if(iHandles[f].getInstruction() instanceof IFEQ ) {
getFieldInstruction = iHandles[f+1].getInstruction();
System.out.println("found IF");
InstructionList iprint = iFactory.createPrintln("The control is in IF");
iList.insert(getFieldInstruction, iprint);
In the above code I am instrumenting the bytecode at if statements.
I'm using constants like IFEQ or IF_ICMPNE to search for an if statement in a bytecode.
I want to instrument the bytecode at every method. What constants can I use to do this ? Or how is it possible?
The above code works for if ... getFieldInstruction = iHandles[0].getInstruction();
to instrument methods.
I would like to receive a multicast event from the LeapMotion plugin in C++. From their documentation, they mention the following things:
> On Hand Grabbed Event called when a leap hand grab gesture is
> detected. Signature: const FLeapHandData&, Hand, see FLeapHandData
> FLeapHandSignature OnHandGrabbed;
So in my .cpp file I added the following:
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
Leap = CreateDefaultSubobject<ULeapComponent>(TEXT("Leap"));
void ALeapMotionGesture::BeginPlay()
if (Leap != nullptr) {
FScriptDelegate Delegate;
Delegate.BindUFunction(this, FName("HandGrabbed"));
void ALeapMotionGesture::HandGrabbed(const FLeapHandData& Hand) {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Hand Grabbed"));
As it is the first time I'm using delegates in Unreal/C++, I would like to know how I could make it work?
It compiles fine however I do not receive any events.
Add UFUNCTION() on your function HandGrabbed
Short Answer
void ALeapMotionGesture::BeginPlay()
if (Leap != nullptr) {
FScriptDelegate Delegate;
Delegate.BindUFunction(this, FName("HandGrabbed"));
void ALeapMotionGesture::BeginPlay()
if (Leap != nullptr) {
Leap->OnHandGrabbed.AddDynamic(this, &ALeapMotionGesture::HandGrabbed);
Long Answer
ULeapComponent::OnHandGrabbed is a FLeapHandSignature which is declared with DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam.
The LeapMotion README says to consult the Multi-cast documentation, but they are using dynamic delegates, so you actually need to read the Dynamic Delegates documentation. There you will see you should use the AddDynamic helper macro which generates the function name string for you.
Dynamic Delegates make use of helper macros that take care of generating the function name string for you.
From the Dynamic Delegates doc:
Dynamic Delegate Binding
BindDynamic( UserObject, FuncName )
Helper macro for calling BindDynamic() on dynamic delegates.
Automatically generates the function name string.
AddDynamic( UserObject, FuncName )
Helper macro for calling AddDynamic() on dynamic multi-cast delegates.
Automatically generates the function name string.
RemoveDynamic( UserObject, FuncName )
Helper macro for calling RemoveDynamic() on dynamic multi-cast
delegates. Automatically generates the function name string.
Side Note
Dynamic delegates are serialized, which sometimes results in unexpected behavior. For example, you can have delegate functions being called even though your code is no longer calling AddDynamic (because a serialized/saved actor serialized the results of your old code) or you might call AddDynamic even though the deserialization process already did that for you. To be safe, you probably should call RemoveDynamic before AddDynamic. Here's a snippet from FoliageComponent.cpp:
// Ensure delegate is bound (just once)
CapsuleComponent->OnComponentBeginOverlap.RemoveDynamic(this, &AInteractiveFoliageActor::CapsuleTouched);
CapsuleComponent->OnComponentBeginOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &AInteractiveFoliageActor::CapsuleTouched);
I want to run some code before main begins, and before constructors for static variables run. I can do with with code like this (ideone)
extern "C" {
static void do_my_pre_init(void) {
// something
__attribute__ ((section (".preinit_array"))) void(*p_init)(void) = &do_my_pre_init;
Are there any language features that will not work correctly when executed in this function, due to _init and .init_array not yet having been executed?
Or is it only user code that should be hooking into this mechanism?
Some background on __libc_init_array
The source for a typical __libc_init_array is something like:
static void __libc_init_array() {
size_t count, i;
count = __preinit_array_end - __preinit_array_start;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
count = __init_array_end - __init_array_start;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
Where the __... symbols come from a linker script containing
. = ALIGN(4);
__preinit_array_start = .;
KEEP (*(.preinit_array))
__preinit_array_end = .;
. = ALIGN(4);
__init_array_start = .;
KEEP (*(SORT(.init_array.*)))
KEEP (*(.init_array))
__init_array_end = .;
Are there any language features that will not work correctly when executed in this function, due to _init and .init_array not yet having been executed?
This question is impossible to answer in general, because the language itself has no concept of .preinit_array, or _init, or .init_array. All of these concepts are implementation details for a particular system.
In reality, you aren't guaranteed to have anything work at all. Things as simple as malloc may not work (e.g. because the malloc subsystem itself may be using .preinit_array to initialize itself).
In practice, using dynamic linking on a GLIBC-based platform most everything will work (because libc.so.6 initializes itself long before the first instruction of the main executable runs).
For fully-static executable, all bets are off.
For non-GLIBC platform, you'll need to look into specifics of that platform (and you are very unlikely to find any guarantees).
Can I make function calls,
Function calls need no setup with fully-static linking, and need dynamic loader to have initialized in dynamic linking case. No dynamic loader will start executing code in the application before it has fully initialized itself, so function calls should be safe.
assign structs
In C, at best, this is a few instructions. At worst, this is a call to memcpy or memset. That should be safe.
use array initializers.
This is just a special case of struct assignment, so should be safe.
I am looking over an Xcode project I downloaded and am seeing code syntax that I am unfamiliar with:
The braces don't belong to a method signature, or any other conditional statement, they are just floating there. What is the point of this? Purely for code segregation/readability purposes?
This is just block scope; and is the same in C and C++. Any variables declared within the block are inaccessible outside of it. I commonly use it in switch statements:
switch(x) {
case 1: {
const char *s = "hi";
case 2: {
const char *s = "ho";
// etc.
Note that there are two variables called s, neither of which interfere with the other as they are within their own scope.
The declarations within the scope enclosed by the braces will be confined to that scope, so label, icon, and button will not be visible outside of it. As such it provides locality which is generally considered to be good.
Legacy code needed { } in order to do declarations at all
In C89, you couldn't just do int i; anywhere; declarations were only valid at the beginning of blocks.
check this for more explanation
Why enclose blocks of C code in curly braces?
I've just started making libraries in Arduino. I've made a library named inSerialCmd. I want to call a function named delegate() that is defined in the main program file, stackedcontrol.ino, after the inSerialCmd library is included.
When I try to compile, one error is thrown:
...\Arduino\libraries\inSerialCmd\inSerialCmd.cpp: In member function
'void inSerialCmd::serialListen()':
...\Arduino\libraries\inSerialCmd\inSerialCmd.cpp:32: error:
'delegate' has not been declared
After doing a bit of searching, it seemed that adding the scope resolution operator might do the trick. So I added the "::" before delegate(), now "::delegate()", but the same error is thrown.
Now I'm stumped.
You cannot and should not directly call a function in a program from a library. Keep in mind a key aspect that makes a library into a library:
A library does not depend on the specific application. A library can be fully compiled and packaged into the .a file without the existence of a program.
So there is a one way dependency, a program depends on a library. This at first glance may seem to prevent you from achieving what you want. You can achieve the functionality you are asking about through what is sometimes referred to as a callback. The main program would provide to the library at runtime a pointer to the function to execute.
// in program somwehere
int myDelegate(int a, int b);
// you set this to the library
setDelegate( myDelegate );
You see this in the arduino if you look at how interrupt handlers are installed. This same concept exists in many environments - event listeners, action adapters - all with the same goal of allowing a program to define the specific action that a library cannot know.
The library would store and call the function via the function pointer. Here is a rough sketch of what this looks like:
// in the main program
int someAction(int t1, int t2) {
return 1;
/* in library
this is the delegate function pointer
a function that takes two int's and returns an int */
int (*fpAction)(int, int) = 0;
/* in library
this is how an application registers its action */
void setDelegate( int (*fp)(int,int) ) {
fpAction = fp;
/* in libary
this is how the library can safely execute the action */
int doAction(int t1, int t2) {
int r;
if( 0 != fpAction ) {
r = (*fpAction)(t1,t2);
else {
// some error or default action here
r = 0;
return r;
/* in program
The main program installs its delegate, likely in setup() */
void setup () {
Solved. IntelliJ didn't highlight the fact that my imports were incomplete.
I have a simple Scala program that I'm trying to develop using jMock. Setting basic expectations works nicely but for some reason Scala does not understand my attempt to return a value from a mock object. My maven build spews out the following error
TestLocalCollector.scala:45: error: not found: value returnValue
one (nodeCtx).getParameter("FilenameRegex"); will( returnValue(regex))
And the respective code snippets are
#Before def setUp() : Unit = { nodeCtx = context.mock(classOf[NodeContext]) }
// the value to be returned
val regex = ".*\\.data"
// setting the expectations
one (nodeCtx).getParameter("FilenameRegex"); will( returnValue(regex))
To me it sounds that Scala is expecting that the static jMock method returnValue would be a val? What am I missing here?
Are you sure about the ';'?
one (nodeCtx).getParameter("FilenameRegex") will( returnValue(regex))
might work better.
In this example you see a line like:
expect {
one(blogger).todayPosts will returnValue(List(Post("...")))
with the following comment:
Specify what the return value should be in the same expression by defining "will" as Scala infix operator.
In the Java equivalent we would have to make a separate method call (which our favorite IDE may insist on putting on the next line!)
one(blogger).todayPosts; will(returnValue(List(Post("..."))))
-- semicolon only in the *Java* version
The OP explains it himself:
the returnValue static method was not visible, thus the errors.
And the will method just records an action on the latest mock operation, that's why it can be on the next line or after the semicolon :)
import org.jmock.Expectations
import org.jmock.Expectations._
new Expectations {
{ oneOf (nodeCtx).getParameter("FilenameRegex") will( returnValue(".*\\.data") ) }