See Repositories where I am Collaborator - github

I am a collaborator on a private repo, but it doesn't show up under my repositories. I also cannot see it on the other user's repository listing because it is private. I have confirmed that I am able to push/pull to the repo. Is there a way to access this repository using Github without typing in the full URL ?

You can see the repositories where you're a collaborator. To do this, head to the Repositories section of your account's settings (
There should be a Leave action button aside each repository you're a collaborator on.

Even though it won't show up in YOUR repositories, it should appear on your github dashboard (click the github logo), on the bottom right. There should be a list that has buttons at the top to filter all, public, and private repos. Try clicking the private button and it should be there.
Note that if you have opted in to the new dashboard, the above doesn't apply, but you can see the repositories (owner and collaborator) on the left..

A simpler place (as per today) to find private repositories you are collaborating on is to go to (do not include your username, but make sure you are already logged in). On the left hand side, you can find a search interface or click "show more" to see them all.
It's weird that as per today, if you try to do this from the Repositories you won't find them.


How to make a shared Github repo?

I'm making a project that I want to share with 3 other people, only I would be working on it. But I want to share the repo with them so they can host the project individually on Vercel by importing the repo from their Github accounts.
I know they can just fork it, but is it possible to link their "forked" repo to mine so when I make the changes it automatically changes their repo which should also automatically update the deployed project.
You can invite users to become collaborators to your personal repository.
Ask for the username of the person you're inviting as a collaborator.
On, navigate to the main page of the repository.
Under your repository name, click Settings.
In the "Access" section of the sidebar, click Collaborators & teams.
Click Invite a collaborator.
In the search field, start typing the name of person you want to invite, then click a name in the list of matches.
The user will receive an email inviting them to the repository. Once they accept your invitation, they will have collaborator access to your repository.
for more detail maybe you can check how to invite collaborators in GitHub Documentation.

how can i add admins to a private github repository, there is no manage access option?

I have a github(enterprise) repository(private repo) and want to make a someone the admin of the same. The issue here is that i don't see from where i can do that there's only an option to add collaborators and no manage access option.
can someone tell how this can be done?
Open your repository's Settings
Click Collaborators & teams in the sidebar
Add your coworker as a collaborator (if you haven't already)
Select your coworker's Role and change it to Admin
For more information, see Managing teams and people with access to your repository

Github visible actions

I've been invited to a repo by an organization for a take home interview project. I'm concerned that if I accept it that it will show up on the github feed and my coworkers are able to see it. Especially when I make commits and pull request. Is this true? Can it be prevented?
It will show up on your feed. (Kinda) It will say x contributions in private repositories. You can see an example below from my account:
People that do have view access or higher will see the repository and what you did, PRs, issues, etc.

Remove public repository from my GitHub account

In my GitHub account I am seeing two public repository along with my private repository. I am not sure how these public repository came up in my account. Now I want to delete them from my account but as I am not seeing the Settings options on the repository page.
Following is the landing page of my account.
When I search for all types of repository, at that time it is not showing those two public repositories.
can you click into the repositories and hit settings on the far right? scroll down and in the "danger zone" you should be able to delete it, if it is yours, among other options.

How to not see an old GitHub repo anymore

In my list of repos I have an old repo that I worked on for 1 hr.
I would like to not see it anymore, I would like to not be involved with it anymore, I want it off of my screen.
How do I do it?
Here is a screen of my repo list:
It sounds like you want to delete the repo. That will completely remove it though, not only from that list. You won't be able to access it again.
You might want to save of backup first if there is any chance you will want to access it later, especially if the work you did hasn't been pushed into the project that you forked it from.
You can delete a repo by going to the "Settings" page for that repo (click on the repo in that list and "Settings" is a tab on the next page), then scrolling all the way to the bottom and clicking on "Delete this repository".
I think what you are wanting to ask is how to delete a GitHub repository.
Deleting a repository as #Paulpro rightly said will remove all your data from the given account so if you need any data it will be wise to take a backup.
How to delete a Github Account:
Login to your Github Account
Open the repository you wish to delete
On the menu of Repository click on Settings (the menu contains commits, settings, contributors etc.The last tab is settings there.)
Scroll down to the very bottom, the last option will be delete repository, click on that
In a confirmation box that comes enter the repository name as it is and then confirm to delete the repository.
Note These steps are to delete a repository.If you just wish to hide a repository from the public you will need a private repository option which requires a paid Github Account.