When should I use Scala method & function - scala

val f1 = (a:Int) => a+1
def f2 = (a:Int) => a+1
Seems they are quite inter-changeable, are there any specific use case which I should use a particular one?

Typically one would write the def version as:
def f2(a:Int) = a+1
If you write it they way you did, it's actually creating a method f2 that, when called, constructs a new function closure. So in both of your cases, you still have a function. But in the first case, the function gets constructed only once and stored (as f1) for later use. But in the second case, the function gets constructed every time f2 is referenced, which is kind of a waste.
So when to prefer a function over a method? Well, you can work with a function a bit more easily in certain situations. Consider this case:
(1 to 3).map(f1 andThen f1) // totally fine
(1 to 3).map(f2 andThen f1) // "missing arguments" error
(1 to 3).map(f2 _ andThen f1) // fixed by adding "_" after the method name
So f1 is always a function and so you can call a method like andThen on it. The variable f2 represents a method, so it doesn't expect to be used like this; it always expects to be followed by arguments. You can always turn a method into a function by following it with an underscore, but this can look a little ugly if it's not necessary.


How reduceLeft works on sequence of Functions returning Future

This might be a naive question and I am sorry for that. I am studying Scala Futures and stumbled on below code:
object Main extends App {
def await[T](f: Future[T]) = Await.result(f, 10.seconds)
def f(n: Int): Future[Int] = Future {n + 1}
def g(n: Int): Future[Int] = Future {n * 2}
def h(n: Int): Future[Int] = Future {n - 1}
def doAllInOrder[T](f: (T => Future[T])*): T => Future[T] = {
f.reduceLeft((a,b) => x => a(x).flatMap(y => b(y)))
println(await(doAllInOrder(f, g, h)(10))) // 21
I know how reduceLeft works when it is applied on Collections. But in the above example, as I understand, in the first pass of reduceLeft value x i.e. 10 is applied to Function a and the result is applied to Function b using flatMap which eventually return Future[Int] (say, I call it result). In the next pass of reduceLeft the result and Function h has to be used, but here is I am troubled.
The result is actually an already executed Future, but the reduceLeft next pass expects a Function which returns a Future[Int].Then how it is working?
Another thing I am not able to understand how each pass sending its result to next pass of reduceLeft, i.e. how x is getting it's value in subsequent passes.
Though both of my confusions are interrelated and a good explanation may help clear my doubt.
Thanks in advance.
You have to think about reduceLeft to be independent from Future execution. reduceLeft creates a new function by combining two given ones and that's it.
reduceLeft is applied to a Seq of T => Future[T]. So, it's just simple iteration from left to right over sequence of functions taking first and second elements and reducing it to one single value, reducing this value with the 3rd element and so on. Eventually, having just two element left that are reduced to a single one.
The result of reduceLeft has to be of the same type as the type of elements in the collection. In your case, it's function T => Future[T].
Let's understand what (a,b) => x => a(x).flatMap(y => b(y)) is doing
This means the following. Given functions a and b, create a function that combines function a with b. Mathematically it's c(x)=b(a(x)).
Now, a and b are functions returning futures. And futures can be chained with the help of map/flatMap methods.
You should read x => a(x).flatMap(y => b(y)) as
Given an input x, apply function a(x), this results in a Future, when this future is completed, take result y and apply function b(y), this results in a new Future. This is the result of function c.
Note: value x is Int at all times. It is the input parameter for your new reduced function.
If it's still not clear, let's address the points of confusions
The result is actually an already executed Future.
No future is guaranteed to be executed at any point here. map and flatMap are non blocking operation and it applies functions to a Future. The result of this application is still a Future.
Another thing I am not able to understand how each pass sending its
result to next pass of reduceLeft, i.e. how x is getting it's value in
subsequent passes.
This is easier to understand when just having integers in a collection. Given following code
Seq(1, 2, 5, 10).reduceLeft(_ - _)
It will take 1, 2 and apply - function, this will result in -1. It will then combine -1 and 5 resulting in -6. And finally, -6 with 10 resulting in -16.

What does an underscore after a scala method call mean?

The scala documentation has a code example that includes the following line:
val numberFunc = numbers.foldLeft(List[Int]())_
What does the underscore after the method call mean?
It's a partially applied function. You only provide the first parameter to foldLeft (the initial value), but you don't provide the second one; you postpone it for later. In the docs you linked they do it in the next line, where they define squares:
val numberFunc = numbers.foldLeft(List[Int]())_
val squares = numberFunc((xs, x) => xs:+ x*x)
See that (xs, x) => xs:+ x*x, that's the missing second parameter which you omitted while defining numberFunc. If you had provided it right away, then numberFunc would not be a function - it would be the computed value.
So basically the whole thing can also be written as a one-liner in the curried form:
val squares = numbers.foldLeft(List[Int]())((xs, x) => xs:+ x*x)
However, if you want to be able to reuse foldLeft over and over again, having the same collection and initial value, but providing a different function every time, then it's very convinient to define a separate numbersFunc (as they did in the docs) and reuse it with different functions, e.g.:
val squares = numberFunc((xs, x) => xs:+ x*x)
val cubes = numberFunc((xs, x) => xs:+ x*x*x)
Note that the compiler error message is pretty straightforward in case you forget the underscore:
Error: missing argument list for method foldLeft in trait
LinearSeqOptimized Unapplied methods are only converted to functions
when a function type is expected. You can make this conversion
explicit by writing foldLeft _ or foldLeft(_)(_) instead of
foldLeft. val numberFunc = numbers.foldLeft(ListInt)
EDIT: Haha I just realized that they did the exact same thing with cubes in the documentation.
I don't know if it helps but I prefer this syntax
val numberFunc = numbers.foldLeft(List[Int]())(_)
then numberFunc is basically a delegate corresponding to an instance method (instance being numbers) waiting for a parameter. Which later comes to be a lambda expression in the scala documentation example

How does this Scala function work?

def flatMap[A,B](f: Rand[A])(g: A => Rand[B]): Rand[B] =rng => {
val (a, r1) = f(rng)
I am confused by g(a)(r1) because g is supposed to take only one argument, so why r1?
I don't exactly know the Rand[A] structure, so this is partially guessing. What you are returning in this function is a Rand[B] and when you implement the function you start of with defining an argument rng of an anonymous function. This tells me that Rand is probably some kind of function itself.
In the second line (val (a, r1) = f(rng)) you apply the value rng to the instance f: Rand[A]. In the resulting tuple, a has type A.
Note with this that f(rng) is equal to explicitly calling apply: f.apply(rng).
You can use the value a to get a Rand[B] by applying this value to the function g. So, val rb: Rand[B] = g(a) (or g.apply(a)).
Now, you don't want to return an instance of Rand[B] in this anonymous function! Instead you need to apply the previous result r1 to this instance rb. So, you get rb(r1) or rb.apply(r1). Substituting rb with g(a) or g.apply(a) gives you g(a)(r1) or g.apply(a).apply(r1).
To summarize, as you said, g is supposed to only take one argument, which results in an instance of Rand[B], but that is not the expected return type here. You need to apply the result of the previous computation to this new computation to get the expected result.

Function literal - Need help in understanding a code snippet

I'm basically new to functional programming and scala, and the following question might possibly look stupid.
val f = (a:Int) => a+1
In the above snippet, should I consider f to be a function or a variable? Coming from a C/C++ background, the first thought that occurs is that f is a variable that stores the return value of the anonymous function, but I think that's not the correct way to interpret it Any explanation would be really helpful.
(Some of the terminologies I used above might be wrong with respect to scala/functional programming, kindly bear with it)
Here, f is a variable that stores a function. It's really no different from saying any of the following:
val a = 4 // `a` is a variable storing an Int
val b = "hi" // `b` is a variable storing a String
val f = (a:Int) => a+1 // `f` is a variable storing a function
You can also confirm this with the REPL:
scala> val f = (a:Int) => a+1
f: Int => Int = <function1>
So this is telling you that f has the type Int => Int. Or in other words, f is a function that takes one argument, an Int, and returns an Int.
Since f is a variable, you can call methods on it or pass it as an argument to functions that expect its type:
a + 3 // here I'm calling the `+` method on `a`, which is an Int
f(3) // here I'm calling the `apply` method on `f`, which is a function `Int => Int`
f(a) // the function `f` expects an `Int`, which `a` is
(1 to 3).map(f) // the `map` method expects a function from Int to Int, like `f`
Yes, like dhg said, f is a variable (that can't be changed) that stores a function.
However, there's a subtlety here:
... the first thought that occurs is that f is a variable that stores the
return value of the anonymous function
f actually stores the function, not the result. So you can give it different inputs, and get different outputs. So, you can use it like f(7) and then f(5). Functions in Scala are objects, so can be assigned to variables, passed as parameters, etc.
I recently posted about function literals, which may be helpful to you.
f is a value denoting a function literal.
In the statement, the right-hand-side is a function literal. The left-hand-side binds it to a name which is then called value (the val keyword is similar to let in LISP). Now the function is associated with the symbol f, so you can refer to that function by using this symbol f.
I disagree with the other answers which suggest that f should be called a variable. f is a value, because it is fixed to the right-hand-side term which is determined only once and cannot change. On the contrary a variable, introduced with var, allows you to re-assign values to a symbol:
var f = (i: Int) => i + 1
Where var begins a variable definition, f is the name or symbol of the variable, there could be an optional : ... defining type of the variable (if you leave that out, the type is automatically inferred from the assignment), and = ... defines the value initially assigned to the variable.
So when one says value, don't confuse this with a numeric constant, it is simply an entity that doesn't change. A function can be a value too, because f then always denotes this same identical function, even if you can feed that function with different arguments which yield different results.
Now with the var you can re-assign its right-hand-side:
f(2) // --> 3
f = (i: Int) => i * 2 // assign a new function to the variable f.
f(2) // --> 4
Functional programming is all about avoiding variables (re-assignments).
It is also possible to define a function without assigning it at all (to a value or a variable). The following defines such a function and immediately calls it with argument 4:
{ i: Int => i + 1 } apply 4 // --> 5
although that is seldom useful as a statement per se, but you will see 'plain' functions often when calling a method that expects a function argument. For instance
val s = List(1, 2, 3)
s.map { (i: Int) => i + 1 } // --> List(2, 3, 4)
s.map { _ + 1 } // equivalent
s.map( _ + 1 ) // equivalent

Scala underscore minimal function

Let's create a value for the sake of this question:
val a = 1 :: Nil
now, I can demonstrate that the anonymous functions can be written in shorthand form like this:
is it possible to write a shorthand of this function?:
a.map((x) => x)
my solution doesn't work:
For the record, a.map(_) does not work because it stands for x => a.map(x), and not a.map(x => x). This happens because a single _ in place of a parameter stands for a partially applied function. In the case of 2*_, that stands for an anonymous function. These two uses are so close that is very common to get confused by them.
Your first shorthand form can also be written point-free
a map (2*)
Thanks to multiplication being commutative.
As for (x) => x, you want the identity function. This is defined in Predef and is generic, so you can be sure that it's type-safe.
You should use identity function for this use case.
identity is defined in scala.Predef as:
implicit def identity[A](x: A): A = x