Set frame(size) UITableViewController - iphone

My main screen have:
UITabViewController (content 3 UIViewController). each UIViewController has a UITableViewController.
Now i want to set frame of UITableViewController. Is it possible?

Not possible to set frame of UITableViewController... if you want to put a table in your UIViewController, add a tableView in your UIViewController.. you may then set the frame of your tableView.

As no instance of UIViewController has a frame property, your question technically makes no sense. Please spend more time reading through Apple's documentation, all you need is there and early on to. Pay some regard to UIView and UIViewController. This is a good place to start. We've all had to start there.


Set background image of a mutated TableViewController

I am working on a swift project in Xcode right now and one of my view controllers is a UITableViewController. I used swift to alter the size of the table view in the controller so that it does not fill up the entire screen. However, I want to set a background image for the entire view controller which I am unable to do since XCode is not letting me add an image view between the table view controller and the table view. Is there any way to do it using swift? Thank you.
I think I can help out.
If you're using Apple's UITableViewController - does that mean you altered the tableView's height in the storyboard? I think a better solution is to just use a regular UIViewController, add a tableView with whatever height you want it inside a UIViewController's view.
Often times I would recommend steering away from using Apple's custom things because you lose flexibility. Just make your own custom thing instead!
UIViewController > View > TableView & UIImageView
Make sure your tableview has a clear background!

How can I place a UITableView on a UIViewController programmatically so that it doesn't take up the whole view?

I want to have a ViewController that has a table view on the top half of the screen, and a button under it. I'm assuming there's a simple way to do this. Every way I have tried so far ends up in the bottom half of the view being inaccessible.
The trick is that you cannot use a subclass of UITableViewController. You need to enable the datasource and delegate protocols explicitly in a UIViewController.
#interface MyController : UIViewController <UITableViewDatasource, UITableViewDelegate>
// variables and properties
Don't forget to assign self as delegate and datasource of your tableview.
Now you can just put the table view anywhere by giving it an appropriate frame and you can also put a button at the bottom.
Hint: the standard way to "put a button at the bottom" is to use a UIToolBar. With that you could use the normal table view controller without having to worry about the protocols. But your approach is also feasible.
Well, you could have put a sample image to get the clear idea. but AFAI understood, i try to give the answer accordingly :
You can set the frame especially height of TableView just half the size of the height of your UIViewController.
Then rest of the space of UIViewCobtroller you can create another view where you can place your button as you have already done so far.
You can add the button in your UITableView's footer section.

iPhone - a UIView that behaves like a UIViewController

I need to create a class that will present a UIVIew and has a some code to initialize it before it is ready to show. I need to know when the view is ready, I mean, I need something like viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear, but as it is a UIVIew it lacks these protocols.
I cannot implement it as a UIViewController as I don't want to present it modal. It is really a rectangular view that needs to show on a screen side.
How do I declare this class? If the class is a UIView based I don't have the methods I mentioned.
Any reason to not do that kind of stuff inside the initWithFrame method on a UIView? Also, you can do additional stuff on layoutSubviews. A view controller has viewDidLoad because the view is lazy loaded (from a nib or otherwise - it also has a loadView). It has viewWillAppear and viewWillDisappear because it is managing the view (btw, even the view controller is managed by another view controller - these methods are called when you have the controller within a UINavigationController or UITabBarController or such classes which mange UIViewControllers. - the view itself is not really managing anything. All it knows about is how to draw itself. For that, you have layoutSubViews, drawRect, etc.
Doing some heavy stuff upon view's load will definitely kill the UI performance. You probably need to implement another kind of design pattern that will asynchrounously assign data values to the instance of your custom view - when that is done, you call layoutSubviews or setNeedsDisplay to update the view.
The scenario you described is no reason for not implementing a UIViewController. Assume you have a container view A and a subview B. Both have their own UIViewController AC and BC. Now on AC you add the View B managed by BC:
[self.view addSubview:BC.view];
You probably want to be using UIViewController.
You don't just have to present them modally. You can get your view controller's view with yourViewController.view, and add that as a subview of whatever view you want.
If you're targeting iOS 5, there are a few new methods (such as addChildViewController:) designed to make doing things like this easier. You can do it on iOS 4 too though, and it'll still work.
Implement a drawRect in youR UIView, plus an initialization flag. Just before the view is to be displayed the drawRect will be called. If the initialization flag isn't yet set, do your initialization and set the flag. This will only look good if your initialization can be done quickly (no long synchronous calls).
I need to create a class that will present a UIVIew and has a some code to initialize it before it is ready to show. I need to know when the view is ready, I mean, I need something like viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear, but as it is a UIVIew it lacks these protocols.
You might want to rethink how your view is being used. It sounds like you're trying to put too much controller-like logic into your view. That's why you're wanting your view to behave like a controller.
More specifically: What exactly are you trying to accomplish? If you're waiting for data to load before display the view, that might actually be something to put in the controller that is calling the view.
To illustrate my point, imagine you're putting some text in a UILabel that you read from disk. The reading from disk isn't really related to the view. The view only cares what text it displays, not how it received the text. Once it's read from disk, you can create a UILabel with that text that you read. This allows the UILabel to be more flexible.
That example might not be at all related to what you're doing, but I use it as an example of the difference between a view and a controller. Anything not related with the display and drawing of the view shouldn't belong there.

Does UITableViewController allow the table to be in a UIView?

UITableViewController seems to always hijack the View link in IB. So, if I put UITableView in a UIView and link up the View to that UIView, it still doesn't work. Only the UITableView is shown.
What I'd like to do is use a UITableViewController and put some labels on top of the uiTableView that can be hidden.. Like loading.. and No results found.
The only solution I have come up with is to resort to using UIViewController and then adding a UITableView link to the class and link it up in IB.
Am I missing something here?
It's fine to use a UIViewController, make it implement the table view datasource and delegate protocols, and then hook a UITableView up to it. It's also fine to have the controller's main view be a container UIView, and have a UITableView as a subview of that.
And yes, this is probably the best way to add some kind of overlay view, such as a message label. So I think you're on the right track.
You should also be able to do this using a UITableViewController, instead of a UIViewController that explicitly implements the table view protocols. I've had success with this. I'm not sure what you mean when you say that UITableViewController "hijacks" the view outlet in IB.
It really isn't a big deal either way. UITableViewController doesn't do much other than implement those protocols, provide a different default loadView method, and call [tableView reloadData] by default on viewWillAppear:. If you do those things yourself, you'll be fine.

UITableView and a UITextField that is always visible

I want to create an application which combines a chat feature. My question is this: how can I have a UITextField that is always visible in the same view as a UITableView?
The obvious solution would be to create my own UIView having a UITableView and a UITextField below it, however the UITableViewController doesn't seem to like me doing that as it expects the connected "view" outlet to be a UITableView, essentially destroying my plans.
Anyone with an idea?
Don't use UITableViewController. After all, it's just a standard controller with a full-screen UITableView. You can roll your own easily.
Use a standard UIViewController and have it implement UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocols (you don't need to implement every method -- just the required ones). Then give it a UITableView as an iVar and set the delegate and dataSource to self. Size it so it only takes half the screen and your other views take the other part. You can lay out the whole thing in IB or create and position view+table manually.
I would suggest sticking a regular view in between your controller and your smaller "half-views". That has usually cleared things up for me, or at least exposed what the problem might be.
If you don't need functionality that UITableViewController provided, than you can just use
UIViewController with <UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate> protocols.
So, your main viewController will accept any type of views.