I have a UITableView with custom cells. Inside each cell I have two UILabels - message and type. The size message label is varying and the type label should come below the message label.
Since the size of message label is varying. How can I position the y coordinate of the type label ?
#define MARGIN 5
typeLabel.frame = CGRectMake(x, messagelabel.frame.size.height + messageLabel.frame.origin.y + MARGIN ,
w , h);
Try this, if your have already set the frame for type label and want the same height width and x position
CGRect frame=type_label.frame;
frame.origin.y=messagelabel.frame.origin.y + messagelabel.frame.size.height + some_gap_if_you_want;
or if you havnt set the frame try this
type_label.frame=CGRectMake(x,messagelabel.frame.origin.y + messagelabel.frame.size.height + some_gap_if_you_want,width,height);
typeLabel.frame = CGRectMake(CGRectGetMinX(messagelabel.frame),
w, h)
I find this much more readable ;)
I have a Matlab script that creates a Model Block for each element i found in a text file.
The problem is that all Models are created on each other in the window. So i'm trying to make a loop like:
for each element in text file
I add a Model block
I place right to the previous one
So it can look like this:
As you can see on the left, all models are on each other and I would like to place them like the one on the right.
I tried this:
m = mdlrefCountBlocks(diagrammeName)+500;
add_block('simulink/Ports & Subsystems/Model',[diagrammeName '/' component_NameValue]);
set_param(sprintf('%s/%s',diagrammeName,component_NameValue), 'ModelFile',component_NameValue);
size_blk = get_param(sprintf('%s/%s',diagrammeName,component_NameValue),'Position');
X = size_blk(1,1);
Y = size_blk(1,2);
Width = size_blk(1,3);
Height = size_blk(1,4);
set_param(sprintf('%s/%s',diagrammeName,component_NameValue),'Position',[X+m Y X+Width Y+Height]);
Inside the loop but it returns an error Invalid definition of rectangle. Width and height should be positive.
Thanks for helping!
The position property of a block does actually not contain its width and height, but the positions of the corners on the canvas (see Common Block Properties):
vector of coordinates, in pixels: [left top right bottom]
The origin is the upper-left corner of the Simulink Editor canvas before any canvas resizing. Supported coordinates are between -1073740824 and 1073740823, inclusive. Positive values are to the right of and down from the origin. Negative values are to the left of and up from the origin.
So change your code to e.g.:
size_blk = get_param(sprintf('%s/%s',diagrammeName,component_NameValue),'Position');
set_param(sprintf('%s/%s',diagrammeName,component_NameValue),'Position', size_blk + [m 0 0 0]);
I have two UIViews and I need to draw a rectangle (or) get the frame of the smallest rectangle outside both the UIViews. How can I get this?
You can use:
CGRect smallestRectangle = CGRectUnion(view1.frame, view2.frame);
According to the docs, this function
Returns the smallest rectangle that contains the two source rectangles.
here are some steps that should work to find the rectangle you want
find the left most origin.x... = new origin.x
find the top most origin.y... = new origin.y
find the largest (origin.x + size.width)... = new size.width
find the largest (origin.y + size.height)... = new size.height
Starting from the basic Crossfilter example, i'd like to create an alternate visualization that displays the barcharts vertically instead of horizontally. That is, essentially flip the axies of the barchart.
It's easy enough to modify the original barChart function to swap the bars in the chart. I've been able to do that with these following changes:
var width = x.range()[1],
height = y.range()[0];
var width = x.range()[1],
height = y.range()[0];
and in the nested barPath method
path.push("M", x(d.key), ",", height, "V", y(d.value), "h9V", height);
path.push("M", 0, ",", x(d.key), "h", y(d.value), "v9H", 0);
These minor changes get the bars printed nicely, but it doesn't handle the x axis with it's ticks, nor does it handle the selection brushes. Is it possible to flip the brushes on their sides? If so, how would I go about doing that?
Thanks in advance!
An easiest way would be to rotate the "g" container of each chart by 90 in chart().
Something like this:
g = div.append("svg").attr("width", width + margin.left +
margin.right).attr("height", height + margin.top +
margin.bottom).append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" +
margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")"+ "**rotate(90)**");
I have a map app where the user can place waypoints manually. I would like for them to press the waypoint button and have a waypoint placed in the center of their currently visible view on the content view.
I'm afraid you'd have to calculate it yourself. contentSize returns size of the scrolled content, contentOffset gives you the origin of the scroll view inside the content. Then with scrollView.bounds.size you can find the center of the view.
Haven't tested this, but maybe you could convert scrollView.center to your scrolled map like this:
CGPoint viewportCenterInMapCoords =
[scrollView.superview convertPoint:scrollView.center
Need to account for how zoomed it is, then I can convert the content offset to the size of the full image and add some.
/// this is the full size of the map image
CGSize fullSize = CGPointMake(13900, 8400);
/// determines how the current content size compares to the full size
float zoomFactor = size.width/self.contentSize.width;
/// apply the zoom factor to the content offset , this basically upscales
/// the content offset to apply to the dimensions of the full size map
float newContentOffsetX = self.contentOffset.x*zoomFactor + (self.bounds.size.width/2) *zoomFactor-300;
float newContentOffsetY = self.contentOffset.y*zoomFactor + (self.bounds.size.height/2) * zoomFactor-300;
/// not sure why i needed to subtract the 300, but the formula wasn't putting
/// the point in the exact center, subtracting 300 put it there in all situations though
CGPoint point = CGPointMake(newContentOffsetX,newContentOffsetY );
i have a list of images retrieved from xml i want to populate them to a uiscrollview in an order such that it will look like this.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
if there is only 10 images it will just stop here.
right now my current code is this
for (int i = 3; i<[appDelegate.ZensaiALLitems count]-1; i++) {
UIButton *zenbutton2 =[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
Items *ZensaiPLUitems = [appDelegate.ZensaiALLitems objectAtIndex:i];
NSURL *ZensaiimageSmallURL = [NSURL URLWithString:ZensaiPLUitems.ZensaiimageSmallURL];
NSLog(#"FVGFVEFV :%#", ZensaiPLUitems.ZensaiimageSmallURL);
NSData *simageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:ZensaiimageSmallURL];
UIImage *itemSmallimage = [UIImage imageWithData:simageData];
[zenbutton2 setImage:itemSmallimage forState:UIControlStateNormal];
zenbutton2.frame=CGRectMake( (i*110+i*110)-660 , 300, 200, 250);
[zenbutton2 addTarget:self action:#selector(ShowNextZensaiPage) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[scrollView addSubview:zenbutton2];
notice the CGRectMake , i have to manually assign fixed values to position them.
Is there any way to populate them out without manually assigning.
for e.g the images will automatically go down a position once the first row has 3 images and subsequently for the rest.
If I understand what you are saying, you should be able to write a simple block of code that assigns a position based on the image number.
Something like this (where i is the image number, starting from 0):
- (CGPoint)getImageOrigin:(NSInteger)imageNumber {
CGFloat leftInset = 30;
CGFloat xOffsetBetweenOrigins = 80;
CGFloat topInset = 20;
CGFloat yOffsetBetweenOrigins = 80;
int numPerRow = 3;
CGFloat x = leftInset + (xOffsetBetweenOrigins * (imageNumber % numPerRow));
CGFloat y = topInset + (yOffsetBetweenOrigins * floorf(imageNumber / numPerRow));
CGPoint imageOrigin = CGPointMake(x, y);
return imageOrigin;
The origin being calculated here is the upper left corner of each image.
To calculate the x value, I start with the minimum distance from the left side of the screen (leftInset). Then, I add the distance from the left side of one image to the next image, multiplied by the column (imageNumber % numPerRow).
Y is calculated in a similar fashion, but to calculate the row, I use the imageNumber / numPerRow rounded down.
You asked me to explain further, so I'll see what I can do.
OK, so I want to be able to input the image number (starting at 0) into my function, and I want the origin (upper left corner point) back.
leftInset is the distance between the left edge of the view, and the left edge of the first image.
xOffsetBetweenOrigins is the distance from the left edge of one image to the left edge of the next image on the same row. So, if I set it to 80 and my image is 50px wide, there will be a 30px gap between two images in the same row.
topInset is like left inset. It is the distance from the top edge of the view to the top edge of the images in the top row.
yOffsetBetweenOrigins is the distance from the top edge of an image to the top edge of the image below it. If I set this to 80, and my image is 50px tall, then there will be a 30px vertical gap between rows.
numPerRow is straightforward. It is just the number of images per row.
To calculate the x value of the upper left corner of the image, I always start with the leftInset, because it is constant. If I am on the first image of a row, that will be the entire x value. If I am on the second image of the row, I need to add xOffsetBetweenOrigins once, and if I am on the third, I need to add it twice.
To do this, I use the modulus (%) operator. It gives me the remainder of a division operation, so when I say imageNumber % numPerRow, I am asking for the remainder of imageNumber/numPerRow.
If I am on the first image (imageNumber = 0), then 3 goes into 0 no times, and the remainder is 0. If I am on the second image (imageNumber = 1), then I have 1/3. 3 goes into 1 0 times, but the remainder is 1, so I get xOffsetBetweenOrigins*1.
For the y value, I do something similar, but instead of taking the modulus, I simply divide imageNumber/numPerRow and round down. Doing this, I will get 0 for 0, 1, and 2. I will get 1 for 3, 4, and 5.
It occurred to me that you might actually have been asking how to use this method. In your code, you would say something like
CGRect newFrame = zenbutton2.frame;
newFrame.origin = [self getImageOrigin:i];
zenbutton2.frame = newFrame;
Another Edit:
Maybe you could try this?
CGPoint origin = [self getImageOrigin:i];
zenbutton2.frame = CGRectMake(origin.x, origin.y, width, height);
If that doesn't work, throw in
NSLog("Origin Values: %f,%f", origin.x, origin.y);
to make sure that you are actually getting something back from getImageOrigin.
I think you probably want to wrap your loop in another loop, to get what I'm going to call a 2D loop:
for (int row = 0; row < num_rows; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < num_cols; col++) {
// code before
zenButton2.frame = CGRectMake(origin x dependent on col,
origin y dependent on row,
// code after
Where the x and y of the CGRectMake() are multiples of the width and height of your image times the row and column respectively. Hope that makes sense.