Google Analytics Event Tracking in FV WordPress Flowplayer - plugins

I am using FV WordPress Flowplayer in my wordpress site to display videos. I want to add google analytics event tracking in some of my videos. Any Ideas? I think this plugin do not support this. Any other plugin for this?

You can create the integration pretty easy. Flow Player supports an API for listening to like play, pause and finish. You can listen to those events using javascripot and fire an event when it happens.
// get the first player
var api = flowplayer();
api.bind("finish", function(e, api) {
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', 'Video', 'play']);
More about flow player API:
I found out that the flow player already have integration with Google Analytics.


How do i display a video using IBM Watson Assistant

I have create a Chat bot using IBM Watson Assistant and i need to load an video for some responses. How do i embed a video into the chat bots' response?
You can use HTML tags to embed a video into the response box as shown below:
Please note that HTML tags won't work in the Try It Out panel but will definitely be rendered in the application.
If you are looking for dynamic content, then you will have to pass context to the application side and then render video from there.
Appreciate to suggest how to play the video on Alexa Echo Show device too.IBM Watson Assistant is being used in the backend. While using your mentioned HTML tags to embed a video into the response box as described by you in IBM Watson Assistant. It is perfectly working in user interface chat window. But while testing it on Alexa Echo Show device. There is challenge to play the video.

How does SoundCloud aggregate the playcount

My team and I are looking to use the embedded SoundCloud widget for a site we're building. We'd like to use the API to track the total number of plays by tracking the playback_count property for each track, however I've not been able to find specific information on how/when this is incremented. I'm looking to answer:
Does is only track completed plays? Or started plays?
Does it track multiple plays by the same user/client?
Does it track plays made by the streaming URL (in a custom player) or only the embedded player/SoundCloud website?
It appears that the playback_count is not updated immediately, is the playback_count updated (nightly/hourly etc.)?
Is there a list of supported browsers/devices for the
SoundCloud increments the count as soon as the play button is clicked (reference).
Plays are tracked by any user which is not the track owner (see above reference).
Tracks are only counted by the web player, mobile app, mobile website, and official embeds. Requests to any of the /streams endpoint values (ex: http_mp3_128_url), do not count towards the play count.
playback_count values may be invalid due to caching (reference).
The embed widget is supported by most browsers which support HTML5 media playback. See these blogs posts as well as SoundCloud's own HTML5 audio benchmark project here.

Facebook - feed gaming, using an Iframe

Iv'e noticed that if you share a sound cloud track to the new Facebook feed, onece you click the play button, the player is embedded inside of an iframe and not a flash movie.
Is that a new feature, or is that custom made for SoundCloud?
I cannot see it mentioned in the docs

How to do web communication between unity player and browser with facebook-unity integration?

With the Facebook Unity SDK, how do I get access to the unity player object, so that I can call UnityObject.SendMessage() from the browser to the unity player? Similar to the section described here: Calling Unity web player content functions from the web page.
The problem is that the facebook integration bypasses the HTML page that creates the UnityObject2, and hence I have no way of geting a hold of the unity player object.
You can access the javascript UnityObject2 like this:
That will get a hold of the unity player object.

Video embed on timeline with custom open graph object

So the story is this, I added a custom object to my app called Music Video and an action called Watch. I have all the needed meta tags in my pages to show the flash video, the linter reads them perfectly, it says that the type of share for my object is Video also.
If I post it using the like social plugin the flash video shows just fine but with my custom Watch action just shows the thumbnail and no play button, no nothing.
Do you know any example of apps using the new open graph api to embed video?
Facebook currently does not embed Flash video alongside stories generated from the build-in Watch action or on custom actions. Facebook will however embed the video if the URL is organically shared (copy and pasted into the Composer in Facebook) or liked via the Like button.
For now, this means a click on the watch news feed or ticker story will drive the user to your site, where you can authenticate them, play the video, and publish another watch action on their behalf.
I don't know when the changes took effect, but you can check it right here: