MATLAB: how to stack up arrays "shape-agnostically"? - matlab

Suppose that f is a function of one parameter whose output is an n-dimensional (m1 × m2… × mn) array, and that B is a vector of length k whose elements are all valid arguments for f.
I am looking for a convenient, and more importantly, "shape-agnostic", MATLAB expression (or recipe) for producing the (n+1)-dimensional (m1 × m2 ×…× mn × k) array obtained by "stacking" the k n-dimensional arrays f(b), where the parameter b ranges over B.
To do this in numpy, I would use an expression like this one:
C = concatenate([f(b)[..., None] for b in B], -1)
In case it's of any use, I'll unpack this numpy expression below (see APPENDIX), but the feature of it that I want to emphasize now is that it is entirely agnostic about the shapes/sizes of f(b) and B. For the types of applications I have in mind, the ability to write such "shape-agnostic" code is of utmost importance. (I stress this point because much MATLAB code I come across for doing this sort of manipulation is decidedly not "shape-agnostic", and I don't know how to make it so.)
In general, if A is a numpy array, then the expression A[..., None] can be thought as "reshaping" A so that it gets one extra, trivial, dimension. Thus, if f(b) is an n-dimensional (m1 × m2… × mn) array, then, f(b)[..., None] is the corresponding (n+1)-dimensional (m1 × m2 ×…× mn × 1) array. (The reason for adding this trivial dimension will become clear below.)
With this clarification out of the way, the meaning of the first argument to concatenate, namely:
[f(b)[..., None] for b in B]
is not too hard to decipher. It is a standard Python "list comprehension", and it evaluates to the sequence of the k (n+1)-dimensional (m1 × m2 ×…× mn × 1) arrays f(b)[..., None], as the parameter b ranges over the vector B.
The second argument to concatenate is the "axis" along which the concatenation is to be performed, expressed as the index of the corresponding dimension of the arrays to be concatenated. In this context, the index -1 plays the same role as the end keyword does in MATLAB. Therefore, the expression
concatenate([f(b)[..., None] for b in B], -1)
says "concatenate the arrays f(b)[..., None] along their last dimension". It is in order to provide this "last dimension" to concatenate over that it becomes necessary to reshape the f(b) arrays (with, e.g., f(b)[..., None]).

One way of doing that is:
% input:
f=#(x) x*ones(2,2)
Maybe there are more elegant solutions?

Shape agnosticity is an important difference between the philosophies underlying NumPy and Matlab; it's a lot harder to accomplish in Matlab than it is in NumPy. And in my view, shape agnosticity is a bad thing, too -- the shape of matrices has mathematical meaning. If some function or class were to completely ignore the shape of the inputs, or change them in a way that is not in accordance with mathematical notations, then that function destroys part of the language's functionality and intent.
In programmer terms, it's an actually useful feature designed to prevent shape-related bugs. Granted, it's often a "programmatic inconvenience", but that's no reason to adjust the language. It's really all in the mindset.
Now, having said that, I doubt an elegant solution for your problem exists in Matlab :) My suggestion would be to stuff all of the requirements into the function, so that you don't have to do any post-processing:
f = #(x) bsxfun(#times, permute(x(:), [2:numel(x) 1]), ones(2,2, numel(x)) )
Now obviously this is not quite right, since f(1) doesn't work and f(1:2) does something other than f(1:4), so obviously some tinkering has to be done. But as the ugliness of this oneliner already suggests, a dedicated function might be a better idea. The one suggested by Oli is pretty decent, provided you lock it up in a function of its own:
function y = f(b)
g = #(x)x*ones(2,2); %# or whatever else you want
y = arrayfun(g,b, 'uni',false);
y = cat(ndims(y{1})+1,y{:});
so that f(b) for any b produces the right output.


Solving for [A] to satisfy [A]*[B]=[C] when [C] is known and [B] is randomly generated with less rows than columns

My goal is to solve for a matrix [A] that satisfies [A]*[B]=[C] where [C] is known and [B] is randomly generated. Below is an example:
C=[1/3 1/3 1/3]'*[1/3 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6];
ans =
Here the elements of [C_test] are within 1e-15 to the original [C], but when [B] has less rows than columns, the error dramatically increases (not sure is norm() is the best way to show the error, but I think it illustrates the problem). For example:
ans =
Additional methods:
ans =
/ Operator
ans =
Why does this happen? In both cases [B]*pinv([B])=[I] so it seems like the process should work.
If this is a numerical or algebraic fact of life associated with pinv() or the other methods, is there another way I can generate [A] to satisfy the equation? Thank you!
Since C is 3×5, the number of elements in C and hence the number of equations is equal to 15. If B is 5×5, the number of unknowns (the elements in A) equals 3×5 = 15 as well, and the solution will be accurate.
If on the other hand B is for instance 3×5, the number of elements in A is equal to 3×3 = 9 and hence the system is overdetermined, which means that the resulting A will be the least-squares solution.
See for general information wikipedia: System of linear equations, and Matlabs Overdetermined system.
The resulting matrix A is the best fit and there is no way to improve (in a least square sense).
In response to your second question: you are measuring the quality of A*B as an approximation of C by applying the 2-norm to A*B-C: which is equivalent to least-squares fitting. In this measure, all the approaches that you use provide the optimal answer.
If you however would prefer some other measure, such as the 1-norm, the Infinity-norm or any other measure (for instance by picking different weights for column, row or element), the obtained answers from the original approach will of course not be necessarily optimal with respect to this new measure.
The most general approach would be to use some optimization routine, like this:
x = fminunc(f, zeros(3*size(B,1),1));
A = reshape(x,3,size(B,1));
where f is some (any) measure. The least-square measure should result in the same A. So if you try this one:
f = #(x) norm(reshape(x,3,size(B,1))*B - C);
A should match the results in your approaches.
But you could use any f here. For instance, try the 1-norm:
f = #(x) norm(reshape(x,3,size(B,1))*B - C, 1);
Or something crazy like:
f = #(x) sum(abs(reshape(x,3,size(B,1))*B - C)*[1 10 100 1000 10000]');
This will give different results, which are according to the new measure f optimal. That being said, I would stick to the least squares ;)

which hash functions are orthogonal to each other?

I'm interested in multi-level data integrity checking and correcting. Where multiple error correcting codes are being used (they can be 2 of the same type of codes). I'm under the impression that a system using 2 codes would achieve maximum effectiveness if the 2 hash codes being used were orthogonal to each other.
Is there a list of which codes are orthogonal to what? Or do you need to use the same hashing function but with different parameters or usage?
I expect that the first level ecc will be a reed-solomon code, though I do not actually have control over this first function, hence I cannot use a single code with improved capabilities.
Note that I'm not concerned with encryption security.
Edit: This is not a duplicate of
When are hash functions orthogonal to each other? due to it essentially asking what the definition of orthogonal hash functions are. I want examples of which hash functions that are orthogonal.
I'm not certain it is even possible to enumerate all orthogonal hash functions. However, you only asked for some examples, so I will endeavour to provide some as well as some intuition as to what properties seem to lead to orthogonal hash functions.
From a related question, these two functions are orthogonal to each other:
Domain: Reals --> Codomain: Reals
f(x) = x + 1
g(x) = x + 2
This is a pretty obvious case. It is easier to determine orthogonality if the hash functions are (both) perfect hash functions such as these are. Please note that the term "perfect" is meant in the mathematical sense, not in the sense that these should ever be used as hash functions.
It is a more or less trivial case for perfect hash functions to satisfy orthogonality requirements. Whenever the functions are injective they are perfect hash functions and are thus orthogonal. Similar examples:
Domain: Integers --> Codomain: Integers
f(x) = 2x
g(x) = 3x
In the previous case, this is an injective function but not bijective as there is exactly one element in the codomain mapped to by each element in the domain, but there are many elements in the codomain that are not mapped to at all. These are still adequate for both perfect hashing and orthogonality. (Note that if the Domain/Codomain were Reals, this would be a bijection.)
Functions that are not injective are more tricky to analyze. However, it is always the case that if one function is injective and the other is not, they are not orthogonal:
Domain: Reals --> Codomain: Reals
f(x) = e^x // Injective -- every x produces a unique value
g(x) = x^2 // Not injective -- every number other than 0 can be produced by two different x's
So one trick is thus to know that one function is injective and the other is not. But what if neither is injective? I do not presently know of an algorithm for the general case that will determine this other than brute force.
Domain: Naturals --> Codomain: Naturals
j(x) = ceil(sqrt(x))
k(x) = ceil(x / 2)
Neither function is injective, in this case because of the presence of two obvious non-injective functions: ceil and abs combined with a restricted domain. (In practice most hash functions will not have a domain more permissive than integers.) Testing out values will show that j will have non-unique results when k will not and vice versa:
j(1) = ceil(sqrt(1)) = ceil(1) = 1
j(2) = ceil(sqrt(2)) = ceil(~1.41) = 2
k(1) = ceil(x / 2) = ceil(0.5) = 1
k(2) = ceil(x / 2) = ceil(1) = 1
But what about these functions?
Domain: Integers --> Codomain: Reals
m(x) = cos(x^3) % 117
n(x) = ceil(e^x)
In these cases, neither of the functions are injective (due to the modulus and the ceil) but when do they have a collision? More importantly, for what tuples of values of x do they both have a collision? These questions are hard to answer. I would suspect they are not orthogonal, but without a specific counterexample, I'm not sure I could prove that.
These are not the only hash functions you could encounter, of course. So the trick to determining orthogonality is first to see if they are both injective. If so, they are orthogonal. Second, see if exactly one is injective. If so, they are not orthogonal. Third, see if you can see the pieces of the function that are causing them to not be injective, see if you can determine its period or special cases (such as x=0) and try to come up with counter-examples. Fourth, visit math-stack-exchange and hope someone can tell you where they break orthogonality, or prove that they don't.

Matlab: Multiple assignment through logical indexing

I am wondering if there is some way, how to multiple assign values to different variables according logical vector.
For example:
I have variables a, b, c and logical vector l=[1 0 1] and vector with values v but just for a and c. Vector v is changing its dimension, but everytime, it has the same size as the number of true in l.
I would like to assign just new values for a and c but b must stay unchanged.
Any ideas? Maybe there is very trivial way but I didn't figure it out.
Thanks a lot.
I think your problem is, that you stored structured data in an unstructured way. You assume a b c to have a natural order, which is pretty obvious but not represented in your code.
Replacing a b c with a vector x makes it a really easy task.
Assuming you want to keep your variable names, the simplest possibility I know would be to write a function:
function varargout=update(l,v,varargin)
Usage would be:

Matlab: optimal-distance matching of the elements of two sets

I have two floating-point number vectors which contain the same values up to a small error, but not necessarily sorted in the same way; for instance, A=rand(10);a=eig(A);b=eig(A+1e-10); (remember that eig outputs eigenvalues in no specified order).
I need to find a permutation p that matches the corresponding elements, i.e. p=mysterious_function(a,b) such that norm(a-b(p)) is small.
Is there an existing function that does this in a sane and safe way, or do I really need to roll out my own slow and poorly-error-checked implementation?
I need this only for test purposes for now, it need not be excessively optimized. Notice that the solution which involves sorting both vectors with sort fails in case of vectors containing complex equal-modulus arguments, such as the typical output of eig().
You seem to want to solve the linear assignment problem. I haven't tested it myself, but this piece of code should help you.
I believe that the sort() solution you discarded might actually work for you; The criteria you have defined minimize norm(a-b) is, by definition, considering the modulus (absolute value) of the complex number: norm(a-b) == sqrt(sum(abs(a-b).^2))
And as you know, SORT orders complex numbers based on their absolute value: sort(a) is equivalent to sort(abs(a)) for complex input.
%# sort by complex-magnitude
[sort(a) sort(b)]
As long as the same order is applied to both, you might as well try lexicographic ordering (sort by real part, if equal, then sort by imaginary part):
%# lexicographic sort order
[~,ordA] = sortrows([real(a) imag(a)],[1 2]);
[~,ordB] = sortrows([real(b) imag(b)],[1 2]);
[b(ordB) a(ordA)]
If you are too lazy to implement the Hungarian algorithm that #AnthonyLabarre suggested, go for brute-forcing:
A = rand(5);
a = eig(A);
b = eig(A+1e-10);
bb = perms(b); %# all permutations of b
nrm = sqrt( sum(abs(bsxfun(#minus, a,bb')).^2) ); %'
[~,idx] = min(nrm); %# argmin norm(a-bb(i,:))
[bb(idx,:)' a]
Beside the fact that eigenvalues returned by EIG are not guaranteed to be sorted, there is another difficulty you have to deal with if you to match eigenvectors as well: they are not unique in the sense that if v is an eigenvector, then k*v is also one, especially for k=-1. Usually you would enforce a sign convention like: multiply by -/+1 so that the largest element in each vector have a positive sign.

Minimizing objective function by changing a variable - in Matlab?

I have a 101x82 size matrix called A. Using this variable matrix, I compute two other variables called:
1) B, a 1x1 scalar, and
2) C, a 50x6 matrix.
I compare 1) and 2) with their analogues variables 3) and 4), whose values are fixed:
3) D, a 1x1 scalar, and
4) E, a 50x6 matrix.
Now, I want to perturb/change the values of A matrix, such that:
1) ~ 3), i.e. B is nearly equal to D , and
2) ~ 4), i.e. C is nearly equal to E
Note that on perturbing A, B and C will change, but not D and E.
Any ideas how to do this? Thanks!
I can't run your code as it's demanding to load data (which I don't have) and it's not immediatly obvious how to calculate B or C.
Fortunately I may be able to answer your problem. You're describing an optimization problem, and the solution would be to use fminsearch (or something of that variety).
What you do is define a function that returns a vector with two elements:
y1 = (B - D)^weight1;
y2 = norm((C - E), weight2);
with weight being how strong you allow for variability (weight = 2 is usually sufficient).
Your function variable would be A.
From my understanding you have a few functions.
fb(A) = B
fc(A) = C
Do you know the functions listed above, that is do you know the mappings from A to each of these?
If you want to try to optimize, so that B is close to D, you need to pick:
What close means. You can look at some vector norm for the B and D case, like minimizing ||B-D||^2. The standard sum of the squares of the elements of this different will probably do the trick and is computationally nice.
How to optimize. This depends a lot on your functions, whether you want local or global mimina, etc.
So basically, now we've boiled the problem down to minimizing:
Cost = ||fb(A) - fd(A)||^2
One thing you can certainly do is to compute the gradient of this cost function with respect to the individual elements of A, and then perform minimization steps with forward Euler method with a suitable "time step". This might not be fast, but with small enough time step and well-behaved enough functions it will at least get you to a local minima.
Computing the gradient of this
grad_A(cost) = 2*||fb(A)-fd(A)||*(grad_A(fb)(A)-grad_A(fd)(A))
Where grad_A means gradient with respect to A, and grad_A(fb)(A) means gradient with respect to A of the function fb evaluated at A, etc.
Computing the grad_A(fb)(A) depends on the form of fb, but here are some pages have "Matrix calculus" identities and explanations.
Matrix calculus identities
Matrix calculus explanation
Then you simply perform gradient descent on A by doing forward Euler updates:
A_next = A_prev - timestep * grad_A(cost)