Please see attached screenshots. I've configured permissions for publish_actions (and also publish_stream) and I'm getting error message: requires extended permissions when I try to authenticate the application. What's strange is that these permissions are not requested when the user is asked to authenticate.
Permissions asked in App Settings --> Permissions --> 'Configure your permissions' section are only displayed in App Center or when using Auth Referrals. For permissions to be displayed during normal authentication flow (in permission dialog), you need to ask them using the 'scope' parameter in your code ( Hope that helps.
enter image description hereFacebbok Permission
I am not able to see all permission while getting user access token. Please help
Your app seems to be in “live” mode.
You will need to put it into dev mode to be able to select additional permissions in Graph API Explorer, that you have not gotten reviewed yet.
Since I created a new (Facebook) App last week, I get an OAuthException whenever I want to comment on a post.
"(OAuthException) (#200) You do not have sufficient to permissions to perform this action".
With the old App, my application works fine.
Now I found out that Facebook has changed the login policy recently. I also found the following remark on
"If your app asks for more than than public_profile, email and user_friends it will require review by Facebook before your app can be used by people other than the app's developers".
So if I post with the same account with which I created the App, it should work, right? Only it doesn't...
Remark: if I use the new App with another Facebook-account, I have even less permissions (e.g. cannot access the account's pages). So I have more permissions if I use the same account, but still I cannot post!
I use Graph API via .NET Facebook-Client; my App is a native app (desktop app).
Could someone please tell me how to post with a new App? This is the main use-case of our application! Thank you very much!
Here is a screenshot of what I see instead of the login-screen when I use extended permission "publish_action" instead of "publish_stream"
You must be able to post with your own account since you are the admin of the application. - since only the admins/developers/testers will be able to test the app with the publishing functionality before it gets approved by facebook.
If you still are not able to, you must have not granted the permissions to the app. Things to check-
You are using publish_actions and not publish_stream
Check in your application settings whether or not you can see the publishing permission is granted for that app.
If not granted, go through the login process again and grant the publishing permission (may be by removing the app from settings and then authorizing again OR logout the app and then login again with publish_actions)
Problem solved - it was a stupid typo: I wrote publish_action instead of publish_actions (should be plural)! Thanks again to CBroe who pointed it out in this thread!
My goal is to have my app be able to read my users stream using the extended permission "read_stream" , however when requesting that permission the dialog doesn't show me having requesting that permission.
I have no trouble requesting the email, or publish_actions permissions, but read_stream is a no go as well as other various extended permissions. Here is an example of what I am using for the facebook login:
Is there another permission I need to request when requesting read_stream ? Is there something I need to change in my facebook app settings specifically for the scope permission request? My goal is to be able to get permission for "read_stream".
Thank you for any input!
The method I describe does work! The issue was that there is a second facebook prompt for the extended permissions that occurs AFTER the initial prompt for permissions.
What is confusing is that facebook shows permissions for email and publish_actions on the first facebook dialog box instead of in a consistant manner for all the extended permissions....but that's facebook's choice!
So hopefully this helps anybody else that was confused like me!
Last I saw that 'email' permission in the authentication process was part of the initial dialog (along with basic information) for all apps. However, today I noticed that for my app it shows as an additional step (like extended permissions) after the user has accepted the initial authentication. See the screenshot:
I still see other sites/apps with old-style authentication (email in the first step). I wonder if I am doing something wrong with the permissions or app settings that is causing it? This is how my LoginUrl looks like[app_id]&redirect_uri=[redirect_uri]&state=[state_code]&scope=email&display=popup
In the App settings on Facebook in the 'Auth Dialog' > 'Authenticated Referrals' > 'User & Friend Permissions' I have added 'email' and 'publish_actions' permissions.
I'm building a Facebook app with Facebook login via Oauth 2.0. Will it be possible to request more permissions (scope) from the user in the future as we add features or do we need to request them all up front?
Anyone implemented this with Facebook Connect?
From my experience, you can add permissions later and it'll prompt the user to accept those permissions. For my app, I started with just basic/email permissions and then added photo... and it would prompt for the photo.
You can call Facebook's permissions api ( to see if the user has authorized the permission you will need (perhaps they later when in and revoked part of your apps permission but not all of it). If they did, or you just later need different permissions, just show the authorization link like you did the first time with the additional permissions listed in the url (&scope=email,read_stream...) and it will prompt them for those.