Odd UIBarButtonItem behaviour - iphone

Try the following in the simulator or a device.
Create a new Master-Detail application for iPhone or compare any app that uses navigation bars. iOS 5 or 6, don't matter.
In the case of the template: Let it run,create an entry using the plus button and open the entry.
Now touch the area below the navbar directly under the UIBarButtonItem thats leads back.
Even when the button nor the navigation bar is clearly not touched, the button will activate and the view does return.
This is way beyond the 44x height of the navbar.
What is happening here?
Why does this button respond way beyond his frame?
Cant find an info about this in the HIG.

The area you can press to activate the back button is actually larger than the actual pixels of the button to accommodate the average thickness of fingers. (The actual number of pixels is buried somewhere in Apples HIG. I think it is 44x44.) This is expected behavior.
The master view controller is automatically dismissed when you tap outside it. This is expected behavior.


UIButton images look fine in IB but get stretched when displayed on app

I'm developing an Enterprise app for tracking mileage and maintenance for company vehicles. I've added graphic buttons to snazz it up a bit. The buttons look the way they're supposed to look on the XIB in IB, and on the iPhone all other UIViews look correct, but on one particular UIView the graphic images are stretched way out of proportion vertically.
The first image below shows how it's supposed to look, with the three graphics buttons at the bottom. The second image shows how it's showing on the phone. The Help button on this screen cap shows normally, but it can't be counted on to stay that way.
It also is not consistent. Calling this view at any time may show the image stretched or it may not show an image at all. It rarely shows the image normally, like the Help button looks below.
The development phone is a 4S running 6.1.3. The views are set for the Retina 3.5 screen. XCode is the latest (whatever it is).
Again, it's only on this one view that the problem shows up. There is another UIView on the same view controller that is hidden when this UIView is shown. The button graphics on the other view look fine. All of the other views and view controllers use the same graphics on the UIButton, without any problem.
In Interface Builder (Xcode) you created the view using a 4.5-inch screen height.
But the device where you are seeing the problem is a 5-inch screen. So the view is resized to fit.
And when it does that, the autolayout constraints that Interface Builder put on those subviews take over to determine what they do. Those constraints are causing the heights to change.
No need to turn Autolayout off. Autolayout can be very useful, but it seems to enjoy randomly assigning the constraint "Align Baseline to:" to UIButtons after repositioning them.
Just select the UIButton/UIImageView in question inside Storyboard, locate the constraint "Align Baseline to:", tap the gear icon and select "Promote to User Constraint", and tap once more and select "Delete". This should solve your issue.
In response to the comments here, I will answer my own question: I turned Autolayout off for this view controller, and that fixed everything. This is the first app I have written since XCode has begun development for the iPhone 5, so I wasn't aware of the Autolayout feature. I'll need to understand how it works and why it did what it did.
Thanks for all your help!

UIStepper does not move up when Navigation Bar dissapears

I am writing a IPhone App. In it there is a search bar (UISearchBar with Controller). When I select it, it gets focussed, and the navigation bar disappears, and the body gets darkened so that when I type on search bar the suggestions (search results) appear. My problem is when I select the search bar, before I type anything, I can see my original view through a tinted black body area. There I see all of my other controls (buttons, textfields) moved up (because navigation bar disappeared), but the UISteppers have not moved, which makes them misaligned.
Why is this ?
It may depend on how you have the relative alignment setup. In your Storyboard, use the Inspector (the ruler icon on the right hand side options) and see if you have set the others to be relative.
I believe this is a bug. I have noticed the same exact behavior in several apps I have worked on (both iPad and iPhone) Storyboard based apps. I have re-produced this behavior on apps with only one orientation. To re-produce, simply layout a scene and add UI elements of different types with at least one UIStepper. Then add the scene to a Nav Controller and all the UI elements will move EXCEPT for any UISteppers.

How does Facebook iPhone app implement the pop-over window for notifications?

How does Facebook iPhone app (4.1) implement the pop-over window for notifications (see below for screenshot)? I thought this was only capable on the iPad. Is this a lookalike that they have custom built?
Check out this library which can implement pop over menus like facebook app: https://github.com/50pixels/FPPopover
I think it is far more complicated (and cleaner) than either of answers (guesses) so far. It is likely a completely separate view controller with it's own content view that is being added as a subview of the container view.
There are some libraries that so a similar thing, here is one for example:
My first guess would be that the "popover" is just a subview within the mainview.
First you create the subview, then hide it mySubView.hidden = TRUE; . When the user taps on the Globe button just "unhide" mySubView.hidden = FALSE; the subview with a nice 1 second animation (which will make it fade in).
I imagine that the edges with the rounded corners, subtle inner glow, and outer shadow are part of a resizable 9 part image. From there, it just about placing it on screen stretching it out and drawing the arrow at the appropriate location to line up with the bar button item.

Button has moved upwards when running app in Simulator

I have a strange problem when developing for the iPhone
There is one window (in green) and one view (in orange)
when I try to test my app it looks like this in the iPhone Simulator
you can see the view have moved upwards
is this normal? and how to solve the problem?
many thanks
You're most likely adding the view incorrectly. You could post some code and I could give you a better idea, or if you just want a quick fix, open the orange view in Interface Builder, make it 480 px tall instead of 460, show the simulated status bar and relayout your image.
In Interface Builder you can specify the simulated User interface elements. In the screenshots above you will notice in the green one you can see the status bar and the red one doesn't have it. You can turn on these elements by setting the properties of the view. Press Command-1 when you have the view selected and you will see a list of simulates ui elements you can add, these include the status bar, navigation controller bar and a few others i cant remember off the top of my head. This will allow you to position your ui elements correctly when you have these other elements on the screen.
The other issue with your view is that it is not the same height. have a look at the dimensions (cant remember exactly which one but its Command-2, 3 or 4 when you have the view selected) it should be 320x480, i reckon yours is 320x460... (20 pixels, the height of the status bar)

adding a textbox and a button at the top of the keyboard on iphone

I want to add a text box and a button beside it. They will be at the bottom of the window. Then, when I touch the textbox (to type something), keyboard will appear and the whole row (with textbox and button) scrolls up and the keyboard will be right below them. Could you please let me know how can I do that?
Is there any sample program?
Matt Gallagher posted this on his blog:
Sliding UITextFields around to avoid the keyboard
It is a step by step example of exactly what you want.
In the XCode documentation iPhone Application Programming Guide there is a section on "Moving Content That Is Located Under the Keyboard" that talks about receiving keyboard notifications when a keyboard is about to show. There's code there to show you how to get the keyboard size (which varies depending on the orientation). I won't repeat it here.
You can use the same technique to get the UIKeyboardWillShowNotification notification and get the height of where the keyboard will end up. That gives you the bottom edge of where your view needs to go, effectively putting it above the keyboard. So just put your textbox and button inside a view. When you get the notification tell your view where it needs to go (keyboard height + height of the container view) and you're done. You'll also want to catch UIKeyboardWillHideNotification to move the view back to where it was, so keep track of the original container view position.
It's pretty straightforward and it'll look nice, especially if you use a nice UIView animation effect and set the timing just right.