Can I set the priority of a MongoDB query so that batch/archiving operations are yielded to user requests? - mongodb

I have been using Mongo's map/reduce for some time and this blocks other operations since the JS engine in 2.0 took out a lock (or so I believe). I am just experimenting with the new aggregation framework in 2.2 and had hoped that since it's just reading it would not need to lock, but according to db.currentOps() it is locking.
So in relation to the new aggregation framework (and indeed with any MongoDB operation) I would like to know if it's possible to indicate a priority of a certain operation so that MongoDB can intelligently yield low priority operations (such as some background updates) to a time-sensitive high-priority operation?

In this doc you can see it says Map Reduce "Allows substantial concurrent operation but exclusive to other javascript execution."
So this means that it already yields operation on the database. Plus mostly this is bounded to the map/reduce being a single threaded JavaScript operation.
But if you want make sure there is no locking you can write the output of Map Reduce to another database and then move the collection to the original database.
>use admin
>db.runCommand( {renameCollection: "mapreducedb.mycol", to: "appdb.mycol"} )
Same for the Aggregation Framework
EDIT: can't be used for the Aggregation framework (as of 2.2), as it does not have an {{$out}} operator to write to another database. But Aggregation operations are still safe to execute on the production/main database as Yielding of those operations will still occur.


Spring Data MongoDB Concurrent Updates Behavior

Imagine theres a document containing a single field: {availableSpots: 100}
and there are millions of users, racing to get a spot by sending a request to an API server.
each time a request comes, the server reads the document and if the availableSpot is > 0, it then decrements it by 1 and creates a booking in another collection.
Now i read that mongodb locks the document whenever an update operation is performed.
What will happen if theres a million concurrent requests? will it take a long time because the same document keeps getting locked? Also, the server reads the value of document before it tries to update the document, and by the time it acquires the lock, the spot may not be available anymore.
It is also possible that the threads are getting "availableSpot > 0" is true at the same instant in time, but in reality the availableSpot may not be enough for all the requests. How to deal with this?
The most important thing here is atomicity and concurrency.
1. Atomicity
Your operation to update (decrement by one) if availableSpots > 0 :
db.collection.updateOne({"availableSpots" :{$gt : 0}}, { $inc: { availableSpots: -1 })
is atomic.
$inc is an atomic operation within a single document.
Refer :
2. Concurrency
Since MongoDB has document-level concurrency control for write operations. Each update will take a lock on the document.
Now your questions:
What will happen if theres a million concurrent requests?
Yes each update will be performed one by one (due to locking) hence will slow down.
the server reads the value of document before it tries to update the
document, and by the time it acquires the lock, the spot may not be
available anymore.
Since the operation is atomic, this will not happen. It will work as you want, only 100 updates will be executed with number of affected rows greater than 0 or equal to 1.
MongoDB uses Wired Tiger as a default storage engine starting version 3.2.
Wired Tiger provides document level concurrency:
From docs:
WiredTiger uses document-level concurrency control for write
operations. As a result, multiple clients can modify different
documents of a collection at the same time.
For most read and write operations, WiredTiger uses optimistic
concurrency control. WiredTiger uses only intent locks at the global,
database and collection levels. When the storage engine detects
conflicts between two operations, one will incur a write conflict
causing MongoDB to transparently retry that operation.
When multiple clients are trying to update a value in a document, only that document will be locked, but not the entire collections.
My understanding is that you are concerned about the performance of many concurrent ACID-compliant transactions against two separate collections:
a collection (let us call it spots) with one document {availableSpots: 999..}
another collection (let us call it bookings) with multiple documents, one per booking.
Now i read that mongodb locks the document whenever an update operation is performed.
It is also possible that the threads are getting "availableSpot > 0"
is true at the same instant in time, but in reality the availableSpot
may not be enough for all the requests. How to deal with this?
With version 4.0, MongoDB provides the ability to perform multi-document transactions against replica sets. (The forthcoming MongoDB 4.2 will extend this multi-document ACID transaction capability to sharded clusters.)
This means that no write operations within a multi-document transaction (such as updates to both the spots and bookings collections, per your proposed approach) are visible outside the transaction until the transaction commits.
Nevertheless, as noted in the MongoDB documentation on transactions a denormalized approach will usually provide better performance than multi-document transactions:
In most cases, multi-document transaction incurs a greater performance
cost over single document writes, and the availability of
multi-document transaction should not be a replacement for effective
schema design. For many scenarios, the denormalized data model
(embedded documents and arrays) will continue to be optimal for your
data and use cases. That is, for many scenarios, modeling your data
appropriately will minimize the need for multi-document transactions.
In MongoDB, an operation on a single document is atomic. Because you can use embedded documents and arrays to capture relationships between data in a single document structure instead of normalizing across multiple documents and collections, this single-document atomicity obviates the need for multi-document transactions for many practical use cases.
But do bear in mind that your use case, if implemented within one collection as a single denormalized document containing one availableSpots sub-document and many thousands of bookings sub-documents, may not be feasible as the maximum document size is 16MB.
So, in conclusion, a denormalized approach to write atomicity will usually perform better than a multi-document approach, but is constrained by the maximum document size of 16MB.
You can try using findAndModify() option while trying to update the document. Each time you will need to cherry pick whichever field you want to update in that particular document. Also, since mongo db replicates data to Primary and secondary nodes, you may also want to adjust your WriteConcern values as well. You can read more about this in official documentation. I have something similar coded that handles similar kind of concurrency issues in mongoDB using spring mongoTemplate. Let me know if you want any reference related to java with that.

MongoKitten batch update is atomic or not?

In Vapor MongoKitten there is an update method which accept array of documents. Is update atomically executed or it is method only for convenient use? MongoDB doc says:
When a single write operation modifies multiple documents, the
modification of each document is atomic, but the operation as a whole
is not atomic and other operations may interleave.
I'm assuming you're pointing towards the update(bulk method for multiple update queries. This function executes a single batch query with multiple update statements. Each update is executed separately but they are submitted in a single batch to MongoDB to limit network load and increase app performance. It's primarily intended for migrations, although there sure are other use cases.
EDIT: For the record, this is true for MongoKitten 4. The upcoming MongoKitten 5 release may not support this in the initial version of the high level APIs.

(Real time) Small data aggregation MongoDB: triggers?

What is a reliable and efficient way to aggregate small data in MongoDB?
Currently, my data that needs to be aggregated is under 1 GB, but can go as high as 10 GB. I'm looking for a real time strategy or near real time (aggregation every 15 minutes).
It seems like the likes of Map/Reduce, Hadoop, Storm are all over kill. I know that triggers don't exist, but I found this one post that may be ideal for my situation. Is creating a trigger in MongoDB an ideal solution for real time small data aggregation?
MongoDB has two built-in options for aggregating data - the aggregation framework and map-reduce.
The aggregation framework is faster (executing as native C++ code as opposed to a JavaScript map-reduce job) but more limited in the sorts of aggregations that are supported. Map-reduce is very versatile and can support very complex aggregations but is slower than the aggregation framework and can be more difficult to code.
Either of these would be a good option for near real time aggregation.
One further consideration to take into account is that as of the 2.4 release the aggregation framework returns a single document containing its results and is therefore limited to returning 16MB of data. In contrast, MongoDB map-reduce jobs have no such limitation and may output directly to a collection. In the upcoming 2.6 release of MongoDB, the aggregation framework will also gain the ability to output directly to a collection, using the new $out operator.
Based on the description of your use case, I would recommend using map-reduce as I assume you need to output more than 16MB of data. Also, note that after the first map-reduce run you may run incremental map-reduce jobs that run only on the data that is new/changed and merge the results into the existing output collection.
As you know, MongoDB doesn't support triggers, but you may easily implement triggers in the application by tailing the MongoDB oplog. This blog post and this SO post cover the topic well.

Why db object is not accessible from map function in Mongodb's Mapreduce?

In Mongodb's Mapreduce, Before I think there was "db"(like db.anotherCollection.find()) object accessible inside map function. But this features has been removed(from version 1.6 or so on), which make difficult in case of join. what was the reason? why it has been removed?
As at MongoDB 2.4 there are several reasons to disallow access to the db object with from within Map/Reduce functions including:
Deadlocks: There are potential deadlock scenarios between database and/or JavaScript locks called from within the same server-side function.
Performance: The Map/Reduce pattern calls reduce() multiple times; each iteration is a different JavaScript context and would have to open new connections to the database and allocate additional memory for query results. Long-running JavaScript operations will block other operations.
Security: Cross-database queries require appropriate authentication checks.
The above issues could be further complicated for Map/Reduce jobs reading or writing to sharded clusters. The MongoDB Map/Reduce implementation is currently only designed to work with data from a single input collection, and any historical abuses of db object within Map/Reduce functions should be considered a bug rather than a feature.
If you want to merge data with Map/Reduce, you can use an Incremental Map/Reduce. Depending on what outcome you are trying to achieve, there are other approaches that may be more straightforward such as adjusting your schema or doing joins in your application code via multiple queries.

MongoDB - How does locking work for Map Reduce?

Does MongoDB map reduce lock a collection when performing an operation on it?
I have some collections that are widely and intensively used by an application. A Map/Reduce runs in the background every 10 minutes via a cron job, on that widely and intensively used collection.
I want to know if there is a high probability that Map/Reduce won't perform well because other operations are in progress (inserts, updates, and mostly reads) on that collection. In particular, I want know if Map/Reduce interferes with normal operations performed on the collection by users.
MapReduce, if outputting to a collection will take multiple write locks out as it writes (as any operation which is creating/updating a collection would). If you are doing an in-line MR, then you avoid that locking (but have limitations on result sizes). Even so, there are still read-locks and the Javascript lock (single threaded for server side JS on mongoDB right now).
This is all explained (and will be updated if it changes) here:
Note: the SpiderMonkey to V8 JS engine migration issues are ones to watch if multi-threading is something you are concerned about.