variable with multiple lines.delete first two lines in perl - perl

I have a result of an sql returns some 10 rows like below:
if i do the below in my perl script.
print $result
it gives me the output :
key value
----------- ------------------------------
1428116300 0003000
560779655 0003001
173413463 0003002
315642 0003003
1164414857 0003004
429589116 0003005
i just want to acheive that the first two lines to be deleted. and store the rest of each line in an array.
could any body please tell how do i achive this?

With something like :
my #lines = split /\n/, $result;
splice #lines,0,2;
Explanations :
split /\n/, $result is cutting your variable into an array of lines.
grep /^[\s\d]+$/ is filtering this array, and only keeps the elements that are a single line of spaces or digits (thus removing the first two lines)

Data-independent, little roundabout way: If you print $result out in a file, you can
use Tie::File;
tie #lines, Tie::File, $file or die "can't update $file: $!";
delete $lines[1];
delete $lines[2];


Using Perl to find and fix errors in CSV files

I am dealing with very large amounts of data. Every now and then there is a slip up. I want to identify each row with an error, under a condition of my choice. With that I want the row number along with the line number of each erroneous row. I will be running this script on a handful of files and I will want to output the report to one.
So here is my example data:
Desired output:
Row#5,4.csv,4,Jim,9876,not_a_date,jones (this is an erroneous row)
The condition I have chosen is print to output if anything in the date field is not a date.
As you can see, my desired output contains the line number where the error occurred, along with the data itself.
After I have my output that shows the lines within each file that are in error, I want to grab that line from the untouched original CSV file to redo (both modified and original files contain the same amount of rows). After I have a file of these redone rows, I can omit and clean up where needed to prevent interruption of an import.
Folder structure will contain:
Modified: 4.txt
Original: 4.csv
I have something started here, written in Perl, which by the logic will at least return the rows I need. However I believe my syntax is a little off and I do not know how to plug in the other subroutines.
$count = 1;
while (<>) {
unless ($F[4] =~ /\d+[-]\d+[-]\d+/)
print "Row#" . $count++ . "," . "$_";
The code above is supposed to give me my erroneous rows, but to be able to extract them from the originals is beyond me. The above code also contains some syntax errors.
This will do as you ask.
Please be certain that none of the fields in the data can ever contain a comma , otherwise you will need to use Text::CSV to process it instead of just a simple split.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use autodie;
open my $fh, '<', 'example.csv';
<$fh>; # Skip header
while (<$fh>) {
my #fields = split /,/;
if( $fields[4] !~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/ ) {
print "Row#$.,$_";
If you want to process a number of files then you need this instead.
The close ARGV at the end of the loop is there so that the line counter $. is reset to
1 at the start of each file. Without it it just continues from 1 upwards across all the files.
You would run this like
rob#Samurai-U:~$ perl *.csv
or you could list the files individually, separated by spaces.
For the test I have created files 1.csv and 2.csv which are identical to your example data except that the first field of each line is the name of the file containing the data.
You may not want the line in the output that announces each file name, in which case you should replace the entire first if block with just next if $. == 1.
use strict;
use warnings;
#ARGV = map { glob qq{"$_"} } #ARGV; # For Windows
while (<>) {
if ($. == 1) {
print "\n\nFile: $ARGV\n\n";
my #fields = split /,/;
unless ( $fields[4] =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/ ) {
printf "Row#%d,%s", $., $_;
close ARGV if eof ARGV;
File: 1.csv
File: 2.csv

looping over the lines of a file spliiting each line in columns and creating an array of each column

Sorry if my question is too obvious, I´m new in perl.
My code is the following:
open (FILE1, "$ARG[0]") or die
while (<FILE>) {
push (#lines1, $_);
my #{columns$1}= split (/\s+/, $lines1[$i]);
It gives an error saying
Can´t declare array dereference at the line my #{columns$1}= split (/\s+/, $lines1[$i]);
I wanted to create columns1, columns2, columns3... and each one of them would have the columns of the corresponding line (columns1 of the line 1, columns2 of line 2 and so on...)
Because before I tried to do it this way (below) and every time it was splitting the lines but it was overwriting the #columns1 array so only the last line was saved, at the end I had the values of the 10th line (because it starting counting at 0)
for my $i (0..9) {
#columns1 = split (/\s+/, $lines1[$i]);
To split a table file in its columns, you could do the following:
#ALWAYS put 'use warnings' and 'use strict' on the beginning of your code. It makes
#your life easier when debugging your code, and save you from having empty variables
#making weird things all over your code, and many other things.
#It is a good practice for "safe Perl coding".
use warnings;
use strict;
my ($file) = #ARGV;
open(my $in, "<$ARGV[0]"); #In your code you used an old filehandle format, FILE1.
#You should use the new format - $file1 as it allows you
#to use any scalar variable as a filehandle.
my #column1;
while(<$in>) {
#Here comes the splitting:
my #table = split(/\s+/);
#if you want to print the first column:
print "$table[0]\n"; #remember that Perl starts to count from 0;
#if you know which columns you want to work with:
push(#column1, $table[0]);
Even though I am an adept of the do-first-and-learn-to-code-by-fixing-your-mistakes approach to learn to code, you should really take some time to work through the basics of Perl, as #mpapec said. Learn the basics will save a lot of time and effort when dealing with problems like yours.

Correct use of input file in perl?

database.Win.txt is a file that contains a multiple of 3 lines. The second of every three lines is a number. The code is supposed to print out the three lines (in a new order) on one line separated by tabs, but only if the second line is 1.
Am I, by this code, actually getting the loop to create an array with three lines of database.Win.txt each time it runs through the loop? That's my goal, but I suspect this isn't what the code does, since I get an error saying that the int() function expects a numeric value, and doesn't find one.
$new_entry[0] = <database.Win.txt>;
$new_entry[1] = <database.Win.txt>;
$new_entry[2] = <database.Win.txt>;
if(int($new_entry[1]) == 1) {
print "$new_entry[1], \t $new_entry[2], \t $new_entry[0], \n"
I am a total beginner with Perl. Please explain as simply as possible!
I think you've got a good start on the solution. However, your while reads one line right before the next three lines are read (if those were <$file_handles>). int isn't necessary, but chomp is--before you check the value of $new_entry[1] else there's still a record separator at the end.
Given this, consider the following:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #entries;
open my $fh, '<', 'database.Win.txt' or die $!;
while (1) {
last if eof $fh;
chomp( $entries[$_] = <$fh> ) for 0 .. 2;
if ( $entries[1] == 1 ) {
print +( join "\t", #entries ), "\n";
close $fh;
Always start with use strict; use warnings. Next, open the file using the three-argument form of open. A while (1) is used here, so three lines at a time can be read within the while loop. Since it's an 'infinite' while loop, the last if eof $fh; gives a way out, viz., if the next file read produces an end of file, it's the last. Right below that is a for loop that effectively does what you did: assign a file line to an array position. Note that chomp is used to remove the record separator during the assignment. The last part is also similar to yours, as it checks whether the second of the three lines is 1, and then the line is printed if it is.
Hope this helps!

i want to merge multiple csv files by specific condition using perl

i have multiple csv files, i want to merge all those files.....
i am showing some of my sample csv files below...
IPR017690,Outer membrane, omp85 target,821
IPR000531,TonB receptor,150
IPR017690,Outer membrane, omp85 target,728
IPR000873,AMP-dependent synthetase/ligase,111
IPR017690,Outer membrane,905
now to merge these files i have tried the following code
#ARGV = <merge_csvfiles/*.csv>;
print #ARGV[0],"\n";
open(PAGE,">outfile.csv") || die"Can't open outfile.csv\n";
open(FILE,#ARGV[$i]) || die"Can't open ...#ARGV[$i]...\n";
close FILE;
print"file completed...",$i+1,"\n";
print scalar(#data);
if(#data[$i] ne "")
print PAGE "\n#data[$i],";
if($id_1 eq $id_2)
print PAGE "#data2[$j],";
print "match found at ",$i+1," and ",$j+1,"\n";
print $i+1,"\n";
merge_csvfiles is a folder which contains all the files
output of above code is
IPR017690,Outer membrane,821,IPR017690,Outer membrane ,728,IPR017690,Outer membrane,905
IPR000531,TonB receptor,150
IPR000873,AMP-dependent synthetase/ligase
but i want the output in following format....
IPR017690,Outer membrane,821,IPR017690,Outer membrane ,728,IPR017690,Outer membrane,905
IPR000531,TonB receptor,150,0,0,0,0,0,0
0,0,0,IPR000873,AMP-dependent synthetase/ligase,111,0,0,0
Has anybody got any idea how can i do this?
Thank you for the help
As mentioned in Miguel Prz's comment, you haven't explained how you want the merge to be performed, but, judging by the "desired output" sample, it appears that what you want is to concatenate lines with matching IDs from all three input files into a single line in the output file, with "0,0,0" taking the place of any lines which don't appear in a given file.
So, then:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my #input_files = glob 'merge_csvfiles/*.csv';
my %data;
for my $i (0 .. $#input_files) {
open my $infh, '<', $input_files[$i]
or die "Failed to open $input_files[$i]: $!";
while (<$infh>) {
my $id = (split ',', $_, 2)[0];
$data{$id}[$i] = $_;
print "Input file read: $input_files[$i]\n";
open my $outfh, '>', 'outfile.csv' or die "Failed to open outfile.csv: $!";
for my $id (sort keys %data) {
my #merge_data;
for my $i (0 .. $#input_files) {
push #merge_data, $data{$id}[$i] || '0,0,0';
print $outfh join(',', #merge_data) . "\n";
The first loop collects all the lines from each file into a hash of arrays. The hash keys are the IDs, so the lines for that ID from all files are kept together, and the value for each key is (a reference to) an array of the line associated with that ID in each file; using an array for this allows us to keep track of values which are missing as well as those which are present.
The second loop then takes the keys of that hash (in alphabetical order) and, for each one, creates a temporary array of the values associated with that ID, substituting "0,0,0" for missing values, joins them into a single string, and prints that to the output file.
The results, in outfile.csv, are:
IPR000531,TonB receptor,150,0,0,0,0,0,0
0,0,0,IPR000873,AMP-dependent synthetase/ligase,111,0,0,0
IPR017690,Outer membrane, omp85 target,821,IPR017690,Outer membrane, omp85 target,728,IPR017690,Outer membrane,905
Edit: Added explanations requested by OP in comments
can u expalain me the working of my $id = (split ',', $_, 2)[0]; and $# in this program
my $id = (split ',', $_, 2)[0]; gets the text prior to the first comma in the last line of text that was read:
Because I didn't specify what variable to put the data in, while (<$infh>) reads it into the default variable $_.
split ',', $_, 2 splits up the value of $_ into a list of comma-separated fields. The 2 at the end tells it to only produce at most 2 fields; the code will work fine without the 2, but, since I only need the first field, splitting into more parts isn't necessary.
Putting (...)[0] around the split command turns the returned list of fields into an (anonymous) array and returns the first element of that array. It's the same as if I'd written my #fields = split ',', $_, 2; my $id = $fields[0];, but shorter and without the extra variable.
$#array returns the highest-numbered index in the array #array, so for my $i (0 .. $#array) just means "loop over the indexes for all elements in #array". (Note that, if I hadn't needed the value of the index counter, I would have instead looped over the array's data directly, by using for my $filename (#input_files), but it would have been less convenient to keep track of the missing values if I'd done it that way.)

Perl: How to add a line to sorted text file

I want to add a line to the text file in perl which has data in a sorted form. I have seen examples which show how to append data at the end of the file, but since I want the data in a sorted format.
Please guide me how can it be done.
Basically from what I have tried so far :
(I open a file, grep its content to see if the line which I want to add to the file already exists. If it does than exit else add it to the file (such that the data remains in a sorted format)
open(my $FH, $file) or die "Failed to open file $file \n";
#file_data = <$FH>;
my $line = grep (/$string1/, #file_data);
if($line) {
print "Found\n";
#add the line to the file
print "Not found!\n";
Here's an approach using Tie::File so that you can easily treat the file as an array, and List::BinarySearch's bsearch_str_pos function to quickly find the insert point. Once you've found the insert point, you check to see if the element at that point is equal to your insert string. If it's not, splice it into the array. If it is equal, don't splice it in. And finish up with untie so that the file gets closed cleanly.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tie::File;
use List::BinarySearch qw(bsearch_str_pos);
my $insert_string = 'Whatever!';
my $file = 'something.txt';
my #array;
tie #array, 'Tie::File', $file or die $!;
my $idx = bsearch_str_pos $insert_string, #array;
splice #array, $idx, 0, $insert_string
if $array[$idx] ne $insert_string;
untie #array;
The bsearch_str_pos function from List::BinarySearch is an adaptation of a binary search implementation from Mastering Algorithms with Perl. Its convenient characteristic is that if the search string isn't found, it returns the index point where it could be inserted while maintaining the sort order.
Since you have to read the contents of the text file anyway, how about a different approach?
Read the lines in the file one-by-one, comparing against your target string. If you read a line equal to the target string, then you don't have to do anything.
Otherwise, you eventually read a line 'greater' than your current line according to your sort criteria, or you hit the end of the file. In the former case, you just insert the string at that position, and then copy the rest of the lines. In the latter case, you append the string to the end.
If you don't want to do it that way, you can do a binary search in #file_data to find the spot to add the line without having to examine all of the entries, then insert it into the array before outputting the array to the file.
Here's a simple version that reads from stdin (or filename(s) specified on command line) and appends 'string to append' to the output if it's not found in the input. Outuput is printed on stdout.
#! /usr/bin/perl
$found = 0;
$append='string to append';
while(<>) {
$found = 1 if (m/$append/o);
print "$append\n" unless ($found);;
Modifying it to edit a file in-place (with perl -i) and taking the append string from the command line would be quite simple.
A 'simple' one-liner to insert a line without using any module could be:
perl -ni -le '$insert="lemon"; $eq=($insert cmp $_); if ($eq == 0){$found++}elsif($eq==-1 && !$found){print$insert} print'
giver a list.txt whose context is:
the output is:
local ($^I, #ARGV) = ("", $file); # Enable in-place editing of $file
while (<>) {
# If we found the line exactly, bail out without printing it twice
last if $_ eq $insert;
# If we found the place where the line should be, insert it
if ($_ gt $insert) {
print $insert;
# We've passed the insertion point, now output the rest of the file
print while <>;
Essentially the same answer as pavel's, except with a lot of readability added. Note that $insert should already contain a trailing newline.