IMAP - retrieve mail by Yahoo X-YMailISG - email

Appears for all incoming Yahoo mail, X-YMailISG is an incoming message ID mail can be retrieved by. I'm wondering if this is possible in IMAP or if this field is used for something else entirely?

From RFC 3501, section 6.4.4, you could use SEARCH or UID SEARCH with the HEADER qualifier to look look for the identifier for that message.
HEADER <field-name> <string>
Messages that have a header with the specified field-name (as
defined in [RFC-2822]) and that contains the specified string
in the text of the header (what comes after the colon). If the
string to search is zero-length, this matches all messages that
have a header line with the specified field-name regardless of
the contents.


Email messages: header section of an email-message, email-message envelope, email-message body and SMTP

Please, let me know whether my understanding of these things is correct:
Email-message consits of two parts: email-message envelope and contents of an email-message.
Email-message envelope is an information that is formed step by step during
SMTP-handhaking phases on a path of a message from sender's mailbox
to reciever's mailbox (during exchanging command-reply pairs between each
SMTP-client and SMTP-server on a path).
Header section is one of the two parts of a content of an email-message
(along with message body), and initially consists of the lines written by sender along with the body of the message in his email client.
Body of the email message - this thing is self-explanatory.
RFC 5322 specifies the format of the email-message content (header section and message body), and RFC 5321 specifies the work of the SMTP protocol.
Although header section of the email-message is initially formed by sender of email-message along with the body of the message (in his email-client), this header section may be further extended with some header fields containing envelope information during the path of the email-message through different SMTP-servers. For example, SMTP-server can append a new "Received:" header line to the header section. These modifications of header section must be performed according to the rules from RFC 5321 and after each of these modifications the resulting header section must me consistent with the format specified in RFC 5322.
When we open a received email-message with an email-client GUI, we see only the message body and a part of the header section of the message that was initially written by sender of email-message in his email client. But if we want to look at the full header section of the message (with those header lines containing envelope information, that were appended by SMTP servers) we can use options like "show original" in Gmail.
Since nobody answered, I will do it - I have spent some days looking for information about it, have read in RFC 5321 and RFC 5322 the most important moments and hasn't found any contradictions to the assumptions in the question.

MailKit : search if custom header exists

I have added a custom header in emails, conditionally
and I want using the IMAP/SearchQuery to return only the mails having the header.
Not its value, only to return true/false if the header exists.
Is it possible ? thanks.
According to rfc3501 (the IMAP specification):
HEADER <field-name> <string>
Messages that have a header with the specified field-name (as
defined in [RFC-2822]) and that contains the specified string
in the text of the header (what comes after the colon). If the
string to search is zero-length, this matches all messages that
have a header line with the specified field-name regardless of
the contents.
To make this search in MailKit, what you would do is this:
var results = folder.Search (SearchQuery.Header ("X-Custom-Header", string.Empty));
I just discovered a logic bug in MailKit that would decide to send empty strings as ATOMs instead of QSTRING like it should. I've fixed this in git master, but have not made a release yet. I'll probably do that this weekend.

Is there a URI schema for addressing individual email messages?

When someone loses track of an email that has been sent to them, and brings that to the sender's attention, it is common practice for the sender to simply forward or re-send the original email. I want to know if there is any [semi-]standard way to reference a specific email, such that a mail client could open that email if it has a copy of it. This might be in the form of a URI, or possibly some other form. Such a URI might reference the sender, recipient, date, time, or other headers that [should] remain intact between sender and recipient.
The Message-ID is a globally unique identifier for messages.
Note that the Message-ID header is optional, but recommended:
Though listed as optional in the table in section 3.6, every message SHOULD have a "Message-ID:" field.
RFC 2392 specifies the URI scheme mid (which was already reserved in RFC 1738):
The "mid" scheme uses (a part of) the message-id of an email message to refer to a specific message.
An example from RFC 2392:
previous message, shows how the approach you propose can be used to accomplish ...

Magento - How to format the email address in "Store Email Addresses"?

What I'm trying to do is format the email address like so Foo Bar <> so email clients (including web based like gmail) will show the sender as "Foo Bar" and not just "foo" since that is the prefix on the email.
Is this possible in Magento 1.5? If I try to put the formatting in the field itself I get an error message.
That's what the Sender Name field does. This is what my setup looks like and what it looks like in Thunderbird (my webmail client formats it similarly, too):
You may look at code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Email.php for the actual mail implementation. You may notice it uses Zend_Mail. Now, here is the catch:
For security reasons, Zend_Mail filters all header fields to prevent header
injection with newline (\n) characters. Double quotation is changed to single
quotation and angle brackets to square brackets in the name of sender and recipients.
If the marks are in email address, the marks will be removed.
What you can do though is to make a module to rewrite the current class Mage_Core_Model_Email and overwrite the send() function. I covered rewriting classes before in this question's answer. Then, in this new rewritten class, you could PHPmailer, invoke shell mail commands, or whatever PHP library you would happen to know that would allow this behaviour.
Best of luck.
I'm not sure if it can work. In magento inside is a Zend_Validate which does validation of such email addresses. And I dont think so that email like 'Foo Bar ' is valid. But I think the display in customer's email client depend on client, no?

Is it correct that sometimes I get angle brackets in "From" field of an e-mail message?

My software is working with incoming e-mail from the one and only particular sender (let it be According to RFC-2616 section 14 "From" header
MAY be used for logging purposes and
as a means for identifying the source of invalid or unwanted
That's exactly what I needed, so I wrote a code, which ignores all the messages where "From" field doesn't equal It worked good, but one day things changed, and now all the messages form Santa Claus contains a different string in "From" field (exactly <>).
I already fixed my code, but I just wonder, is this header legal? Because the same RFC-2616 section 14 says:
The address SHOULD be machine-usable,
as defined by "mailbox" in RFC 822 [9]
as updated by RFC 1123 [8]:
From = "From" ":" mailbox
An example is:
Note the absense of angle brackets. But at the same time, many e-mail messages I receive on my Gmail account has something like this in the "From" field: "Santa Claus" <>
RFC-822 allows email addresses to be specified either by a pure email-style address, called an "addr-spec" (e.g., name#host.domain); or by using a nickname ("phrase") with the email-style address (the "addr-spec") enclosed in angle brackets (Foo Bar <foobar#host.domain>). Your sender has gone from the first format to the second format, although here the nickname part seems to be empty.
By the way, RFC-2616 is for HTTP; you're looking at the definition of an optional, and (I imagine) rarely-used, From: header in the HTTP protocol. That doesn't seem to have any direct relevance on email formats.