Some UITextfields don't respond in iOs6 - iphone

Since updating to iOS 6 I have this weirdest bug when trying to make an UITextField or UITextView firstResponder. doesn't work.
I am not able to select the field or view and bring up the keyboard, nor is there a cursor or anything.
The weirdest thing is that it is only not working for SOME fields, other ones in different viewcontrollers work without trouble.
I have:
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
self.window.rootViewController = self.viewController;
in my appDelegate.
It worked and still works without problems with iOS 5.
Any ideas on what it could be?

I found out what was causing the problem.
From the viewcontroller I present the new viewcontroller from a textfield was firstResponder. So when I cancel this by calling
[textview resignFirstResponder];
[self.view endEditing:YES];
BEFORE presenting the new viewcontroller, it works without problems.
Question remains.... Why is this? And is there a better way to overcome this? I don't feel much for resigning every textfield throughout my app...

I know this post is old, but if it help, in iOS6 yo also need to resign the responder in the "granparents" views.
Search View (don't resign responder) -> Detail View -> Super Detail View (This one have the problem).
Detail View dont have first reponder, but Search View has it.
We have to resign the responder in Search view to solve the problem in Super Detail View.
I assume that we also have to resign responder in the previws controllers of Search View.


How am I able to select items when using VoiceOver for supporting blind people?

I'm using VoiceOver in one of my Apps and want to make it more accessible to blind people.
When loading up a viewcontroller a scrollview is displayed with multiple textviews in there. I would like to automaticly select the first textview when opening up my viewcontroller. Is there a workaround for these needs?
I'm using a navigationcontroller and a tabbarcontroller. At the moment the voiceover selects the backbutton firstly but I would like to select another UI part.
A simple solution to automatically begin editing the first UITextView is to put this in the ViewDidLoad method:
[textView becomeFirstResponder];
Make sure you've setup your UITextView protocols and delegates and this should work.

editing is disabled in UITextfield in a static TableView - iOS 6.0 only

I have two UITextFields inside a static TableView (in a Storyboard) for loggin in. The first time go to the tableView via a modal segue, the TextFields are editable as they should be. When I then go back and forth to that view again, the TextField seem to be non-editable. If I read out the textField.isEnabled, it is set to YES.
Even more strange: this behavior is only with iOS 6.0. On iOS 5.0 everything is fine.
I've already added this in viewWillAppear
TextField.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
I've also commented out all of my viewDidLoad and viewWillAppearCode, but still no avail.
Any idea is welcome.
EDIT: after closing and restarting the app, I once again have one shot. I looks like something is screwed, once I opened and closed the view.
I actually had a very similar problem with my TextFields in one view not being editable after doing a back and forth segue with another view. For me, it was a problem with the first responder status, and things started working fine after adding the following in prepareForSegue:
[self.textFieldName1 resignFirstResponder];
Hope that helps.

hidesBottomBarWhenPushed and a pushy UISearchBar on short UITableViews

I'm working on an application that has a view hierarchy that is very similar to Apple's Music or iPod aps. It has a UITabBarController containing UINavigationControllers presenting UITableViews that eventually lead to a UIViewController that sets hidesBottomBarWhenPushed to YES in its designated initializer (to hide the UITabBar). The previous UITableViews all have a UISearchBar in their tableHeaderView that I move out of sight in viewWillAppear:.
The UISearch normally remains hidden until pulled down except when backing out of the UIView to a short UITableView. It remains hidden through the UITableView's viewWillAppear: and viewDidAppear: methods and the UIView's viewWillDisappear: and viewDidDisappear: methods and then finally pops down of its own accord. If I comment out self.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES; in the UIView the UISearchBar stays hidden when backing out of that view.
What is causing the UITableView to reveal the UISearchBar after I have hidden it? Is there a delegate method higher up in the view hierarchy that I can use to prevent it from happening?
Update I've created a simple project with the minimum amount of code needed to reproduce the problem. Download (Sorry, I had a mod_rewrite rule preventing downloads from third-party domains. I've added Stack Overflow to the whitelist. Download should work now.)
Does the UISearchBar have text in it when backing out of the UIViewController? Seems plausible that this might cause it to be displayed by default.
EDIT: (adding below comment to body of answer for easier scanning / finding, plus adding some explanation.)
Duplicate your viewWillAppear: method body in viewDidAppear: in SearchableTableViewController. This fixes the issue in my testing.
Basically, all this does is ensure that the offset is set correctly on either side of the navigation animation.
Shaun - I'm still learning Objective-C too so I might be off on this, but I think the issue is that ViewWillAppear: fires once when you get to the SearchableTableView 3 view, and then when you try to go backwards from Terminal to SearchableTableView 3 it's not firing again. I duplicated the code in ViewWillAppear: and put it in ViewDidAppear: and the search bar appears to be hiding properly.
UPDATE: This post seems to verify the above and offer cleaner solutions: iPhone viewWillAppear not firing

UITextField keyboard doesn't appear

I have a very simple screen with an UITextField with the default configuration, nothing special.
When I touch the UITextField, the keyboard doesn't pops up.
I haven't any custom control, behavior or anything else, just that, but it doesnt'work.
I've done this in previous apps iPhone/iPad apps already on the AppStore but i can't figure out what's going wrong here.
The UITextField is created in Interface Builder, in the nib file.
I've been doing some research and i added an IBAction in the UIViewController for UItextField TouchDown event and the IBOutlet for the UITexField.
In the first line of the code i added:
[textFild becomeFirstResponder];
That's the default behavior of the UITextField, when you touch it, it becomes the first responder asking the system to show the keyboard.
I debugged it and it runs that line, but the keyboard still doesn't shows up.
Thanks in advance.
Many times your code is right, it's just about the settings of your Xcode or the Simulator.
Try Toggling Keyboard Software in the Simulator
Simulator --> Hardware --> Keyboard --> Toggle Software Keyboard
OR just simply hit Command + K it would do the same thing
One thing you should check is to make sure the containing view (the UIView that contains all the controls), which is the View icon in Interface Builder nib viewer, has User Interaction Enabled checked. If the parent container doesn't have this checked, even if the individual controls do, you will see this behavior.
I already figured out by myself!
I had tha UITextField in a UIViewController that gets presented from another view controller
who responds to motion events, and that previous View Controller was allways the First Responder.
All I had to do was everytime i leave the controller's view in viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated, i called [self resignFirstResponder]; and that was all.
I took me a while to find this silly oversight, but make sure that both properties of UITextView: selectable and editable are set to true.
Its a pretty basic thing but make sure your USER INTERACTION and ENABLED are checked in the storyboard editor.

Is it possible to make the iPhone keyboard invisible / remove it without resigning first responder?

I am looking for a way to show my own input view (a UITableView) to enter certain keywords in a UITextView faster than typing them, and also be able to type into this text view the normal way. My solution has a button that causes the keyboard to disappear, revealing the table view underneath it.
Problem is I can't figure out how to make the keyboard go away without resigning first responder, and losing the cursor. Has anyone accomplished this before?
Thanks for any help.
As far as I know there is no way to do this, and I have searched extensively. Very frustrating that selection and the cursor are restricted to the keyboard.
I could be wrong though. Votes? Suggestions?
You can call becomeFirstResponder on some other thing that you choose. It could be a UIViewController or a UIView. I had a similar problem before, I needed to make my keyboard go away when I was pushing my view controller back to its caller, without knowing which textfield was the first responder. Then, on viewWillAppear of my view controller which I was returning back, I called [self becomeFirstResponder] and the keyboard of the pushed view was gone. Because this made whichever text field was it loose being the first responder.