def comb(c: Int, r: Int): Int = {
if(r == 1) c
else if(r < c) comb(c-1, r-1) + comb(c-1, r)
else 1
comb(20,10) //184,756
What I'd like to do is to call it as comb(10,20) and get the same result. I tried to replace c with r and r with c except in the signature, but it doesn't work.
def comb(c: Int, r: Int): Int = {
if(c == 1) r
else if(c < r) comb(r-1, c-1) + comb(r-1, c)
else 1
comb(10,20) //2 -> not right
You would also need to change the order in the sub-calls:
def comb(c: Int, r: Int): Int = {
if (c == 1) r
else if (c < r) comb(c - 1, r - 1) + comb(c, r - 1)
else 1
This gives the expected result:
comb(10, 20) // 184756
I would add, don't be afraid of local defs:
scala> def comb(c: Int, r: Int): Int = {
| if(r == 1) c
| else if(r < c) comb(c-1, r-1) + comb(c-1, r)
| else 1
| }
comb: (c: Int, r: Int)Int
scala> comb(20,10) //184,756
res0: Int = 184756
scala> def cc(c: Int, r: Int): Int = {
| def cc2(c: Int, r: Int): Int = {
| if(r == 1) c
| else if(r < c) comb(c-1, r-1) + comb(c-1, r)
| else 1
| }
| if (c < r) cc2(r,c) else cc2(c,r)
| }
cc: (c: Int, r: Int)Int
scala> cc(20,10)
res1: Int = 184756
scala> cc(10,20)
res2: Int = 184756
I would like to find the fastest way to write euclidean distance in Scala. After some attemps, i'm here.
def euclidean[V <: Seq[Double]](dot1: V, dot2: V): Double = {
var d = 0D
var i = 0
while( i < dot1.size ) {
val toPow2 = dot1(i) - dot2(i)
d += toPow2 * toPow2
i += 1
Fastest results are obtain with mutable.ArrayBuffer[Double] as V and no collection.parallel._ are authorized for various vector size from 2 up to 10000
For those who desire to test breeze its slower with following distance function :
def euclideanDV(v1: DenseVector[Double], v2: DenseVector[Double]) = norm(v1 - v2)
If anyone knows any pure scala code or library that could help to improve speed it would be greatly appreciated.
The way i tested speed was i follow.
val te1 = 0L
val te2 = 0L
val runNumber = 100000
val warmUp = 60000
(0 until runNumber).foreach{ x =>
val t1 = System.nanoTime
euclidean1(v1, v2)
val t2 = System.nanoTime
euclidean2(v1, v2)
val t3 = System.nanoTime
if( x >= warmUp ) {
te1 += t2 - t1
te2 += t3 - t2
Here a some of my tries
// Fast on ArrayBuffer, quadratic on List
def euclidean1[V <: Seq[Double]](v1: V, v2: V) =
var d = 0D
var i = 0
while( i < v1.size ){
val toPow2 = v1(i) - v2(i)
d += toPow2 * toPow2
i += 1
// Breeze test
def euclideanDV(v1: DenseVector[Double], v2: DenseVector[Double]) = norm(v1 - v2)
// Slower than euclidean1
def euclidean2[V <: Seq[Double]](v1: V, v2: V) =
var d = 0D
var i = 0
while( i < v1.size )
d += pow(v1(i) - v2(i), 2)
i += 1
// Slower than 1 for Vsize ~< 1000 and a bit better over 1000 on ArrayBuffer
def euclidean3[V <: Seq[Double]](v1: V, v2: V) =
var d = 0D
var i = 0
(0 until v1.size).foreach{ i=>
val toPow2 = v1(i) - v2(i)
d += toPow2 * toPow2
// Slower than 1 for Vsize ~< 1000 and a bit better over 1000 on ArrayBuffer
def euclidean3bis(dot1: Seq[Double], dot2: Seq[Double]): Double =
var sum = 0D
dot1.indices.foreach{ id =>
val toPow2 = dot1(id) - dot2(id)
sum += toPow2 * toPow2
// Slower than 1
def euclidean4[V <: Seq[Double]](v1: V, v2: V) =
var d = 0D
var i = 0
val vz =
while( i < vz.size )
val (a, b) = vz(i)
val toPow2 = a - b
d += toPow2 * toPow2
i += 1
// Slower than 1
def euclideanL1(v1: List[Double], v2: List[Double]) = sqrt({ case (a, b) =>
val toPow2 = a - b
toPow2 * toPow2
// Slower than 1
def euclidean5(dot1: Seq[Double], dot2: Seq[Double]): Double =
var sum = 0D
dot1.zipWithIndex.foreach{ case (a, id) =>
val toPow2 = a - dot2(id)
sum += toPow2 * toPow2
// super super slow
def euclidean6(v1: Seq[Double], v2: Seq[Double]) = sqrt({ case (a, b) => pow(a - b, 2) }.sum)
// Slower than 1
def euclidean7(dot1: Seq[Double], dot2: Seq[Double]): Double =
var sum = 0D{ case (a, b) => sum += pow(a - b, 2) }
// Slower than 1
def euclidean8(v1: Seq[Double], v2: Seq[Double]) =
def inc(n: Int, v: Double) = {
val toPow2 = v1(n) - v2(n)
v + toPow2 * toPow2
def go(n: Int, v: Double): Double =
if( n < v1.size - 1 ) go(n + 1, inc(n, v))
else inc(n, v)
sqrt(go(0, 0D))
// Slower than 1
def euclideanL2(v1: List[Double], v2: List[Double]) =
def inc(vzz: List[(Double, Double)], v: Double): Double =
val (a, b) = vzz.head
val toPow2 = a - b
v + toPow2 * toPow2
def go(vzz: List[(Double, Double)], v: Double): Double =
if( vzz.isEmpty ) v
else go(vzz.tail, inc(vzz, v))
sqrt(go(, 0D))
I tried tailrecursion on List but not enough efficiently on ArrayBuffer, i totally agree with the fact that proper tools like JMH are needed to test speed efficiency properly. But when order of magnitude is between 10-50% faster, we can be confident that it is better.
Even if it is V <: Seq[Double] it is NOT appropriate for List but for ArrayLike structure.
Here my proposal
def euclideanF[V <: Seq[Double]](v1: V, v2: V) = {
def go(d: Double, i: Int): Double = {
if( i < v1.size ) {
val toPow2 = v1(i) - v2(i)
go(d + toPow2 * toPow2, i + 1)
else d
sqrt(go(0D, 0))
I am wondering if there's a way to deal with a while (n > 0) loop in a more functional way, I have a small Scala app that counts the number of digits equal to K from a range from 1 to N:
for example 30 and 3 would return 4 [3, 13, 23, 30]
object NumKCount {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
def countKDigit(n:Int, k:Int):Int = {
var num = n
var count = 0
while (num > 10) {
val digit = num % 10
if (digit == k) {count += 1}
num = num / 10
if (num == k) {count += 1}
def countK(n:Int, k:Int):Int = {, x) => acc + countKDigit(x, k))
I'm looking for a way to define the function countKDigit using a purely functional approach
First expand number n into a sequence of digits
def digits(n: Int): Seq[Int] = {
if (n < 10) Seq(n)
else digits(n / 10) :+ n % 10
Then reduce the sequence by counting occurrences of k
def countKDigit(n:Int, k:Int):Int = {
digits(n).count(_ == k)
Or you can avoid countKDigit entirely by using flatMap
def countK(n:Int, k:Int):Int = { == k)
Assuming that K is always 1 digit, you can convert n to String and use collect or filter, like below (there's not much functional stuff you can do with Integer):
def countKDigit(n: Int, k: Int): Int = {
n.toString.collect({ case c if c.asDigit == k => true }).size
def countKDigit(n: Int, k: Int): Int = {
n.toString.filter(c => c.asDigit == 3).length
scala> 343.toString.collect({ case c if c.asDigit == 3 => true }).size
res18: Int = 2
scala> 343.toString.filter(c => c.asDigit == 3).length
res22: Int = 2
What about the following approach:
scala> val myInt = 346763
myInt: Int = 346763
scala> val target = 3
target: Int = 3
scala> val temp = List.tabulate(math.log10(myInt).toInt + 1)(x => math.pow(10, x).toInt)
temp: List[Int] = List(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000)
scala> => myInt / x % 10)
res17: List[Int] = List(3, 6, 7, 6, 4, 3)
scala> temp.count(x => myInt / x % 10 == target)
res18: Int = 2
Counting the occurrences of a single digit in a number sequence.
def countK(n:Int, k:Int):Int = {
assert(k >= 0 && k <= 9) == '0' + k)
If you really only want to modify countKDigit() to a more functional design, there's always recursion.
def countKDigit(n:Int, k:Int, acc: Int = 0):Int =
if (n == 0) acc
else countKDigit(n/10, k, if (n%10 == k) acc+1 else acc)
Is there a better way than this example to find three numbers from a list that sum to zero in scala? Right now, I feel like my functional way may not be the most efficient and it contains duplicate tuples. What is the most efficient way to get rid of duplicate tuples in my current example?
def secondThreeSum(nums:List[Int], n:Int):List[(Int,Int,Int)] = {
val sums = nums.combinations(2).map(combo => combo(0) + combo(1) -> (combo(0), combo(1))).toList.toMap
nums.flatMap { num =>
val tmp = n - num
if(sums.contains(tmp) && sums(tmp)._1 != num && sums(tmp)._2 != num) Some((num, sums(tmp)._1, sums(tmp)._2)) else None
This is pretty simple, and doesn't repeat any tuples:
def f(nums: List[Int], n: Int): List[(Int, Int, Int)] = {
for {
(a, i) <- nums.zipWithIndex;
(b, j) <- nums.zipWithIndex.drop(i + 1)
c <- nums.drop(j + 1)
if n == a + b + c
} yield (a, b, c)
Use .combinations(3) to generate all distinct possible triplets of your start list, then keep only those that sum up to n :
scala> def secondThreeSum(nums:List[Int], n:Int):List[(Int,Int,Int)] = {
.collect { case List(a,b,c) if (a+b+c) == n => (a,b,c) }
secondThreeSum: (nums: List[Int], n: Int)List[(Int, Int, Int)]
scala> secondThreeSum(List(1,2,3,-5,2), 0)
res3: List[(Int, Int, Int)] = List((2,3,-5))
scala> secondThreeSum(List(1,2,3,-5,2), -1)
res4: List[(Int, Int, Int)] = List((1,3,-5), (2,2,-5))
Here is a solution that's O(n^2*log(n)). So it's quite a lot faster for large lists.
Also it uses lower level language features to increase the speed even further.
def f(nums: List[Int], n: Int): List[(Int, Int, Int)] = {
val result = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(Int, Int, Int)]
val array = nums.toArray
val mapValueToMaxIndex = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty[Int, Int]
nums.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (n, i) => mapValueToMaxIndex += (n -> math.max(i, (mapValueToMaxIndex.getOrElse(n, i))))
val size = array.size
var i = 0
while(i < size) {
val a = array(i)
var j = i+1
while(j < size) {
val b = array(j)
val c = n - b - a
mapValueToMaxIndex.get(c).foreach { maxIndex =>
if(maxIndex > j) result += ((a, b, c))
j += 1
i += 1
I am trying to parallelize recursive calls of sudoku solver from 25 lines Sudoku solver in Scala. I've changed their Fold into reduce
def reduce(f: (Int, Int) => Int, accu: Int, l: Int, u: Int): Int = {
accu + (l until u).toArray.reduce(f(accu, _) + f(accu, _))
which if run sequentially works fine, but when I change it into
accu + (l until u).toArray.par.reduce(f(accu, _) + f(accu, _))
the recursion reaches the bottom much more often and generates false solutions. I thought, that it will execute the bottom level recursion and work it's way up, but doesn't seem to do so.
I've also tried futures
def parForFut2(f: (Int, Int) => Int, accu: Int, l: Int, u: Int): Int = {
var sum: Int = accu
val vals = l until u
vals.foreach(t => scala.actors.Futures.future(sum + f(accu, t)))
which appears to have the same problem as the par.reduce. I would appreciate any comment. The whole code is here:
object SudokuSolver extends App {
// The board is represented by an array of string
val source ="./puzzle")
val lines = (source.getLines).toArray
var m: Array[Array[Char]] = for (
str <- lines;
line: Array[Char] = str.toArray
) yield line
// For printing m
def print = {
refArrayOps(m) map (carr => Console.println(new String(carr)))
// The test for validity of n on position x,y
def invalid(i: Int, x: Int, y: Int, n: Char): Boolean =
i < 9 && (m(y)(i) == n || m(i)(x) == n ||
m(y / 3 * 3 + i / 3)(x / 3 * 3 + i % 3) == n || invalid(i + 1, x, y, n))
// Looping over a half-closed range of consecutive Integers [l..u)
// is factored out Into a higher-order function
def parReduce(f: (Int, Int) => Int, accu: Int, l: Int, u: Int): Int = {
accu + (l until u).toArray.par.reduce(f(accu, _) + f(accu, _))
// The search function examines each position on the board in turn,
// trying the numbers 1..9 in each unfilled position
// The function is itself a higher-order fold, accumulating the value
// accu by applying the given function f to it whenever a solution m
// is found
def search(x: Int, y: Int, f: (Int) => Int, accu: Int): Int = Pair(x, y) match {
case Pair(9, y) => search(0, y + 1, f, accu) // next row
case Pair(0, 9) => f(accu) // found a solution - print it and continue
case Pair(x, y) => if (m(y)(x) != '0') search(x + 1, y, f, accu) else
parForFut1((accu: Int, n: Int) =>
if (invalid(0, x, y, (n + 48).asInstanceOf[Char])) accu else {
m(y)(x) = (n + 48).asInstanceOf[Char];
val newaccu = search(x + 1, y, f, accu);
m(y)(x) = '0';
}, accu, 1, 10)
// The main part of the program uses the search function to accumulate
// the total number of solutions
Console.println("\n" + search(0, 0, i => { print; i + 1 }, 0) + " solution(s)")
As far as I can tell, recursion is inherently sequential (i.e. not parallelizable).
I'd reason it like this: recursion means (put simply) 'call myself'. A function call always happens within one and exactly one thread.
If you are telling the function to call itself, then you are staying in that thread - you're not dividing the work (i.e. making it parallel).
Recursion and parallelism are related though, but not at the function-call level. They are related in the sense that tasks can be recursively decomposed into smaller parts, that can be performed in parallel.
After Andreas comment I changed the m: Array[Array[Char]] into m: List[List[Char]] which prevents any unnecessary and unwanted changes to it. The final looping method is
def reduc(f: (Int, Int) => Int,
accu: Int, l: Int, u: Int, m1: List[List[Char]]):Int =
accu + (l until u).toArray.par.reduce(f(accu, _) + f(accu, _))
and I had to pass m as an argument to each used function, so every one of them had its own instance of it. The whole code:
object SudokuSolver extends App{
// The board is represented by an Array of strings (Arrays of Chars),
val source ="./puzzle")
val lines = source.getLines.toList
val m: List[List[Char]] = for (
str <- lines;
line: List[Char] = str.toList
) yield line
// For prInting m
def printSud(m: List[List[Char]]) = {
m map (println)
def invalid(i:Int, x:Int, y:Int, n:Char,m1: List[List[Char]]): Boolean =
i < 9 && (m1(y)(i) == n || m1(i)(x) == n ||
m1(y / 3 * 3 + i / 3)(x / 3 * 3 + i % 3) == n ||
invalid(i + 1, x, y, n, m1))
def reduc(f: (Int, Int) => Int, accu: Int, l: Int, u: Int,
m1: List[List[Char]]): Int =
accu + (l until u).toArray.par.reduce(f(accu, _) + f(accu, _))
def search(x: Int, y: Int, accu: Int, m1: List[List[Char]]): Int =
Pair(x, y) match {
case Pair(9, y) => search(0, y + 1, accu, m1) // next row
case Pair(0, 9) => { printSud(m1); accu + 1 } // found a solution
case Pair(x, y) =>
if (m1(y)(x) != '0')
search(x + 1, y, accu, m1) // place is filled, we skip it.
else // box is not filled, we try all n in {1,...,9}
reduc((accu: Int, n: Int) => {
if (invalid(0, x, y, (n + 48).asInstanceOf[Char], m1))
else { // n fits here
val line = List(m1(y).patch(x, Seq((n + 48).asInstanceOf[Char]), 1))
val m2 = m1.patch(y, line, 1)
val newaccu = search(x + 1, y, accu, m2);
val m3 = m1.patch(y, m1(y).patch(x, Seq(0), 1), 1)
}, accu, 1, 10, m1)
Console.println("\n" + search(0, 0, 0, m) + " solution(s)")
The purpose of my function is to add 5 to an integer as long as that integer is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 7. I try:
val add5Partial : PartialFunction[Int, Int] = {
case d if (0 < d <= 7) => d + 5;
I get:
<console>:8: error: type mismatch;
found : Int(7)
required: Boolean
case d if (0 < d <= 7) => d + 5;
Any tips?
Scala do not support such syntax out of the box, so you have to write:
val partial : Int => Int = {
case d if (d > 0) && (d <= 7) => d + 5;
Alternatively you could do:
val partial : Int => Int = {
case d if 1 to 7 contains d => d + 5;
You can't do this in a single comparison. You need to use:
(d > 0) && (d <= 7)
As you have done it, it will evaluate one comparison to a Boolean and then fail to use this as an int in the second comparison.
You can do any of the following:
val f = (n: Int) ⇒ if (n > 0 && n <= 7) n + 5 else n
// or ...
def f(n: Int) = if (n > 0 && n <= 7) n + 5 else n
// or ...
def f(n: Int): Int = n match {
case n if n > 0 && n <= 7 ⇒ n + 5
case _ ⇒ n
// or (to speak of ... the comment by #om-nom-nom)
def f(n: Int) = n match {
case n if 0 to 7 contains n ⇒ n + 5
case _ ⇒ n