Symfony 2 base services configuration - service

We are starting to use Symfony 2 in our system, not as a whole but by pulling the components we need and kinda build our framework upon it. We have learned that from these articles
And from learning how Silex works as well.
I'm trying to find out how Symfony framework/standard package defines all the kernel.* services but I cannot seem to find that anywhere even after searching all files. Please give me a point if you know.

Symfony2 framework loads bundles from app/AppKernel.php and defines global services in vendor/symfony/src/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Resources/config/*.xml


How to use Zend Framework Begining of time

first ive already installed zend framework skeleton application with command from and composer.pharphp composer.phar require zend..... and i type composer suggests and then install all the suggested application on my computer.
composer require zend...
know i have many file and folder about zend framework, but i cant use it.
can anybody tell me about how to use or implement zend framework.
in the code i understand a litle but its blanks on the Controller and Bootstraps.
for know i want to know about to use zend framework, thanks.
Trying to teach you how to use ZF in a single answer would cost a lot, because of the complexity of the framework. Since that, I strongly recommend you to read the tutorial that Zend guys prepared for us to learn the use of the framework.
If you are using ZF1: Tutorial
If you are using ZF2: Tutorial
I really think it's a good starting point and, if in the future you have more specific questions, you can (obviously) ask them here.
I hope this helps and welcome you to Zend Framework ;).

Zend Framework and fuelphp

I wanted to know if it was possible to use zend framework libraries from zend 1.11 in fuelphp? fuel looks nice and I started looking at it as I believe its the next logical step for any CI developer.
Is there any site or a howto for using zend library with fuel?
It really depends on what portions of Zend Framework you want to use. Some parts, e.g. Zend_View are tied into the MVC-part of the framework, but components like Zend_Pdf or Zend_Service_* have only few dependencies and should work fine in other frameworks as well.
What you should do is check out the Reference Manual to see what other components are required by the component you are trying to use. And then put them in a library folder. Alternatively, just put the whole Zend Framework in a folder if you don't mind carrying the dead weight with you.
I've been using ZF-components standalone and found that it's useful to add it to include_path as you would when using ZF as MVC-framework, because some ZF-classes are instantiated dynamically, i.e. not via require_once and that won't work without the folder containing Zend/ being in the include_path.
Finally you have to add the folder to your autoloader, this should be as easy as:
Autoloader::add_namespace('Zend', __DIR__.'/path/to/Zend/library');

Structure of Enterprise Web Application using JSF

I'm developing enterprise web application which is using JSF with Eclipse IDE. But i'n not experienced at JSF web application architect, just not familiar with name classes ,projects,packages,web pages, template pages etc.. , is it possible to name packages like following:
CompanyName.systemName.controller (there would be controllers in it )
CompanyName.systemName.Model (there would be managed beans and other things in it )
even how to choose best structure for my project(mean Architecture of folders,classes,packages,web pages, template pages etc). if anyone has an idea ? i'd be glad if have sample project.
Those are fine package names. Some people like to group packages by purpose:
For larger applications, I like to group them by feature:
As for folder structure, a good Maven archetype can be very helpful. Here's a web page that gives a good walkthrough of setting up a few types of JSF projects using Maven archetypes:
If you look from architecture point of view, your JSF application should mirror very much like any other well architected Java-Web application.
For packaging I like to break first by functionality (like core, gui) and then by business unit level.
Something like:
com.comp.extension.ui.extension //If my application is going to give extension point for others to implement, extend the functionality.
On a similar note pages, config files can be broken into separate logical units.

Integrate custom annotations in Zend Framework and Doctrine project

I need some advices or experiences in integrating custom annotations for Doctrine generated entities, but I also want to keep native Doctrine annotations so that they can be somehow registered together.
I have succesfully integrated Doctrine in my ZF application and tested it.
Now I want to have some validations inside my entites. I don't want to write any code in my entities or modify setters. I googled for suggestions and there are some libraries that do the job. Those libraries also provide the ability to return Doctrine entities objects as array (toArray()).
I tried to integrate one of those called Spiffy Library ( Homepage
I followed instructions on that page to include it in my project but no luck. Any help on these would be so appreciated.
Guess I didn't setup correctly AnnotationReader. However I did AnnotationRegistry-ed some of files from Spiffy library (spiffy\Doctrine\Annotations\Validators).
Also gave Spiffy Abstract library my entity manager from ZF registry.
I can also paste some of my code here if neccessary.
Thnaks in advance.

Create admin module and configuration in Zend Framework 1.9.0

I am working with zend framework for last 2 months. I got zend framework latest version 1.9.0.
I am new in zend framework programming. I am learning one by one.. in zend framework. Now i am confused with creating admin module in zend and their configuration settings. Please help me to create admin module with in the module folder in zend framework.
Thanks and regards,
Prasanth P
Using Zend_Tool you can create modules.
zf create module name
I did have a few issues when creating modules these two blogs were a great help (few articles on each). I was looking to have separate configs, layouts ect for each one, maybe not what you're after but good read anyway.
We have a similar problem:
I am designing a large scale application with about 5 modules.
Even though I am not finding my way around, I think this blog post might be helpful for you and for anybody else. Please, update this thread if you find anything interesting. thanks.
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