last code changes not present in application server - eclipse

Under Eclipse (with Maven and GWT), i have 4 projects.
I made modifications in my Java code source.
To put my modifications in the application server (a Jonas server), i made a clean / build automatically of all projects, then a GWT compile of the project who contains the entry point. and finally an export WAR of this project who contains the entry point.
When i put this WAR on the application server (Jonas), and stop and restart of the server,
my last changes are not present in the server !!!
However, when i run my GWT application in local (localhost:8080), my last changes are present.
Do you have met such a situation ? What can explain it ?

If you made modifications to a sub-project, but did not increment the version number, it might be possible that you continue to use an outdated version.
It depends on what you mean by "i made a clean / build automatically of all projects, "
I recommand you update the version number of projects when upgrading, and/or build with -U argument (mvn clean install -U)


Why should the Gradle Wrapper be committed to VCS?

From Gradle's documentation:
The scripts generated by this task are intended to be committed to
your version control system. This task also generates a small
gradle-wrapper.jar bootstrap JAR file and properties file which should
also be committed to your VCS. The scripts delegates to this JAR.
From: What should NOT be under source control?
I think generated files should not be in the VCS.
When are gradlew and gradle/gradle-wrapper.jar needed?
Why not store a gradle version in the build.gradle file?
Because the whole point of the gradle wrapper is to be able, without having ever installed gradle, and without even knowing how it works, where to download it from, which version, to clone the project from the VCS, to execute the gradlew script it contains, and to build the project without any additional step.
If all you had was a gradle version number in a build.gradle file, you would need a README explaining everyone that gradle version X must be downloaded from URL Y and installed, and you would have to do it every time the version is incremented.
Because the whole point of the Gradle wrapper is to be able, without having ever installed Gradle
Same argument goes for the JDK, do you want to commit that also? Do you also commit all your dependency libraries?
The dependencies should be upgraded continuously as new versions are released to get security and other bug fixes, and because if you get to far behind it can be a very time consuming task to get up to date again.
If the Gradle wrapper is incremented for every new release, and it is committed, the repo will grow very large. The problem is obvious when working with distributed VCS where a clone will download all versions of everything.
and without even knowing how it works
Create a build script that downloads the wrapper and uses it to build. Everyone does not need to know how the script works, they need to agree that the project is build by executing it.
where to download it from, which version
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = 'X.X'
for Gradle version >= 5:
wrapper {
gradleVersion = 'X.X'
and then
gradle wrapper
to download the correct version.
to clone the project from the VCS, to execute the gradlew script it contains, and to build the project without any additional step.
Solved by the steps above. Downloading the Gradle wrapper is not different from downloading any other dependency. The script could be smart enough to check for any current Gradle wrapper and only download it if there is a new version.
If the developer has never used Gradle before and maybe doesn't know the project is built with Gradle, then it is more obvious to run a compared to running gradlew build.
If all you had was a gradle version number in a build.gradle file, you would need a README explaining everyone that gradle version X must be downloaded from URL Y an installed,
No, you would not need a README. You could have one, but we are developers and we should automate as much as possible. Creating a script is better.
and you would have to do it every time the version is incremented.
If the developers agree that the correct process is to:
Clone repo
Run build script
Then there upgrading to latest Gradle wrapper is no problem. If the version is incremented since last run, the script could download the new version.
I would like to recommend a simple approach.
In your project's README, document that an installation step is required, namely:
gradle wrapper --gradle-version 3.3
This works with Gradle 2.4 or higher. This creates a wrapper without requiring a dedicated task to be added to "build.gradle".
With this option, ignore (do not check in) these files/folders for version control:
The key benefit is that you don't have to check-in a downloaded file to source control. It costs one extra step on installation. I think it is worth it.
According to Gradle docs, adding gradle-wrapper.jar to VCS is expected as making Gradle Wrapper available to developers is part of the Gradle approach:
To make the Wrapper files available to other developers and execution environments you’ll need to check them into version control. All Wrapper files including the JAR file are very small in size. Adding the JAR file to version control is expected. Some organizations do not allow projects to submit binary files to version control. At the moment there are no alternative options to the approach.
What is the "project"?
Maybe there is a technical definition of this idiom that excludes build scripts. But if we accept this definition, then we must say your "project" is not all the things that you need to versioned!
But if we say "your project" is everything you have done. Then we can say you must include it and only it into VCS.
This is very theoretical and maybe not practical in case of our development works. So we change it to "your project is every file (or folder) you need to editing them directly".
"directly" means "not indirectly" and "indirectly" means by editing another file and then an effect will be reflected into this file.
So we reach the same that OP said (and is said here):
I think Generated files should not be in the VCS.
Yes. Because you haven't created them. So they are not part of "your project" according to the second definition.
What is the result about these files:
build.gradle: Yes. We need to edit it. Our works should be versioned.
Note: There is no difference where you edit it. Whether in your text editor environment or in Project Structure GUI environment. Anyway you doing it directly! Yes. We need to at least determine Gradle version in this file.
gradle-wrapper.jar and gradlew[.bat]: I haven't created or edited them in any of my development works, till this moment! So the answer is "No". If you have done so, the answer is "Yes" about you at that work (and about the same file you edited).
The important note about the latest case is the user who clones your repo, needs to execute this command on repo's <root-directory> to auto-generate wrapper files:
> gradle wrapper --gradle-version=$v --distribution-type=$distType
$v and $distType are determined from
See for more information.
gradle executable is bin/gradle[.bat] in local distribution. It's not required that local distribution be same as that determined in the repo. After wrapper files created then gradlew[.bat] can download determined Gradle distribution automatically (if not exists locally). Then he/she probably must regenerate wrapper files using new gradle executable (in downloaded distribution) using above instructions.
Note: In the above instructions, supposed the user has at least one Gradle distribution locally (e.g. ~/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-4.10-bin/bg6py687nqv2mbe6e1hdtk57h/gradle-4.10). It covers almost all real cases. But what happens if the user hasn't any distribution already?
He/She can download it manually using the URL in .properties file. But if he/she doesn't locate it in the path that the wrapper expected, the wrapper will download it again! The expected path is completely predictable but is out of the subject (see here for the most complex part).
There are also some easier (but dirty) ways. For example, he/she can copy wrapper files (except .properties file) from any other local/remote repository to his/her repository and then run gradlew on his/her repository. It will automatically download the suitable distribution.
Old question, fresh answer. If you don't upgrade gradle often (most of us don't), it's better to commit it to VCS. And the main reason for me is to increase the build speed on the CI server. Nowadays, most of the projects are getting built and installed by CI servers, different server instance every time.
If you don't commit it, CI server will download a jar for every build and it significantly increases a build time. There are other ways to handle this problem, but I find this one the easiest to maintain.

Google App Engine, Maven and Eclipse development setup

I'll try keep this short. I have Eclipse with an installed M2E (Maven to Eclipse) plugin. I have a GAE (Google App Engine) project I'm working on. Everything is working ok apart from one really annoying thing: I have to stop/start the devserver every time I make a change.
If you have any experience with this setup then you might be able to answer this simple question?
I start the development server with "mvn appegnine:devserver" on the command line. Now I would expect that if I made changes to a *.jsp for example that those changes would automatically be updated on the devserver. Is this what happens with you?
I have noticed that if I make changes to *.jsp files under my target folder then devserver will see those changes and updates as I would expect. I think my problem lies with Eclipse not copying changes to target folder, but not sure if is even suppose to?
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I should progress investigating this? I've ran out of ideas :-/
I thank you in advance for any comments you may have.
P.s I know I can run "mvn package" to update files, but this is slow and the devserver runs out of memory after a do it twice.
This can be little painful, depending on how you want to work and which version of eclipse you're using.
Install the m2e-wtp plugin if you haven't. It's the secret sauce that makes appengine projects work in eclipse. Note this isn't m2e - but another plugin.
Install the GPE - the google plugin for eclipse if you haven't
Make sure your project is being managed by m2e as a maven project.
Go into your project properties - enable it as an appengine project using the GPE (listed under 'Google'). Don't forget to tick HRD while you're here.
Go to your project build path (Properties -> Java Build Path).
Ensure on the source tab that your src/main/resources doesnt have an ** exclusion.
Ensure on the libraries tab your have the three libraries 'JDK', 'Google Appengine' and 'Maven Dependencies' and nothing else
Ensure on the order and export tab that the appengine dependencies are above the maven dependencies.
It sounds pretty ridiculous - i'm not really sure why its still so painful, but that is a good recipe for success. Once that's done, this should allow you to run in debug from eclipse itself, with hotloading of code, jsps, css, scripts etc. I've had this work in helios, indigo and juno.
You can read more about the m2e-wtp setup instructions here. They refer to GWT but it's the same for appengine (I'm not sure why the emphasis on using GWT on GAE) because its actually about the correct setup of GPE and Maven.
You will also find that you may need to repeat some parts of step 5 pretty frequently - if your app isn't loading properly take a quick look to ensure that your resources haven't been excluded. This happens when you update your project configuration using the m2e plugin.
The wtp-m2e plugin updates the target folder as resources modified - so this should also resolve your issues running from the command line, but i can't vouch for that - I prefer to run straight out of eclipse.
I have the same problem as you, however I resolved with other way. I use FileSync plugin (which can be found in the market place).
With this plugin you configure an input directory (webapp) and output directory (target).
Any change made to the webapp will be passed to the target.
I have helped too.
You can use rsync like this:
rsync -r --existing src/main/webapp/ target/ROOT
where "ROOT" is the project build finalName.
The below point worked for me.
Ensure on the order and export tab that the appengine dependencies are above the maven dependencies.

Deploying a new version of WAR onto tomcat on eclipse

So I'm having this issue with eclipse and tomcat 6.
I am able to upload the first version of my war on eclipse using server(tomcat 6)->add resource, add all.
But then I tried editing some lines, and then run as maven clean->run as maven install, then clean, clean tomcat work directory, and restart the server, and it would not show me the reflected changes.
Any suggestions?
You clean your application, and executing an install, but seems you're not executing the build correctly. Ensure you're generating a new war file (take a look at the date of when it is generated to make sure you're deploying the last version). If your project has many modules, e.g: war and jars. Make sure you build the jars as well, and the jars are being replaced in the tomcat/libs folder or in your WEB-INF/libs, check the date of when are the depending jars generated too, then you can see the differences.
Best regards.

Eclipse JBoss hot code replace

I am using Eclipse 4.2 and JBoss 7.
I have Build automatically checked in Eclipse.
Even then I have to build and redeploy the EAR file to JBOSS to test any code changes I make in Eclipse debug mode.
Am I missing something here?
What the "Build automatically" option in eclipse do is that when you modify the source code of a class, this one will be automatically compiled, which doesn't mean that all the whole project that contains the class (i.e. war, jar, ear ...) is redeployed in the server. But of course it helps in the speed of deployment, because the classes you've been modifying are already compiled when you manually build or deploy the project.
On the other hand, to avoid problems with redeployments, you'd better set up JBoss to delete the files related to the application keeps in the work directory, when the application is undeployed / redeployed. Look at this stackoverflow thread for more information.
Concerning the "Build automatically" option:
In order for the Deployment Scanner in JBoss to work, you have to have it turned on in JBoss.
Also, you need to add your project to the JBoss server in the Servers window. Look for the "Add or Remove..." option.
Once your project is added, any changes you make to your code will get detected and your module will be redeployed automatically in the background. Failing that and assuming your project doesn't have a snag, you can use mvn install & mvn jboss-as:deploy to manual update your module.
Beware, sometimes mvn doesn't pick up the latest java code. This seems to be a project configuration issue more than anything. Re-creating the project seems to correct the issue.
Also, keep an eye out for duplicate persistence.xml files.
You only need one.

missing classes after publish web project into tomcat using eclipse wtp

I have several dynamic web projects in my workspace, each contains classes and refers to other utility projects (simple Java Projects), and to 3rd party jars.
These apps (dynamic web projects) are deployed on tomcat v6.0.6 using eclipse WTP (Helios 3.6)
When I update my workspace and new classes/resources/jars are extracted from the SVN repository, I re-publish my apps in tomcat apps, and restart it.
Occasionally, when tomcat starts one of my apps, it throws ClassNotFoundException, or complains about other missing resource. Sometimes I see that the a deployed resource (spring beans xml for example) is not up to date, and has 'old' content in it.
The common anti-voodoo-black-magic treatment I use:
* stop / start tomcat
* clean (when right click on the server configuration)
* clean tomcat work directory
* remove all apps from tomcat, clean, restart tomcat, add all apps
I need to run this 'procedure' several time until problem is solved.
Do you guys suffer from it as well ? Is this a known bug ?
Any suggestions how to tackle it ? is using jars instead of utility projects will solve/reduce this problems?
I would consider using Embedded Jetty instead, I just want to avoid from proprietary scripts for running Jetty on a 'production' environment.
-- Yonatan
It happened to me a lot. I wouldn't call that Voodoo. I think that Eclipse WTP doesn't work well when you change stuff in the background (e.g. a maven build).
What I do to solve this is to avoid using it altogether. Instead I use Maven WAR plugin to deploy the application:
mvn war:inplace tomcat:inplace -DskipTests=true
This works very fast, as it doesn't need to assemble, and package the war.
Then to undeploy the application:
mvn tomcat:undeploy
I have scripts that
deploy and start tomact
undeploy and stop tomcat
It looks something like this:
Start tomcat and deploy app:
if [ -f $CATALINA_PID ]; then
echo "tomcat already running with pid " `cat $CATALINA_PID`
exit 1
java -Dmy.arg=val -Dcatalina.home=<catalina-home> -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///log4j.xml -classpath <path-to-tomcat-lib>/bootstrap.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start &
echo $! > $CATALINA_PID
mvn war:inplace tomcat:inplace -DskipTests=true
Undeploy and Stop tomcat:
mvn tomcat:undeploy
<path-to-tomcat>/ -force
The same with probably any other build script - its just a matter of how much code you will have to write.
I chose Maven's war:inplace goal is since it does very little, and thus runs very quickly. See here:
BTW, ANT and Gradle have a war task/plugin which can probably be configured to do something similar (I don't really remember...)
Hope this helps.
Another thing to look out for is that Project -> Build Automatically should be enabled and the project should not have any build path problems.
Open the navigator view and confirm that the build folder is having generated class files.
If the files are not being built they won't be published. Though this seems obvious it is easy to over look and wasted a lot of my time.
Interesting behaviour.... Something similar was happening on my Linux machine due to permission issues.
Anyway, i suggest not to use WTP. Try ant build script instead. Its simple and for me it works brilliant.
Been working with Eclipse since it came out, these problems have always existed. Arrived here because atm my web.xml doesn't get deployed anymore. Especially in combination with m2eclipse you'll never know what happens when you try to start your Tomcat. Everybody I know how has worked with Eclipse has these problems, I don't understand why they don't get fixed...and unfortunately working as a contractor means I can't choose my IDE or the container or the way publishing is done, so most of the time I'm stuck with WTP.
I had a similar problem. When I published a web application, Eclipse was not including one of the jar and hence publish to sever through Eclipse fails. I corrected this by modifying the .classpath file of the project to correct dependency as below. To makes sure that its in sync with other jars configuration.
<classpathentry kind="var" path="M2_REPO/log4j/log4j/1.2.17/log4j-1.2.17.jar" sourcepath="M2_REPO/log4j/log4j/1.2.17/log4j-1.2.17-sources.jar">
<attribute name="org.eclipse.jst.component.dependency" value="/WEB-INF/lib"/>
It seems progress is being made on solving this problem.
Hopefully it will be fixed for the next release of Eclipse.
one possible solution could be that your bin folder is not getting created. check that you have not deleted build/bin folder and it does exists in your work space.