Facebook app, how to have a online version with a local version? - facebook

Hi so i recently uploaded my facebook app. so i can only input 1 url for Website with Facebook Login. So how do i keep working on my local version while still serving the online version??

get another API and app secret from


Aws amplify facebook login app - broken url detected

Simple question really.
How do I make my facebook app live.
Steps taken...
I made a very basic project by running:
amplify init;
Then I created a facebook app in facebook for developers.
Using the app id and app secret from that app I ran:
amplify add auth
amplify push
At which point my amplify project was created in AWS.
I took the user pool domain and added it to the facebook app:
App domains: [Userpool Domain]
Site url: https://[Userpool Domain]/oauth2/idpresponse
At this point I can use aws amplify in my react project to login using facebook, so it must be set up correctly.
But I can't set my facebook app to live, since it complains about a broken url detected.
And using the sharing debugger I see the https:///oauth2/idpresponse url returns a response code 400.
Can anyone please tell me.
How do I fix this??
This is the error thrown by facebook:

Ionic and Firebase v3 google auth error

I'm trying to add the Google-plus login to my app, but no matter what I do I cannot get it working on a real Android device.
So far I was able to get the idToken from this plugin
Using Firebase's singInWithCredential(idToken) I get an error that said:
This app, identified by the domain where it is hosted, is not authorized to use Firebase Authentication with the provided API key. Review your key configuration in the Google API console.
I want to point out that I follow all the steps for the installation, SHA1 key are correct and I am using signed APKs.
Using the facebook plugin, retrieving the token and signInWithCredential worked without any issue.
Thanks in advance!
it seems like you have some API key restrictions that are not met by your ionic application.
To begin with, please check you are using the API key from the "Web setup" popup, under the auth section of the Firebase console for your project. This one should work out of the box if you have not changed your configuration in the API console.
If that doesn't fix the issue, go to the credentials section of the Google API console for your Firebase project, look for the API key that you are using, and check which referrer restrictions are set there and ensure they are met by your application. Read this answer for several options that you have to set up your API key restrictions for a Cordova app.
In my Ionic2 RC1 + Firebase3.5 + AngularFire2.beta5 project I had the same problem... Google Auth with Popup worked in Browser but not in my Android .APK
Note.- I didn't use Tokens in my App
Firstly, I add to my Firebase Console authorized domain list and <allow-navigation href=""/> to my config.xml.
After this, I found that installing Cordova InAppBrowser plugin solves my problem definitively.
I didn't need to modify my code, only plug and play, exactly like David East says in his Social login with Ionic blog.

How to find my test Facebook Messenger App

I have a FB Messenger app and created a test app for me to point at my development server (using ngrok for the webhook). As far as I can tell, everything is set up for me to be able to access the test app following the instructions here:
However, I can only find the public production version of my chatbot on my FB messenger app. How can I find the test version so that I can play around with my dev server?

Phonegap's Facebook Connect plugin - making it work with web app as well as native apps?

I've got the FB Connect plugin working with my Phonegap project native apps, but now I'm wondering what the workflow is for making it work with the web-app version.
When I run the web-app version, I get the standard Phonegap FB Connect errors, the last one being 'FB variable does not exist. Check that you have included the Facebook JS SDK file.' - this makes sense, as my web app doesn't have those js files, as they get injected during the PG Build process.
So what is the typical way of moving forward at that point? Can I use that last error as a way of determining 'ok, this is the web-app version, not native', and then what do I do next? Should have the Facebook SDK installed on my web-app?
The git repo has steps for including the plugin in web app
Web App
www/js/facebookConnectPlugin.js contains the JavaScript SDK and API file. The API matches as close as possible to the native APIs.
Setup Web App Example
Host the www folder on a server and configure your Facebook dashboard correctly to test the Web APIs. Most people use Parse for easy testing.
NOTE : Developers should call facebookConnectPlugin.browserInit() before login - Web App ONLY

I can't do facebook login with windows 8 mobile application

I am developing a windows 8 phone application with c# and I have to use facebook to login, currently I am use a service to connect to the database. I have the AppID and App secret key. but It failing to execute my facebook login code. My code is available through the link: http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/Integrate_Facebook_to_Your_Windows_Phone_Application. This codes execute successfully but I am unable to see the login page.
Could someone please help me?
please check once app-Id and app secret the same is working for me.