combine UITextFields input into one UITtextField - iphone

Im new to xcode and objective c. I have asked this question three times and still can't find a good method or answer. I have several uitextfields that accept user input and adds it to the combinedtextField in order of IBAction user inputs big in one field,bad in the next one and boy in the third and the result is big bad boy in the combinedtextField.
-(IBAction)addtextField1: (id)sender
combinedtextField.text = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:#"%# %#",
-(IBAction)addtextField2: (id)sender
combinedtextField.text = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:#"%# %#",
combinedtextField.text, textField2.text];
combinedtextField.text = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:#"%# %#",
Now this is where it gets interesting.I need to be able to remove the selected text from the combinedtextField.
-(IBAction)removetextField2: (id)sender
-(IBAction)removetextField3: (id)sender
If I tap the removetextField2 button it would remove the corresponding text(bad) from the combinedtextField and then it would read (big boy)
Ive looked into nsarrays,nsdictionarys and other methods and have got no where.
Need some way of possibly tagging the input and removing it that way. Example code would be great and very much appreciated.

You've left out some important details about your app, so I'm making some guesses about how it should work.
Perhaps what you should do is keep a mutable array of all of the fragments that have been added to the combined string:
#implementation MyViewController {
    NSMutableArray *fragments_;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
fragments_ = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
When one of the add buttons is tapped, you append the corresponding field's text to the array and recompute the combined string:
- (IBAction)addTextField1:(id)sender {
[fragments_ addObject:textField1.text];
[self updateCombinedTextField];
- (void)updateCombinedTextField {
combinedTextField.text = [fragments componentsJoinedByString:#" "];
When one of the remove buttons is tapped, you try to remove the corresponding field's text from the fragments array and recompute the combined string:
- (IBAction)removeTextField1:(id)sender {
[fragments_ removeObject:textField1.text];
[self updateCombinedTextField];
That will remove all occurrences of field 1's text from the fragments array. If you just want to remove one instance, you will need to use indexOfObject: (or one of its variants) followed by removeObjectAtIndex:.

You can't do it in a very trivial way (without anything to add, just 1stroke magic function). But, there's the easy way, which i'd possible gone for.
If you don't need to do it a lot of times, and / or the text is quite small (not like a 500 pages book), then:
Create a boolean array named mark, and mark[i] should mark the i'th text field as 'added'. Then, create a function named reloadCombinedTextField, which creates it again, depended of the mark array. (if mark[i] == true, then we add a textfield's text, otherwise not)
Then, just mark or unmark the needed text fields in every function and call the reload function in the end of every call.
Altho, there is another way, but it can be wrong in situations where your text fields have the same text. The thing is, you just search in your combined text field the text from selected text field (for example, with [NSString rangeOfString] method) and remove it.
If you are going to do it often and the text is really big, then it goes much more complicated. But i'm quite sure, that you won't do this on iOS.


XML Parse only certain child elements

This may be a basic question but, I have a play that is in xml format. I want to grab the speaker and the lines the speaker has in a dictionary in order to add it to an array. Here is the format
<LINE>Two households, both alike in dignity,</LINE>
<LINE>In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,</LINE>
<LINE>From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,</LINE>
<LINE>Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.</LINE>
<LINE>From forth the fatal loins of these two foes</LINE>
<LINE>A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;</LINE>
<LINE>Whole misadventured piteous overthrows</LINE>
<LINE>Do with their death bury their parents' strife.</LINE>
<LINE>The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,</LINE>
<LINE>And the continuance of their parents' rage,</LINE>
<LINE>Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,</LINE>
<LINE>Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;</LINE>
<LINE>The which if you with patient ears attend,</LINE>
<LINE>What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.</LINE>
So I want to grab the Narrator as the speaker and the lines he/she has and add it to the dictionary. After that I want to add the dictionary to the array and then clear the dictionary.
How can I do this?
I'm inferring from one of the original tags in your question, xcode, that you're doing in this in Objective-C. I'll further assume that you wanted to use NSXMLParser.
So, let's assume you have (a) a mutable array of speeches; (b) a mutable dictionary for the current speech; (c) a mutable array of lines for each speech; and (d) a mutable string, value, which will capture the characters found between the start of an element name and the end of that element name.
Then, you have to implement the NSXMLParserDelegate methods. For example, as you're parsing, in your didStartElement, if you encounter a speech element name, you create a dictionary:
if ([elementName isEqualToString:#"SPEECH"]) {
speech = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
lines = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
value = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
As you encounter characters in foundCharacters, you'd append these to the value:
[value appendString:string];
And, in your didEndElement, if you encounter speaker, set it, if you encounter a line, add it, and if you encounter the SPEECH closing tag, go ahead and add the speech (with its SPEAKER and LINES to your array of speeches:
if ([elementName isEqualToString:#"SPEAKER"]) {
[speech setObject:value forKey:#"SPEAKER"];
else if ([elementName isEqualToString:#"LINE"]) {
[lines addObject:value];
else if ([elementName isEqualToString:#"SPEECH"]) {
[speech setObject:lines forKey:#"LINES"];
[speeches addObject:speech];
speech = nil;
lines = nil;
value = nil;
For more information, see the Event-Driven XML Programming Guide or google "NSXMLParser tutorial".
If you use c# and if each SPEECH has only 1 SPEAKER you can do the following
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load("XMLFile1.xml");
List<string> lines = xdoc.Descendants("SPEECH").Where(e => e.Element("SPEAKER").Value.ToUpper() == "NARRATOR").Elements("LINE").Select(e => e.Value).ToList();

Objective-C: Comparing normal strings and strings found in NSMutableArrays

I am confused about strings (a beginner's problem, I'm afraid):
I have one NSMutableArray called Notebook. At index position 1, I have an object, which I think is a string. At least I put it into the array like this:
[NoteBook replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:#"x-x-x-x"];
So far so good. If I put this into an UILabel, it will show x-x-x-x on my screen. The nightmare starts when I try to compare this string with other strings. Let's consider that I do not want to display the string x-x-x-x on my screen, but just to have a blank instead. So I thought I could achieve this by coding this:
NSString *tempDateString;
tempDateString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[NoteBook objectAtIndex:1]];
if (tempDateString == #"x-x-x-x") {
UISampleLabel.text = #"";
For some reason, this does not work, i.e. even if the string at position 1 of my array is 'x-x-x-x', it will still not set my UISampleLabel to nothing.
I suppose that I am getting confused with the #"" markers. When do I really need them? Why can't I simply code tempDateString = [NoteBook objectAtIndex:1]; without the formatting thing?
Any help and suggestions would be very much appreciated!
You need to compare string with isEqualToString:
if ([tempDateString isEqualToString:#"x-x-x-x"]) {
UISampleLabel.text = #"";
In addition to the question that's been answered:
Why can't I simply code tempDateString = [NoteBook objectAtIndex:1]; without the formatting thing?
You can. Why do you think you can't?

How to sync a section in a MutableArray with UITextView

I have one MutableArray (NSMutableArray *NoteBook;) in which I would like to store Notepages (I set up an object called NotePage.m which simply contains one NSString *noteText and a method to setNoteText). I also have an integer to keep track of my pages (NSUInteger currentPageCounter;).
I start my little program by setting up a new instance of NotePage:
NotePage *newPage = [[NotePage alloc] init];
[newPage setNoteText:#"Sample Text for a certain page..."];
I then copy this *newPage 3 times into my NoteBook Mutable Array:
[self.NoteBook insertObject:newPage atIndex:(self.currentPageCounter)];
This will give me 3 pages, at the indices 0,1,2. So far so good. Everything works splendid. But now comes the enemy, UITextView. First of all, I would like to display the contents of a page within my NoteBook in an UITextView. So I did this to sync one section in the MutableArray (e.g. page at index 0) with the UITextView which works fine:
NotePage *thisPage = [self.NoteBook objectAtIndex:self.currentPageCounter];
TextViewNote.text = thisPage.noteText;
The problem is, however, if I want to edit my UITextView and sync the updated text with the MutableArray. This is where the crashing happens... I have coded this in a separate method which can be clicked once the user is done editing the UITextView:
-(IBAction) savePage
NSString *tempString;
tempString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",TextViewNote.text];
NotePage *newPage = [[NotePage alloc] init];
[newPage setNoteText:tempString];
[self.NoteBook insertObject:newPage atIndex:(self.currentPageCounter)]; // e.g. at index 0 for page 1
[self.NoteBook removeObjectAtIndex:(currentPageCounter+1)]; // i.e. this is to remove the old page 1 which used to be at index 0 but now is at index 1
[self syncTextView];
[self syncCounter];
I guess there is a less cumbersome way (I'm still a beginner...) to simply replace an object at a certain index at a Mutable Array. As it stands now, it will simply crash once I try to move onwards to the next index position which is apparently not found anymore.
Thanks for any ideas!
I guess there is a less cumbersome way
(I'm still a beginner...) to simply
replace an object at a certain index
at a Mutable Array.
Indeed. Look at -[NSMutableArray replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject:].
Considering the error you posted, it sounds like you've got a bad pointer somewhere. The error is complaining that somewhere, a -[UITouchData length] message is being sent to an instance of NotePage. Turn on the 'Stop on Objective-C Exceptions' option in the debugger (under the Run menu). That should help you see where the problem is occurring.
NSMutableArray has a method replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject: that should do what you are trying to do.
You've got a memory management issue, however, unless you are calling release on the newPage after you add it to the array. Unless you are planning on making the NotePage class more complex, it might make sense simply to change the item's text rather than substituting a new object:
[[self.noteBook objectAtIndex:currentPageCounter] setNoteText:tempString];
(Also, be aware that inserting the newPage object into the array four times does not copy the object; it simply inserts the same reference four times. If you want four distinct objects, you will need to allocate four objects in a loop:
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
NotePage *newPage = [[NotePage alloc] init];
[newPage setNoteText:#"Dummy text"];
[self.notebook addObject:newPage];
[newPage release];

Non US characters in section headers for a UITableView

I have added a section list for a simple Core Data iPhone app.
I followed this so question to create it - How to use the first character as a section name but my list also contain items starting with characters outside A-Z, specially Å,Ä and Ö used here in Sweden.
The problem now is that when the table view shows the section list the three last characters are drawn wrong. See image below
alt text
It seems like my best option right now is to let those items be sorted under 'Z'
if ([letter isEqual:#"Å"] ||
[letter isEqual:#"Ä"] ||
[letter isEqual:#"Ö"])
letter = #"Z";
Someone that have figured this one out?
And while I'm at it... 'Å', 'Ä' and 'Ö' should be sorted in that order but are sorted as 'Ä', 'Å' and 'Ö' by Core Data NSSortDescriptor. I have tried to set set the selector to localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare: but that gives a out of order section name 'Ä. Objects must be sorted by section name' error. Seen that too?
So I could not let go of this one and found the following:
What you need to do in this case is called 'Unicode Normalization Form D'. It is more explained in (warning, long and dry document)
Here is a function that does the decomposition and then filters out all diacritics. You can use this to convert Äpple to Apple and then use the first letter to build an index.
- (NSString*) decomposeAndFilterString: (NSString*) string
NSMutableString *decomposedString = [[string decomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping] mutableCopy];
NSCharacterSet *nonBaseSet = [NSCharacterSet nonBaseCharacterSet];
NSRange range = NSMakeRange([decomposedString length], 0);
while (range.location > 0) {
range = [decomposedString rangeOfCharacterFromSet:nonBaseSet
options:NSBackwardsSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, range.location)];
if (range.length == 0) {
[decomposedString deleteCharactersInRange:range];
return [decomposedString autorelease];
(I found this code on a mailing list, forgot the source, but I took it and fixed it up a little)
I am experiencing the same issue reported in the original question, i.e. extended characters (outside Unicode page 0) not properly displayed in the index bar.
Although I seem to feed NSFetchedResultsController with correct single unicode character strings, what I get in return accessing the 'sectionIndexTitles' property are those same characters with the high byte set to 0; for example character \u30a2 (KATAKANA LETTER A) becomes \u00a2 (CENT SIGN).
I am not sure whether this is a bug in the method sectionIndexTitleForSectionName: of NSFetchedResultsController or my own fault somewhere else, however my workaround consists in overriding it and performing what the documentation says it does internally:
- (NSString *)sectionIndexTitleForSectionName:(NSString *)sectionName
NSString *outName;
if ( [sectionName length] )
outName = [[sectionName substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString];
outName = [super sectionIndexTitleForSectionName:sectionName];
return outName;
This produces the expected output.
Just adding this in my controller solved the original problem for me
- (NSString *)controller:(NSFetchedResultsController *)controller sectionIndexTitleForSectionName:(NSString *)sectionName {
return sectionName;}
Å, Ä and Ö displays properly in the list
When I encounter situation like this, the first thing I ask myself is 'what does Apple do'.
As an experiment I just added 'Joe Äpple' to my iPhone address book and he shows up under the plain A. I think that makes a lot of sense.
So instead of throwing them under Z or Ä you should do the same. There must be some way to get the 'base' letter of a unicode character for the grouping.
You can use UTF-8 encoding
const char *cLetter = (const char *)[ tmp cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSString *original = [NSString stringWithCString:cLetter encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
Did you follow my answer to that other question?
I am doing some tests (refetching my objects) and seeing odd intermittent behavior. It definitely sorts them correctly (with 'Å' right after 'A', but before 'Ä') sometimes. Other times it puts the characters outside of A-Z all at the end (after 'Z') even though I didn't do anything special.
Also, I noticed that 'Å' is drawn correctly if you return its lowercase form. Have you tried overriding sectionIndexTitleForSectionName: to keep the order, but change the drawn character?
Did you ever solve this issue?
I've been able to get the section title index to display correctly by implementing sectionIndexTitlesForTableView: to build my own array of section titles:
- (NSArray *)sectionIndexTitlesForTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
NSMutableArray *indexKeys = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:30];
NSArray *fetchedResults = [fetchedResultsController fetchedObjects];
NSString *currKey = #"DEFAULT";
for (NSManagedObject *managedObject in fetchedResults) {
NSString *indexKey = [managedObject valueForKey:#"indexKey"];
if (![indexKey isEqualToString:currKey]) {
[indexKeys addObject:indexKey];
currKey = indexKey;
return indexKeys;
Here, indexKey is the first letter of the name.
However, this creates one of two issues in sectionForSectionIndexTitle: instead:
If I simply return the index for the section this is now the unsorted index and no longer corresponds with the sort order in the fetchResultController:
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView sectionForSectionIndexTitle:(NSString *)title atIndex:(NSInteger)index {
return index;
Alternatively, If I pass on the call to the fetchedResultsController it breaks on the non-US index titles because these are no longer the weird characters used by the fetchedResultsController:
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView sectionForSectionIndexTitle:(NSString *)title atIndex:(NSInteger)index {
return [fetchedResultsController sectionForSectionIndexTitle:title atIndex:index];
The latter code generates an error of the following kind when navigating to the "Ø" index title:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Index title at 24 is not equal to 'Ø''
A workaround for this is to translate the offending characters back to their weird selves:
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView sectionForSectionIndexTitle:(NSString *)title atIndex:(NSInteger)index {
if ([title isEqualToString:#"Æ"]) {
title = #"\u2206";
} else if ([title isEqualToString:#"Ø"]) {
title = #"\u0178";
} else if ([title isEqualToString:#"Å"]) {
title = #"\u2248";
return [fetchedResultsController sectionForSectionIndexTitle:title atIndex:index];
You can find the Unicode values in the debugger with the action "Print Description to Console".
However, the good solution would be to figure out why this weird encoding happens and prevent it.

hot do i make a comparison of integers and values of text box in Objective C

i'm new to iphone programming and i encountered/noticed some problems while i was coding. which was after i typed a statement like
if (label.text > label2.text) {
do something...}
however, after typing my application can be compiled and run however when i try to validate it by comparing the values, my specified actions can run and i can change my image view image, however the conditions is not true but the specified actions can be run. Do enlighten me thanks! i will post my codes at the bottom, do comment if you spot any better practices? thanks once again.
Oh and how can i specify to check in my label that the default value is not "Label" or empty because i would like the values to be populated with number before commencing.
-(IBAction) beginMatch {
if (resultP1.text, resultP2.text = #"Label") {
errorMsg.text = #"Please Press Roll (:";
if (resultP1.text > resultP2.text) {
MG = [MainGameController alloc];
MG.player1 = playerName.text;
else {
MG.player1 = playerNameP2.text;
[self.view addSubview:MG.view];
this is one example that it does not work i have another one which is below.
-(IBAction) btn:(id) sender {
ptc = [playerTurnController alloc];
if (ptc.player1name = MGplayerName.text) {
if (lblDiceResultP1.text > lblDiceResultP2.text) {
img.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"yellow.png"];
else if (ptc.player2name = MGplayerName.text) {
img.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"Blue.png"];
Thank you.
Your code contains quite a few errors. You're trying to compare NSString values with ">", you're using the comma operator and = operator incorrectly, and you're allocating new objects in (what look to be) the wrong places.
You really should work your way through the introductory documentation on Apple's developer website first:
Learning Objective-C: A Primer
Your First iPhone Application
In here you're comparing string (alphabetically) addresses:
lblDiceResultP1.text > lblDiceResultP2.text
You probably want to extract NSNumbers of out the strings and compare the numeric values.
This here is an assignment and not a comparison:
ptc.player2name = MGplayerName.text
You probably meant to use == which is also wrong.
NSStrings are compared with the isEqualToString e.g.
NSString * s1 = #"String One";
NSString * s2 = #"String Two";
if([s1 isEqualToString:s2])
// do something when strings are equal