how I can proceed?
To get the large preview, you can either rely on the Share Dialog or open up the plain old in a popup. They both use the Open Graph metadata you set in the head.
The Feed Dialog can be used to override the OG meta, so you can specify a title, description, picture, but there's no way to set the picture's dimensions or the layout of the dialog...

hide an image from facebook

I want Facebook to ignore a particular image on a page. Is there any tag I can use that will hide an image from Facebook when users share a page?
We are using Joomla 3.4. The article pages that have an intro section that displays on category listing pages but is hidden on the actual article page. The intro section has a thumbnail 75 x 75.
In the main body of the article there is a larger image that we would like to display on Facebook but the og:image always selects the thumbnail first.
Is there any way I can add some parameter to the thumbnail so that it will be ignored?
Why don't you explicitly specify the larger image in your og:image tag? If you specify more than one og:image, as far as I know the first one is selected.

hyperlinks in text boxes app inventor

Since I cannot use activity starters in my listpicker, I want to include some youtube links in my text boxes of the listpicker. Is there a way to do this so that it actually is a hyperlink that goes to the youtube app?
Yes, this is possible, see here how to use the Activity Starter to view a Youtube Video
You might want to use two lists, a "nice" list with names to be displayed in the listpicker and a second list with the URLs to the videos. Then in the AfterPicking event of the listpicker just use the selection index of the listpicker to get the corresponding item from the second list and start the activity starter as demonstrated in the example above.

Tumblr Custom HTML

On Tumblr I want to have a 2 column format. That is, a main column plus a right column for the home page. But on the article page I want only the main column.
How can I edit the standard Tumblr theme to achieve this?
Use jQuery to display/hide the extra column et resize the main depending on what window.location returns.
If you prefer not to use jQuery, look at the {block:IndexPage} on the tumblr theme documentation
Wrap the column you want to hide in a {block:index}{/block:index} and it will only show in the home page, if it still dont work, wrap the column in a div and hide it useing css, like:
.your-wrap {display:none;}