Is there a way to prevent the semi-bolding of Java keywords in Eclipse? (example pics inside) - eclipse

I'm trying to switch to a "proper" IDE, but I just can't get past the terrible way it displays the font.
I'm using the Monaco Font in both sublimeText and Eclipse, both with a size of 9, regular.
Sublime looks like this:
Whereas Eclipse's rendering of the same font looks like this:
It's all semi-bold and smudgy looking! I notice that most of this is only for java keywords like, "public," "class," etc.. non keywords look fine. So, I'm guessing this is editable somewhere in Eclipse's many, many menus.
Does anyone know how to turn off the semi-bolding of keywords?

From the Window menu, choose Preferences. Then type "font" in the search field. You'll see the colors and fonts option that lets you adjust the appearance of several different languages, including Java. I assume you can remove the bold, although I didn't check the details.
The options described on this question may also be relevant.


How to add support for a custom non-unicode font in VSCode?

I have a custom fantasy script which looks like this (just the text portion):
It is a monospaced font built with FontForge. How can I add support for it to VSCode, so I can type in ASCII (like the left side here), and it outputs the random UTF-8 symbol mapped to the custom font in VSCode? So I can then save the file and have it be either a bunch of gobbledygook characters or the ASCII characters I originally typed?
Ideally this could be a plugin, so if you know of an open source VSCode plugin which I could use as inspiration, that would be a perfect answer as well.
I see how to set a custom font in VSCode, but (a) that is globally, and (b) it doesn't necessarily solve the typing problem. I just really would like to know how to do this, not necessarily requiring an answer to implement it.
Recommended UX is to have a "separate keyboard" for it, meaning typing the keys on the keyboard would result in different values. Maybe something like that can be done on a per-file basis?

How to change Eclipse IDE GUI icons?

Elipse icons are ugly. Fact!
I would like to replace the icons with more flat, monochromatic and minimalist icons, but I can't find documentation on how to change icons from Eclipse's user interface.
How could I do this? It's needed to recompile eclipse?
Most of the icons seem to be stored under \eclipse\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\684\1.cp\icons AND in other folders of \eclipse\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles.
You can either change/create them yourself or you can search for icon packs and just replace them, there are plenty of packs out there for example in deviantart (there are some awesome free to use ones there!).
Also... never say "Eclipse icons are ugly. Fact!" or else, it kind of sounds rude and discredits the work of the artist that made them, just say that you don't like them.
You can change the icons using this tool. It changes the look and feel including the inline search. Check this ->

In eclipse, can we change font style of a section of code, unlike the global?

We already know that we can change the font styles for Eclipse editors globally. But let's say I want to change font for particular block of code or line of code by selecting the text just like a word processing software.
Life would be easier if we went through big classes and color-coded the block of code with different styles.
I am not sure if there any way we can change the font of a section of a code in Eclipse. But, we can use plugins like EditBox to highlight sections of code in Eclipse. EditBox is also configurable so you can create your own color presets.
Hope this helps :)

Syntax-dependent fonts in Eclipse?

Notepad++ has the ability to show some types of syntax (e.g. strings) in a different font from others.
Can Eclipse do something like this?
I need this ability because the strings have Unicode characters in them, but all the fonts that I have that support Unicode look crap in the rest of the code.
EDIT: I am looking for this feature for Java code.
Not currently possible, you can only change the font family for the entire Java editor.
it depends on which perspective .. I am using PyDev .. go to window-->preferences then select PyDev tab then select Editor will find a panel titled with "Appearance color options" .. you can customize the color of each part of your codes

Ecplise color files plugin?

Is there a way in eclipse to assign certain files a colour (much like OSX's Finder):
Such that opened editor's tabs are assigned the same colour - (and maybe even the text editor's background
For instance if I am working with MVC, I could assign all the Models blue, all the Views Green, Mediators Yellow etc...
I can't find one, but it seems so natural/obvious to me I thought I'd better ask.
Else, does anyone else have problems visually grouping th
Kind of...
Please have a look at Andrei Loskutov's Extended VS presentation plugin which, as its name suggests, is a Visual Studio skin for Eclipse. It has some tab colouring features (although may be the one you describe).
On a general note Andrei's eclipse plugins have, since version 2.x, garnered a lot of well deserved praise...