PostgreSQL join to denormalize a table with generate_series - postgresql

I've this table:
CREATE TABLE "mytable"
( name text, count integer );
INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ('john', 4),('mark',2),('albert',3);
and I would like "denormlize" the rows in this way:
SELECT name FROM mytable JOIN generate_series(1,4) tmp(a) ON (a<=count)
so I've a number of rows for each name equals to the count column: I've 4 rows with john, 2 with mark and 3 with albert.
But i can't use the generate_series() function if I don't know the highest count (in this case 4). There is a way to do this without knowing the MAX(count) ?

select name,
from mytable;
Set returning functions can be used in the select list and will do a cross join with the row retrieved from the base table.
I think this is an undocumented behaviour that might go away in the future, but I'm not sure about that (I recall some discussion regarding this on the mailing list)
SQLFiddle example

DROP TABLE ztable ;
CREATE TABLE ztable (zname varchar, zvalue INTEGER NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO ztable(zname, zvalue) VALUES( 'one', 1), ( 'two', 2 ), ( 'three', 3) , ( 'four', 4 );
WITH expand AS (
SELECT 1::integer AS rnk , t0.zname
FROM ztable t0
SELECT 1+rr.rnk , t1.zname
FROM ztable t1
JOIN zzz rr ON rr.rnk < t1.zvalue
SELECT zzz.zname
FROM zzz
FROM expand x


postgresql procedure for fetching top 10%,20% and 30% values of the total values

i have a table named Scoreboard which contains a field named as score which is an array containing values 27,56,78,12,89,77,34,23,90,87,33,55,30,67,76,87,56and i want to write a PostgreSQL procedure to fetch three categories
category 1 = top 10% values of the total no of values in array
category 2 = top 20% values of the total no of values in array
category 3 = top 30% values of the total no of values in array
and put it in an array in the same format i.e
[category 1 values,category 2 values,category 3 values]
smth like this should do:
t=# with p as (
with ntile as (
with v as (
select unnest('{27,56,78,12,89,77,34,23,90,87,33,55,30,67,76,87,56}'::int[]) a
select a,ntile(10) over(order by a desc)
from v
select distinct string_agg(a::text,',') over (partition by ntile),ntile
from ntile
where ntile <=3 order by ntile
select array_agg(concat('category ',ntile,' ',string_agg))
from p;
{"category 1 90,89","category 2 87,87","category 3 78,77"}
(1 row)
Time: 0.493 ms
I am assuming , you have a table with one column as id and another one is an array type. Based on assumption
I have created table as below and inserted two values to it.
create table test_array (id int, values int[]);
insert into test_array values(1 ,'{27,56,78,12,89,77,34,23,90,87,33,55,30,67,76,87,56}' );
insert into test_array values(2 ,'{72,65,84,21,98,77,43,32,9,78,41,66,3,76,67,88,56}' );
Below is function which is used to find category as mentioned by you. If you do not have any id column in your table
then you can add number by using window function hint: row_number().
create or replace function find_category() returns table(category text[]) as
return query with unnestColumn as (
select id, unnest(values) as values, ntile(10) over(partition by id order by unnest(values) desc) as ntilenumber
from test_array
) ,groupedCategory as ( select id, ntilenumber, string_agg(values::text,',') as combinedvalues from unnestColumn
ntilenumber <= 3
group by id, ntilenumber )
select array_agg(concat('Categoty',ntilenumber, ' ', combinedvalues ))
from groupedCategory
group by id;
language 'plpgsql';
Execute below function to check output.
select * from find_category();

PostgreSQL grouping

I would like to group values according to values in over columns.
This is an example:
I would like to get the output:
{{-30,-50,20},{-20,30,60},{-30,NULL or other value, 20}}
I managed to arrive to:
SELECT array_agg("val")
FROM my_table
WHERE "t_id" = 1
GROUP BY "m_id";
What would be the best approach?
create table my_table (
t_id int,
m_id int,
s_id int,
val int
insert into my_table (t_id, m_id, s_id, val) values
select array_agg(val order by s_id)
my_table t
right join
select distinct t_id, m_id
from my_table
) a
cross join
select distinct s_id
from my_table
) b
) s using (t_id, m_id, s_id)
where t_id = 1
group by m_id
order by m_id

Select value from an enumerated list in PostgreSQL

I want to select from an enumaration that is not in database.
E.g. SELECT id FROM my_table returns values like 1, 2, 3
I want to display 1 -> 'chocolate', 2 -> 'coconut', 3 -> 'pizza' etc. SELECT CASE works but is too complicated and hard to overview for many values. I think of something like
SELECT id, array['chocolate','coconut','pizza'][id] FROM my_table
But I couldn't succeed with arrays. Is there an easy solution? So this is a simple query, not a plpgsql script or something like that.
with food (fid, name) as (
(1, 'chocolate'),
(2, 'coconut'),
(3, 'pizza')
from my_table t
join food f on f.fid =;
or without a CTE (but using the same idea):
from my_table t
join (
(1, 'chocolate'),
(2, 'coconut'),
(3, 'pizza')
) f (fid, name) on f.fid =;
This is the correct syntax:
SELECT id, (array['chocolate','coconut','pizza'])[id] FROM my_table
But you should create a referenced table with those values.
What about creating another table that enumerate all cases, and do join ?
CREATE TABLE table_case
case_id bigserial NOT NULL,
case_name character varying,
CONSTRAINT table_case_pkey PRIMARY KEY (case_id)
and when you select from your table:
SELECT id, case_name FROM my_table
inner join table_case on case_id=my_table_id;

one column split to more column sql server 2008?

Table name: Table1
id name
1 1-aaa-14 milan road
2 23-abcde-lsd road
3 2-mnbvcx-welcoome street
I want the result like this:
Id name name1 name2
1 1 aaa 14 milan road
2 23 abcde lsd road
3 2 mnbvcx welcoome street
This function ought to give you what you need.
--Drop Function Dbo.Part
Create Function Dbo.Part
(#Value Varchar(8000)
,#Part Int
,#Sep Char(1)='-'
)Returns Varchar(8000)
As Begin
Declare #Start Int
Declare #Finish Int
Set #Start=1
Set #Finish=CharIndex(#Sep,#Value,#Start)
While (#Part>1 And #Finish>0)Begin
Set #Start=#Finish+1
Set #Finish=CharIndex(#Sep,#Value,#Start)
Set #Part=#Part-1
If #Part>1 Set #Start=Len(#Value)+1 -- Not found
If #Finish=0 Set #Finish=Len(#Value)+1 -- Last token on line
Return SubString(#Value,#Start,#Finish-#Start)
Select ID
,Dbo.Part(Name,1,Default)As Name
,Dbo.Part(Name,2,Default)As Name1
,Dbo.Part(Name,3,Default)As Name2
From Dbo.Table1
It's rather compute-intensive, so if Table1 is very long you ought to write the results to another table, which you could refresh from time to time (perhaps once a day, at night).
Better yet, you could create a trigger, which automatically updates Table2 whenever a change is made to Table1. Assuming that column ID is primary key:
Create Table Dbo.Table2(
ID Int Constraint PK_Table2 Primary Key,
Name Varchar(8000),
Name1 Varchar(8000),
Name2 Varchar(8000))
Create Trigger Trigger_Table1 on Dbo.Table1 After Insert,Update,Delete
As Begin
If (Select Count(*)From Deleted)>0
Delete From Dbo.Table2 Where ID=(Select ID From Deleted)
If (Select Count(*)From Inserted)>0
Insert Dbo.Table2(ID, Name, Name1, Name2)
Select ID
From Inserted
Now, do your data manipulation (Insert, Update, Delete) on Table1, but do your Select statements on Table2 instead.
The below solution uses a recursive CTE for splitting the strings, and PIVOT for displaying the parts in their own columns.
WITH Table1 (id, name) AS (
SELECT 1, '1-aaa-14 milan road' UNION ALL
SELECT 2, '23-abcde-lsd road' UNION ALL
SELECT 3, '2-mnbvcx-welcoome street'
cutpositions AS (
id, name,
rownum = 1,
startpos = 1,
nextdash = CHARINDEX('-', name + '-')
FROM Table1
id, name,
rownum + 1,
nextdash + 1,
CHARINDEX('-', name + '-', nextdash + 1)
FROM cutpositions c
WHERE nextdash < LEN(name)
[1] AS name,
[2] AS name1,
[3] AS name2
/* add more columns here */
id, rownum,
part = SUBSTRING(name, startpos, nextdash - startpos)
FROM cutpositions
) s
PIVOT ( MAX(part) FOR rownum IN ([1], [2], [3] /* extend the list here */) ) x
Without additional modifications this query can split names consisting of up to 100 parts (that's the default maximum recursion depth, which can be changed), but can only display no more than 3 of them. You can easily extend it to however many parts you want it to display, just follow the instructions in the comments.
substring(T.Name, 1, D1.Pos-1) as Name,
substring(T.Name, D1.Pos+1, D2.Pos-D1.Pos-1) as Name1,
substring(T.Name, D2.Pos+1, len( as Name2
from Table1 as T
cross apply (select charindex('-', T.Name, 1)) as D1(Pos)
cross apply (select charindex('-', T.Name, D1.Pos+1)) as D2(Pos)
Testing performance of suggested solutions
create table Table1
id int identity primary key,
Name varchar(50)
insert into Table1
select '1-aaa-14 milan road' union all
select '23-abcde-lsd road' union all
select '2-mnbvcx-welcoome street'
go 10000
if you always will have 2 dashes, you can do the following by using PARSENAME
--testing table
INSERT #test VALUES(1, '1-aaa-14 milan road')
INSERT #test VALUES(2, '23-abcde-lsd road')
INSERT #test VALUES(3, '2-mnbvcx-welcoome street')
SELECT id,PARSENAME(name,3) AS name,
PARSENAME(name,2) AS name1,
PARSENAME(name,1)AS name2
FROM #test)x
if you have dots in the name column you have to first replace them and then replace them back to dots in the end
example, by using a tilde to substitute the dot
INSERT #test VALUES(3, '5-mnbvcx-welcoome street.')
SELECT id,REPLACE(PARSENAME(name,3),'~','.') AS name,
REPLACE(PARSENAME(name,2),'~','.') AS name1,
REPLACE(PARSENAME(name,1),'~','.') AS name2
FROM #test)x

TSQL: Remove duplicates based on max(date)

I am searching for a query to select the maximum date (a datetime column) and keep its id and row_id. The desire is to DELETE the rows in the source table.
Source Data
id date row_id(unique)
1 11/11/2009 1
1 12/11/2009 2
1 13/11/2009 3
2 1/11/2009 4
Expected Survivors
1 13/11/2009 3
2 1/11/2009 4
What query would I need to achieve the results I am looking for?
Tested on PostgreSQL:
delete from table where (id, date) not in (select id, max(date) from table group by id);
There are various ways of doing this, but the basic idea is the same:
- Indentify the rows you want to keep
- Compare each row in your table to the ones you want to keep
- Delete any that don't match
yourTable AS [source]
yourTable AS [keep]
ON [keep].id = [source].id
AND [keep].date = (SELECT MAX(date) FROM yourTable WHERE id = [keep].id)
[keep].id IS NULL
SELECT id, MAX(date) AS date FROM yourTable GROUP BY id
AS [keep]
ON [keep].id = [yourTable].id
AND [keep].date = [yourTable].date
[keep].id IS NULL
yourTable AS [source]
[source].row_id != (SELECT TOP 1 row_id FROM yourTable WHERE id = [source].id ORDER BY date DESC)
yourTable AS [source]
NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM yourTable GROUP BY id HAVING id = [source].id AND MAX(date) != [source].date)
Because you are using SQL Server 2000, you'er not able to use the Row Over technique of setting up a sequence and to identify the top row for each unique id.
So, your proposed technique is to use a datetime column to get the top 1 row to remove duplicates. That might work, but there is a possibility that you might still get duplicates having the same datetime value. But that's easy enough to check for.
First check the assumption that all rows are unique based on the id and date columns:
CREATE TABLE #TestTable (rowid INT IDENTITY(1,1), thisid INT, thisdate DATETIME)
INSERT INTO #TestTable (thisid,thisdate) VALUES (1, '11/11/2009')
INSERT INTO #TestTable (thisid,thisdate) VALUES (1, '12/11/2009')
INSERT INTO #TestTable (thisid,thisdate) VALUES (1, '12/12/2009')
INSERT INTO #TestTable (thisid,thisdate) VALUES (2, '1/11/2009')
INSERT INTO #TestTable (thisid,thisdate) VALUES (2, '1/11/2009')
SELECT COUNT(*) AS thiscount
FROM #TestTable
GROUP BY thisid, thisdate
This example returns a value of 2 - indicating that you will still end up with duplicates even after using the date column to remove duplicates. If you return 0, then you have proven that your proposed technique will work.
When de-duping production data, I think one should take some precautions and test before and after. You should create a table to hold the rows you plan to remove so you can recover them easily if you need to after the delete statement has been executed.
Also, it's a good idea to know beforehand how many rows you plan to remove so you can verify the count before and after - and you can gauge the magnitude of the delete operation. Based on how many rows will be affected, you can plan when to run the operation.
To test before the de-duping process, find the occurrences.
-- Get occurrences of duplicates
SELECT COUNT(*) AS thiscount
GROUP BY thisid
ORDER BY thisid
That gives you the rows with more than one row with the same id. Capture the rows from this query into a temporary table and then run a query using the SUM to get the total number of rows that are not unique based on your key.
To get the number of rows you plan to delete, you need the count of rows that are duplicate based on your unique key, and the number of distinct rows based on your unique key. You subtract the distinct rows from the count of occurrences. All that is pretty straightforward - so I'll leave you to it.
Try this
declare #t table (id int, dt DATETIME,rowid INT IDENTITY(1,1))
INSERT INTO #t (id,dt) VALUES (1, '11/11/2009')
INSERT INTO #t (id,dt) VALUES (1, '11/12/2009')
INSERT INTO #t (id,dt) VALUES (1, '11/13/2009')
INSERT INTO #t (id,dt) VALUES (2, '11/01/2009')
delete from #t where rowid not in(
select t.rowid from #t t
inner join(
select MAX(dt)maxdate
from #t
group by id) X
on t.dt = X.maxdate )
select * from #t
id dt rowid
1 2009-11-13 00:00:00.000 3
2 2009-11-01 00:00:00.000 4
delete from temp where row_id not in (
select t.row_id from temp t
right join
(select id,MAX(dt) as dt from temp group by id) d
on t.dt = d.dt and =
I have tested this answer..
INSERT INTO #t (id,dt) VALUES (1, '11/11/2009')
INSERT INTO #t (id,dt) VALUES (1, '11/12/2009')
INSERT INTO #t (id,dt) VALUES (1, '11/13/2009')
INSERT INTO #t (id,dt) VALUES (2, '11/01/2009')
select * from #t
select dense_rank() over(partition by id order by dt desc)NO,DT,ID,rowid from #t )