Multiple XIB's same view - iphone

I am wondering if it is possible to have multiple XIB's on the iPhone screen at the same time. So the user can switch from view to view like that.
Mainly what I want to be able to do, is something like the current FaceBook and YouTube app.
Because currently I have lots of views in my application (an all in one calculator) but I would like them to interact more fluidly. (Maybe swipe you finger from the edge of the screen to go to the previously used calculator. Or swipe down from the top to see all of the calculators in a list. Hopefully the thing that swipes down would be another view.
Hopefully you understand what I want to do, and it would be great if someone could point me in the right direction.

All you have to do is instantiate your second xib as a view controller inside your first view controller. From there you can simple add the view property of the second as a subview of the first.. that was kind of a mouthful:
UIViewController *mySecondXibsViewController = [[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"secondXib" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
[mySecondXibsViewController.view setFrame:someCGRect];
[self.view addSubview:mySecondXibsViewController.view];
Or if you were to be using storyboards it would look like this:
UIViewController *mySecondXibsViewController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"someID"];


Using the same ViewController h and m files for 2 View controllers in Story Board

So I pretty much built my first app(single view) but i've now decided I should add a little "about/info" button and just give a tiny amount of information on how to use the app and a website to go to.
I wasn't sure about the best way to go about this but storyboards seemed really convenient. A user here answered my question about adding a storyboard to my existing project which seems to work.
Now one question is can I use my current viewcontroller h and m files for the second view (the about screen). I suppose it would technically work if I set the Viewcontroller to the same one as my primary app view.
the only thing this second view is going to have is text and a button to go back. Is it OK to set the connections in the storyboard and just let them use the same Viewcontroller files or is this a big no-no?
It is recommended you use a different view controller for each view. In case of a static view controller in which the user doesn't interact with the view except maybe for navigation (which can be handled in the storyboard in many cases), I would just leave that view controller as a generic UIViewController, not a subclass.
Yes you can use the same view controller to control more than one view, however, from what I understand, that doesn't seem like good practice in your case
For instance, if you had similar views with almost identical outlets (say the views have the same UI widgets such as buttons, titles but their layouts vary significantly) you co[uld create a separate view for each different layout and use a single view controller. But from what I understand, in your case, those two views will have different outlets (buttons, labels, etc.)
For this reason, I'd suggest creating a new view controller. Then when you want to show this second view, you will have to present it from your active view controller. I'd highly recommend you read tutorials on view controllers in Apple developer resources. But very quickly, I'd suggest the following
UIViewController *vc2 = [[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"View2" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]]
[self presentViewController:vc2 animated:YES completion:nil];
And to go back to your main view, you'll have to dismiss this second view controller
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
Of course, they don't have to be animated, you can set them to NO.

UIView should have multiple UITableViews as subview

Hi I have placed three button similar to UISegmentcontrol. But its not, its just image buttons. Here I need to have a class called MainView(UIView) and child views like Breakfast, Lunch and Dinners(UITableView for all child view). By default MainView should load the breakfast class if i click the dinner button it should take me to the dinner class. I am able to work with single tableview but I dont know how to load other classes on clicking the button from the parent class.
The child views should appear for the full screen except the navigation items. Can you please provide me you support? Thanks
Switching between multiple different views using a UISegmentedControl, similar to iCal or the AppStore application.
Follow this link: HERE
The solution in this link is hands down the best solution I've found about the issue so far. With a little bit of adjustment it also worked fine with a tabBar at the bottom.
You want to display a new view controller on your navigation controller.
// .h file
- (IBAction)dinnerButtonPressed;
// .m file
- (IBAction)dinnerButtonPressed {
DinnerViewController *controller = [[[DinnerViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:controller animated:YES];
And connect your button to the dinnerButtonPressed action.
The method creates a new DinnerViewController and displays it onto your navigation controller. You can then configure the layout of the dinner view controller in it's own xib (for example, you could add a table view ...)
From your comments to deanWombourne, I understand what you want to do. To accomplish that you have to modify the datasource that your current tableView is linked to, and then reload the tableView with new datasource.
But if I were you, I would go with deanWombourne recommendation and put each of those breakfast, lunch and dinner in separate views and push them into the stack, or I would go with UITabBar and put a tableView in each.

Multiple View Controllers. Is there a maximum?

I am putting an iPad application together that allows a user to work their way through a virtual tour. They are able to move forward through screens on which some will have buttons to other material such as a video or more info.
If Keynote supported Hyperlinks then it would be well suited but as it doesn't I am trying to recreate the tour within Xcode.
I am a newbie but have spent time researching and have code to display the 'slides' and the capability to move forward and back through them. The slides are no more that an image view with a full screen graphic and buttons for the various options, some slides are simple and have nothing other than back and forward but others will have additional links
However doing it in this simplistic way means I am ending up with a huge number of view controllers and XIB files, currently at 75 which I know must be more than any app should have. However it does work although on occasions when running it on the device and not in the simulator it will bomb out.
My questions are is there a limit to the number of view controllers in one app and will having a large number cause the instability? I'm aware of other ways to handle the views such as having them in arrays and pushing them out a single view controller but this won't give me the flexibility to tailor slides for different content.
I'd welcome any help or advice and I hope have gone about posting this question in the right way (its my first)
Many Thanks
The code I am using to manipulate the view is
-(IBAction)goBack {
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:NO];
-(IBAction)goForward {
Slide5ViewController *screen = [[Slide5ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
screen.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve;
[self presentModalViewController:screen animated:YES];
[screen release];
Why not have one "slide" view controller and a different image only? Use some sort of data structure to keep information about the buttons, images, and pathways for each slide, and then just keep re-using the same view controller for each slide?
The view controller can then dynamically load each image as it transitions between the currently visible view and the next instantiation of itself... It should be possible using only 1 view controller.
If you're comfortable with using Interface Builder, keep using the XIB files to lay everything out. However, instead of setting each "File's Owner" to a different view controller, set them all to the same one. Then, inside your IBAction methods (when the user pressed a button), use some logic to say "I am on this view right now, and the user pressed this button, so which one should I go to next?"
Then, call a method like loadNewSlide: that might look like this:
- (void) loadNewSlide:(NSInteger)slideNumber
// Make a string with the new XIB name
NSString* xibName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"slide-%d",slideNumber];
// Create the next slide view controller (it doesn't matter if you create a slide view
// controller from within another slide view controller, remember, they are all just
// objects)
SlideViewController *newSlideViewController = [[SlideViewController alloc] initWithNibName:xibName bundle:nil];
// Change the view
UIWindow *theWindow = [self.view superview];
[self.view removeFromSuperview];
[theWindow addSubview:newSlideViewController.view];
// Release, the view stack now should be retaining the view controller instead
[newSlideViewController release];
This will work MUCH better than running "modally" with 75 view controllers (as you had previously suggested) because this will only keep 1 slide in memory at a time - whatever you are currently looking at - and then will load the next slide just in time to move to it.
Fist of all, what error is in the log?
Did you properly implemented viewDidUnload method of view controllers? View controllers should be able to unload loaded xib. Also, release data in didReceiveMemoryWarning.
Second, it could be better to use UINavigationController to handle view controllers stack instead of modal view controllers stack. You can hide navigation bar or customize it.


I'm learning this right now so the questions might be a little juvenile. Here's what I'm trying to do. I have the first view come up with a cell of the table populated statically, when you select one of the cells it will pull up a form to input data.
Now, I've been reading the documentation about navigation buttons and navigation in general and it seems that I need two separate viewControllers. One for the basic app and another for the new page being brought forward when the cell is picked. Is this correct?
Sorry, this might be a little bit basic but I'm not sure what to do here. Thanks.
That is correct. You would have two view controllers: a "root" view controller that is the top-most view, and the second view controller that contains the editing form.
The second view controller would get pushed onto the navigation stack when you tap a cell.
Basically you need to create a second UIViewController subclass, this viewcontroller needs to be attached to your main window when switching views.
-(IBAction) SwitchView:(id)sender
MySubViewController *subViewController = [[MySubViewController] alloc]
initWithNibName:#"SubView" bundle:nil];
self.view insertSubView:subViewController.view atIndex:0];
[subViewController release];
Yes, you need two view controllers.
Check out lesson 7 from Stanfords CS193P iPhone Application Programming course. It is available online. Both slides and the lecture through iTunes U.
CS193P iPhone Application Programming
I really enjoyed watching the course!

iPhone, slide down help screen

I like the effect used in many iPhone apps where a semi-transparent help screen slides from the top (or bottom) on top of the current view to show hints or tips. This screen often has a close button as well as "don't show this again" button.
What's the best approach to slide a view on top of the current view for such an effect? Any code example someone can point me towards?
You will want to do something like this from the main view controller..
HelpViewController *controller = [[HelpViewController alloc]init];
[self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
[controller release];
and the done button would either call back to the main controller or dismiss itself using
- (void)dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:(BOOL)animated
Here is the documentation on the UIViewController class. The methods you require can be found there.
The don't show again feature means you will have to save their selection to NSUserDefaults or somewhere else(sqllite,file system). Then you can read that back when your app launches to determine if you should call showHelp.
From your description, and looking at iPhone Human Interface Guidelines, you want UIActionSheet since a modal view isn't semi-transparent by default.
UIActionSheet is also nicer to work with for what you want. You should be able to achieve your goal in a single line.