Order BY 2 fields in FQL - facebook

I'm trying to sort friends by 2 criterias those who use my app first and has the most number mutual friends with me. Is there any way to sort by 2 fields in FQL?
I've found work around using mutual_friend_count * is_app_user as a sorting criteria, but it works only for app_user = 1 and doesn't perform sorting for those who is 0.
The original query is:
SELECT uid, name, is_app_user, mutual_friend_count
FROM user
WHERE uid IN(SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) AND uid != me() ORDER BY (mutual_friend_count * is_app_user) DESC LIMIT 333
Execute in graph API/FQL explorer.

I've found work around using mutual_friend_count * is_app_user as a sorting criteria, but it works only for app_user = 1 and doesn't perform sorting for those who is 0.
Of course it doesn’t, because f.e. 66 * 0 gives the same sorting value as 15 * 0 does.
But assuming no one has a mutual friend count greater than 99999, you could sort by is_app_user * 99999 + mutual_friends_count.
This will give app users a “base value” of 99999, and get the number of mutual friends added. For non-app-users, the base value will still be 0, and get the number of mutual friends added as well.
So app users will have a much higher sort value than non-app-users, and will thereby get ranked first – with the added mutual_friends_count taken into account. Non-app-users will still get ranked by their mutual_friends_count, but only after the app users, because they have a much lower sort value.
The only thing that can be a little tricky, is getting the + sign into the query – it has to be URL-encoded as %2B when passing it to the Graph API Explorer via URL, but it does not show it as part of the query afterwards. But from a look at the result, it seems to be using it in making the query nevertheless:
See example query here.


Facebook FQL query returns no results for language field

Facebook FQL query returns no results for languages field if there is a clause specifying languages id or name. If there is no WHERE clause for languages then all fields are returned.
SELECT uid,name,languages.name FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) AND (strpos(lower(languages.name), lower("English")) >= 0)
See the following link for an example:
I have had no problems with other fields or FQL queries. All permissions are requested for authorization token.
Apparently you can't "filter" on fields containing array, filtering on fields containing objects works as you sketched out. I don't think this is documented in the Facbook API docs.
See my answer here as well: FQL Query for facebook

FQL - How do i filter friends based on their work history

I am trying to filter my friends based on work history by using fql, but fql does not return any results.
Here is the fql i am trying:
select uid,username,work from user where uid in (select uid1 from friend where uid2 = $myid) and work.employer.id IN ($someid)
i get the result -
"data": [
Am i doing something wrong?
This is because the work field doesn't obey like the other fields due to how the arrays are set up for each each work object. For example strlen(work.employer.id) gives 0.
So in short FQL doesn't support this feature. You can try submitting a bug report.

Facebook Graph API: get all the friends' likes

I don't particularly fancy the idea of getting a list of friends with 'me/friends' and then iterating over the list to get likes for a particular friend with '%id%/likes' - this takes way to long.
Is there a way to bulk query likes of users' friends in a single API call?
You can use FQL multi-query to get all at once, here is how:
"friends":"SELECT name, uid FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())",
"friendsLikes":"SELECT uid, page_id FROM page_fan WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid FROM #friends)",
"pages":"SELECT page_id, name FROM page WHERE page_id IN (SELECT page_id FROM #friendsLikes)"
You can test this in http://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/
You are going to get three result sets one after another, list of friends, list of all of their likes together and then list of page names.
(Note that the query may take a while to execute, so you may want to put a LIMIT on the first line. After uid1 = me() put a LIMIT 5 for example, for testing...)
Then include it in your code in whatever language/platform you are using, for example on iOS:
You can also do the same query using the Graph API:
This will solve the issue of the grouping.

Ambiguity in friend_Count in user table [FQL] [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Fetching list of friends in Graph API or FQL - Appears to be missing some friends
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am working on FQL to retrieve the friends count of a particular user.
When i use the query Select friend_count from user where uid = me() I get a number which is different from the count i get from this query i.e select uid2 from friend where uid1= me()
Why is an ambiguity here?
Does friend_count also includes pending requests then?
If yes how can retrieve those UIDs?
Select friend_count from user where uid = me() returned me X and select uid2 from friend where uid1= me() returned me Y.
My X is greater than Y which makes me think if X includes the pendin g requests but i am not able to find (X-Y).
The difference is that friend_count returns the total number of friends, regardless of their privacy settings.
Counting the results of SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1= me() may be lower because users who have either restricted their visibility in Settings->Apps->Apps Others Use or have turned off Platform Apps will never be returned in FQL or Graph API queries.

Need help in FQL query

I tried the query on FQL using https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer
The command I entered was SELECT message FROM status WHERE uid = me()
But the data returned was limited to 100 entries only. Is there some kind of restriction on the amount of data entered? Is there a way to change this restriction?
You can specify limit to the number of results returned.
The default is 100 as you can see. You should consider using larger limits.
Example: SELECT message FROM status WHERE uid = me() limit 200;