What exactly is done to a UIView on interface rotation? - iphone

could someone explain what iOS does on rotation of the interface. I´ve got a layout problem with one View that is gone after rotating the iPhone. Seems that the View got set a new frame, bounds or whatever, don´t know. Anyhow after the interface was rotated once the layoutproblem is gone forever. So something must be set to the view at the time the interface rotates.
I´m loading the View from a NIB file and show it with a navigationcontroller:
BirthdayReminderWidgetConfigViewController *vc = [self.storyboard
self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:true];
Maybe there is some setting I have to do in order to show up the view correct without rotating the interface.
I´ve got a layout problem with a view that is loaded from a nib file as follows:
The project contains a MainStoryboard. Within that, I load a view from a nib file.
NSArray *xib = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"View" owner:self options:nil];
self.configViewController = [xib objectAtIndex:0];
The storyboard has a navigation controller and the loaded view is shown like this:
if (currentWidgetConfigViewController != nil)
[self.navigationController pushViewController:currentWidgetConfigViewController animated:true];
So in my opinion nothing wrong? (First question)
But now the problem.
What I designed is that:
What iOS does is the following
The controls are not arranged well.
And besides that with a button on the new view I open up a PeoplePicker with that code:
[self presentViewController:self.picker animated:YES completion:nil];
After closing the People picker with [self.picker dismissViewControllerAnimated:true completion:nil]; I get this result:
So what is going wrong here?

Override -setFrame: and -setBounds: in your view to see what happens:
- (void) setFrame: (CGRect) newFrame
NSLog(#"New frame: %#", NSStringFromCGRect(newFrame));
[super setFrame:newFrame];
Also, the transform usually changes during a rotation. Orientation Zoo might help, it’s a sample Xcode project showing what happens in various rotation use cases. Didn’t touch it for a long time, though, so I don’t know if it still works.


SLComposeViewController Views sent to back in app and becomes unresponsive

I have a button in my app to bring up an SLComposeViewController for use with Twitter. When the view is presented it animates in correctly and the disappears. I have found that when it disappears it is sent to the back of the current view and I have no way to bring it back. I have tried manually sending all the views on top to the back in code with no luck. I feel there is something fundamentally wrong with my app for this to happen as this behaviour is seen at any level to the Navigation Controller in the app. Below is a screenshot of the SLComposeViewController being the Navigation Bar in the app, I made the ViewController's view have an Alpha value of 0.0f to illustrate my point:
I really don't know what is going on here and any help will be greatly appreciated. The code I am using to present the SLComposeViewController is pretty standard and I have tested it in another app and works fine:
NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"#%#", [twitterInfo objectForKey:#"hashtag"]];
if ([appDelegate isSocialAvailable]) {
// code to tweet with SLComposeViewController
SLComposeViewController *twitter = [[SLComposeViewController alloc] init];
twitter = [SLComposeViewController composeViewControllerForServiceType:SLServiceTypeTwitter];
[twitter setInitialText:[NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#", message]];
[self presentViewController:twitter animated:YES completion:nil];
Thanks for posting this, I had the same thing happen because I was adding a CAShapeLayer to my window for a gradient effect. Your post helped me figure out that this was the problem.
It looks like this is happening is because they are adding their view's layer to the window's sublayers--at index 0 I might add! This is contrary to what you would expect, which is that they would add their view as a subview to the presenting view controller's view.
They must have just thought that people don't add layers to their window and they want to make sure they are not competing with your view stack. Why they would put it into index 0 must only be because someone is in the habit of doing -[CALayer insertLayer:layer atIndex:0] I suppose.
I'm not certain but I am guessing this could be the case with any modal view controller.
The fix is pretty simple:
[viewController presentViewController:facebookViewController
facebookViewController.view.layer.zPosition = 1000;
After a week of tearing my hair out to find a solution to this I have found the offending code in the app, a little trick to round the corners of the whole app, well make it seem like the corners are rounded by adding an image there:
UIImage *bottomOverlayImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"bottom_overlay.png"];
CALayer *bottomOverlay = [CALayer layer];
bottomOverlay.frame = CGRectMake(0, self.window.frame.size.height - 9, bottomOverlayImage.size.width, bottomOverlayImage.size.height);
bottomOverlay.contents = (id)bottomOverlayImage.CGImage;
bottomOverlay.zPosition = 1;
[self.window.layer addSublayer:bottomOverlay];
If anybody could tell me why this code would mess up the Twitter View that would be really helpful for future reference. This code was placed in the app delegate and run on first load.

Problems when loading another UIView

In my app, I implemented a QR code reader that directs the app user to another View in the app after scanning any QR code.
I have two Xibs. One is the main screen that loads up when opening the app called demoViewController. The other is the page the app takes you to after scanning a QR code, called yViewController.
On yViewController, I masked the entire page using a UIView called sPage. The reason why I created this UIView is because I needed to implement this code:
[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"yViewController" owner:self options:nil];
[self.view addSubview:sPage];
Thats code that takes the user to the second page after scanning. I needed the mask UIView sPage in order to make this method work. And it does work.
However, I think this is screwing up my interface. I had a UIImageView in my sPage View implemented via the
demoViewConroller.m using viewDidLoad:
[topImage setImage: [UIImage imageNamed:#"ylogoREAL.png"]];
The image does not show up.
Additionally, I have some code to animate my view when the keyboard comes up and hides a textfield. This also does not work.
I know the hierarchy is right, because I use a buttonPressed method that works on the sPage View, as well as a method that closes the keyboard when touching the view. But nothing else works.
Can anyone help me figure out why? Im so confused :(
If I understand your error correctly you are calling a function and then ending the line with a semi-colon (programmers force of habit) then going to the next line (maybe) to open the function with a curly bracket.
-(void) function();
It needs to not have the semicolon
-(void) function()
I'm a bit confused as to what you're trying to achieve, but I'll give it a go
How do you initialize yViewController? I believe you should be using
yViewController = [[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"yViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
instead of creating that mask view which loads up yViewController's nib.
After looking at your code, I believe you want to show a survey page after scanning is done. There are two things you can do
Option 1 - Easier
Present a UIView to the user, using your existing UIViewController (yViewController)
NSArray *nibs = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"Survey" owner:self options:nil];
UIView *view_to_show = [nibs objectAtIndex:0];
[self.view addSubview:view_to_show];
Bear in mind that to be able to dismiss this view later, you will need a reference to it (declare it as a property) and later you can just do [view_to_show setHidden:YES]; or removeFromSuperview
Option 2 - UIViewController option
Create a new UIViewController with your survey view and show that
UIViewController *vc_new = [[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"Survey" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
[self presentViewController:vc_new animated:YES completion:nil];
All I needed to do was declare the topImage right under [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"yViewController" owner:self options:nil]; . I guess ViewDidLoad was the wrong place to put it in this case!

UIView addsubview after orientation change: Tell view to resize

I have a UIView as a XIB in Portrait mode.
This view is added programmatically to the viewcontroller like this:
NSArray *nibObjects = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"InputView" owner:self options:nil];
InputView *inputView = (InputView*)[nibObjects objectAtIndex:0];
[self.view addSubview:inputView];
This view has autoresizing masks set up properly and rotates fine when the orientation changes from Portrait to landscape.
However, if the orientation is already landscape and I create the view after the orientation change, it has its initial portrait orientation.
Is there a way to tell the view to initialize or resize itself to portrait by using its masks?
Thanks in advance for any reply!
Using the suggestions of occulus and Inder Kumar Rathore (thanks guys!), I altered the code to this:
InputView *inputView = (InputView*)[nibObjects objectAtIndex:0];
[self.view addSubview:inputView];
[self.view setNeedsLayout];
[self.view layoutSubviews];
[self.view layoutIfNeeded];
UIDeviceOrientation orientation = [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation];
[self shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:orientation];
Unfortunately, there is no change at all.
I think I found someone asking the same question:
When adding a sub view the view does not resize if the app is in landscape mode
The answer identifies the problem correctly, but is not very encouraging...
Sure, I could create two nibs or resize the frame, but this seems so contrary to the idea of auto-resizing.
I find it hard to believe that there is no way to tell a nib after awakening and adding it to a view to use its autoresize features...something that works flawless when the device rotates.
The solution of idz works:
InputView *inputView = (InputView*)[nibObjects objectAtIndex:0];
[self.view addSubview:inputView];
inputView.frame = self.view.bounds;
[inputView show];
Often a NIB/XIB file contains a UIViewController that takes care of all of this. In this case, since their is no view controller (in the NIB/XIB) you need to take over its post-load duties.
Calling layoutSubviews directly, or indirectly via setNeedsLayout or layoutIfNeeded won't do you much good because the default implementation does nothing.
Assuming you want input view to fill the bounds of self.view you do the following:
InputView *inputView = (InputView*)[nibObjects objectAtIndex:0];
[self.view addSubview:inputView];
inputView.frame = self.view.bounds;
[inputView show];
All the resize masks of the sub-views must be correctly set for this to work and, obviously, if you don't want to fill the full bounds you may want to adjust the frame.
[self.view addSubview:viewSpinner];
viewSpinner.frame = self.view.frame;
[viewSpinner setNeedsLayout];
This works for me (Y)
I don't know if you still have this issue.
Let's say you have the following architecture:
(you implemented shouldautorotate correct to answering the wanted orientations)
Into this subviewcontroller you want to add the views of new UIViewControllers by just calling the addSubview function.
Instead of implementing the bounds manipulation in shouldautorotate, you should implement it in
- (void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation{
self.newUIViewController.view.frame = self.view.bounds;
didRotateFromInterface... is called after shouldRotate. In this function the bounds are already setup correctly.
This way you don't need so much manipulation by code.
See this related question:
When do autoresizing masks take effect in iOS?
So after loading your new view from the nib, and adding as a subview to self.view, try calling setNeedsLayout.

ABPersonViewController drawn under the navgation bar

The context:
I am working on an app that maintains a list of contacts along with their record IDs for it's own reference.
When the user needs to change the number associated with a specific contact within the app, I am trying to display the ABPersonViewController so the user can choose the new number from the contact in AB.
The problem:
The problem is that the ABPersonViewController that is opened is starting all the way from the top of the screen as if it does not know that there is a navigation bar on the top.
As a result some of the top part of the ABPersonViewController screen (the top part of the person image and the top part of the name) is underneath the navigation bar.
Ideally i want it to look like this, but not in edit mode: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/ContactData/Conceptual/AddressBookProgrammingGuideforiPhone/Art/person_view.jpg
Also I wanted to add a "cancel" button to the top right part of the nav bar. Trying to add that as a bar button is not working either.
The code:
this is how I am adding the ABPersonViewController to the navigationController:
ABPersonViewController *personViewController = [[ABPersonViewController alloc] init];
personViewController.personViewDelegate = self;
personViewController.displayedPerson = person;
[self.m_circleNavController pushViewController:personViewController animated:YES];
[personViewController release];
The self here is a UIVIewController.
The m_circleNavController is the UINavigationController to which the UIVIewController belongs.
I tried these 2 ways of showing the person view, but both behave the same way.
[self.m_circleNavController pushViewController:personViewController animated:YES];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:personViewController animated:YES];
I'm not too sure what I am doing wrong, or what is the best way to do it.
I tried a lot of different ways to display it in vain.
The viewcontroller was behaving as though it was starting about 40 pixels above the top edge of the screen.
I was able to fix it in a very weird way finally. In the init function of the viewcontroller I added the following line:
self.view.bounds = CGRectMake(0, -43, 320, 440);
But still no clue as to why it happens this way. I was to close to the deadline to look for a decent solution.
Hello I've been having the same problem as of the new iOS. When this happens on my custom view controllers I have been able to correct it with:
if (self.interfaceOrientation != UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait) { // UI is in landscape position
[self.tableView setContentInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(32,0,0,0)];
} else { // UI is in portrait position
[self.tableView setContentInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(44,0,0,0)];
But when using the ABPersonViewController I don't quite know how to handle this problem.
Hope someone has an idea...

ViewController displaced vertically by 20px after modal is dismissed: iOS4 Only. Example code included

I hope someone can help... This issue has been discussed here and I have tried the solutions suggested but to no avail.
My problem is best illustrated using the example project which can be downloaded from this URL:
In the example project I have a main UIViewController with two buttons used to call two other UIViewControllers - one using presentModalViewController and the other using "addSubView" (using the AppDelegate). Individually both buttons and UIViewControllers work fine.
However, if I first call the modal viewcontroller, then dismiss it (using dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: YES) and then display the second (addSubView) UIViewController, then all elements and subviews in the second UIViewController (such as the button in the example) get displaced downwards vertically by 20 pixels. And the displacement happens with a momentary delay.
This issue does not happen with SDK 3.2 and below -- just iOS4.
Any help would be appreciated, especially with reference to the example project above.
add [aViewControllerTwo setWantsFullScreenLayout:YES]; to your - (void)flipToViewControllerTwo after ViewControllerTwo *aViewControllerTwo = [[ViewControllerTwo alloc] initWithNibName:#"ViewControllerTwo" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
In order to solve this you need to do the following with the view controller that appears shifted: add a frame, then set the position of this frame appropriately. Set this frame to the view of the ViewController.
shiftedViewController* ShiftedViewController = [[ShiftedViewController alloc] init ];
CGRect theFrame = [shiftedViewController.view frame];
theFrame.origin.y = 20;
[shiftedViewController.view setFrame: theFrame];
[self presentModalViewController:shiftedViewController