How to run Spring in Action Third Edition source code - eclipse

I extracted sia3-code ZIP file and imported the extracted sia3-code folder as Existing Maven Projects in my Eclipse Helios IDE. It imported just fine but I don't see any of the src folder in the build path and I can't run the test classes.
This is how it looks:
Could someone help me with how to get the source code that comes along with the book running as maven project?

1] download the sourcecode into a dir, which i'll refer to as code_dir_tree
2] edit the pom.xml in the code_dir_tree root as follows:
3] from a command shell in the code_dir_tree root directory, run: mvn eclipse:clean
4] within eclipse, ensure you have a refreshed, preferably empty workspace available
5] copy the entire code_dir_tree manually into the workspace - not the individual projects, the code_dir_tree itself.
6] in eclipse, perform import | existing maven projects, select the code_dir_tree root (already within the workspace),
ensure all the projects including the pom.xml are selected, hit finish
7] run maven updates, clean install builds - all -maven- projects aside from rest-client, which has an unresolved dependency,
should now be ready to go
The remaining projects, spitter and SpringPizza, are gradle projects - STS, which has gradle integraton, needs to be installed to get these imported
8] in eclipse, perform import | gradle project, select the spitter directory, hit ok, select 'build model', when complete ensure all are selected, hit finish
9] repeat the same process as in 8] for SpringPizza
That's it - you should be ready to roll!

In the package explorer, right-click on the java directory and select Build Path->Use as source folder. Do this for both java directories (the one in src/main and the one in src/tst).
Then right click on the project and select Configure->Convert to Maven project.
I think you need to install the M2Eclipse Plugin. Here are some directions. Then you should be able to right click on your project and select Maven->Enable Dependency Management.
Since you are utilizing Spring, I would highly recommend you checkout SpringSource Tool Suite. It's Eclipse bundled with a lot of useful plugins (such as m2eclipse). Here's a brief snippet from their website:
The Spring Tool Suiteā„¢ (STS) provides the best Eclipse-powered development environment for building Spring-powered enterprise applications. STS supplies tools for all of the latest enterprise Java and Spring, and comes on top of the latest Eclipse releases.
Read about STS and download it at its site:
I think I see what you did wrong. It looks like you specified the root of your project as the directory that contains the folder 'sia3-code'. That caused all the projects to be collapsed under one big project, which, I'm pretty sure, is not the way you want to do it.
Remove the project from your Eclipse. Then in the Package Explorer, right-click and select Import. Select "Existing Projects into Workspace". Select the root directory to be /your/path/to/sia3-code/ (do not select the root directory to be /your/path/to/). Then select Finish. You'll see that you have 10+ projects imported into your IDE.
The above steps were verified in STS, so you might need to adapt them a bit if you are using Eclipse Helios.


Importing multiple multi module projects as maven project at once in eclipse

My workspace contains more than 100 maven projects and at a time I only need to import around 70 projects in workspace.
Please check this image I attached m2e shows the project hierarchy based on dependency. What I have to do now is select every project pom, which I want to import.
So is there any way by which we can specify a list of project that can be imported as maven project rather than selecting required project manually.
Have you tried File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects? You specify directory where all your projects are and eclipse will automatically detects all maven projects underneath it. You can then select All or select them individually. In your case you can select All and then deselect 30 which you don't need.
PS - this assume you have m2eclipse plugin install. If not you can install it or eclipse might just prompt you to install one when you try above steps.

Maven in eclipse not showing all folders

I am new to Maven and have been trying to get a project working with Eclipse, hibernate,Maven and mysql. I am stuck at the very first step. I have everything configured properly i think and if i create a new Maven project in eclipse it does not show me any folder under src/main or src/test. although if i go back to that folder in the workspace it has a src/main/java
FUrthermore the src/main/resources folder is not created at the time of project creation?
Any clue what the problem maybe or how i can fix it?
Thank you!
For your first problem, when you create a new Maven project the folders that get created depend on the archetype you choose. Assuming you chose quickstart, then it does create (assuming you chose com.example as your package in the wizard and example-project as your artifactId):
And it configures the project so that /src/main/java is in the Build Path. That said, if you are viewing your project in the Package Explorer view, then the packages are shown outside of the folder structure. So, you would see the the com.example.example_project package containing in the build folder /src/main/java and you would see the com.example.example_project package containing in the build folder /src/test/java. These would show up above the libraries which is above non-build folders which is where you see the src folder.
To answer your second question, no, /src/main/resources is not generated assuming you chose the quickstart archetype (this is governed by the quickstart archetype and does the same thing whether generated in eclipse or on the command line).
And third, to fix this (I assume you mean add the resources folder), find the src/java folder (below the libraries), right click and choose New->Folder. Name it resources. Then right click your project, choose Maven->Update Project. This will cause maven eclipse to reconfigure the project according to the Maven configuration which will result in the /src/main/resources being added to the build path. As such, it will get moved above the libraries next to /src/main/java and /src/test/java.

Importing projects into Eclipse

I have this simple question how to import whole project source into Ecplise so I can browse it easily? Specifically, I have downloaded Maven source code and I just want to view it same as other projects in my Eclipse.
I've tried to import it with use of two possible options (as archive and as a project) without luck.
Thank you in advance!
Maven itself is a Mavenized multi-module project, Generally there are two ways to import a Mavenized project into a IDE like eclipse:
Suppose you have installed Maven 3 and setup environment variable
if you use Eclipse, you also need add M2_REPO to you
Build Path -- Classpath Variable, check out here for how to
setup. this tells Eclipse where to find jar dependencies stored in
local maven repository.
Option 1 -- Import as Java Project:
Open a command prompt and go to the extracted source folder, run mvn eclipse:eclipse
and waiting for it finish, make sure it doesn't popup any message start with [ERROR], this
will download all required jar dependencies from internet to you
local maven repository and create .project and .classpath for Eclipse
to use when doing import.
In eclipse, go to File -- Import -- General -- Existing Project into
Workspace, select the extracted source folder as root directory. This
will import a group of projects into Eclipse as bunch of regular java
projects (i.e. project icon inside Package Explorer watermarked with a
capital J).
Option 2 -- Import as Maven Project:
Alternatively, if yo got m2e plugin installed in Eclipse, you can
directly import the extracted project folder, go to File -- Import --
Maven -- Existing Maven Projects, select the extracted source folder
as Root Directory. This will import a group of projects into Eclipse
as bunch of Maven projects (project icon inside Package Explorer
watermarked with a Capital M).
Hope this helps.
The maven repository versions are not uploaded in the exact format they are on disc (from where the the mvn deploy goal is run. I can think of 3 options assuming I understand your question correctly:
You can find the open source project if it exists and get all the
source and project from there.
On an existing project, you go the dependencies, right click on one
and select browse source. Not the same as having the show project
here you can build and run however.
You can download the sources from the maven repo and then
reconstruct the project. I'm not not sure how feasible this
actually is and I have never tried it. I would probably find other
ways before trying this.

Maven project is in a subfolder, can't get Eclipse integration to work

Inside the folder 'ProjectName' exists several subfolders, and of them contains java program:
JavaCode folder contains pom.xml.
I have installed m2eclipse (0.10.x) to Eclipse and imported whole ProjectName folder to Eclipse. Subfolders are displayed correctly but maven integration is not working correctly - for example I don't see src/main/java "shortcut" folder in Eclipse, but I have to click to open all folders.
If I create a new maven project with Eclipse from scratch, the integration works well.
What could be the issue?
Select the JavaCode folder and then invoke File... / Import... / Maven Project. That would bring your Java code into Eclipse as a proper project with Maven support enabled. It is fine to import several overlapping folders. So, you could use the parent for version control purposes and JavaCode would be the actual Java project you'd work with in the IDE.
Unfortunately there is no way around that, unless you want to move your pom.xml to the root project and remap all the Maven plugins to folders under JavaCode project. But that would be really bad idea and Maven integration for Eclipse may not work with such project structure without an additional tweaking.

m2eclipse not finding maven dependencies, artifacts not found

I'm using m2eclipse as my maven 2 plugin for eclipse. I'm brand new to maven, so my mistake might be simple, although searching has not yielded any solutions for me. I can run maven from the command line and it build successfully. However if I import as an existing maven project, or use mvn eclipse:eclipse and then import I get the artifacts not found in my POM file resulting in no maven dependencies being loaded at all.
What's odd is that I have 2 projects, both children to a parent pom packaged project. One child loads all my maven dependencies while the other cannot find any and says my pom file is missing artifacts. Again, I can install and package them all just fine from the command line.
I even tried loading my projects into netbeans which worked flawlessly, however I am required to use eclipse.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Directory structure, pom files layout:
--pom.xml (is a pom package that is the parent to two other projects)
Main is the parent project of both ProjectA and ProjectB. ProjectB has ProjectA as a dependency. Apprently m2eclipse is not happy about that depedency. As soon as I remove the dependency of ProjectA from ProjectB's pom file all the maven dependencies are found by eclipse.
- Missing: ---------- 1)${myproj.version} ---------- 1 required artifact is missing. for artifact:$
{myproj.version} from the specified remote repositories: apache-incubating (, releases=true, snapshots=true), central (http://, releases=true, snapshots=false)
However, I still need ProjectB to have that dependency for ProjectA. The error message seems to be m2eclipse looking for ProjectA in a remote repo. Project A should only be in .m2 directory, but I'm not sure how to tell m2eclipse to look there.
I think this may be just a m2eclipse specific issue because using mvn from the command line works fine and like I said previously, netbeans loads the projects and dependencies just fine.
I had this issue for dependencies that were created in other projects. Downloaded thirdparty dependencies showed up fine in the build path, but not a library that I had created.
SOLUTION: In the project that is not building correctly, right-click on the project and choose Properties, and then Maven. Uncheck the box labeled "Resolve dependencies from Workspace projects", hit Apply, and then OK. Right-click again on your project and do a Maven->Update Snapshots (or Update Dependencies) and your errors should go away when your project rebuilds (automatically if you have auto-build enabled).
It sounds like your m2eclipse install is using the embedded Maven, which has its own repository (located under user home) and settings.
If you open up the Maven preferences (Window->Preferences->Maven->Installations, you can add your Maven installation by selecting Add... then browsing to the M2_HOME directory.
For more details see the m2eclipse book
For me maven was downloading the dependency but was unable to add it to the classpath. I saw my .classpath of the project,it didnt have any maven-related entry. When I added
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER"/>
the issue got resolved for me.
One of the reason I found was why it doesn't find a jar from repository might be because the .pom file for that particular jar might be missing or corrupt. Just correct it and try to load from local repository.
Okay I fixed this thing. Had to first convert the projects to Maven Projects, then remove them from the Eclipse workspace, and then re-import them.
I had problems with using m2eclipse (i.e. it did not appear to be installed at all) but I develop a project using IAM - maven plugin for eclipse supported by Eclipse Foundation (or hosted or something like that).
I had sometimes problems as sometimes some strange error appeared for project (it couldn't move something) but simple command (run from eclipse as task or from console) + refresh (F5) solved all problems:
mvn clean
However please note that I created project in eclipse. However I modified pom.xml by hand.
This could be a problem if you are using a custom 'Settings.xml', with a different <localRepository> configured in it.
Eclipse will be using the default installation of MAVEN, and will be using the default location for the User to look for the local Maven repository, which on Linux systems would be '/home/${USER}/.m2/'
Eclipse can be easily configured to use the customized 'Settings.xml', by doing the following:
Goto -> Window -> Preferences -> Select 'Maven' -> Select 'User Settings'
Under 'User Settings', select the custom 'Settings.xml' file, for 'User Settings' by clicking 'Browse' and selecting the customized 'Settings.xml'.
Click on 'Update Settings', if the 'Local Repository' Textbox does not show the custom location from the file above, just key in the location and click 'Reindex'.
Click 'OK'
After this, you could proceed to select your project from the 'Project Explorer', right click, Select 'Maven' > 'Update Project'. Make sure that your project is selected (ticked) in the Window, and click 'OK'.
This should help to resolve the issue, if using custom 'Settings.xml' for Maven.
Hope it helps.