Delete database. Entity Framework - entity-framework

I followed the following MDSN tutorial:
Then I tried this guide according to my needs and I set up a database GAMES.MDF.
Then, I deleted the database and set it up again, is supposedly work (I can write and read data), but there is no such database in the APP_DATA folder. It seems to exist, but somewhere else on my PC.
I even tried a new project and it did not work, works but not in the library, and it even uses the data I created before. I even deleted the DB from SQL Server Management Studio 2008.
How do I delete it permanently, not to remain any trace of it?

Check for the connection string in the web.config - You'll probably see the file location there.

Your connection string should ideally name the database you want to use. I would not recommend specifying the MDF file, unless you know you are using SQL Express. Source:
Instead, this is how it is done on SQL Server:
initial catalog=MyDatabase
To be sure you are accessing the database you think you are, run this SQL query through your app, using your connection string, and look at the physical file location of your MDF file. This query is handy for knowing which DB is tied to which DB files.
select * from [dbo].[database_files]
As far as actually clearing the DB, this article deals with managing database initializers and seeds. You might be experiencing a problem due to that:
How to delete and recreate from scratch an existing EF Code first database
Outside of EF, SQL deletes databases like this:
use master
drop database MyDatabase


Is it possible to archive WAL files for one PostgreSQL database within a single instance or must I create a second instance?

I run a couple of PostgreSQL databases (9.3), one of which does not need archiving the other of which I'd rather run in WAL archive mode by can get away with not.
I now have a need for a data which is archived.
As far as I can tell the setting is on an instance basis, so I wouldn't be able to just choose which databases to archive and which not, which would indicate that I will need to create a new PostgreSQL instance.
Am I missing something?
Also, FWIW, will I be able to create database links between databases on the two instances?
Thanks, --sw
You cannot to choose database for archiving - only all (or none) in PostgreSQL instance can be archived. There are not any pother possibility now.
You can send query to other PostgreSQL instance via dblink extension or with Foreign Data Wrappers API. FDW API should be preferred, although dblink has some usage still.

I have several EF Migrations. What happens if I change the connection string and run database update?

I have been updating my entities in development and that resulted in several migrations and update database commands, to a particular database.
What happens if I change the connection string (because the new database sits on a later version of SQL Server, for example) and then run the database update again? I have the impression that EF would detect the new database, run through all of my migrations, and produce one script and execute so that my new database has all the tables, columns, and relationships exactly as how the last migration left it. Can I just change the connection string and I'll get the new database as expected?
Many tell me that I have to create a separate deployment project for each database I want to manipulate with EF, but that seems rather tedious.
If there are different Tables and Columns it will bomb out right away with an Exception on the mismatched column/table name, if your databases are the exact same (and at the same Migration History), it should update it.
If you have two Databases that are not on the same migration history, you can run
Update-Database -TargetMigration migrationName
And this will effectively revert a Migration, just be sure to delete the migration that was added to the solution directory. (This sometimes happens when switching between branches / databases a lot, and may save you some time)
"Can I just change the connection string and I'll get the new database as expected?"
As long as the Migration History isn't mismatched and the Connection String is Pointing to the right place.
"Many tell me that I have to create a separate deployment project for each database I want to manipulate with EF"
If you are using Visual Studio, you can create different publishing profiles if needed

Find out if database already exists in ORMLite

I want to tell ORMLite to create a database if one already doesn't. How can I find out if the database that I want to construct is there. (I'm using H2 DB with it.)
How can I find out if the database that I want to construct is there. (I'm using H2 DB with it.)
This is database dependent. Looks like for H2 you can add something to the database URL. See this URL from their docs:
To quote:
By default, when an application calls DriverManager.getConnection(url, ...) and the database specified in the URL does not yet exist, a new (empty) database is created. In some situations, it is better to restrict creating new databases, and only allow to open existing databases. To do this, add ;IFEXISTS=TRUE to the database URL. In this case, if the database does not already exist, an exception is thrown when trying to connect. The connection only succeeds when the database already exists.

Using sql server 2008 entity data model and postgresql connectionstring

I'm using Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2008, mvc 2.
Now, I have to change my database to postgresql. I tried many ways. But I did something different.
I created the data model based on SQL Server 2008 database.
I have the same structured database in postgresql.
So I just changed the connection string of the entity data model and I got the following error
The 'System.Data.SqlClient' provider from the specified SSDL
artifact(s) does not match the expected 'Npgsql' provider from the
connection string.
How do I solve this error.
Please let me know if this is correct way to implement.
Well, the physical layer of your model (the "SSDL" file in your metadata) will of course contain the physical aspects of your database model - including the database provider that this model is based on. You cannot just simply change the database connection string and be done with that.....
I see two options:
my preferred solution: just re-create the EF model based on your Postgres database - that's the cleanest way to go. If you're doing it right, this is contained in a single assembly in your project anyway, so you could more or less swap in a new assembly to go against Postgres instead of SQL Server
a hack in my opinion: you could have the metadata files (the *.ssdl, *.msl, *.csdl) for your model written out to disk, and then manually edit the SSDL file to switch to the Postgres provider. I have no idea if that will even work and what side-effects it might have! Do at your own risk, and do it on a backup copy of your project first!

How to copy everything except data from one database to another?

In T-SQL (Microsoft SQL 2008), how can I make a new database which will have the same schemas, tables, table columns, indexes, constraints, and foreign keys, but will not contain any data from the original database?
Note: making a full copy, then removing all data is not a solution in my case, since the database is quite big, and such full copy will spend too much time.
See here for instructions: How To Script Out The Whole Database In SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008
In SQL Management Studio, right click on the database and select "Script database as"
You can then use the script to create an empty one.
Edit : OP did say 2008
I use liquibase for this purpose. Just point liquibase to a different server and it will use your changelog to bring the second database up to date, schema wise. It has the added benefit that the changelog file gets stored in source control and so I can have tagged versions of it, allowing me to restore a database to what a specific version of my app is expecting.