Facebook FacesNot Showing - facebook

I installed the Facebook Like Box plug-in on my TypePad powered blog. It does NOT display the faces of people who Like my Facebook page. Initially it displayed only two members (the dimensions allow for six faces to be displayed). I un-installed it. Two months later I re-installed the plug-in and it displayed the face of only one member (call him "K"). When that member would update his page it would display on the Like Box. However, when new people joined my fan page, the count would increase but their face would not display in the Like Box. The only face that would display was "K". I decided to remove "K" from my members list to see what would happen. The result was the Like Box displayed ZERO faces. I uninstalled the plug in and reinstalled it again, to the same result. At present I'm gaining new members but their faces do not display on the Like Box.
Facebook isn't allowing me to completely paste in the IFrame code but here is most of it:
scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden;
width:292px; height:290px;" allowTransparency="true">
top < then at the bottom /iframe ( <--- I had to type in that in order for Facebook to allow pasting of this code into this question box)
Regardless of the browser - whether it be Firefox or Internet Explorer - the Like Box will not display faces.
I know this is a glitch in the Like Box application, but there has been no technical support from Facebook to deal with this problem. This Like Box is installed on a Business website. The functionality of this app will help me to decide whether to use paid advertising on Facebook.

The faces aren't showing when you plug your URL in on the Like Box Plugin page either, so you've got two possibilities: It's a Facebook bug, or it's you.
Let's assume it's you for the moment. First, visit the admin panel of your page and claim a username. You've passed the likes threshold. That alone might fix your problem.
While you're in there, check that you don't have any excessive restrictions on your page.
The only other suggestion is to look at the people who've liked your page. Have any of them set the visibility to "Only Me"? If so, their photos won't show up here.
If you're confident that you've done all that correctly and it still isn't working, file a bug report


Facebook Plugin not showing on my desktop or mobile, but appears fine on another desktop

I've been using the Facebook Plugin for years, on dozens of websites, but all of a sudden, I can only see the page's facebook header, the actual feed appears only as a spinning icon. This is on my desktop and mobile device, feed is at the bottom of the page. https://saltydogfestival.com
However, my co-worker in the desk across from me tried it on his desktop and laptop and the feed loads just fine.
I'm not a page admin for this particular feed.
I have this plugin for other facebook pages, for which I AM an Admin, and those don't show up for me, either. I've tried using Chrome and Edge.
I'm knocking my head against the wall with this.... or maybe it's something so simple that I'm not seeing it... Suggestions??? Please save what's left of my sanity!
I think this issue has affected many sites including mine. I used a third party plugin recently that's said to no affect page speed. It's called "Buttonizer - Smart Floating Action Button" you can add a FB messenger button also and add call to action and any they button as well. I have disabled the Facebook chat one for now. If you can update me if it's now work for you that would be great as I'm in the same boat. Email mtgusto#outlook.com
Edited - bug seems resolved
This is what worked for me:
Go to Facebook Developers - Page Plugin and configure the 'widget' with desired params.
As you change the parameters the preview should update & show. If it doesn't, try signing out.
Click "Get Code" beneath the preview. I used the JavaScript SDK method.
Copy & paste the first piece of code after the < body > tag.
Copy & paste the second piece of code where the box should appear.
Previous answer - leaving here for posterity / reference
It seems to be an issue with Facebook that occurs when the visitor is signed in to Facebook. Try viewing the page in a private window or reload after you have signed out of Facebook to see if it loads when you are not signed in.
There's more information on a Facebook Developers bug report, which was just marked as closed 8/26, although it still appears to be happening: https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/584988619248795/
This other community thread has a work-around - look for Dave's comment: https://developers.facebook.com/community/threads/1018223139108570/

Facebook Like posting different to what debugger showing

I cant figure this one out, i have built a site with an e commerce system and i want visitors to be able to like an individual product and thus that product be added to their feed.
I have added all the open graph code to the relevant place, but when someone clicks "Like" is shares a default thing rather than the perticular product. this is the one i have been using for an example
so I tried using the facebook debugger to see if i could figure it out, but thats is showing the correct info and exactly what i want to show up on peoples feeds! here is a link for that.
You have your Like button set up to point to http://www.pinnaclesupplement.co.uk – so when people klick like, they only get the “default thing”, your basic site’s description.
If you want customers to like a specific product page’s URL – then you should point the href parameter of the Like button there.

Facebook Like button doesn't show up anymore

I implemented the like-button on the page http://www.racket-center.de on every subpage of this site. I noticed that it didn't show up on every page so I tried different implementation-versions (html5, iframe etc) but it didn't work. If I remember correctly the more I tried the less pages the button appeared on.
Now the button doesn't show up anymore – not even within the wizard at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ You can try it yourself: if you enter the URL of the site + then change another option to get the wizard checking the url the like-button will disappear.
I tried to debug via the linter and fixed some minor warnings it complained (e.g. adjusting the og:image-size to fit 200x200px) but that didn't bring back the button.
I guess the page is kind of blacklisted but I don't know + if it was blacklisted I don't know why.
Does anybody have a clue what might be going on here or kind point me to any resource about fb's blacklists?
Would be nice to get some help.

how to customize facebook like button

I am usign the version of based on the <fb:like > tag. This renders a small facbook logo which implements the actual "like" operation, but also includes a large "signup to see what your friends like", or the number of likes when you are logged in, etc. It is pretty clear from what I have read that this is the form facebook wants you to use, but it makes the button to wide for my layout. The point is that I see other versions on websites all over, in particular "the weather channel" has one that includes only the logo with some text such as "like us" next to it. "Chicago Tribune" has one that says "recomend" with a very small like count next to it. I have not been able to determine what these link to or what script they invoke so that I can copy them. Can anyone help ?
when you get the code of the like button from facebook you can play with the options and get different results: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/.
obviously it's limited to how facebook wants it to look like.
it is possible to change the look with css, but that's not wise since it's against their policy and you'd have to keep track with their changes.

FB like box for org page not loading

I recently set up a Facebook page for my organization. Myself and the communications person at my organization have tried to set up a FB like box for my organization's website. When I go through the steps logged in as an organization page, it says I have to switch from using FB as a page to using it as a personal account. When I do that, and go through the steps again, the FB like box is generated correctly. When I take IFRAME text and generate it into HTML, it does not load, nothing shows up. I'm thinking that this is a permission issue or some else...not sure how to fix.
Are you removing the iFrame from the markup? This is an essential part of the like box, and it won't work without it. Seeing some of your markup vs their markup would be awesome. :)
I can't tell what the difference is, because I don't have a diff tool handy right now, but here's a JS fiddle where yours doesn't work, and the code I regenerated based on yours does