Initial width on iphone / ipad - iphone

i'm using this template for wordpress:
When I try to load on iphone/ipad, the page don't fit to all wide because only show a portion. I don't want horizontal scroll either.
If I open the theme from a ThemeForest link, works good (maybe for the iframe?):
I tried to change the main container width to 960px, but don't work.
Could somebody help me?

Remove this line
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" />
The site should then automatically fit inside the viewport. This line is basically telling the device to take the pixelwidth of the device (width=device-width) and match it to your site, by 'zooming in'.
Say your site is 960px wide, and the device is 320px wide; it will then only show the leftmost part (320px wide) of the site, leaving 640px 'flowing over' to the right.
Not specifying a viewport width will force the device to show the full site.


Resize iPad CSS layout to fit in iPhone screen

I have a CSS layout for a web-based game that was designed to fit the iPad screen only (it's running inside an iPad app). Now I want to port that same game to the iPhone. If I simply run the app using the iPhone 5 simulator, it will just show me a 320x568 section of the screen.
I was wondering if there was a way to (automatically?) shrink down every component on the page to be smaller and fit the iPhone 5's screen. There's lots of images that were designed with the iPad's resolution in mind, so they're bigger than they should be on the iPhone. Can these be resized by the CSS depending on the screen size or would I need to resize them all manually?
In the index.html file I already have included:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
It won't size automatically to the iPhone's screen however. There's also a lot of hardcoded pixel values. Can I simply change those to a percentage that's relative to the screen?
For the record, I didn't write this code, and am not THAT good at CSS. Thank you for your help.
You can checkout this website for help... You can study how to fit a layout as per device size.
Don't blame if the link expires;-)

Viewport meta tag not working for iPhone

My site has a fixed layout with a size of 1090px.
When I use this meta tag:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, maximum-scale=1">
the page will load zoomed in. Not all the way though (roughly 300px in width are out of view).
Also, you can not zoom the page out far enough to see the whole thing.
Shouldn't the width=device-width solve that?
So I tried an initial-scale of 0.29, which worked fine for the iPhone. But when loading the site on an iPad, it would obviously be way too small.
How can I fix this?
So I just figured, that the width seems to be defined by the height of my page.
Safari on the iPhone fits the height in the viewport and doesn't care about fitting the width, also won't let you zoom out to see the whole width. It seem like if the page would be higher, you could see more of the width.
The width is just fine in landscape.
If your design is not responsive, It is better to target particular device resolution like for 320 width I would go for <meta name="viewport" content="width=320">
I have also noticed that content set as device width tend to break on ios 4 safari. I am afraid it's not the problem of ios safari it's the non-responsive design that causing the problem.
Also if the design is not responsive, then using this combination is worst
user-scalable=no or maximum-scale=1 with initial-scale=1
playing with initial scale will not solve the problem for all the devices.

iPhone Scaling: Can't see full website

I'm having some issues with a page that doesn't have a lot of content and therefore has a small height. The iPhone is scaling the page, and due to this, I can't see the full menu bar (960px wide). I put a minimum height using a media query for both portrait mode and mobile devices with a minimum resolution. I really dislike doing this as I don't know how this will work on other devices, and it only works if the user doesn't rotate the screen (after rotation, the original issue re-occurs).
Is there some way to force the iphone to show a minimum width of 960px even if the height of the content doesn't fill the screen?
You can control the viewport width, and maximum scale (depth visitor is allowed to zoom in) for Apple mobile devices with this META tag:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=960px, maximum-scale=1.0" />
Works with Android and other mobile browsing devices, too.
By default iOS browsers supply a set of default screen dimensions, regardless of actual screen res or orientation.
In order to get them to supply #media tags with the actual screen dimensions there is a Meta tag they will obey:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
If you add this to your page(s) then your #media commands should work with the actual screen resolution of each device. You then have full control with your #media queries
You can then use things like width: 100% to use the actual screen width.

iPhone not fully repeating background image

I have built a website that I thought was free from css errors until I test this on the iPhone. I have a strange problem in that the repeating background images do not stretch fully across the page.
This is what it looks like on an iPhone and full website URL:
Example website
Try this: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
The problem is the same for if you reduce the width of your browser. The problem is the background IS stretching, but the website is only as wide as the stretched background image. The slidey bit below the logo has a fixed width though and is creating the illusion that the background isn't stretching far enough.
The above code should fix this issue by making sure that the website zooms to fit the width of the browser.
Turn off auto-scaling by setting a viewport meta tag to the head section of your HTML. This sets the width of your page to match the width of the display,
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
Sadly adding the viewport to set the zoom to 100% was not what I was looking for.
After debugging further I found that the problem was being caused by the large banner image at the top. This was a larger width than the rest of the website, by changing this to a centered background image and adding overflow hidden to the container fixed all issues.

iPhone Full Screen Image

How do I go about making an image or section of the page full screen on the iPhone?
I have an image that is 480 x 320 and I want to pull that up full screen on the iPhone but it has to be within a webpage so that I can make the image a link back to the previous page.
Currently if I drop the image on a blank page and I open it up on the iPhone it just shows up in the top left corner.
Hopefully I'm not in breach of the NDA here, but here goes.
Mobile Safari, by default, renders a page as if that page had been viewed by a desktop browser, with a default width of 980 pixels.
To change this behavior you need to explicitly declare the viewport, which you do via meta tags. If you declare the width to the constant device-width, it'll default to 320 instead of 980, and everything looks great.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,user-scalable=no" />
I'd say set the viewport meta tag in your blank page so Safari knows to render the page at the right size. For more information, see this link:
Apple iPhone Safari Documentation
nice links which may help you further:
How to optimize your website for mobile devices: