LDAP Authentication CGI - perl

I have a simple webpage deployed to tomcat which runs certain shell scripts based on user selection. The pages are written in html and cgi/perl.
We already have a working ldap server and directory. I need to be able to add security to the web page I created so a user is asked to login using their ldap account when trying to access the home page or any off the sub pages.
How do I add ldap authentication to my web page?
Please be very specific as I am new to all of this. Step by step instructions including code would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
I did a lot of research on google, but all of the solutions are generic, and I don't know where to start.
This is a good article, but I'm not sure where do I put my connection to ldap and the binding (which of my pages)? How do I make sure the authentication will apply to the sub pages as well, or any other one created in the future?

This is a good article, but I'm not sure where do I put my connection
to ldap and the binding (which of my pages)? How do I make sure the
authentication will apply to the sub pages as well, or any other one
created in the future?
You're now adding state to your app. You might initially think about implementing your authentication (authn) and authorization (authz) in tomcat, and not in your app.
If you decide not to implement in tomcat, and choose to implement in perl, then you've just decided to add state to your application, which means you need to add some kind of session handling. Look at CGI::Session, there are many other session handling modules on CPAN. Avoid Apache::Session. Its lock handling can cause lots of pain if transactions run long. Use a session key in a cookie. Send everything over SSL. if you don't use SSL, then crackers can intercept your session keys, and then hijack the sessions.
Once you have your session infrastructure set up, you need to create a login mechanism, usually a form with username and password. when that form is submitted, the CGI behind it does its magic crypto on the password and then does the LDAP dance:
connect to the directory server is no connection already exists.
2a. bind to the server anonymously or as an application user, search for the user by CN, bind as the user using DN and password
2b. compute the DN form the username, bind with the DN and the crypto's password.
Often, step 3 is to check the user's record for some authorization indicator, it could be a yes/no access indicator, or it could be a list of roles or privileges.
If the user is successfully authenticated, and authorized, then write some authorization info into the user's session.
Each subsequent page of your app will then check to see if the user is logged in and/or has the proper authz to use that page. If unauthorized, you can either send them back to the post-login landing page, or to the login page if they aren't logged in.
Basically, you just replacing the usual "query the user table of the database" with a query to an LDAP to a directory server.


single sign on (sso) for existing applications

I have multiple applications (made with different tech such as .NET, JSP, PHP, ... ). Each one of them have its proper login page which contacts the LDAP to verify the username and password (there is one LDAP for all the applications).
What I want is to do a SSO for these apps: One login page is to "rule them all".
The user enters his credentials once.
He chooses an app from list.
The app will load without accessing the original login page.
My additional questions are:
Is there anyway to implement a SSO solution without modifying the apps's source code?
Is there a trick to pass the username and password to the original login page and submit automatically?
You need an IdP, something like Shibboleth IdP or ADFS, which will handle the users from an Authentication Source and do that hard stuff like the login page, etc. Usually there's user management headaches here, i.e. how will users change their passwords, etc. That's where a commercial solution like Okta, Ping, or OneLogin might work better for you.
You need a SAML Service Provider for each of your apps (what SAML stack you choose largely depends upon tech used in site), or you can use something like Shibboleth SP which simply protects paths on the webserver. If the apps are all on the same one or two web servers, go with Shib, as it'll make the integration with ADFS simpler.
If you want to avoid modifying source code, something like Shibboleth SP is probably for you... it protects paths, and loads user attributes into server variables you can pull from (i.e. username, first name, last name, etc.) to render on your app.

Identity Server 3 - Silent sign-in / sign in without login page. Including single sign on

I have come across a number of articles that discuss a similar matter but I cannot find a definitive answer.
My company would like to begin using Identity Server 3, however one of the requirements is to be able to authenticate an external user without them having to manually enter their credentials.
This must be capable of providing single sign on capabilities also as we have 3 different systems and our users should only have to sign in once.
Essentially, the external user has their own CRM.
The CRM holds their username and password for our software.
They then click a button in their CRM to launch our application
This redirects them to our website with a payload containing their credentials
We call a web service to authenticate the user
It is fundamental that we do not change this process for our partners.
Can I implement a custom service provider to provide the authentication or is there some other way of achieving this? If so, could you point me in the right direction for how this can be done?
Many thanks
I would assume that you'd create a mechanism for their CRM to get a token at the time the client logs into their site and then have them send that token via url to your callback page. This would use the machine-to-machine type grant, or the client-credentials flow. Then that page could validate the token and log the user in. There would have to be some sort of unique identifier between the two systems like email or something. Just an idea.

How to authenticate without hitting the database?

A comment below an answer about state and REST recently piqued my interest. For clarity I'll quote the comment in full:
Nothing in my answer implies a solution based on database access on every request, if you think it does, it is a failing on your part to understand authentication and authorization at that scale. The authentication can be implicit in the state, do you think that facebook does a "database access" on every request of its REST API? Or Google for that matter? hint: no
I tried to think how one might authenticate without checking a user-provided value against a centrally-held one, even if one to know what data to display to the user, and came up blank. i freely admit this is a failing on my part to understand authentication and authorization at that scale. My question is therefore: how do sites like Facebook and Google accomplish this?
One way is claims based authentication. Simplified and somewhat loosely interpreted, it boils down to this;
Instead of the server application authenticating the user itself, an un-authenticated user is redirected to a separate authentication server.
The authentication server validates the user in any way it wants to (login+password, certificate, domain membership etc) and creates a signed "document" with the relevant user info (user id, name, roles, ...) It then redirects the user back to the server application with the document enclosed.
The server application validates the signature of the document, and if it trusts the signature, it can use the document contents to assume who the user is instead of accessing the database.
Normally, the server application caches the document in a cookie/session or similar so that the next access to the application does not have to bounce through the authentication server.
In this way, the server application does not need to concern itself with how the user is authenticated, just whether it trusts the judgement of the authentication server. If the authentication server (and possibly the client unless it's a browser) adds Facebook login support, the server application will automatically "just work" with the new login type.

Connection to MSSQL database for secure login in Objective C

I want to make an app having financial Transactions for iPhone.So, my first target is to make a login page(and that's where my problem starts):-
The Admin or customer Details are stored in MSSQL DB.Now, when the client enters his username and password in my app, i want to verify these Credentials. So how can i do this?
Acc. to my little knowledge, i cannot connect to the DB directly, I need some web service or something as a middleware(but don't know what).I cannot parse the url directly to check the credentials as it will not be safe.Did we have to Encrypt the Credentials of client and if yes then how can i retrieve and verify the Login?
Any Sample, Links or anything will be helpful.
Create a .net site with a login.aspx web service page where you will handle authentication for the app. Make sure to get a HTTPS/SSL cert set up on your site as well.
Call me overly cautious, but I hate the idea of direct web server database access from a client app, I always like a middle layer of control/protection.
for example, you app can make server calls similar to this (using POST of course): yoursite.com/webservice/Login.aspx?username=chucknorris&password=somepassword&appkey=679384820473487746
Then on your Login.aspx page (or other pages for that matter) you would check for the POST variables (username, password, etc) and ask the database if they match. If they do then have the page return a success message, or do whatever additional processing you desire.
On multiple page requests within a certain amount of time, you can optionally use session states or go the more RESTful type of route, both are easily researched via Google.
POST + SSL is a must for basic security measures.

Login to a website from iphone application

I am working on iPhone application which have login form to access application functionality same as website. now i want to add one button in iphone application that redirects user in to website in safari browser with successfully login.
After success login in to iPhone application, user want to check website in browser so i just need to add functionality that user can directly login in his account and redirect on particular page.
i have some basic idea for that we can do with encrypted username and password with url.
like http://xyz.com/login/username=abc&password=abc
but i know that its not secure way to pass username and password with url.
So please suggest me any other way if possible.
Any idea or alternative that how to implement this.
Thanks in advance.
There are a few ways to do it.
Any time you send password information over the Internet you want it to be encrypted over SSL. This will require an SSL Certificate for your web server though and it's not always possible.
You can also encrypt the username and password yourself in a way that only your web server will know how to decrypt. So the username "foo" could be turned into "oof" and the password "bar" could be turned into "rab". That way if someone intercepted your requests, they couldn't know what the username and password were without knowing how you changed them.
Why not pass the session id?
Here's what I mean: When you log in to a web site, typically you're assigned (or already have) a "session cookie" which essentially tells the server "This visitor has session ID 'XYZ'", and allows it to retrieve the server side information stored for that user (like who they are, that they authenticated, or whatever else you store in the session store.
One of the easier ways of moving to/from applications is to make sure that all logins generate a server side session, and provide a script which will overwrite the user's session cookie and redirect them to the proper page.
The doubters here will argue that providing such a script is tenement to a security breach, but I would argue that all of this information is stored client side already, and can be accomplished without the server's intervention anyway. (session hijacking plugins for popular web sites exist for firefox that will grab session IDs from wireless networks - no technical skill needed)
Doing it this way just makes the process friendlier to the user, and if your site provides SSH access (which you really should be doing anyway) then the risk is very minimal.